Novel Name : Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Legend of the Supreme Soldier Chapter 518: Organization

Chapter 518: Organization
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
It was a long slim tube which the white spots scattered like powder snow upon the sky blue body, about 1.65 meter in length, 34 kilograms in weight, of a condensed structure which could be disengaged into several parts that could be again combined into different forms of miniature firearms. A fancy mix-and-match design that could be equipped on one's arm, thus the convenience of shooting upon free will. The weight of the miniature version had hardly 8kg weight which also contributed to portability.
"Do you have a place to try this out?" said the lady, with intense expectation brewing inside her. She had never seen such revolutionary design before, it was extremely foreign to her eyes yet miraculously fitting to her hands. She had the urge to test the strength of this new weapon she was bestowed upon. It was that passion every shooter like her had which drove her. "Is there any place to test shooting?" said she loudly.
Kristen was shocked back into reality, she nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes, come with me!"
They arrived by the basement under her lead. She unlocked the gate and turned on the lights, "This is the shooting room, the standard setup." She gave a brief introduction before retreating herself to the "auditorium" at one side with the rest of the crew who were equally interested of this strange-looking weapon.
Into position! Without further ado, the lady raised the gun and made her first shot promptly.
A stream of red beam about breadth of one's thumb struck the very center of the bullseye. Her accuracy as a professional had been justified, still she could not hide that excitement of a little girl on Christmas as she hurried her way to the front to remove the bullseye from the attachment. She was there to examine the strength of the new weapon, likewise the others. "Such strength!" Astonishment filled Kristen's words upon seeing the charred edges of the pierced center.
A standard setup was the typicality in most shooting rooms, where bullseyes were made out of nubis stones which had a mediocre energy-absorbing attribute, perfect for making bullseye but not protective shield due to its brittleness. People used such material to examine the capabilities of an energy-based weapon.
And that red beam just penetrated a 5 centimeter thick bullseyes made out of energy-absorbing stones.
The few spectators froze upon the astounding sight.
Mr. Mo could not help but to compliment dramatically, "I might be considered a novice when it comes to weapon but this ray gun has earned my fondness. Such masterpiece."
The lady lowered her head, caressing that gun with a unique appearance lovingly. It needed no word to describe her joy at the moment.
Ban Meng coveted that new toy, he continued marveling at it mindlessly, unaware of the stream of saliva dripping off his mouth's corner. Kristen, his cousin had her mentality shattered to the ground, the invention of this ray gun had utterly deconstructed what she knew about weapons for the past few years. It was only a stick made out of speckled blue yet it actually impaled a piece of nubis stone. She could not believe her eyes, reality was standing right there. She was the witness to every step, every flick of finger the lady made. The mystery intensified... she could not help but to have questions overloading her head.
How comes it could make such strong shoot? What is that structure? How the heck did it even work? What are the effects of this strange design? What is the concept behind it?
She could even imagine the shape of each component involved, however, she could never replicate the design. It was of techniques she had never seen before, it was of foreign structure design, everything was unfamiliar to her, even the way the boy crafted the gun was something revolutionary. These were so new that she realized, to her horror, that she hardly learned anything from this master craftsman.
And that was when the lady performed a multi-shot which landed across the bullseye like a shower. None of the beams had missed. It was a goddess's accuracy that had mesmerized everyone at the scene, well, except for our craftsman, Ye Chong. He was terrified since he realized how the lady could be a highly skilled parakinetic shooter and it would be a hard nut to crack if he did not have Celest by his side. His schemata ran wild, piecing together a feasible plot to handle such opponent.
"Mhmm..." The lady placed the ray gun down with satisfaction, she loved its portability and the hand-on experience, everything felt truly made for her, that it almost felt like a part of her.
"Here is your reward, as promised." The lady passed Ye Chong amapolla wood with a hint of respect in her hoarsely spoken words. The amapolla woodpiece was about size of one's palm, a grayish brown with cravings like the shell of the turtle. It was totally different compared to what Ye Chong had seen in the workshop. He could feel the weight the moment the wood was placed onto his hand. But, other than the strange craving and the slightly greater weight in comparison, he could not tell anything extraordinary about this wood.
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself," said the lady formally, "I'm Sha Ya, a Level 8 shooter."
The moment the title was mentioned, the atmosphere seemed to have frozen.
Ban Meng felt he was in trance upon hearing the rank. Did a Level 8 shooter, an almost-mythical figure just walk into his cousin's place and begin walking around and actually performed her skills? He nearly pinched his cheeks to confirm he was not dreaming.
Kristen had never regained her color since the last shock. A level 8 shooter? Were her ears acting up? She was impressed of her courage, that she virtually offended a Level 8 god!
Ye Chong remained expressionless. He was not aware of the meaning behind that title.
Ye Chong's indifference did not enrage Sha Ya, as she took out a piece of golden leaf from her pouch, "This is plucked from the Darkniss. A token of appreciation for your great work."
"Golden leaf?!" Everyone was so close to making a leap, even Mr. Mo.
The golden leaf was reflecting the world in amazing shine, where the veins could be clearly discerned, as if the finest gold craft of a piece of leaf. But Ye Chong could tell it was not a sculpture, rather it was truly something offered by nature.
It should be from a highly "metalized" plant.
"Thank you," said Ye Chong as he took the leaf, now a little intrigued of the "Darkniss" Sha Ya mentioned.
"I should be the one thanking you." She looked overjoyed, "I have been searching for a fitting weapon and I can't believe I'll ever lay my hand on one." Her words were sentimental as she recalled the journey she took in search of her weapon.
"Alright, I have to go now. I'm staying at Bisley City. If you need any help, don't hesitate, call me up. Asking someone on your behalf works too," said Sha Ya, well, she was in fact the right person to provide solid help.
Ban Meng fired his stare of pure envy at Ye Chong for this inhuman boy was actually able to win over a level 8 shooter's friendship. It was as if dreams.
"See ya." And Sha Ya left. Ye Chong walked to Kristen and lifted the piece of wood. "Let's trade," he said.
Ye Chong, with his pocket full of a million ao and a new ally in his social circle, led Ban Meng back home. Ban Meng had become one of Ye Chong's believers by then, he was overawed by Ye Chong's capabilities.
"I need a house. Large and somewhere isolated. Would you help me?" asked Ye Chong abruptly.
"Uhh... let me think..." Ban Meng began searching for the matching item in his mind. That sounded sufficiently a good news to him, he would never want a potential explosive to follow him home daily. It would be great if he could send this walking bomb somewhere else.
Then a place came into his mind.
They took a few detours and finally stopped by one house.
"How about this place?" asked Ban Meng, as he looked at this particular house which fulfilled Ye Chong's requirement - it was spacious, about 3500 meter^2 including the lawn, while being at a quiet corner of the region close to the Duality Forest. He could not imagine any visitor frequenting here. It was a pretty good deal too - 100,000 Ao and it was all Ye Chong's.
"I like it," Ye Chong nodded expressively.
"Of course! Let Ban Meng make the choice, it'll never go wrong!" responded Ban Meng proudly.
"Right. You can go now," ordered Ye Chong the guest-vanquisher.
"Geez, that fast?!" Ban Meng sobbed, "Fine, good bye."
And he left.
The quiet home was very quiet again.
It was rather empty as there was nothing else than the few pieces of furnitures. Well, that was what Ye Chong desired. He needed a place to sleep and store his loots.
He quickly deployed Celest which stood there solemnly at his service. Ye Chong hopped into Celest and performed a thorough scan to see if there was anything suspicious.
To his relaxation, system returned no detection of any form. He had finally some me-time and actual security to think about his next move.
What would be my priority? To find Mu/Shang of course.
Where's Mu/Shang? They must be at Gray Valley.
Well, if that's the case, I would have to first return to Gray Valley, or He Yue galaxy at the very least. Only then I would have the slightest chance of reuniting with Mu/Shang or the Sangs if I have to. Next, we shall reconnect the pathway connecting both He Yue galaxy and Gray Valley.
Alright, the ultimate goal would be to return to either of the regions.
But then... how should I do it... Hmm...
Ye Chong remembered the three microchips Kui gave him, which contained researches by Consortium involving Space Science, Mechanical Science and Biologic Science. And he did mention something about Space Science that interested Ye Chong. Perhaps the answer lay within that chip.
He took the chip out and slid it into the processor of Celest.
"Welcome to the Directory."
"Please select from one of the available processes:
1. Read data
2. Create database
3. Perform Simulated Calculation"
Ye Chong dazed at the prompted interface. He had zero knowledge regarding Space Science, it would take forever before he mastered the basics, he had no more time to initiate his first Space Science class.
"Perform Simulated Calculation," stated Ye Chong.
"Error : Database not found. Database required for operation," replied the processor coldly.
Ye Chong sighed, "Create database."
"Command received. Creating database, estimated time remaining : 5hours 30minutes."
And Ye Chong rooted himself at the seat for the next 5 hours and 30 minutes, finally after that, "Perform Simulated Calculation - Ways to Travel to He Yue Galaxy." Somehow Ye Chong could feel his heart twitching by the little searing anticipation growing in him.
"Creating the necessary platform...
Creation completed!"
"Inserting the given properties...
Insertion completed!"
"Simulation performing..."
"Calculation completed. Estimated time needed: 32years 5months 23days." The time length was so unexpected that Ye Chong's mouth remained partially open.
THIRTY TWO years?! He could not accept that... It would be too long to fix anything...
Ye Chong was blown at first, but he took a breath and calmed down, "How to reduce estimated time needed?"
10 seconds later, "Matching Solutions found:
1. Provide more properties for calculation
2. Enhance memory processing ability."
"How to enhance memory processing ability?" asked Ye Chong.
"To enhance memory processing ability, you could:
1. Enhance my capacity.
2. Connect additional processing unit."
Enhance the capacity? The preposterously vague idea was immediately scrapped. Ye Chong was too unfamiliar with such avant-garde mechanism. He could not even find the sealing board to unscrew.
He could add in more processors by producing them but... he naturally did not excel at it.
"How to produce processor?"
"Error: Insufficient information." The reply was not helpful...
And that was when Ye Chong recalled the second microchip that contained Biologic Science researches. Well, a standard photon processor might sound far-fetched at the moment, but he could have crafted a bio-photon processor like Celest's. The chip should contain the necessary information. He quickly replaced the chip and booted the interface.
"Welcome to th-"
"How to produce bio-photon processor?"
"To produce bio-photon processor, you would need..."
The reply was also extremely helpful. Most materials mentioned were unavailable within his grip, especially when most of them required additional handling like cultivation.
Well... he got to build a biological science lab then... It would be a major project, still he had to complete it. To never give up on even the slightest hope was his motto since childhood.
The saving grace was he scavenged everything useful from the Consortium at their central lab back then, including those technological fascinations, or he would have to really start from scratches.
Though bestowed with fancy technologies, there were still lots of works to do.
The kingdom of organisms, the flora and fauns, were already different across regions, let alone across planets and across the galaxies. Most materials used by the Consortium could not be found here, especially samples of a few organisms.
The first feasible move would be to establish a working database which contained attributes of the native organisms at his place. But before that, there was one last thing he got to do first. Security, security, security. He might have not detected anything, that did not guarantee he would be safe from unwanted attention in the future. He would not want to be pointed with a parakinetic firearm before he even began assembling the new processor.
He first examined woods like speckled blue using the facilities available. He was able to identify that speckled blue had three times the energy compatibility compared to most metals. That was not it, Ye Chong had also performed other examinations and the conclusion? It was earth-shattering! All these plants were excellent on both energy compatibility and physical attributes, which made them few of the best materials to produce any sort of machines. The downside however, was the poor compatibility with circuit... which justified the non-existent photon processors here...
After understanding the attributes of these materials, Ye Chong could finally produce a stronger and a more efficiently designed weapon.
Ye Chong made bulk purchases on the mentioned materials, including the "honorably mentioned" speckled blues. He began a massive production.
With these utilities he got from Consortium, he no longer would need to rely on dagger to carve simple weapons. His efficiency accelerated the progress significantly. It only took him 7 days to produce over 100 types of weapons.
He then installed these firearms at all corners of the lawn, while equipped them with an advanced detection system. Any unauthorized personnel or "thing" would be destroyed immediately.
A real tactical annihilation!
The installation points were all after Ye Chong's careful calculation which formed a firewall that covered the entire region. No blind spot while being tenacious. Most of them were the real heavy firearms, they were heavy to be carried around but they would be perfect for a fixed point tower defense. A prime example would be the Spheric Beam Scattered Launcher, which launched 160 spheric light beams in one wave thrice per second, covering up proximity about 4 meter^2.
It was the flawlessness of this firewall that made any intruder defenseless. It was a densely layered security which was unknown at one glance. The penetrability of these beams were much stronger than the little toy gun Ye Chong made for Sha Ya and the detection system further enhanced their accuracy.
The only problem was... the defense matrix would need a processor to provide command. Celest's processor? That intelligibly expressive processor? Maybe not.
He then succumbed to one processor previously installed on one supportive unit in his inventory. It was not a powerful processor but was more than enough to take charge of basic matrix management.
Now, he could sleep at last.
Area 9 meters away from his accommodation was his territory.
The day seemed to be ending.
But his work had just started.


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