Novel Name : Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman v4 Chapter 80 Fanwai 4 Did you rob the bank today?

Jiang Yirui brought Tan Yongsi in like this. The momentum on his body was so strong that people like Yan Han didn't dare to stop him.
When he walked away for a certain distance, a person beside Yan Han frowned and said, "Then who? He just left like this?"
"Dare to take Miss Tan away in front of Yan Shao?" Another man with a shaved head wanted to step forward. The Yan family in Beijing has been in the limelight recently. Numerous big and small forces want to cooperate with the Yan family. Only their family succeeds. Yes, when Yan Shao was slapped in the face, of course he was going to come forward, but as soon as he took a step, he was stopped by the person next to him.
The flat-headed man looked up a little displeased, and found that he was from the Bai family, frowning, "What do you want to do?"
If twenty years earlier, he would have not dared to speak to the Bai family, but the current Bai family is just a branch that stayed in that year, and it is not as good as the third-rate family. Now it is just the follower behind them, and the displeased expression is like this Came out.
"Shao Li, this person can't move." The Bai family didn't feel unhappy either, but looked around and whispered after seeing no one.
The flat-headed man raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Why can't I move? Even Shao Yan can't move?"
You know, the Yan family is a person who dare not even move the mayor.
The Bai family didn't explain any more, they just said flatly, "I was fortunate enough to see him with Feng's family last night."
What he didn't say was that the people of the Feng family were extremely respectful to that person, but just the words of being with the people of the Feng family were enough to make the people of the Yan family jealous.
The Feng family was the only person in the capital who had direct contact with the ancient martial arts world, and the commander did not dare to offend him at will.
When the two compartments are compared, they know the strengths and weaknesses.
Therefore, when he heard that this person had a relationship with Feng's family, they all looked at each other and then fell silent, not daring to say anything.
In the end, the young man on the side broke the silence, "Hey, if I can pass the test of the ancient martial arts, and I don’t want to worship an expert as a master, even if I worship an ordinary person as a master, our family will fly into the sky. Up."
"Yeah, just like the prince, it was because he worshipped a powerful master that he made the Wang family to this level. Otherwise, how could he be elected commander-in-chief with the Wang family?" The person from the Bai family took the conversation.
The Wang family, it's really a one-man master, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.
"At the beginning of October this year, a family in the ancient martial arts world will openly accept people. I hope someone in our family can be elected." The flat-headed man sighed in a low voice.
No one has any doubts about his statement, more is the longing for this idea, who does not have a dream of a hero, the threshold of the ancient martial arts is very low, the entry method of the ancient martial arts forum website has , As long as anyone can successfully train, they can enter the ancient martial arts world.
It was because Wang Qiming successfully advanced to the entry level at the age of seven that he was accepted as a disciple by a master in the ancient martial arts, and then let the Wang family develop into this state, and Wang Qiming was also regarded as the top person.
Hearing these words, Yan Han pursed his lips, but did not answer. Speaking of it, the people of the Yan family asked him to marry Wen Qing because the Wen family has a relationship with the Feng family.
He raised his head, looked in the direction of Tan Yongsi's disappearance, clenched his fists, and said nothing.
"You continue to play, I have something to go back first." Yan coldly walked away.
Everyone just remembered that the protagonist of this party tonight is Yan Han, but because the Feng family was mentioned, and the ancient martial arts world was mentioned, basically everyone had forgotten the existence of Yan Han, but they were not to blame.
The Yan family and the Feng family are really incomparable.
Now that the protagonist is gone, everyone else feels boring and disperses, but Tan Yongsi's heart has changed.
In the past, they were dispensable with Tan Yongsi. Although they knew that Yan Han really had ideas about Tan Yongsi, they knew from the bottom that Tan Yongsi could not succeed. The Yan family would not let Yan Han take a woman who had nothing. But now Tan Yongsi may have something to do with Feng's family, so naturally he can't ignore her.
Jiang Yirui entered a box and passed the menu to Tan Yongsi.
Tan Yongsi took the menu and opened it, Xiao Zhuan? She couldn't help looking up at Xia Jiang Yirui.
Jiang Yirui just remembered it, and it seemed something was wrong. This box was specially arranged for him by this club, and it was filled with his usual things. The menu was also specially made with small seals. Usually there are no people in this box. His parents, but his parents can naturally understand Xiaozhuan. Generally, when they bring Wang Qiming and Tang An, he will ask the manager to give him a simplified version.
Today I forgot, "Sorry, I'll ask someone to get you another copy."
"It's okay, I can understand." Tan Yongsi smiled.
She really didn't care much. One was because she could understand Xiaozhuan, and the other was because she felt that the person in the face paint would not be the same as the group of people around Yan Han, and deliberately wanted to see her as ugly.
Probably because this person gave her the feeling that she was very decent, at first glance, she had been in a high position for a long time, but every move was very old-fashioned, although he looked quite modern.
"Can you understand this?" Jiang Yirui looked up in surprise, and his parents didn't know if they could be regarded as masters, but among the people he knew, there were very few who could really understand Xiaozhuan. , And basically scholars over half a hundred years old.
If Tan Yongsi was as old as he could understand, in his memory, she was really the only one.
Tan Yongsi didn't feel proud, "Because of the need, I studied it specially." But because most of the ancient Fengshui books are small seals, and all the symbols are based on small seals, she only studied the small seals.
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But she didn't explain this kind of thing. She said she was not familiar with the other party, so there was no need to explain. Moreover, a Feng Shui master sounded like a **** stick.
She ordered two dishes and then put down the menu. Jiang Yirui did not look at the menu, but instead hired the manager. After ordering the two dishes she said, she said three more dishes, which made people leave.
After waiting for the dishes, Jiang Yirui turned his gaze to Tan Yongsi. To be precise, he turned to the bird in Tan Yongsi's hands.
"Can you show me?" he whispered.
Tan Yongsi handed the bird over, "It's a bit cold." This is not false, nor is it a bit cold. When she feeds it, its neck is upturned, and this person is not rich. That is expensive, if a bad person pinches it to death, she can't find a place to cry by then.
"It's okay." Jiang Yirui shook his head, then stretched out his palm.
Tan Yongsi put the little bird in his hand into his palm.
Suddenly a grain of bird food appeared in Jiang Yirui's other hand, which was considered bird food for the first time. It was gray, and the lights in the box were a bit dim, so Tan Yongsi couldn't really understand what his palm was.
The red bird didn't pay attention to Jiang Yirui at first, but he didn't know why, suddenly turned his head, looked at the bird food in Jiang Yirui's hand, patted its wings, and ran over with tilted body.
After swallowing a grain of bird food, he looked up at Jiang Yirui compassionately. It was just a casual look, but after Shang Jiang Yirui’s eyes, I don’t know why the whole suddenly flew up in front of Jiang Yirui. Flapping wings.
Tan Yongsi, who was opposite it, was completely stunned. This red bird was only two days old, and it hasn't been seen flying before. Why does it fly now?
Jiang Yirui looked at the birds flying in front of him, and said softly, "Hehe?"
His voice was low and deep, with a little coldness, but at this time these two words were obviously gentle. Tan Yongsi couldn't help but look at the red bird in front of him, and then at Jiang Yirui.
Hehe? What the **** is this?
However, she appeared even crazier.
The red bird even opened its expensive beak and said six words, "Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi?"
Jiang Yirui took out the phone and took a picture of it.
At this time the food was already served. He didn't care about the person who served the food, but directly looked at Tan Yongsi, "It doesn't have a name yet? What do you think of the name Hehe?"
His eyes were already beautiful. At this time, when the lights came out, he only felt that those eyes were filled with starlight. Tan Yongsi had already thought of a name for it. This little red bird is a bit like the red bird in the myth. Suzaku's four elephants in the Book of Changes is Shaoyang, which is also the general name of Qisu in the South. The hair on her body is also the color of fire. According to Fengshui, she has come up with a name called "Lihuo".
But now, looking at Jiang Yirui, she felt that she could not refute it. ,
Because after he said the two words "hee hee", the bird "chi" again and looked at him.
"Hee hee," Tan Yongsi took a sip of tea, "Which xi?"
Jiang Yirui, "Laughing and scolding."
Tan Yongsi's chopsticks obviously paused, and he hummed after a long while.
It's hard for you to say an idiom, but no matter how high-end the idiom is, it can't change the fact that this bird who misses Suzaku is called hehe!
Jiang Yirui didn't speak either. Although he didn't dare to compliment the way someone named someone, he didn't have the idea of ​​changing his name, because when he was just called "hee hee", the bird in front of him responded, and, This bird is really a Suzaku, and that's not wrong.
Suzaku is one of the four spirits, and there can only be one Suzaku in the world. He is 80% sure that this is the one that fell that year. After all, he had watched the online video that year.
Hehe has always been the thorn in their family's heart that can't be touched, if she can really see it, she can do it too.
It's only 20%. He has to confirm that it breathes fire and finally buy it from the person in front of him.
Xiao Yichen also said today that this hee he was still an egg before, an egg that was preciously preserved by the girl in front of him for nearly 20 years. It was the first time I met today. He would not rush to buy an egg from her. , Otherwise the girl in front of her should turn around and leave.
"My name is Jiang Yirui, this is my number, you can save it." Jiang Yirui finally remembered that he had never said his name, but he didn't have a business card. The number he reported to her was turned on every hour of the day. Apart from family members, only a few brothers know, "You should have seen fairy tales, right?"
Tan Yongsi saved his number. The people here just called him "Rui Shao". He thought he was surnamed Rui, but he didn't expect it to be because there was "Rui" in the name, "Probably."
The book she read the most is Feng Shui.
"You should also know Suzaku, right?" Jiang Yirui stepped forward.
Tan Yongsi was picking up the chopsticks to clamp the food, and felt something was wrong.
"The bird in front of you should be the Suzaku. It may be a little abnormal. It is too small and often can't control the flames in its body. If you feel the surrounding temperature is abnormal, take it away from the crowd and give it to me Make a call." Jiang Yirui also took a piece of meat and tried to speak in a normal tone.
Really, he was a little afraid that the girl in front of him would feel like a snake-like disease.
If he was not born in such a family, or a long, long time ago, someone told him that there were fire-breathing birds, he would definitely give someone a mouth.
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However, he himself was abnormal. Long ago he thought he was the most abnormal person in this family. But when he was three years old, he saw his mother tear a hole in the air out of thin air, and his father waved his hand. Can teleport thousands of miles, the robot butler will not only run against people, but also have an IQ to eat, and the flowers raised at home can talk and sell cute... At that time, he discovered that he is the only person in that family.
Therefore, the bird who has been able to talk is nothing to him.
However, for ordinary people, it is still a relatively big impact.
What he didn't expect was that the girl in front of him was not only not surprised, but also whispered, "It turned out to be Suzaku."
Tan Yongsi's voice is actually very small, so ordinary people can't hear it, but is Jiang Yirui an ordinary person? Not only did he hear it, but he heard it very clearly, but he didn't show it. Instead, after sending a text message with his cell phone, he continued to scoop himself a bowl of soup.
"It turned out to be Suzaku?" Tan Yongsi covered his mouth in surprise.
Jiang Yirui glanced at her expression, thinking that there are so many human plays. Compared with Aunt Xiao, he has no choice in acting, so he calmly said: "If you are afraid, you can transfer it to me. up to you."
Tan Yongsi immediately put away his surprised expression, "How can I trouble Mr. Jiang."
Jiang Yirui: "..."
After the two of them had finished eating, Jiang Yirui sent Tan Yongsi back. On the way, Jiang Yirui stopped for a while.
Tan Yongsi didn't know why he went, but she didn't ask the other person, but leaned back in the chair.
Jiang Yirui didn't leave for a long time, and returned three minutes later, with a big bag in his hand.
When he arrived at school, Jiang Yirui drove the car into the door of the girls’ dormitory and handed her the bag when Tan Yongsi got off the car. “There are daily necessities and food.’s the same as ours. It’s very similar to one of the birds. Please treat it well, as well as food. Just give it one pill a day, in a small pot. If it is greedy, give it some bird food, and there is also a large pot. If the food is out, you can call me."
After speaking, he did not wait for Tan Yongsi to refuse, and drove the car away.
This bag was sent by him. It contains all the supplies he had used before. Some of them were made by the beauty of their family, including the bowl that he was said to have been jealous of before. After haha Never used it again, but put it in the relic of Hehe.
While driving, the mobile phone rang and it happened to be a red light. He turned it on and said a short message.
Master Jiji: Fatty, I heard that you took the things hehe away?
Jiang Yirui: You hacked into my phone again, should you name yourself?
What he kept is clearly the two words jiji!
Master Chi Chi: So what? You have the ability to fight against invasion like Bridge Beauty~
There was also a rippling symbol behind.
Jiang Yirui: "..." Even Yu Ning can't do this battle with a network intelligence that is more powerful than Zhinao, right? !
Master Jiji: Wait, you haven't said how you took away the hehe things.
Jiang Yirui: Originally, I wanted to tell you too. I saw a bird that looked 80% like a hehe, but you should not tell our beauty.
Master Jiji: Then tell the beauty to be careful that the uncle will smoke you! Forget what he said when he took you out of a and sent you to the international training camp a few years ago? !
Master Jiji: Wait, what did you say? ! Hehe? !
Mentioning that Jiang Yirui was silent for a while, he just wanted to go to their beauty school to study for a while, and then sighed at home, his jealous and cautious dad sent him off on his first day at school. Into the training camp.
These things took only one second to think about in his mind, so he calmly replied: 80%, not completely sure, don't tell our beauty.
Master Jiji: People who are so cautious like you think it's 80%, and that must be correct! But can't tell the beauty of Bridge, by the way, where are you? !
Jiang Yirui just wanted to reply, but at this time the red light had passed, he had to drive first, and when the car stopped on the side of the road, he took out his phone and prepared to reply.
There are already three new messages on the phone.
Master Jiji: Fatty Jiang, you are so slow!
Master Jiji: Forget it, I will find your place by myself!
Master Chi Chi: I'm at the barbecue stall in front of you!
Jiang Yirui was completely speechless. He parked his car here and found a pedestrian street not far away. There was a barbecue stall at the intersection.
A green robot wearing a flower coat is very eye-catching, but there are too many intelligent robots these days, and the crowd does not think that the robots buy barbecues in a dark place. On the contrary, they feel that the robot clothes are too shocking.
Jiang Yirui watched as Jiji, who was holding a bunch of barbecues, was walking towards him, he couldn't help making a gesture that you hurry to finish eating.
Jiji raised his head to look at Jiang Yirui, "No, this is what I brought to Xihe. It used to like to grab barbecue meat from me."
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"I won't see it tonight." Jiang Yirui was expressionless.
"Why don't you bring it back?" Jiji was anxious.
Jiang Yirui thought about Tan Yongsi, "It's not here now, but another person's pet. Hee hee was an egg before. It was taken by that person for nearly 20 years. Do you think she will give it to us?"
Moreover, he didn't think Tan Yongsi was like someone who would sell Hehe for money, hehe might have a different meaning to her.
"Then I'll just take a look?" Chichi froze in an instant.
Jiang Yirui didn't know what to say for a while, he hadn't experienced them in that era, but he knew the situation at that time and also knew how this group of people who lived and died together was like. Feelings.
Especially those of the Peace Team who have gone through countless battles with Hehe, everyone will have a few pictures of Hehe on their phones.
"Let's take two days." Jiang Yirui did not speak, but took out his mobile phone and showed it to Jiji. "I took a picture."
Chi Chi said after reading it, "This is Chi Chi, right, you look at your eyes, is it clear that even it is!"
It was excited for a long time before it calmed down, "But I haven't seen it, and I can't be 100% sure. Over the years, Bridge Beauty has received too much disappointment. I can only be sure when I see it."
"Yeah." Jiang Yirui thought so too and didn't say it at the beginning.
"Who is raising it now?" Jiji said suddenly.
Jiang Yirui got into the car. "A student of the Department of Economics and Management of the Big Three, named Tan Yongsi."
"It turned out to be a big?" Jiji said, then immediately turned out his palm computer and started to get busy on the computer.
Jiang Yirui started the car, "What are you doing?"
With a name and a specific address, it’s not too easy to find someone. It quickly turned out a photo, "Look at the fat man, is that her?"
Jiang Yirui took a look, and then saw a familiar photo, not Tan Yongsi himself!
He shook his hand and almost caused a car accident!
"Yes, it's her, what are you doing?" Jiji looked for someone's information when he didn't agree, really, it was no different from their beauty.
Chichi replied calmly, "I'll just see if it is hee hee."
Jiang Yirui didn't look at it anymore, fearing that it would really cause a car accident.
"This girl, really..." When Tan Yongsi herself was found, it was inevitable that she would see her information, and she was stunned.
"What's the matter?" Jiang Yirui asked lightly.
Chichi replied, "It's okay. It's just that I was a little bit emotional when I saw Tan Yongsi's previous things. The Yan family, you paid attention recently, and the Wen family. I didn't expect her to have a lot of potential enemies. They are so low-key. Things are coming."
"I will pay attention." Jiang Yirui had expected it, and he almost understood it when he was at the hotel entrance today.
The group was full of malice towards Tan Yongsi, but he didn't bother to pay attention to them at that time.
"Just pay attention, it's strange..." Jiji turned to a piece of news.
Jiang Yirui was helpless, "What's wrong with you?" In this family, only beauty can keep up with Chichi's thinking.
"Tin Yongsi, she was in the newspaper." Jiji straightened his expression, but it didn't tell Jiang Yirui, but it was strange in my heart. Everyone was in the car, and the car was destroyed like that. Why is Tan Yongsi safe? thing?
Too strange.
Jiang Yirui didn't pay attention, but saw a video of a female dormitory on the Jiji tablet. He was really helpless.
Jiji only watched a little bit of the video. After seeing the video, it had already confirmed 93% of the bird’s idea that it was a humorous bird.
a large dormitory.
Tan Yongsi carried a large bag of things. After she went back, no one came back from the dormitory, and it was not too late. Just after dinner, it was estimated that Ye Xuan and the others had gone to eat before opening the bag.
The first one is a luxurious bird's nest, which is obviously used, but it is very new.
The second one is some toys for birds,
The third one is a bottle of small gray particles, much like the one Jiang Yirui gave Heehe to eat at night.
The fourth one is a blue and white bowl. Tan Yongsi is not without eyesight. She naturally knows that this bowl is good. She feels her heart is trembling, how extraordinary these things look.
Trembling and took out the fifth thing.
As soon as this thing was taken out, the bedroom door opened.
Ye Xuan saw what she was holding, and couldn't say anything: "Your uncle Tan Yongsi, are you going to grab the bank today?!"


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