Novel Name : I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 141 - Recruitment

Chapter 141: Recruitment

“Bye!” Ling Pingan hugged the kitten, Bastet, and waved goodbye to his aunt who was walking into the security checkpoint.
“Bye!” Li Anan turned around and said goodbye to him too. Then, she walked into the security checkpoint with Chu Weiwei.
Looking at the figure of his troublesome aunt, disappearing into the security checkpoint.
Ling Pingan let out a long sigh. “She has finally left…”
He recalled the hellish life of the past two days.
He had to cook, wash the dishes, and go shopping…
That was simply torturing!
Especially going shopping, it was practically a death sentence!
One could imagine following her around for the entire afternoon and walking through more than half of the shopping malls in Jiangcheng City.
He had tried on dozens of clothes, over a hundred pairs of pants, and a hundred pairs of shoes.
But in the end, he only bought three sets of clothes?
That was Ling Pingan’s tragic experience yesterday.
Ling Pingan looked down at the shirt and pants he was wearing.
“It fits quite well, and it looks pretty good too…” he thought.
He had to shop all over the city just to find something fitting and look good?
Why wouldn’t he just go to the mall and pick two random clothes? Wearing them and leave?
Ling Pingan felt that he couldn’t understand.
In the end, he could only conclude in his heart, “Women are tigers! It’s too scary!”
The Kitten, Bastet also looked quite happy.
She gently rubbed Ling Pingan’s arm, indicating for him to leave quickly.
She seemed to be extremely afraid of that aunt of his!
It was as if she was afraid that his aunt would come back anytime now.
“Little guy!” Ling Pingan stroked its fur. “Your thought is right…”
He was afraid too!
Therefore, he quickly ran away. Returning home as soon as possible to play games was the thing he should do!
… … … ..
Under the guidance of the airport staff, Li Anan and Chu Weiwei met the other members of the team at a boarding gate that was specially prepared and arranged for them.
There were a total of five people. They all were new faces, and most of them were girls. They might not even be at Chu Weiwei’s age.
With one look, one could tell that they were the new interns of the Blackguard this year.
Therefore, they were all wearing the official uniforms of the Blackguard. Each one of them looked extremely proud.
Li Anan and Chu Weiwei looked at each other and smiled. They both remembered when they had just entered the Blackguard.
They were also excited and proud like these young people.
Shield of the Federal Empire!
Guard the great underground great wall of the people of the Federal Empire!
Sword of world peace and justice!
The stage of a true hero and a true woman!
Thus, Li Anan walked over and looked at these rookies. Just like her previous commanding officer, she showed her identification with a straight face.
“I am captain Li Anan, your commanding officer for this mission!”
“This is my adjutant, First Lieutenant Chu Weiwei!”
“From now on, rookies. Welcome to hell!”
“I am not your instructor that will care about your daily meals!”
“I am also not your tutor, which will ask about your well-being if you catch a cold!”
“I’m just your commanding officer! I only care about one thing: Mission success!”
“Do you understand?”
“Louder, I can’t hear you!”
“Then let’s board the plane!” The young captain puffed up her chest, proudly and serious, with full of dignity.
It made the youngsters feel ashamed.
… … … ..
Ling Pingan finally returned home.
His warm home. His home of freedom.
Feeling the empty bookstore, he stretched comfortably.
After putting the kitten, Bastet on the counter, he couldn’t wait to lie down on the chair.
“I don’t want to do anything this afternoon…”
“I just want to lie down…” he said, “These two days have exhausted me!”
Although he was not physically tired at all.
He was mentally tormented!
He did not even have time to laze around!
That was a serious blow to the bookstore owner, who was determined to be a lazy person!
If he did not lie down for a few hours, he would not be able to recover his energy.
Therefore, he did as he spoke.
He then collapsed in his chair until evening, when he finally felt that the trauma in him had been healed.
He could play games and write again and live his happy life delightfully.
Therefore, he took out his phone and planned to fight his way into the canyon.
He noticed a software notification.
He opened it and saw that it was a notification from the legend of Nightmare Game. “Dear player, your command for the legend of Nightmare’s clan tribe can be updated to the latest 3D panorama. Please download the latest update package update from the official website!”
Ling Pingan recalled that the last time the game said that it could be updated to the latest version to obtain the 3D Panorama so that he could watch the execution of the Clan Tribe’s command.
He excitedly clicked on the link that came with the text message and entered the official page. After searching for a while, he found the download page and downloaded the so-called 3D panorama version.
That update package was a little big, probably around 5G.
With Ling Pingan’s internet speed, it was normal to download it for about 20 to 30 minutes.
Thus, after clicking on the download button, he directly opened the canyon and charged into it.
… … … ..
Li Anan took the federal empire’s military plane.
It took less than six hours to fly from Jiangcheng City to Lanfang City, the capital of the Lanfang Gonghe in Nanyang.
In the evening, her plane landed on the runway of the Lanfang International Airport.
The staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lanfang and the officials of the Federal Empire in the Republic of Lanfang, who had been waiting here for a long time immediately came forward to welcome her.
However, because of the heavy rain, they all held umbrellas.
“Welcome!” In the pouring rain, the officials of the Lanfang Gonghe, who were dressed in formal clothes were very enthusiastic. “Captain Li Anan, I am Luo Qing, Deputy Chief of the Special Affairs Administration of the Lanfang Gonghe…” he introduced himself. “I welcome your arrival on behalf of all the citizens of the Lanfang Gonghe!”
Li Anan nodded at him. “Thank you, Mr. Luo!”
The Lanfang Gonghe was the country with the closest relationship with the Federal Empire among the Nanyang countries.
The two countries were of the same language and race, and their relationship was extremely close.
The vast majority of the Lanfang people held a special passport of the Federal Empire.
Other than not being able to vote, they had all the rights enjoyed by the citizens of the other federal empire.
There was nothing they could do. The Lanfang people were the descendants of immigrants who had sailed out from the Metropolitan Territory of the Federal Empire hundreds of years ago.
In terms of relationship, they were even closer than the merchants of the Shang dynasty in the Beizhou and Nanzhou!
The reason why the Lanfang Gonghe could exist was that the federal empire pursued a national policy of non-expansion.
Reject if there was one inch more, and risk all to get back if one inch less!
Emperor Gaozong’s famous words were still written in the textbooks up to now!
Therefore, Lanfang could only maintain their independence.
“How’s the situation?” Because the relationship between the two countries was too close, there was almost no need to be polite between the federal empire and Lanfang Gonghe. Therefore, Li Anan did not exchange pleasantries and directly asked, “What’s the situation with Lanfang’s disaster?”
“It’s very serious!” Luo Qing said, “The storm has already lasted for four days…”
“The flood has flooded one-fifth of our country’s land…”
“Fortunately, the metropolitan territory has urgently transferred a large number of resources, so that the people won’t be short of food and clothing!”
Li Anan did not care about Luo Qing’s words that directly referred to himself as a citizen of the Federal Empire. She asked, “Are there any signs of supernatural beings or foreign species intervening?”
“No!” Luo Qing shook his head in confusion.
Beside him, a staff member of the Federal Empire’s Ministry of foreign affairs also said, “Our psionic power warning radar in Lanfang did not detect any abnormal psionic reaction from the ocean…”
“Scientists say that this year’s typhoons and torrential rains may be related to global warming!”
“The Arctic glaciers are melting too fast this year!”
“And the global ocean currents affect each other. The Arctic glaciers are melting, causing the equatorial warm current to invade the southern cold current, which caused a reverse tide phenomenon!”
Li Anan listened and frowned. She looked at the pouring rain.
“Something’s wrong!” She said, “The reverse tides in the past years wouldn’t be this serious!”
“Someone must be playing tricks!”
As soon as she got off the plane, she already felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t tell what exactly was wrong.
“Everyone, please compile the weather reports of the various countries, as well as the psionic power warning radar and psionic power warning satellites, and send them to me as soon as possible!”
“I’ll set up a special office in the embassy!” Li Anan turned around and said to Chu Weiwei, “Weiwei, I’ll leave this matter to you!”
“Yes!” Chu Weiwei saluted.
… … ..
With a beep, the notification that the download had been completed came from the phone.
Ling Pingan had also finished playing a round of games at the same time.
Thus, he cut out the game and clicked on the installed package that he had downloaded to update his HP.
Speaking of which, it was strange that the update package for this shitty command was slow to download, but the update speed was extremely fast.
In less than a minute, the update had been completed.
A pop-up window appeared: Dear player, you have completed the update of the command for the Clan Tribe of Legend of Nightmare.
Now you can view and instruct your clan tribe through the 3D Panorama mode.
Legend of Nightmare Reminds You: Because you are the Master of the Clan tribe, all your commands will be carried out 100%!
“Is that so?” Ling Pingan opened the ‘Legend of Nightmare’s Clan Tribe Command’ with a smile and was excited.
The phone screen turned black, and a light lit up from the phone.
Then, a door opened.
A 3D panorama of a miniature mountain range appeared in front of Ling Pingan’s eyes.
Then, various options appeared from the left interface.
Ling Pingan looked at them. These options were: Command, watch the command execution video, adjust the command, and the details of the clan tribe.
He opened the details of the Clan tribe first.
Thus, in front of his eyes appeared an image of a cute little green skin carrying a big hammer and an exaggerated belly, walking in the mountains.
He touched the little green skin with his finger, and a data box immediately popped up from its head frame.
Clan tribe: Green Skin Orc.
Tribe: Gangba!
Population: 53,241(Orc), 147,522(goblin).
At the same time, the 3D mountain range also began to use red to mark the current territory of the Clan tribe.
Ling Pingan was surprised to find that the development of the Gangba tribe was beyond his imagination. In just a few days, their territory had expanded by a hundred times!
They had almost occupied the entire mountain range, and they were even eroding towards the foot of the mountain.
“Pretty impressive!” Ling Pingan laughed.
Just as he was about to watch the video, he saw a recruitment option appear next to the cute version of Green Skin’s head.
He tried to click on the option.
He got two different choices.
The first choice was to change the leader of the Clan tribe, and the second choice was to recruit a shaman.
There was one next to both choices.
After Ling Pingan clicked it, he received a notification: Dear player, you can use clan points to recruit a new leader of the clan tribe or a trustworthy shaman for the current leader.
He first tried to touch the leader option.
As a result, a cute version of green skin popped up on the screen.
The first thing that appeared in front of Ling Pingan was a cute version of green skin. It carried an ax and danced while opening its mouth wide.
Beside it was a line of words: “Iron Skin is the most powerful warlord among all green skin! What it did to humans, elves, dwarves, and even rat-men were enough to make it the most infamous green skin in history!
The Dwarves had even written dozens of books to describe the brutal and cunning nature of this terrifying green skin.
You can pay 500,000 clan tribe points to wake up iron skin from its eternal slumber and make it work for you again!
Ling Pingan was moved by this description and was about to buy it.
In the end, he saw that little green skin with a big belly was crying loudly.
The cute version of Green Skin cried, looking a little pitiful.
So, his heart softened.
Of course, the most important thing was that he saw the clan tribe points. He currently had only 10,000 hp!
He asked the game’s customer service how to obtain these clan tribe points and received an answer: Clan tribe points are obtained by your clan tribe in battle.
Every time your clan tribe kills an enemy, it can accumulate a basic clan tribe point for you. The level of the enemy determines the amount of additional clan tribe points.
Please strengthen and enlarge your clan tribe as soon as possible to obtain more clan tribe points!
Legend of Nightmare: Clan tribe points can be used not only to hire leaders and shamans but also to bestow blessings, allowing your clan tribe to have more battle specialties. It can also be used for scientific research and development, allowing your clan tribe to have more possibilities!
He pulled the list and found out that even the weakest leader needed 30,000 hp.
Moreover, he was trash!
He was even worse than the current Gangba!
Therefore, he chose to give up and looked at the shaman option.
A new row of cute green skins appeared.
The first one had a powerful description.
It was a goblin who was holding a magic staff and wearing a cute mask. It was riding a cute little wild boar.
The description on the side was: The Green Skin Prophet, Wurrzag, is a foreign species among all the green skin orcs!
This terrifying shaman was famous for being crazy and cunning!
It would often lead a large group of crazy green skin to launch a fierce surprise attack on its enemies.
When it approached the enemy, it would immediately cast a group instant death spell, giving death and pain to each of its enemies!
You can pay 300,000 clan tribe points to awaken the Green Prophet from his eternal slumber and serve you once again.
Ling Pingan looked at it and smacked his lips.
“So expensive…”
He could only give up.
However, the other shamans were not cheap either. They were either 100,000 or 200,000 HP.
Ling Pingan finally found a shaman that he could recruit.
It was a thin goblin that looked extremely wretched.
Looking at the description, it was indeed wretched: Sourbelly. That was a goblin shaman that was obsessed with science and technology and brewing wine. It had invented many new technologies and practiced them in battle.
Unfortunately, in one battle, it was fatally injured. It had no choice but to swallow a large number of strange experimental fungi. Although this allowed it to survive, it also caused it to suffer from serious intestinal rot.
You can pay 8,500 clan tribe points to wake up the Sourbelly from its eternal slumber and serve you once again.
Ling Pingan looked at this wretched fellow. He had no choice but to press confirm.
Thus, the fellow who was originally in the Shaman Option Box jumped out of the options box and landed next to the cute, big-bellied green skin orc in the interface. At the same time, he took out an unknown thing from his body. He quietly took something from the big-bellied orc’s waist, then covered his mouth and laughed wretchedly.
Ling Pingan looked at it and shook his head.
“It’s just a game…” he said, “Let me take a look at the command execution video that I gave last time!”
Thus, he cut to the main interface and clicked ‘watch the command execution video’.
… … ..
Gangba felt his whole body turn cold as if something terrible was happening without him knowing.
Suddenly, the fear that made him unable to move disappeared, and his whole body a little relaxed.
“Oh!” He said, “The Great Brother What and brother Hell were still looking after the Brave Gangba!”
At this moment, something suddenly fell from the sky and landed beside Gangba.
Gangba turned around and saw a skinny goblin with a disgusting stench all over its body. It got up from the ground.
“Who are you?” Gangba was full of vigilance and subconsciously covered the bag hanging on its waist that was filled with the teeth that it had dropped this morning. Green skin did not have money, and teeth were their most precious treasure!
Green skin would use its teeth to exchange for mushroom wine and Warhammer 40K.
Of course, in most cases, green skin would choose to rob. That was much easier than buying!
“Who am I?” The goblin exclaimed, “You don’t know who I am?”
“I am the shaman that brother What and brother Hell doted on the most, the pride of all goblins. The Sourbelly in Gray Mountain is me!”
As it spoke, it used its dirty hands to take out a black jar from its tattered stomach and threw it in front of Gangba. “Look, this is me, the invention of the great Sourbelly, fungal bomb!”
“I once blew up the dwarves’ fortress!”
“The dwarves were blown to the sky!”
Gangba scratched his head and looked at the Goblin, then at the jar in front of him.
It seemed… it seemed… that it was speaking the truth?
However, just as Gangba was puzzled, the Goblin quietly took out a root from somewhere on its body and stealthily stole the teeth from Gangba’s body.
Holding these big and dirty green skin teeth, Gangba laughed so hard that it couldn’t close its mouth.
Hearing the laughter, Gangba turned around and looked at the weird and wretched goblin in front of him.
It had no idea what had happened.


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