Novel Name : Spirit Immortal

Spirit Immortal Chapter 430 The Longyu Clan 2

Just as Longyu Tian had explained, the River Train moved at a rapid speed. Shin sat on the window seat with the Spirit Saint by his side on the aisle seat. He would often gaze out of the window to see trees gushing by like darting arrows. The birds in the skies were utterly unable to keep up with the speed of the train, and Shin watched everything pass by in slow motion. They were moving so fast, but oddly enough, the vibrations on the River Train was quite smooth. Kesyl had imagined herself getting motion-sickness once again. Just staying on a cruising boat was hard enough, taking a train that travelled at two hundred kilometres per hour? The young maiden thought that her world was going to end.
However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the River Train cruised down the tracks without the standard choppy movements of a boat on the ocean. In fact, it was comparable to that of a horse carriage.
Longyu Tian continued to yap like a tour guide, as she attempted to make the youth feel as comfortable as possible. They talked about the best sightseeing places in the Lantis Republic, the best foods in the archipelago, and even the hierarchical structure of the Longyu Clan. Sometimes, the Spirit Saint would ask questions about Shin's life in the Himmel Empire, mostly the more recent happenings. They talked about how he skipped levels to trigger the first barrier of mortality, the recent tragedy of Latina… Basically, anything that happened in Shin's life, Aunt Tian wanted to know.
Initially, Shin felt quite uncomfortable about divulging all of those details. To him, Longyu Tian was basically a stranger that had some goodwill to him. However, perhaps it was because of their similar black hair and azure eyes, Shin felt like he could start to open up, even if it was just a little bit. The familiarity factor really played into Longyu Tian's favour. All his life, Shin had been around people who looked much different.
Ariel, with her bright ruby eyes and striking crimson hair. Isadore with his elf-like silver hair and princely charm. Even Kanari! Though she had the same jet-black hair as Shin, just one look at their contrasting eyes was sufficient to tell that they came from different bloodlines. Longyu Tian not only boasted the same exact eyes and hair as the young man but their skin tones, jawlines and even the high bridge of their nose were precisely alike. It was the first time Shin had ever met someone that similar to himself, and it really made the Spirit Saint seem like an aunt he never had.
While they were busy chatting away, talking about anything under the sun, a conductor quickly entered the luxurious and gave a simple bow. Shin could see a slight tremor in his voice and posture, prompting him to look at the man kindly. "Highness Saint, we're reaching our destination."
"Two hours, fifty-seven minutes and twenty-three seconds. That's a little slower than I'd imagined." Longyu Tian replied, rather unamused. She was named the Saint of Time for a reason. She was sensitive to the passage of time and could even pinpoint the exact time taken for the River Train to travel to the Longyu Clan's Headquarters.
"My apologies, Highness Saint. The operator might have driven more cautiously, seeing that we have many highly honoured guests on board. I'll make sure to register your complaint to the board."
'Does such an action really warrant a complaint?' Shin was perplexed. Longyu Tian had said that they would arrive in about three hours and that was exactly what had happened. There weren't any problems with the ride nor were there any irregularities. If anything, Shin and his group were pleased with the experience and the time. Yet, it didn't count as an achievement in the eyes of the Lantis Republic.
"Yeah, do that," Longyu Tian dismissed the conductor, indifferently waving her hands. She hardly cared about the livelihood of a mere train operator. What's more important was that Shin had the best first impressions of the Longyu Clan.
"So, Shin. When we reach the clan, you'll probably be meeting Dao'er first." The Dao'er that Longyu Tian was so affectionately calling was the head of the Longyu Clan, one of the most influential figures in the entire Lantis Republic, Longyu Dao. "He'll be giving you a basic welcome and all of the normal diplomatic procedures with your friends. When you're done with that, they'll bring you to a banquet so that you can enjoy all of the foods that we've prepared. Oh, I suggest that you go for the Shrimp Rice Noodle Rolls or the Steamed Ginger Soy Fish with Pickled Cherry Tomatoes."
The Saint of Time continued to list out the itinerary for the young man extending all the way to the end of the week. However, Shin could help but notice one oddity. "Aunt Tian… The activities sound fun and all, but why is there no training or cultivation sessions?"
Longyu Tian's plan for Shin consists of mainly play and leisure. Sightseeing and eating. And while those activities were things that Shin could look forward to, what he wanted to do the most was absorb the teachings of the Longyu Clan, hopefully increasing his cultivation or overall combat ability. Shin's goal was to defeat the Black Masks, Junius and the Allfather. He also wanted to create a mercenary team that specialises in conquering the Payircis, some of which were present right here in the Lantis Archipelago.
And to do that, Shin needed to grow within the Lantis Republic. He wanted to learn the cultivation arts that he was so sorely missing. He wanted to spar with other Sovereign Koi users of his generation and exchange ideas on how the Spirit could be used. Cultivation sessions and sparring sessions were essential during his stay, but thus far, Longyu Tian seemed reluctant to let him jump right into the action.
"You'd just arrived in the Lantis Republic! How could we let you strain yourself this soon?" Longyu Tian smilingly denounced his plea. "Just like how you don't immediately throw a goldfish into a new fishbowl, you need some time to acclimate yourself, Shin! Take this first month as an opportunity to explore the Longyu Clan and the Lantis Republic! Get connected to your roots! We can discuss your cultivation at a later date."
Shin raised his finger with the intent to protest, but the words wouldn't roll off his tongue. Longyu Tian was basically his only link in the Longyu Clan. If Shin had offended her with his continuous pressing, the youth was afraid that he would be left all alone within the Longyu Clan. So, Shin continued to sit down quietly, all while the Spirit Saint blabbed on and on about the activities that she had planned for the youth.
Fortunately for Shin, his ears were about to be saved by the bell. A hissing sound shook the cabin slightly as the River Train slowed down gradually. Curious, Shin gazed out of the window, only to gasp out in awe. The first thing he saw was naturally, the station that they were pulling up in. It looked just like the one in the harbour, only that it boasted a few additional luxuries such as golden clocks and numerous well-crafted sculptures of the Sovereign Koi. However, what really tripped Shin up was the enormous lake that stood right by the station.
The sun-kissed lake seemed more like an ocean within an island, from what Shin could see. It was vast and serene. Just by looking at the lake, Shin could feel overwhelming amounts of water elements dancing about in complete euphoria. But, that wasn't the main draw of the picturesque scene. What really dropped Shin's jaw was the enormous structure at the centre of the lake. A thick brick base, possibly fortified with granite and basalt, emerged out from the lake like a pyramid, giving stability to the castles that stood above it.
Speaking of the castles, there were five of them, four at each corner with one central one in the middle. Surrounded by tall stone walls with cannons pointed out, the castles were as secure as can be. The four smaller ones were about fifty metres in height, a considerable size for buildings even for nobility, but the central palace was the one that stole the show. Standing over two hundred metres tall and five hundred metres wide on both ends, Shin doubted his eyes for a moment. How could a fortress reach such tremendous heights, especially since it was floating in the middle of a lake?
'Speaking of which, the Awter Clan also build their houses in the middle of Awter Lake… It looks like my great-grandfather couldn't forget his roots, huh?'
Ignoring his confusion, Shin followed Longyu Tian and the guards that the Longyu Clan had sent towards the castle. Kanari and Bingying stood by Shin's side, while the twins stayed attached Shizen, who had been sleeping soundly throughout his journey on the rocky boat. Lady Seph and Kesyl were treading slowly behind, admiring the foreign architecture of the Longyu Clan.
"Shin… This place gives me the creeps..." Shizen crept closer towards the only male friend he had in the congregation, his hands firmly attached to his waist.
"Hmmm? I thought you liked the water that the Sovereign Koi makes?"
"I do… And I think that your created water is still the best thing in this world, but I'm seriously worried about the lack of trees or forests in the area..." Shizen said, with his pale turning green. Throughout the journey, Shizen had been monitoring the environment around him. To his complete surprise, there was a disappointing number of trees and forests around. For the boy named the Freak of the Dundlewoods, the lack of greenery was taking its toll on his psychological state.
"Ah, I'll be sure to ask them about where the forests are," Shin replied as he reached into his bag to retrieve a chilled water bottle. "Here, I poured my heart and soul into creating this batch. I'm sure it'll be extra tasty."
"Hehe, you're the best." Shizen took the water bottle and beamed in delight. It had been some time since Shin created some of his signature 'juice,' and it came as a perfect remedy for the sickly feeling that Shizen had.
While they were talking, the congregation made significant strides in advancing into the palace. Since they were being expected, no one really stopped them for security purposes. Even if they did, Shin was being led by Saint Longyu Tian, the literal most influential person in the Longyu Clan. No one would dare to cross the Spirit Saint. So, in record time, they had been led into a throne room, where a plethora of Longyu Clan executives laid in wait.
The throne room was about ten metres tall, with numerous pillars with carvings of the Sovereign Koi engraved all over. Banners consisting of an ethereal lake of colours with a small image of the Sovereign Koi were hanging all over the pillars. At the centre of the room, there was even a golden sculpture of the Sovereign Koi hanging right over the Throne of the Lake.
'Looks like the Longyu Clan is really proud of their Spirit...'
Shin was referring to them as foreigners, but in truth, the young man was more similar to them; then he would like to admit. Case in point, one look around the throne room, Shin saw dozens of men and women, each one boasting different frames. Some were bulky and muscular. Some thin and ghastly. However, the majority were lean and proportionate, while the minority were fat and oily.
Nonetheless, no matter what shape they were in, they all boasted two distinct features that made Shin feel oddly at home… They all possessed the same black hair and divinely azure eyes.
"They all look so similar..." Evidently, Shin wasn't the only one who felt this way. Ella, Emma, Shizen, Kanari and Lady Seph were all taken aback by the resemblance. It wasn't just their hair and eyes that looked similar. Some of them had the same exact skin pigment, bone structure, and gorgeously symmetrical nose. And the one that really tripped them all up was…
The man standing at the foot of the throne.
"Welcome, honoured guests from the Himmel Empire! We've been expecting you!"
The Clan Master, Longyu Dao, spread his hands out wide and welcomed the group. His well-trimmed beard rose and fell with every smile he beamed out. When Kanari saw that charming face, her jaw dropped unconsciously. She felt that she had been transported forward in time and was looking at an older version of Shin.
And it wasn't just the Himmel Empire's congregation that had been stunned speechless. The members of the Longyu family were also flabbergasted. No one could doubt that Shin was part of the main bloodline now. Longyu Dao walked forward and tapped the youth on his shoulder.
"You must be Shin..."
"Ah, it's an honour to meet you, Longyu Clan Master!" Shin had forgotten his manners for a split second there but came to his senses rather quickly. He attempted to bow in respect but was immediately held up by Longyu Dao's domineering hand.
"You don't have to bow to me, Shin." The Clan Master said. "Come, let me see your face..."
Longyu Dao gently lifted Shin's chin up, allowing his eyes to meet with the youth's. It really was uncanny, thought the man. Still, he couldn't just be staring into a young man's eyes for too long.
"Longyu Yuan, your great-grandfather, and the patriarch of the Awter Clan was my maternal uncle. That would make you my little nephew. There's no need for such gestures among family."
Family. That was the keyword that the Longyu Clan wanted to convey to Shin. Although it was the first time that Shin had met them, the Longyu Clan members wanted Shin to remember one thing… That they were family.
"T-Thank you..." Shin was obviously flustered. Longyu Tian was one thing, but now even another man, who looked exactly like an older version of himself, was calling Shin his nephew. It was too much strangeness in one day for Shin to endure.
At their distance, Longyu Dao could visibly see the tension in Shin's behaviour. So he released his gentle grasp and said: "You must be tired! Come, let me show you to your new quarters! We can slowly discuss the cumbersome matters during the banquet!"
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