Novel Name : Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 123

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 123Chapter 123 The god of War
“Search the entire kingdom for him,” Nolan commanded and the guard dissapeared from his sight
Prince Nolan faced Amy and asked,” Amy, tell me the truth, did you make him escape?”
Any furrowed her brow, “how is that possible? The dungeon has many soldiers as guards and it doesn’t
even have a window or a breakable ceiling that anyone can escape through. Why are you falsely
accusing me? You haven’t even spoken to the guards guarding the dungeon yet before you placed the
accusation on me,” Amy was dissapointed.
Nolan could sense sincerity in her seriousness,” I’m so sorry, I’m just…” His voice trailed off and he
looked away.
“Please go to your room, I need to find Broderick,” Nolan said and Amy walked away.
Nolan immediately went to his palace central hall and sat on his throne, he had already summoned for
the head of the guard guarding the dungeon that Broderick was kept.
Once the man arrived, Nolan shouted,” how did he escape?”
Before the man could start explaining, someone shouted” we found him.”
Nolan stood and watched as Broderick was dragged roughly towards him. He was immediately made
to kneel.
Nolan was releived that he found Broderick,” you dared to escape, huh?” Nolan laughed,” to think you
can escape EastHill is a joke. You will be my slave forever, Broderick.” Nolan said and set his face
keenly on him.He suddenly commanded,” place a heavy shakle on him.”
A minute after he had given that order, a shackle was immediately brought and hung on Broderick’s
neck. It was so heavy that Broderick doubt if he would be able to stand. It was as if an heavy weight
was placed on him. One literally have to commit treason against the country before shackles can be
placed on them.
The shackles is like a big chains whose weight is heavier that a stone.
“Henceforth, you will serve as my slave. You will be able to walk freely in the palace attending to me at
my call,” Nolan said.
Broderick lifted his head and smirked.
“What’s funny?” Nolan questioned angrily.
“Aren’t you amused l escaped your so called best guards?” Broderick asked.
Nolan laughed dryly,” that doesn’t make you a superman.” Nolan was curious about how he was able to
defeat the twenty five guards at the dungeon.
Well, with the shackles around Broderick’s neck, it will be impossible for him to escape.
From that day henceforth, Broderick was made to forcefully serve Nolan. He was even made to wash
his feet under an heavy force. He was tortured day and night and he barely have time to sleep.
It was finally the day that Nolan and Amy would be getting married,
The palace officials were present as well as many kings and presidents from different countries.
Commoners were not allowed to participate, other participants at the wedding were all members of the
royal family and extended families.Amy ensured that her kids were not here today. She was dressed in a wedding gown and seated
beside Nolan in the the most beautiful hall in the kingdom popularly known as ‘King and Queen’s Hall!
“I’m so happy we are finally getting married,” Nolan said.
“Same here,” Amy smiled.
When the wedding program commenced, before the groom and bride will be called out, someone was
brought out and made to kneel before everyone. Amy almost stood when she saw Broderick
Alessandro. Her heartbeat increased and she looked at Nolan,” why did you bring him here?”
Broderick was not wearing a cloth nor a trouser, he was dressed in only a short pant and he had chains
tied to his legs, chains tied to his hands and scars all over his body. His face had lost his
handsomeness as it was swollen on different part. It was hard to recognize Broderick.
“To show the world how powerful I have become,” as soon as Nolan finished speaking, the priest called
Nolan to step forward.
Nolan had precisely included it in the wedding programme for Broderick to be brought. He believed that
what he is about to do will make other kingdoms and countries fear him.
As soon as he stood at the alter and collected the microphone, he spoke,” welcome to my wedding
ceremony ladies and gentlemen.”
He smiled then looked at Broderick who was made to kneel on the floor,” here is Broderick Alessandro.
I believe everyone knows him?”
A lot of people replied with ‘yes.’
“Well, he use to be the most powerful man in North Hill and he bully so many people who dared to
confront him but he made a mistake the day he came against me. He even buried me alive atNorthHill.” Prince Nolan said making a lot of people seated surprised.
“I told him that I will come for him but he didn’t believe. Now see him now serving as my slave. What’s
more interesting is that he would be my slave forever,” Nolan said and went before Broderick.
“My dog,” he said to Broderick and giggled.
A lot of people also scoffed at Broderick Alessandro.
“Today is the day I will be getting married to Amy. The woman you have never valued. Your once upon
a time mistress,” Prince Nolan said. “Did you have anything to say?” He then placed the microphone on
Broderick’s mouth.
“My name is.,, Broderick Alessandro!” Broderick sald gently into to the microphone. No one was
expecting him to say such,
novelbinNolan laughed” i’m not asking you of your name dummy, I’m asking you of…” Before Nolan could finish
his statement, Amy ran to the alter and whispered to his ear,” Nolan, I know you want to humiliate
Broderick so bad at every chance you get but please don’t ruin our wedding. Take him away.”
Amy then smiled to the crowd and walked back to her seat graciously,
Nolan believed that ndiculing Broderick will make him and East Hill more adored and revered by every
other kingdoms and countries.
“Well, since you have nothing to say then you must kiss my feet before I tell my guards to take you
away,” Prince Nolan said.
Amy was not pleased with Nolan for being so adamant to ridicule Broderick.
Nolan placed his feet before Broderick with a victorious smirk on his lips, “bow and kiss it, my dog.”Broderick raised his head up to the crowd and his face met with that of Amy, he shouted,” Woman!
Warn your husband to be careful.”
Amy looked away from his stern face, Nolan slapped Broderick and shouted on him,” how dare you
speak to my woman that way? If you did not kiss my foot, then I will have you stone to death. Dare me!”
“I won’t bow before any man,” Broderick said and shouted in anger,” cause my name is Broderick
Alessandro.” He stood and gritted his teeth hard as he struggled to break the hard chains that was
used to tie his hand to the back.
The chains broke after a few seconds and his hand got freed.
Everyone in the hall, “…”.
The atmosphere fell into a deep silence, how can a mortal man break such an heavy chain?
Nolan couldn’t believe his eyes, Broderick held the shackles that was locked on his neck and groaned
in anger as he unlocked it and break it open with all his strength.
Broderick at this moment looked like a wild beast in the forest. Everyone thought for a second that they
were watching a movie cause they think that stuffs like this may only happen in the book or in movie.
“Is he a god?” A woman whispered to another woman beside her.
“Perhaps, a god of war,” another responded.
Someone who heard what the woman said from the back said,” I heard that the god of war is such a
powerful man from birth. Even at a young age, he will fight with the best soldiers and beat them.”
“True, but rumours had it that the god of war went underworld cause his power was uncontrollable,” an
old man behind the second woman said.“Could he be the god of war?” Someone listening to the gossip asked.
The women set their eyes on the old man waiting for his response, the old man observed Broderick
and said,” there is only one god of war in the world.
“Is he the one?”
“Tell us, is he the one?”
Before the old man could respond to the women’s question, Broderick shouted like thunder as he beat
his chest, “I will destroy kingdoms and break powers. I will crumble principalities.”
He held the chains that his leg was tied to and while trying to break it, Nolan came to his senses,
“guards, arrest him.”
Before the guards could run to where Broderick was, he had already broke the chain in his neck, His
legs and hands were bleeding cause they tore while he was trying to break the chains forcefully from
his body.
With only a small pant by his waist, and scars all over his body, with blood dripping from his neck. his
hand and legs, he looked like a beast. Even the guards were scared of their life.
Everyone in the room sat still, as if scared to stand.
“I say arrest him,” Nolan shouted to the guards. Eventhough the guards in the hall were up to fifty, they
were scared to come closer to him.
Who would not be scared to come closer to a man who broke an unbreakable chain, it’s like breaking a
mountain.The old man in the crowd ran outside and immediately knelt before Broderick,” god of war! god of war!
You are the god of war!”
Immediately, an uproar and rumors spread immediately like wild fire amidst those seated. Some people
who want to record history immediately brought out their phones and start recording the old . man that
was kneeling before Broderick.
“Who are you?” Broderick asked with a face covered with scars and anger.
“I was there at your birth, I was there when you were seven days old and I was there when you clocked
five years old. I left North Hill as a result of an agreement between your father and I,” the old man said.
“I want to get out of here, can you help me?” Broderick asked.
“My honour!” The old man stood and said to Nolan, you must let Broderick return back to NorthHill.”
“Never, that is not happening.” Nolan said back.
About five men walked out of the stage, they were kings of other kingdoms, they pointed to Nolan
angrily and one of them spoke,” how dare you speak to Sir Wesley? Watch your tongue or we will
destroy your kingdom.”
“I guess his father didn’t tell him about me.” Sir Wesley said to the king’s and faces Nolan back, “Let
Broderick go now or your kingdom alone will be fighting with ten other kingdoms,” the old man said.An elder from East Hill walked out quickly and whispered to Nolan, explaining to him how powerful the
old man was and that he was not someone he could afford to offend. The elder advised him to yield to
his request.
Nolan became scared of the old man. How powerful could he be to have ten kingdoms under him? He
can’t afford to go into a war with ten kingdoms, that would mean a destruction of East Hill,
“This is not fair,” Nolan said.
“Say another word again and watch us storm your kingdom and turn it into ashes, one of the kings
behind the old man said. They hated how Nolan was speaking to Sir Wesley with gut.
The EastHill elder quickly bowed to the old man and saidplease take Broderick away.”
The old man then gestured to Broderick, “You are free to go back to your kingdom.”
“With my children. I want my children” Broderick said,
*Provide his children wrinediately. The old man commanded and the EastHill elder immediately sent for
the kids to be brought
Broderick wouldn’t like his kids to be see him this way so he ordered,” send them to North Hill, to my
wife, Martha, I will meet with them there.”
“Got it,” The old man said and looked at the East Hill elder without saying a word but his facial
expression speaks a volume. ‘
The East Hill elder immediately ordered for the kids to be taken back to North Hill.
Broderick then glanced at everyone in the crowd and his face eventually fell on Amy. He smirked and
turned away, then began to walk out while the five kings and old man followed him.The wedding was no longer a thing as everyone started dispersing.
When Broderick got to the seashore, he said to the old man, “thank you.”
“I was the god of war many years ago but you are the present god of war. My time is over,” the man
said with a smile.
The five kings behind the old man bowed to Broderick on hearing that he is the new god of war.
“Broderick wished he remembered his memory, he would have got to know all the mystery about him.
“Did you want to dress and change before going to North Hill?” Sir Wesley asked.
“No. I want to appear at North Hill like this so everyone can see how I was tortured.” Broderick said.
“I will declare you now as the god of war as soon as you leave, by default; you already have ten
Kingdoms under you,” he said.
“Is EastHill among?” Broderick asked.
“No, they are an independent country,” Sir Wesley responded.
“We’ll see again, Broderick Alessandro,” Sir Wesley patted his shoulder and walked away. The five
kings bowed once more and walked away.
With only a short pant on him, he stepped inside the ship and was taken back to NorthHill.
When he stepped on the seashore of North Hill. He knelt and got from the sand of NorthHill.
“NorthHill, my dear country. Your own has betrayed you and sold you out to foreigners, Don’t worry, I’ll
fight for your freedom. All those who sold you out to foreigners and make your citizens live in fear willpay 1, Broderick Alessandro has spoken!” Broderick poured the sand he got on his head and then
stood upright
A car parked before him and Brett stepped down, he immediately ran towards Broderick and hugged
him, he didn’t care about how bloody and ugly he looked. He disengaged from the hug and said,” knew
you would be out. I was helpless but I know you can’t be helpless.”
Broderick smiled, “I will reward you for your loyalty.”
“Come in quick, let’s get you cleaned up and dressed up.” Brett immediately went to open the door and
Broderick stepped inside Brett was so happy for the freedom of Broderick
majitty, Brett pulled over the car at one of Broderick’s house. It was the same house that Broderick had
taken Amy too where they almost had sex in the pool many months ago
Broderick went inside the bathroom, brushed his teeth and bathed with warm water. He had not even
bathed since his arrest. He dried himself up in a towel, combed and got dressed in his suit. Suit is his
favorite dress,
He then stepped out but needful to say, his body still ached him.
“Sir, come here please,” Brett said to him and he walked over to meet Brett at the dinning table and he
Brett had prepared his favorite food, he immediately began to eat while Brett just sat on one of the
chairs in the dinning, pressing his phone.
“Are my children around?”
“Yes, they are with Martha.”“Brett, when will you have a girlfriend though?” Broderick teased and Brett laughed shyly. “Last time at
Amy’s office, you were defending Joan, are you sure it’s not what I’m thinking?”
“Sir!” Brett was shy and looked away, smiling sheepishly.
He immediately changed the topic, “how about Amy?”
“I’m here,” the door opened and Amy stepped in.
“The ordersity to appear in my house,” Broderick flinged the table over making the remains of the food
and every other thing on the table pour away.


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