Novel Name : Alpha Asher By Jane Doe

Alpha Asher By Jane Doe Chapter 86

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] – “You need a break.” I frowned, standing from my chair
across the room.

I approached Asher, turning his chair away from the desk, from the stack of papers begging for his
attention. Reluctantly, his eyes turned on me, dark and pleading.

“Don’t go.” Asher sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in the crook of my

“I wouldn’t if I had a choice.” I spoke softly combing my fingers through his soft hair, “I’m doing this for the
pack. I’ll k**l my way out of that building to get back to you, I promise.”

“You’re too good for me, you know that?” Asher murmured against my neck, his hot breath fanning over
my skin.

I pulled myself away from Asher and looked into his eyes, staring into their honey-colored depths. I could
see how much he believed in what he had said, that I was too good for someone like him.

‘He’s wrong.’ Maya murmured quietly, ‘He thinks he needs to do everything by himself, that he doesn’t
deserve help.’

“You’re wrong.” I shook my head, letting my fingers trail over his stubble. “We’re perfect for each other,
that’s why were mates. You need someone willing to sacrifice just as much as you for the good of this
pack. You don’t have to handle this stuff alone anymore, let me help where I can. And right now, I’m
helping you by making you take a d**n break. Come take a bath with me.”

Maya’s silent approval on my suggestion was enough to push me forward. She wanted to remain as
close to Asher as possible before I turned myself in. She was still uncomfortable with the thought of
being suppressed by silver, but knew we were out of options on the matter.

Asher’s lips turned up in a smirk, though his eyes were blown wide with emotion. Giving him a half-
hearted scoff, I tugged at him until he stood, leading him far from his office and into our bedroom. The
bathroom had proven to be my favorite room in the house, with a large walk-in shower and a large four-
person tub. I had used the jets on the shower walls more times than I could count, letting the hot water
pour down my aching muscles.

I turned the faucet on and watched as the tub slowly began to fill with water. Asher cocked his head in
my direction, a lop-sided grin on his face as he tugged at the hem of my t-shirt. He slipped it from me in
one fluid motion, letting it fall to the floor in a pool of cotton. Even after marking each other, the weight of
his gaze was enough to made blood rush my face. As always, Asher noticed every response my body
made under his attention, and appreciated each and every one.

“Even after all this time, you still blush when I have you undress for me.” Asher smirked, a chuckle
rumbling deep in his chest.

“It’s not my fault I have some decency.” I snickered, looking him up and down. Asher had let his own shirt
fall to the floor, but still wore his low hanging jeans.

“Decency?” Asher snorted, his smirk going wider. “Last I remember, I caught you swimming in your bra
and panties.”

‘You caught us because you were lurking.’ Maya snickered, though there was no malice in her tone.

“No one else knew about the swimming hole.” I shook my head, unable to avert my eyes as his pants slid
to the floor. Muscles encompassed most of his body, running down his arms and stomach in hard waves.

He his broad shoulders only made his built look larger, and me that much smaller in comparison. “I’m still
not sure how you knew about it.”

“I patrolled the forest around this town extensively before attacking.” Asher smirked, reminding me of a
time when Tyler had been alive. Tyler had long ago pissed Asher off, disrespecting him and his pack. “I
found the swimming hole easily. When I saw you walk into the woods, I knew exactly where you had

‘And yet, you felt the need to follow.’ Maya’s purr wrapped around my mind, and I received a very
detailed mental image on how she hoped this bath would end.

Asher tugged at the hem of my sweatpants, and smirked as they fell to the floor. With another gentle tug,
my underwear had fallen around my ankles. I sank into the tub with a happy sigh, the hot water seemed
to wipe some of the stress away. While my plan had officially been set in motion, tomorrow was the day I
turned myself in.

I could feel Asher’s hand wrap around my submerged ankle, tugging it until I slid across the tub and into
his arms. His sly smirk made me roll my eyes, though something else had grabbed my attention. The
wound I had left on his neck was fully healed, revealing a beautiful mark. Cobalt blue in color, a crescent
shaped moon with two small stars stood out on his skin. The mark was unique, as it was for all mated
wolves. The color was not flat, but seemed to shimmer and deepen, reminding me of the night sky.

“Your mark is healed.” I smiled softly, taking in the full image of Asher. His large build leaned against the
tub, the water lapping at the muscles on his stomach, the cobalt mark standing out against his creamy
skin. Strands of his hair had gotten wet, and clung to his forehead. He looked like a fallen angel, carrying
the weight of this pack on his shoulders, somehow managing to withstand it all.

‘It’s the exact opposite of Tristan’s.’ Maya pointed out. She was right, where Tristan’s was the color of
fresh blood, Asher’s was the color of the midnight sky, set with hues of black and indigo. Both were
striking in appearance, but symbolized different things.

His eyes were soft as they roamed my face, reading the awe in my gaze as I took in his form. Asher
grabbed a bar of soap and moved to turn me around. I rooted myself in place and shook my head,
grabbing the bar of soap from his hand.

“You’ve washed me how many times now?” I asked, “It’s your turn, now turn around.”

A lazy smile formed on his handsome face, and instead of turning around, he grabbed my hips and
placed me over his lap. My legs were wrapped around his waist, my core against his thighs. Asher
leaned back in the tub, exposing his muscular chest and arms. Half of his stomach was out of the water,
and I traced the lines of his abs with my eyes.

“Start with the front, darling.” Asher grinned, making me roll my eyes, though a blush had already crept
onto my face.

“c**ky Alpha.” I scoffed, poking my tongue out at him.

I ran the bar of soap across his chest, unable to keep my fingers from wandering the plains of his
muscles. His chest rumbled under my touch, and I watched as his eyes darkened, clouded with lu*t. The
sparks were gentle, growing in intensity as I continued running the soap over him. I trailed from his chest
over to his arms, working the soap into a lather, before moving down to his stomach.

Surprise flashed in my eyes as something hard hit against my backside, and the soap had fallen from my
hand, hitting the bottom of the tub with a dull thud. Asher’s lips were on mine seconds later, both of us
burning with urgency.

A day, a week, a month. It was too much time to go without him, to not know my fate. I wanted something
for myself, something before I finally fell into the clutches of my Father. I had been willing to give it all to
Asher in the past, and that hadn’t changed since receiving his mark. I let my fingers tangle in his hair,
tugging his face closer to my own, his lips further into mine. His tongue darted in my mouth, softly
seeking my own. His hands lit my skin on fire as they grasped my waist, and together we burned. For

once, Asher didn’t protest as my hands wandered down his chest, over his stomach and to the length
that pressed against my core.

Just as my fingers grazed his c**k, I was lifted from the bathtub. Soap clung to Asher’s chest in small
bubbles, but neither of us noticed. Dripping wet, Asher walked us from the bathroom, lying me down on
the edge of the bed. The water running off our bodies seeped into the comforter, but neither of us cared.
His large hands parted my thighs, tracing down my skin with agonizing slowness. As he knelt between
my legs, the heat in his eyes was enough to curl my toes. I knew the expression in his eyes mirrored my
own, complete and total surrender. Neither one of us would be able to stop once we started, and neither
of us had the strength to put an end to this. I was immediately thankful my Mom had placed me on birth
control as soon as Tyler and I started dating, never knowing I would make use of it with a different
Alpha–my mate.

He trailed warm kisses down the center of my thighs, moving lower with each nibble. A groan of
frustration left my lips as Asher took his time working to my core. At the sound of my groan, he looked up
and smirked.

“Patience, darling. You’ll ruin my fun.” He purred, running a finger along my dampened slit for emphasis.

After an agonizing minute, his tongue grazed along my entrance, a deep growl reverberating in his chest
as he approved the wetness between my thighs. His self-control was a tether holding him back, growing
thinner with each encounter between us. I could hear it snap as he flicked his tongue along my cl*t with
unbridled ferocity. My back arched from the sudden rush of pleasure, but Asher held me in place.

With each gasp and moan that escaped my lips, Asher’s pace increased, until pleasure filled my every
limb and I was calling out his name. The sparks coupled with the pleasure of his tongue, all-consuming
as the pressure within my core burst.

As I began to sit up, my legs trembling, Asher pushed me back down with a gentle hand. He wrapped his
large arms around my thighs, holding me against his face as he continued devouring me. My breathless

moans turned louder as one of his fingers slipped inside of me, and then two. Only when I had reached
my org*m for a second time, trembling in both pleasure and pain, did he pull away. The stubble along his
face glistened with my juices, but the look of primal hunger on his face had not yet vanished. His lips
trailed their way up my body, nibbling at my stomach and circling around my brests. He took his time
savoring the taste of my skin as his tongue wrapped around one of my sensitive buds, grazing against
my soft flesh with his teeth.

Not once increasing his torturous pace, his teeth grazed my neck, his tongue flicking over the place
where his mark was. A new sensation entirely had washed over me as he touched my mark. The sparks
turned to lightning, electrifying my skin and the places where his body met my own.

“I will never tire of this–of you.” He purred softly, his hands tangling in my hair.

His chest rose and fell in time with my own, our eyes burning with need, desire, and so much more. I had
once thought the mate-bond forced love onto you, but I now knew I was wrong. The mate-bond
intensified what was already there, the passion and love between two people.

Where Asher had once refused to let me touch him, he made no action to stop me as I trailed my fingers
over his chest, running my nails down the hard plains of his stomach. With one of his arms beside my
head, I felt his c**k brush against my entrance, and couldn’t help when fear flashed my eyes. I had seen
that part of Asher before, but wondered how his thickness would fit inside of me. It would stretch me to
my limits.

“Relax, Lola.” Asher purred, nipping at my ear.

I ran my hands through his hair, grabbing handfuls as the head of his c*k entered me, grimacing as he
looked down at me with a smirk. Asher lifted my bottom, allowing a few more inches slip inside of me.
His lips found the mark on my neck, his teeth grazing it slowly as gave me time to adjust. My entrance
stretched painfully, though Asher did what he could to distract me. While his tongue flicked against my
mark, his fingers rubbed my clt in slow circles.

“fk–so fking tight.” He growled against my neck, moving his hips slowly.

His rough words made some of the pain subside, pleasure taking its place. The whimpers that left my
lips increased in volume as Asher continued thrusting. I dug my fingernails into his back, running them
along his skin, urging him to go faster. With each thrust, I could feel the bond between us strengthen and

“You’re mine.” I murmured, running my fingers over him, committing the smell, taste and sight of him to

My mate, who carried such a heavy weight on his shoulders, determined to b**e it all so that his pack
might thrive.

I moved my hips against his own, our lips meeting as a deep groan escaped him. His pace was
unforgiving as he placed a hand behind my head. My legs wrapped around his waist, wanting him close,
wanting every inch of his flesh beneath my fingertips. Release tore through me as his fingers stroked my
cl*t, crying out as his length pounded into me, drawing out my pleasure.

“My beautiful mate.” He moaned lowly in my ear.

My name left his lips as he came, slamming inside of me roughly. Our bodies trembled against each
other, our lips still moving in sync. The room grew silent, our panting breaths the only sound. His eyes
were bright, like molten honey, staring down at me in awe. The mating bond was like a thick chord
between us, joining us in more than just physical.

We spent the next few hours lying in each other’s arms, unable to pull our hands away. His skin felt like
velvet under my fingers, and I marveled the softness of his lips. Asher’s eyes were glazed as he traced
patterns along my shoulders, spine, and bottom. Settling into his arms, I fell into a blissful sleep, the
soreness between my legs a happy reminder of our night.

I had woken sometime in the middle of the night to Asher’s lips grazing my jaw, his teeth nipping at my
skin. Somewhat groggy, I opened my eyes and smirked at the innocent expression on his face.

“Couldn’t sleep?” I asked in amusement. From his small kisses alone, my body had already begun
responding to the touch.

“Can you blame me?” He murmured against my jaw, “You look like a goddess, nak*d and beautiful. I’m
afraid my self-control is entirely spent.”

His words were enough to ignite a fire burning in my belly, a slickness forming between my legs. I pulled
myself from the bed, Asher’s considerable length the focus of my gaze. Asher moved to sit up, but I
stilled him with a firm look.

“My turn.” I smirked, “Don’t ruin my fun.”

Asher settled against the bed with a lazy smirk on his face, his arms stretched out behind him. I snorted
at the sight, and ran my tongue against the head of his c**k. As I put the tip of him in my mouth, he
jumped with a start.

“f**k, Lola.” He groaned; his cheeks flushed.

Just as I had taken half his length in my mouth, Asher leapt from the bed. He pushed me onto my hands
and knees, my bottom up in the air. His c**k slid inside of me easier this time, though I still needed a few
short moments to adjust. His thickness stretched me to my limit, but set my skin afire with burning need. I
needed every inch, every thick inch of him within me, claiming me.

Asher wasn’t gentle as he had been the first time, slamming into me with a deep groan. My pu**y
contracted around his length, begging for more, begging for whatever else we could manage.

“Look at you.” Asher purred; the sounds of our coupling flesh filled the room. “So beautiful–bent over for

Asher’s hand wrapped in my hair as he quickened his pace, slamming himself into my pu**y without
mercy. My moans turned into blissful cries, his name leaving my lips more times than I could count. As I
felt the pressure between my legs grow, Asher pulled me against him. His hand slid to my front, rubbing
at the bundle of nerves as he continued to thrust.

“That’s it, darling.” He purred, his voice husky. “Come for me.”

His sultry words were my undoing, along with the feral growl in my ear as I found my release on his
length, my back arching to give him a better view. Asher climaxed shortly after, filling me with his seed for
the second time tonight.

Asher’s arms snak*d around my torso, his lips pressing against my hair. I wondered when this need–this
incessant desire to touch him, to feel him within me would end, if it ever would. I could spend an eternity
in this bed, an eternity familiarizing myself with his body–with the husky noises that fell from his lips. As
the trembling in my limbs stilled, I fell into a blissful, dreamless sleep.



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