Novel Name : Alpha Asher By Jane Doe

Alpha Asher By Jane Doe Chapter 18

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe]

I left Alpha Asher in the dust, making my way back to the bar. I added a little extra sway to my hips as I
walked away, secretly hoping he would follow.

I allowed myself a glance back to where Alpha Asher stood once I reached the bar. A frown threatened
to form on my face when I couldn’t see him anywhere, but I chased it away.

Mason wasn’t at the bar either so I hopped down in a seat and waited for the bartender to finish with
his other customers.

A nasal voice sounded from just over my shoulder and I grimaced as I locked eyes with Chelsea.

“Alpha Asher’s looking awful good tonight, don’t you think Lola?” She sneered, her dark haired friend
cackling along side her, “Maybe he’ll kiss the Birthday Girl.”

I couldn’t help the incredulous snort that came from my mouth, if only she knew what happened between
me and Alpha Asher on multiple occasions. Nonetheless, I wasn’t one to brag and I didn’t need the entire
pack thinking I was getting cozied up to yet another Alpha.

“That’s a long shot.” I snorted, “Hey, don’t you have a mate to go find? I don’t think he’d like you slithering
around Alpha Asher.”

Chelsea’s face turned a bright red and she snapped back at me.

“At least I have a chance at finding my mate.” Chelsea barked, “You probably don’t even have one. I
can’t see how anyone could want someone like you.”

A pang of pain ran through my chest at her words, but I shoved it deep down. I placed a mask of
amusement on my face and watched as she stomped away.

I let my eyes scan the room and noticed Asher standing just fifteen feet away. He was leaning against
the wall talking to another man, a glass of amber colored liquid sat in his hand. He looked down right
delectable with his chocolate hair tousled to perfection.

My jaw clicked shut and my face turned into a grimace as Chelsea twitched up to Alpha Asher. The man
he was talking to smirked at Chelsea and walked off.

My eyes were practically glued to Asher and Chelsea, I couldn’t even hear the bartender when he finally
approached me.

Chelsea’s gaze flickered back to my own, a cruel smirk forming on her face before she placed her
manicured hand on Alpha Asher’s shoulder. A loud nasal laugh sounded from Chelsea, along with a
smirk from Asher.

My thundering heart matched the beat of the music blaring through the club speakers, and jealousy
flooded through me like ice water.

“Obviously a punch to the face was much too nice.” Maya growled. “B***h needs to learn her place.”

I clenched my teeth and ignored Maya for once. Maya wanted a fight. Wolves were much different than
humans. For whatever reason Maya saw Alpha Asher and Grim as her own, and she was determined to
protect what was hers. I on the other hand know Alpha Asher doesn’t belong to me, but that doesn’t
mean I was immune to jealousy.

I turned back to the bartender feeling much more irritable.

“Five shots of your strongest liquor.” I grimaced at the cute bartender.

“Five?” The bartender with the green stripe in his hair sputtered, “You sure you can handle that miss?”

“I’ll be fine.” I snapped, forcing my gaze anywhere other than Asher and Chelsea.

Sensing my obvious irritation, the bartender was fast with gathering my shots. I had never managed to
actually get drunk before, but I was determined to try. I wanted to d***n out the flaming jealousy that
threatened to consume me. I had never been jealous in the past, and I was not enjoying the irritating
feeling. Jealousy was like a big green monster that kicked you to the ground, then continued kicking.

“Jeez, Lola.” Mason chuckled, plopping down in a seat beside me. He eyed the shots the bartender lined
in front of me. “This wouldn’t because of Chelsea and Alpha Asher, is it?”

“That obvious?” I grimaced, my gaze flickering over to them against my own will.

Chelsea was saying something she must’ve thought was funny, cause she cackled like a field wench a
moment later.

I grabbed one of the shots from the table, my eyes glued to Asher and Chelsea. As if he could feel my
eyes on him, Asher turned his gaze on me.

I let a dry smile come over my face as I raised the glass in his direction. I downed the shot without
hesitation, my eyes burning holes into Asher’s.

I did what I could to conceal the jealousy monster within me, and turned my attention back to Mason.

“Nothing will happen between them.” Mason shrugged, not bothering to glance at Asher or Chelsea. He
sounded so sure, and I wondered where he got his information from.

“What makes you say that?” I frowned, downing another shot.

The liquor burned as it ran down my throat, but the taste wasn’t completely unpleasant. Maple, honey
and a woodsy flavor filled my mouth.

“Alpha Asher’s obviously not Chelsea’s mate.” Mason shrugged, “Once you turn eighteen, finding your
mate is all you can think about.”

“You sound as though you’re speaking from experience.” I pointed out, raising my eyebrow as I downed
the third shot.

“I am nineteen y’know”, Mason shrugged and looked away, some foreign emotion lingering in his ocean
eyes. “Perhaps a story for another time.”

The hidden emotion dissipated from Mason’s eyes and his typical goofy grin formed on his face.

“I have an idea.” Mason’s blue eyes glinted mischievously.

“And what might that be?” I raised my eyebrow at him, demolishing the fourth shot. While I was intrigued
about this idea of his, I wondered what might’ve happened between Mason and his own mate. Maybe he
hadn’t found her yet, maybe he was still looking.

“Why don’t we go make him jealous.” Mason shrugged, but I could see the excitement in his eyes,
“Dance with me.”

I pursed my lips for a moment, flickering my gaze over to Asher and Chelsea. They were standing much
too close for my own comfort, then again ten feet is much too close.

“Alright.” I nodded, taking the fifth shot. “Let’s make him jealous.”

I let a devious smile form on my face as Mason put his hand out for my own. I placed my hand in his and
followed him back over to the dance floor. We passed by Asher and Chelsea on the way, and I
purposefully ignored their gazes.

Mason and I walked onto the dance floor and I turned to face him. A light blush stained his cheeks and I
couldn’t help but chuckle.

I leaned in closely, feeling Asher’s gaze burning into me and murmured in Mason’s ear.

“Put your hands on my hips, Mason.” I chuckled, noticing how cute Mason looked when he was flustered.

Mason placed his hands on my hips so gently I could hardly feel them at all.

“You can touch me harder Mason.” I chuckled in his ear, “I’m not going to break.”

“Sorry.” Mason murmured back, his blue eyes locked on my own.

I was far from drunk, but I felt much lighter from the alcohol. It probably didn’t help that my last meal was
well over five hours earlier.

I stepped closer to Mason and let my hips way with the thundering music. Mason slowly began loosening
up and moving in sync with me. A smug smirk formed on my face and I let my hands trail slowly up
Mason’s torso. The light blush stained his face the entire time.

At some point I turned and let my backside face Mason, pulling his hands around me and setting them
on my hips.

“Excuse me.” Asher’s rough voice called out and my head snapped to the side.

“Got him.” Maya snickered.

Asher was standing beside me and Mason, impatience bleeding through his emotionless gaze.

“Alpha?” Mason replied, the two of us separating.

Mason’s nonchalant expression looked kinda strained as he faced Alpha Asher.

“Might I borrow Lola for a moment?” Alpha Asher’s gaze was solely focused on Mason, he didn’t even
glance my way.

It was clear Alpha Asher wasn’t asking. His statement hung in the air as a challenge. He was practically
daring Mason to say no.

“Of course, Alpha.” Mason nodded, giving me a strained smile before he stepped back.

I could feel guilt swirling in the pits of my alcohol filled stomach.

“This was Mason’s idea.” Maya frowned, “You shouldn’t feel guilty.”

Maya was right, but I couldn’t help but feel for Mason. Whatever was going on with his mate was clearly
affecting him, and the last thing I wanted was to leave the poor guy confused. Of course, it was my fault
for flirting with him in the first place.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Mason.” I forced a carefree grin onto my face, giving Mason one last wave.

“I’ll try and track Breyona down while I’m at it.” Mason grinned, but his eyes were swirling with many

I turned my attention back to Alpha Asher, resisting the urge to let my eyes roam the length of his body.

“Is Alpha Asher going to dance with me?” I feigned shock, “I would’ve never pegged you for a dancer.”

“I’m not.” Alpha Asher growled, the honey color in his gaze was quickly being swallowed by darkness.

“That’ll be kind of awkward then.” I shrugged, swaying to the music. “Brooding and standing still while I

While I definitely wasn’t drunk, the copious amount of alcohol I consumed was doing nothing to stop my
big mouth. Irritation and anger flashed in Alpha Asher’s gaze.

“I am not brooding.” Alpha Asher snapped, running a hair through his tousled hair.

The simple action had me mesmerized and practically drooling. Apparently, that wasn’t the response he
was looking for.

His rough hand grabbed my wrist and tugged me off the dance floor.

“Y’know, I’m failing to see why you needed to drag me off the dance floor.” I pointed out with a hint of an

“Shut up, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled, seeming much more irritable tonight.

While I failed to see the point of Asher dragging me away, Maya was practically bursting with excitement.

Asher dragged me to the side door I had came through earlier, and pulled me outside. The crisp air was
cool against my heated skin, and I couldn’t help but take deep gulps of the fresh air.

“Go inside.” Alpha Asher snapped at the bouncer, handing him a stack of something that looked
suspiciously like money, “Give us twenty minutes.”

“Oh.” Was all Maya had to say.

“Very helpful, Maya.” I nodded.

“What can I say?” Maya shrugged, “My wisdom knows no bounds.”

The second the door closed behind the bouncer, I found myself slammed against the rough brick wall of
the club. The bricks scratched at my back, but I could hardly feel it.

I was completely entranced with Alpha Asher’s obsidian colored eyes, any trace of his usual color was
gone. His eyes burned with unabashed fury, and I wondered what got him so worked up. I don’t see how
he could truly be that jealous of Mason when he was busy flirting with Chelsea.

“I warned you, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled lowly. “Time and time again, I warned you.”

“Do you have anger problems or something?” I pursed my lips, knowing it was the wrong thing to say.

Asher’s hands slammed against the brick wall, landing on either side of my head. He was only a few
inches away, his chest rising and falling heavily.

“The only problem I have is you, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled, and my legs clenched together

His voice was rough, hitting all of the right places as words cascaded from his mouth.

“I don’t see how I’m your problem, Alpha.” I pointed out, a stubborn smirk forming on my face.

“Lola.” Asher growled, and I loved the way my name sounded in his mouth. “Your disobedience is my

The urge to roll my eyes was nearly overwhelming. It was becoming much more clear that Alpha Asher
was jealous. Was he really too stubborn to admit it?

“Really?” My voice was low, amusement and desire seeping through my words. “Because to me, it
sounds like you’re jealous.”

His face was inches from my own when I said the words. His breath fanned against my face, smelling of

“Jealous?” Alpha Asher’s expression was deadly, his voice calm with the rage he held back. “You think
I’m jealous?”

“Mmm, yeah. I do.” The corners of my lips turned up in a smirk. That was my first mistake.

Alpha Asher’s hand lurched forward, wrapping around my neck. While he applied pressure, it wasn’t
enough to affect my breathing.

I could practically feel the wetness seeping through my panties, his dominance and ferocity turned me on
in ways I hadn’t experienced.

“How could I be jealous when I’m the only one who can do this.” Alpha Asher snarled, thrusting his other
hand forward to cup my dampening p***y.

Again, my big mouth spoke on its own.

“Who says your the only one who makes me wet?” I taunted the pissed off wolf like the idiot that I am.

“It’s not nice to lie, Lola.” Alpha Asher snarled, his fingers wrapping tightly around my sheer panties.
“Lying gets you punished.”

A tearing sound echoed down the quiet alley and a cool breeze rushed up to my dress, lapping against
my heated p***y. Asher let my torn underwear flutter to the ground.

“Who says I’m lying?” I smirked at Asher. My legs were trembling now, my p***y begging for some form
of release. Asher’s hand tightened around my throat and a low growl sounded from his lips.

Without warning, his fingers parted the lips of my p***y and a finger was thrust in. I was completely
soaked, allowing his finger to slide inside of me effortlessly.

“F*ck, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled under his breath, his lips close to my ear. His hot breath hit my ear,
sending a pleasurable shiver running through me.

His single finger felt huge within me, and I couldn’t control myself when my head fell against the brick
and a loud moan left my lips.

“So F*cking tight.” Alpha Asher growled lowly, his finger slamming in and out of me rapidly. His anger and
hidden jealousy made him rough, and I was loving every moment of it.

My p***y clenched around his finger possessively, and pleasure racked my entire body. Alpha Asher’s
thumb began rubbing angry circles against my c**t and my legs buckled from the intense pleasure.

“Who else makes you wet like this?” Alpha Asher snarled, taking his hand off my throat and gripping my
chin tightly, “Name them.”

“No one.” I whimpered, my breath coming out in little pants.

The only sounds heard down the entire alley were my breathless moans, and the sound of skin against
wet skin.

I could feel the pressure building in my p***y and I longed for the release Alpha Asher could bring me.

“Do you want to c*m, Lola?” Alpha Asher growled lowly in my ear.

“Yes.” I whimpered, rocking my hips and grinding against his finger hungrily. “Please- Please Alpha.”

A deep growl radiated from Alpha Asher’s mouth, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

“You like my fingers deep inside you, don’t you Lola?” Alpha Asher’s voice was deep and husky.

Even with the cold breeze outside, I felt much too hot. I didn’t care if it was in this damp alley way, my
p***y was begging to be filled. I wanted Alpha Asher to tear my dress from my body and take me where I

“Yes, yes Alpha.” I whimpered, my p***y grinding against Alpha Asher’s hand harder.

“C*m for me, Lola.” Alpha Asher growled, his obsidian eyes locked on my own.

“I’m gonna- I’m gonna c*m.” I whimpered, my legs shaking with the pleasure Alpha Asher was bringing

His fingers quickened their pace, slamming in my soaked slit with impatient fury.

“Look at me.” Alpha Asher snarled, “Look at me when you c*m.”

His e****c words and demanding tone sent me over the edge, and I let my eyes find his own as the
pressure within me exploded.

A mix between a whimper and a scream left my lips as I had one of the most intense orgasms I had ever
experienced. Alpha Asher continued to rub circles on my c**t, prolonging my bliss.

He only removed his hand when I was a trembling, whimpering mess. I placed all of my weight against
the brick wall, not trusting my shaky legs to support my weight at the moment.

“Don’t forget who made you scream, Lola.” Alpha Asher murmured roughly in my ear, dragging his finger
against my jaw as he turned his back and walked back into the club.

“Best punishment ever.” Maya murmured quietly.



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