Novel Name : Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 114

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 114Chapter 114 He Planted A Kiss On Her Lips Before Him
Broderick who had fallen asleep suddenly got awake as a result of the loud bang of knock on the door.
He stood and went ahead to open the door. Once he sighted Debby, he noticed the tears on her face.
He carried her in his arms immediately and asked,” Debby, what’s wrong?”
Debby sniffed in and said,” Amy is hurt.”
“Hurt? What happened to her?” Broderick asked. Wondering secretly while Debbt was so concerned
about Amy that she was even crying because Amy was hurt.
“Come and see,” Debby got down from his arms and held his big palm then him her to the room that
Amy was.
“See her cheek,” Debby ran to Amy’s side with a breaking heart and pointed to Amy’s injured cheek.
Broderick stood where he could see Amy’s right cheek, the shape of a knife was on her right cheek and
one could tell that she was in pain cause the scar on her cheek was opened.
“Please release her and get her treated. She didn’t hurt us when she took us away, infact, she was so
kind to us. She and Prince Nolan took us to a physician in an attempt to help us recover our memory
but the Physician said that if our mother stays with us often, narrating our past to us and making us
happy always that we are likely to recover our memory. He said we should recover our memory in six
months otherwise, we could come back so he can administer his old treatment of recovering memory to
us. Did you see that Amy never hurt us, she was only trying to help us,” Debby asked. Trying to
convince her dad to release Amy.
Martha was dumbfounded at Debby’s reaction. She didn’t remember that Amy was her mother yet she
care so much for her.Broderick looked at Martha and said, “you can leave, dear.”
Martha nodded and walked away.
Broderick walked over to Amy and removed the gag in her mouth slowly. Amy breathed out with her
mouth then gritted her teeth hard in pain. Her cheek was seriously burning her.
Broderick bent and unlocked the handcuff by her left hand then did the same for her right hand. He
squatted before her and unlocked the handcuff in her legs too.
He then adjusted back a little.
Amy lowered her head sadly, she felt very miserable and embarrassed. Her cheek hurts so badly. She
felt an arm wrapped around hers and when she raised her head, she saw Debby.
More tears streamed down her face as she saw tears on Debby’s face.
“Stop crying, it hurts to see you cry,” Debby said, blinking her eyes sadly as more tears pour from her
It was impossible for Broderick to understand why Debby was hurt just because Amy was.
Amy looked at Broderick and said,” please take her away.” Amy couldn’t stand her daughter seeing her
this way
“Come Debby,” Broderick motioned to her but the little girl refused.
“You will have to treat her first,” Debby said,
Broderick immediately placed a call across to the doctor to come to his house.
“I have called the doctor to come over, will you go now?” Broderick asked.“No, not until I see the doctor administer treatment to her,” Debby insisted.
“Alright.” Broderick said and added, “Debby, but why did you care so much about Amy.”
“I don’t know, I just think no one deserves this kind of treatment,” Debby responded while Amy simply
kept her head lowered.
After many minutes of silence, a knock could be heard on the door, Broderick opened the door and the
doctor appeared.
“Please treat her,” Broderick pointed to Amy and the doctor walked up to her, after examining her
wound, he immediately administered some quick but temporal treatment to her.
have to give her some injections, sir but I’m not prepared for that. I didn’t know that I was invited here
to treat wound,” he said.
“Alright, you can go and come back,” Broderick said.
The doctor walked out then Amy held Debby’s hand and looked at her pathetically,” thank you so
novelbinAmy felt pleased that her daughter cared for her eventhough she had no idea that she was her mother.
“You can leave, Debby.” Amy just doesn’t feel comfortable with her daughter seeing her in this position.
“Will you be fine?” Debby asked her.
“Yes,” Amy responded and Debby nodded slowly. As Debby walked out, she never stopped glancing at
Amy. As if she never want to leave her.
Once Debby was away from the room, Broderick and Amy looked at themselves for so many seconds
then Amy lowered her head.“Lift your head,” Broderick commanded.
“Just kill me,” Amy responded. She felt overwhelmed. Thinking of how Martha hurt her helplessly hurts
her badly.
Broderick walked up to her and lifted her chin, “do you really want to die?”
Looking at his face, Amy smirked,” if you are not a coward, bury me alive too.”
“How much do you hate me now?” Broderick asked.
“I hate you with everything within me,” Amy said weakly.
“Why? Cause I killed my grandfather and your loverboy, hub?” Broderick asked.
*In my next life, I did not pray to meet with you. I wish that Callan didn’t betray me, I would have been
living a pleasant life with him. Ever since you came to my life, it had been hell,” Amy said and took her
chin away from his hand.
Broderick was quiet for a while then he said, “I didn’t kill my grandfather. I only kept in the dark room for
three days without food or water then released him.”
“I didn’t kill your loverboy neither, his body was buried but not his head, He would remain there for three
days and three nights. That should be enough as punishment.” Broderick said.
“And you think he won’t die that way? Being in the same position for thirty six hours is hell,” Amy said.
“I want him to experience hell, so?” Broderick asked.
Amy sighed and looked at his face for a few seconds after which she looked away.
“Stand up!” He commanded.“I’m not your slave. Who are you to think you can order me? You can do whatever you want with me
but know for surety that I can never be scared of you.” Amy said.
Broderick wondered why she was always fearless before him.
“I have a deal for you,” Broderick said.
“I’m not interested in any fucking deal with you. How many days did you want to keep me here?” Amy
“I can’t afford to hurt you anymore cause of my daughter. I can’t afford to watch my daughter cry.”
Broderick said.
“So am I free to leave?” Amy asked.
“You have to listen to the deal I have to offer firstly then I can let you go,” Broderick said.
“I’m all ears,” Amy said.
Broderick adjusted back and leaned his back on the wall, the back of his left foot resting on the wall
while he tucked his both hands in his pocket, “Prove to me that you are the mother of my kids.”
“Didn’t Debby said that the physician said that if the mother of the kids stays with them for a couple of
months, telling them about their past and making them happy always, their brain is likely to recollect the
past?” Broderick asked.“So?”
“Stay with the kids for four months, if you can make them recover their memory before the four months
is over, then I will believe that you are truly the mother of the children,” Broderick said.
Amy, “…”
“I won’t let my kids come to live with you. You have to come over here and live with me. The mansion
had another separate bongalow down there, you can have the entire building for yourself,” Broderick
pointed to the bungalow that was attached to the duplex that they were.
Broderick watched her quietly and after ten seconds, he spoke,” why are you quiet?”
Of course, Amy wants to be around her kids always, that’s what can give her joy the most and now,
Broderick is giving her the privilege.
“And what if the kids did not recover their memory?”
“Then I won’t believe you are their mother.” Broderick responded.
“I have a deal to make too.” Amy requested.
#lf the kids recovers their memory between this period of four months then I must leave with my kids.
Afterall. your wife is already pregnant for you and it’s not possible for you to have two wives. So please
let me leave with my kids?” Amy asked.
Broderick thought about it and wondered if she could really make the kids recover their memory.“Well, if the kids are really yours then it would mean that Martha had been deceiving me, in that case, I
can divorce Martha and marry you.”
“God forbid! I don’t ever want to have anything to do with you again. Please let my deal stand. If I can
make my kids recover their memory, then I must leave you and you must promise not to ever show up
before me ever again,” Amy said.
“You are really trying to get rid of me? Well, well…if they are your kids, then you can have them. The
deal stands,” Broderick agreed.
“So when will you move in?” Broderick asked.
“I need some time for myself, I will come in the next seven days,” Amy said.
“Seven days is too much. I really want my kids to recover their memory fast. How about three days?”
Broderick negotiated.
“Alright. Three days,” Amy responded. “I believe I can leave now?”
“Yes,” Broderick responded and watched her walk out.
Once Amy appeared outside of Broderick’s mansion, she placed a call across to Joan and asked,
“where are
“I went to pay my mother a visit since Tuesday but I’ll be back tomorrow,” Joan answered.
“Alright. I’m back at North Hill, are you aware?”* Really? I have not been following up with news lately cause I’m intentionally spending all my time with
my family,” Joan responded.
“Okay, have fun,” Amy said and hung the call up.
She walked towards where she could take a cab but a sport car soon appeared before her. When the
tinted window came down, Amy realized that it was Broderick.
*Come in, please. Let me drive you to your mansion,” Broderick said.
“I think we need to set some things clear here, we are not friends, we are not in a relationship, we are
nothing but strangers or perhaps enemies to eachother. Please stop showing up before me. You
handcuffed me a few hours ago, threw me inside your boot of your car like a slave and tie me down in
your house like a lowly slave then gave your wife the permission to do whatever evil she wants to do
with me.” Amy shook her head painfully but angrily and continued, ” I’ll come in three days time to your
mansion and prove myself as the mother of the kids.” Amy hissed and walked away from the cab.
She soon got a cab and stepped in. When she arrived at her mansion, she saw about fifty guards by a
side guarding Prince Nolan who was buried alive. Just as Broderick said, only his head could be seen,
Any wondered how much pain Prince Nolan must be going through. She prayed he survived it and go
back to his country alive. She felt very bad for him but dared not to intercept. She walked inside her
room and went before her mirror. Standing before her mirror, she examined the scar that Martha
caused in her cheek.
“Martha, you will pay for this,” she swore angrily.
She left the mirror and went to the bathroom to bath carefully. She didn’t let the water touch her scar.
After she was done bathing, she dried her body and wore a light gown then laid on her bed.Today looks as if she was going to die. Broderick was indeed enraged. She understands that Broderick
acted the way he acted because he misunderstood all that happened. He didn’t know she was the
mother of the kids otherwise, he wouldn’t have thought that she ran away with the kids.
A message popped up on Amy’s phone and on picking up her phone, she realized that Michael was the
sender of the message.
“Hey! Amy. If you are less busy tomorrow, can we attend a business meeting together?” Reads the
Amy placed a call across to his number and he answered it almost immediately,” Michael, I thought you
have forgotten about me and moved on with your life?”
“It’s an harmless invite. Broderick would be coming with his wife too, It’s a requirement for everyone
one to come with a partner, but you can say ‘no’ and I won’t disturb you,” Michael said.
“What time is the meeting?”
“7PM tomorrow, I can come to pick you up if you want,” he said.
“Are you aware that Prince Nolan is buried alive?” Amy asked.
“No. Is he dead?” Michael asked.
“He’s not dead yet cause his head wasn’t buried along with his body but it hurts me seeing him there.
Can you help him?” Amy asked.
“He had once helped me, why shouldn’t I help him?” Michael asked and added,” Let me speak to
“I doubt if that hotheaded will listen to you,” Amy said.“It doesn’t matter how much we fight, we are still related by blood. I’ll get back to you in a jiffy,” Michael
Michael called Amy back a few seconds later and Amy immediately asked,” how was it?”
“He agreed. Where is he buried?” Michael asked.
“Just before my house,” Amy responded and immediately walked outside of the mansion. To her
surprise, the guards were already taking the sands off Prince Nolan.
When they were done taking the sands away from him, Prince Nolan was taken out of the grave. It was
at this time that a car drove in.
Amy could guess who was inside the car by the type of the car, just as she had guessed, Michael
stepped down,
Prince Nolan could barely stand as he had been in the grave for up to six hours. Michael and Amy ran
to him to support him,
“Prince Nolan, I’m so sorry you experienced this.” Amy said as she and Michael lead Prince Nolan
inside her mansion,
Once they got to the living room, Prince Nolan was made to sit. He sighed and asked,” why did
Broderick changed his mind? His guard had told me I will be there for three days and three nights?”
“I spoke to him,” Michael responded.
“And he listened?” Prince Nolan was surprised cause he knew that Broderick and Michael are not in
good terms.
“He’s my brother afterall,” Michael responded.“I need to bath,” Prince Nolan said and Amy led him to bath. By the time he was done, he saw a shirt
and trouser on the bed. It was Michael who provided it. He wore the white shirt and black trouser and
went to the living room where Amy and Michael sat quietly.
“Prince, how do you feel now?” Amy asked concernedly.
“I feel better, I’ll sleep here tonight and leave to my country tomorrow,” he said. “Can I sleep here?”
“Why not?” Amy responded. “Feel free.”
“I’m too tired. Where can I sleep?” Prince Nolan asked and Amy led him to one of the rooms in the
Michael then stood after Amy returned to the living room, “I would be leaving. I’ll come to pick you up
tomorrow evening for the party.”
“Alright,” Amy said and escorted him out. He watched as he drove away then she returned back to her
When it was the following morning, Prince Nolan and Amy were already outside the mansion.
“Prince Nolan, I’m sorry you had to suffer. You have really helped me and I felt bad you got punished
this way. You don’t deserve such punishment,” Amy said.
“Can we go somewhere together before going to the sea where I would take a boat back to my
country?” Prince Nolan asked.
“Sure,” Amy responded and they both got inside the car. Prince Nolan was the one that drove Amy’s
After many minutes, the car pulled over at the newly completed Alessandro’s corporation building.The mega building project that was being erected many months ago had been completed and work had
fully commenced there a week ago.
After the both of them stepped down from either side of the car, Amy asked in surprise,” what are we
doing in Broderick’s company?”
“I need to speak to Broderick before I leave,” Prince Nolan said.
“Prince Nolan, I know you are angry cause of what he did to you but please don’t make him angry
again. He can do even worse this time,” Amy said concernedly.
“Don’t worry about it,” Prince Nolan said and began to walk inside the building.
When Prince Nolan and Amy got before the receptionist office, the receptionist said they can’t meet
with the CEO cause they have no appointment with him.
“Call him and tell him that Prince Nolan and Amy wants to meet with him,” Prince Nolan commanded
the receptionist
The receptionist who was a new person in North Hill guessed that the two people before her could be
powerful people so she did as commanded.
“Lead them to my office,” Broderick said to the receptionist from the other end of the call.
The receptionist stood and then gestured for Amy and Prince Nolan politely,” please come with me, sir,
The two followed after the receptionist and after a few walk, they were before Broderick’s office.
Broderick could see them before his door at his computer cause there is a CCTV camera everywhere
in the building.He pressed a remote that was on his table and the opaque glassy door gave way.
Prince Nolan and Amy then walked in.
“Sit,” Broderick gestured for the two.
“I’ll be returning to my country today. Infact, I’m leaving now. I only came to tell you something,” Prince
said, ignoring his gesture for them to sit.
“Are you sure you and your lovergirl don’t want to sit?” Broderick asked sarcastically.
Prince Nolan smirked, “my hands will be tied for a couple of months but actually, my father is nurturing
a sickness that no one’s knows about and would die soon. When I step up as a king, I’ll declare a war
against North Hill. If I loose, I’ll gladly accept death. But if I win…” He smirked wickedly,” I’ll take
everything that belongs to you and make you my personal slave.”
“Be prepared,” Prince Nolan threatened with all sense of seriousness then turned to Amy, he placed his
hand on her left cheek gently and said, “I have been protecting you cause I have a soft spot for you.
Actually, I fell in love with you before I even met with you. I’m not a coward like some people who can’t
declare to the other person that they are in love with them. I am not confused about my feelings for
you. Amy, you won’t mind being my queen in the future, right? Hopefully after taking over North Hill and
enslaving all it’s inhabitants?”
“I won’t mind. You are a kind man and you have proven to be good. If I want to spend the rest of my life
with anyone, I want it to be you,” Amy said to Prince Nolan.
Prince Nolan smiled and moved his face closer to Amy then plant a kiss on her lips.


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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO Lastest Chapters