Novel Name : Cthulhu Gonfalon

Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Chapter 121Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

When Ray suddenly became powerful, the soldiers of the sea race were too shocked to speak. The commanders of the race were stunned as well, and couldn’t believe their eyes.
The strong mermen were all famous fighters in the surrounding sea. They could frighten people in an area simply by stomping their feet. They had already killed countless strong men. These mermen meant to flaunt their prowess in battle; but before they managed to make a move, Ray, who was only a human, killed them in one shot.
Some commanders who had better powers of observation were very surprised. They didn’t understand how, even after a long battle, Ray didn’t tire, and instead become stronger. He was not as powerful before; how was this possible?
Ray was sweeping the battlefield, killing every merman that was in his way, as if he were the only one there. The dragon man in charge of leading the fight was desperate, and felt a chill as if he had drunk a bottle of icy water on a cold winter day. At that moment, lightning stuck the sky and the sound of thunder echoed. The dragon man came up with an idea.
“Throw the spears! Throw the spears! Shoot him to death!”
At this command, hundreds of dragon men gathered, every one of them with a few spears in their hands. The sea race never cared about accidentally injuring their own. Without warning their peers on the front line, they began launching the spears towards the bustling battlefield. The sound of the spears flying across the sky was as loud as a fiercely blowing wind.
Ray was alerted by this sound, and turned to see countless spears hurtling toward him. He didn’t have time to think. He immediately put his sword back into his sheath, and caught two members of the sea race with both of his hands. Then, throwing them towards the sky, he made them his shields.
The spears fell to the ground like pouring rain.
Then, the heavy dead bodies of the two mermen fell on Ray and blocked his line of sight. He knew this would happen, but still, the weight of them knocked him back on the ground. Soon the bustling battlefield became silent. All the brave mermen on the front lines—no matter their age or identity—were killed.
“Wait a minute! Why did you suddenly order the soldiers to throw spears!” The merman commander of high rank shouted. “My sons are among them!”
“You have more than four hundred sons. So what if you lose one or two of them?” The principle priest said coldly.
“Then why don’t you shoot your sons to death!”
“My sons have all died,” the dragon man said. “Even my grandsons are gone.”
Seeing the priest’s face, whose scales had begun to rot, the merman commander was furious. He desperately wanted to eat the priest alive with the sharp teeth he had long been proud of.
A commander who was a member of the Medusa race came to mediate. “Stop quarreling,” he said. “We have managed to kill that human, which is good. To protect our king’s honor, some sacrifices are necessary.”
Suddenly, another commander shouted, “My gosh! That man is still alive!”
All the commanders turned to find Ray pushing away the two dead bodies on top of him. He stood up.
He was intact!
“My gosh…” a commander said. “This guy really is a monster!”
“What should we do?” the merman commander said, grabbing the principle priest. “Can’t you do something about this?!”
The principle priest was stunned, and made his decision. He ordered the dragon men to continue to throwing spears at Ray. “Throw more spears!” he shouted. “I don’t think he can survive this time!”
Hearing this order, the dragon men continued throwing spears, and once again, the spears flew toward Ray like rain. This time Ray just piled up a few big bodies of the sea race and crawled under them. Countless spears fell on the ground next to Ray. The bodies covered in spears became like a hedgehog, and the area around him like a forest of spears.
“Isn’t he dead yet?” the merman commander murmured.
“He isn’t,” the sea element commander said in a very low voice, after he observed the battlefield with his spiritual sensing. “Damn!”
“Then what should we do?” said a member of the sea race.
Everyone looked at the dragon man principle.
The whole sea race could not even defeat a human. This was disconcerting. The principle priest was a bit bewildered and could not come up with any ideas, since the enemy couldn’t be killed by siege or spear. It was still thundering, and at last he came up with something.
“Use magic spells then!” he said. “Get all the spellcasters together and bombard that human with magic spells! I know these spellcasters like to throw fireballs at things. Let them throw, then. No matter if it’s a fire ball, an ice ball, a thunder ball or a poison ball! Just blow him up, as well as the land he stands on!”
“This sounds good!” said a member of the sea race.
“Let’s do it then!” said another.
All the spellcasters of different races gathered together and marched forward in disorder, under the protection of the elite army that was equipped with the long spears. When they got closer to Ray, these spellcasters that all came from peculiar family backgrounds began brandishing their wands and casting the most devastating spells they could.
The light balls were flying toward Ray one after another. The red ones were the burning fire balls, the white ones the ice explosion spells, the dark green ones the poison erosion spells, the light green ones the sound explosion spells, the blue ones the thunder explosion bombs… It was as if they were holding a presentation of all the energy spells.
Meanwhile, this was all futile! Although Ray was hiding beneath the bodies, he had been carefully watching his surroundings. When he knew where the spellcasters were, he immediately jumped out from the pile of dead bodies and rushed into the crowd of the spellcasters. Many were killed.
Although these spellcasters could cause severe destruction, when it came to the ability to fight with the enemy in close range, they were not that powerful. Ray could kill anyone in his way while facing a group of warriors of the sea race, so he could just as easily beat the spellcasters.
When the warriors of the sea race found that the spellcasters were going to lose, they tried to rush to save them. The spellcasters that had a noble bloodline were almost killed by Ray. The warriors managed to save less than ten spellcasters.
“I am so happy!” Ray laughed.
He had already put off all his psychological burdens, and only wanted to have a good fight. He had already killed many enemies. It’s said one can’t make any profit simply by killing one enemy, but he could make some profit by killing two enemies. If killing was profit, Ray had already earned enough to make others jealous.
But he was still not satisfied. Everyone only had one life; no matter how much profit one got, he could never be satisfied. Life was the most precious thing.
Ray only wanted to do one thing: kill! Kill until he could no longer move!
He heavily brandished his sword, and the light reflected by the sword shone on the blood that was everywhere. It seemed that the situation on the battlefield never changed. Ray held his sword and confronted thousands of members of the sea race, whose blood converged together and became a river. Dead bodies of the sea race were everywhere. He was fighting alone against a huge number of enemies just holding a long sword, while his enemies were all holding long spears. Even so, he was the one winning, and it almost scared the warriors of the sea race to death.
The commanders of the sea race couldn’t bear to see this continue. They had a discussion and came out with another idea. This time, they sent out the wizards that were very rare among the sea race.
Every one of them was holding a magic wand in his hand, but didn’t dare to get close to Ray. They just moved a little bit, and did a magic spell that targeted Ray, who was fighting.
The magic flying bomb spell was a very simple but classic magic spell. Although it was not that powerful, it was very reliable. One of its biggest advantages was that as long as the wizard locked the target with his mind, the bomb would not stop flying until it hit the target.
Ray had almost exhausted his energy since he had been encircled by the enemy and tried to dodge their weapons. He couldn’t spare the energy to stop the wizard from targeting him. Soon light purple light balls were flying towards Ray, one after another, crossing the crowd like fish. They hit Ray directly.
Ray was busy fighting as well as being bombarded by the tens of magic flying bombs. Suddenly, his body trembled. Before he pulled himself together, the warriors of the sea race seized their opportunity. Ray was penetrated by at least four or five long spears, almost lifted up by them. Still, Ray brandished his sword and managed to kill every enemy that was getting close to him. At the same time, more magic flying bomb came towards him and hit. Ray now couldn’t stand still, and his whole body was shaking.
Blood spurted from his wounds, and Ray’s body was no longer agile. He began to react rather slowly. Seeing Ray was going to be defeated, the warriors began to cheer and rush toward Ray, each wanting to kill him with their own spear and share the honor of killing a extremely powerful enemy.
Meanwhile, they were just being naive. Ray’s sharp sword awaited them. Although Ray was in great pain and felt his internal organs had already ruptured, he managed to force a smile. In the sea race’s eyes, Ray was even more frightening than an evil ghost. He, a human, could still fight when he was so badly injured! They were afraid and didn’t dare to get close, but circled him from a distance.
More magic flying bombs flew towards Ray and managed to cross the crowd. One hit Ray at last.
Ray could no longer stand, and he collapsed. He lied in a pool of his own blood.His vision was fading, and scenes from his past began flashing in front of him.
A five or six year old kid was happily running in the palace, and happened to see his grandfather reviewing a group of knights who had just won a war. His grandfather’s hair had already turned white and his face was rather serious, the silver armour and the long sword shining in the sunlight. The hair of the proud war horse was combed and tidy.
I have wanted to become a knight since I was five or six years old, Ray thought.
Then the kid grew to seven or eight years old. He began to work very hard to exercise his swordsmanship by brandishing a wood sword and hitting a target under the guidance his grandfather had already abdicated. His grandfather could no longer stand as long he could just a few years ago, so he was smiling and sitting in a soft chair, watching his young grandson practicing his swordsmanship, giving him some instructions from time to time.
I wonder if it was at that time the rumor that I was probably the real inheritor of the eagle-wing sword began to spread.
A few years later, the kid grew to become a youth of 12 or 13 years old. He was riding a horse while brandishing his long spear, and penetrated a ferocious orc. He was fighting in a battlefield with other brave knights, and managed to destroy the formation of the orc army.
That was the first time that I was ever in a battlefield. My father didn’t worry about me at all, since he allowed a youth of 12 years to fight with the orc; even if it was my first time joining a real fight.
The knights—who were wearing armor all over themselves and holding the long spears decorated with silk banners—were riding white horses and proudly proceeding the area. Under the helmet, the youth was laughing as bright as the sun.
I was a prince but I dressed up and joined the knight’s tournament. How audacious I was!
Then a scene of fire, blood and battle appeared. The familiar faces all suddenly were no longer familiar. The sweet drinks were mixed with poison; many sharp arrows hit the royalties from behind; the relatives and the friends collapsed one by one, and sounds echoed in the room.
My teacher always said that many people died during the fights to become the next king. I finally understood its meaning that day.
The bodies of the most noble people of the kingdom were randomly thrown into a deep hole, since there was still poison inside their bodies. Even the flies and bugs didn’t dare to get close to them. The youth was breathing slowly and lying among his relatives and friends who faces were gradually rotting. He gradually pulled himself together.
I had already experienced the most frightening thing possible. I never cried again.
Next a staggering figure was brandishing a branch in a valley. He didn’t care if his body had recovered or not. As time went by, he became stronger and stronger. His face was gloomy and one could see the intention to kill in his eyes.
Back then I swore that I would revenge my family. But I failed to do that in the end.
An unsocial youth was asked to drink together with his adventurer peers. Everyone was laughing, only he was wearing a poker face; but in his eyes, one could tell there was a shred of warm light.
Those people. They could have been friends with anyone else!
Then the gate of a commercial corp was locked by a heavy chain, and the building was tightly surrounded by killers who wore black and held bows in their hands. A youth in black was wearing a sad face and walked through one room after another. The rooms were soaked with blood. He mercilessly killed anything that moved, even the people who he used to laugh and drink with.
From that day, I changed my nickname from ‘cold face’ to ‘killer.’
The solitary black armored knight was riding a ferocious Nargakurga and ran after a group of people. He killed the notorious thugs one by one, then sifted through some treasured objects on the dead bodies that were soaked with blood, while smiling coldly.
It seems that it is true that people make good remarks about themselves when they are going to die. I killed other thugs apart from the bandit!
The black armored knight was about to get the crystal of divine power. Suddenly a huge green jellyfish appeared from nowhere, staying on his head and threatening him while laughing. All his spoils of war were taken away.
This was how I met His Majesty for the first time. Though maybe my first time meeting His Majesty was a bit different from my memory.
It seemed that the green jellyfish above his head like head meant to become a priest, since it kept telling him many things about justice and kindness, never stopping. The black armored knight was really bothered and wanted to kill it with his sword, but he always failed to do so.
That was so hard for me!
Under the damn jellyfish’s “teaching”, the black armored knight was forced to do good, and received many thanks and applause from the people. Gradually, he began to smile more, and his face became softer.
I think that’s when I began to change.
Another member joined the team that was of a human and jellyfish. She was a concupiscent woman that was past help. She even dared to try to have s*x with him, which made the black armour knight very angry. Due to this he had chased after the woman countless times, and during this process, gradually began to laugh more often.
Steele… although she was sort of a clown, clowns can be beneficial to a team.
The black armored knight knelt before the huge green jellyfish, and made his vows. He looked very determined and his eyes were very clear.
Thank you for giving me a new life! I am sorry that I can’t return this favor!
Then a teenager was working very hard on his training. Next to him stood a knight in white armour. The youth was so absorbed in his training he didn’t notice his teacher’s happy and nostalgic face.
I never thought I could become a teacher. I always felt I had become very old; maybe I just grew up.
Then the teenager was lying in a pool of blood, his face extremely pale. He was using his last ounce of strength to smile. Then eventually he stopped.
Ranke, my student, you were still a kid! Why should an innocent kid like die before an old man like me, who has done numerous bad things!”
The scene of the past was still flashing in front of his eyes; then every scene began to dim. Eventually his last breath left his body.
Maybe it was just an illusion, but next Ray saw refugees that were running for their lives, and Liv riding back and forth on a horse beside the refugees. She was yelling and waving her long sword like an experienced shepherd maintaining the order of the group of refugees, so that they would not flee in panic and step on each other.
Steele was flying around Liv and helping her maintain order. She also practiced her healing spell to treat the injured from time to time.
Suddenly, Steele stopped and turned around, looking in the direction of the bay of Garth City.
“What’s wrong?” Liv asked curiously.
Steele didn’t reply and stared at the city in silence.
Hey, you hussy. Goodbye.
“Goodbye,” Steele said.
He then vaguely saw dirty currents, the raging sea, and four figures that fighting each other. Among them, there was one figure that looked a bit different from his memory, but it had the same style.
Your Majesty, I am sorry that I failed to meet your expectations. The transparent knight could not get close to the battlefield, but knelt down on one knee. Please forgive my incompetence.
Sui Xiong, who was in the middle of battle, suddenly shook all over. He turned around and found that transparent figure fading. Seeing this, he immediately knew what had transpired, and howled as if he were mad. The sky broke, as did the earth, and the dirty current raged


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