Novel Name : The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

The Sage Who Transcended Samsara Chapter 502 - The Caution

Chapter 502: The Caution

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn
The grandiose and rumbling voice of the Dominator of the Six Samsara Realms rang with its ever-prevailing dullness just as Meng Qi was bewildered by shock.
“In their pursuit of Truth and Justice, the Heavenly Primogenitor, the Primogenitor Lingbao, Taoist Jieyin, and Taoist Zhunti sent forth their disciples into the mortal realm. They would stand by the reign of the Shang Dynasty or help foster the growth of the Zhou Dynasty. Deadly clashes of conflicts ensued and those among the perished who were worthy were inducted into the ranks of immortals and deities to furnish the lacking might of the Celestial Court. The bloody strife ascended to the peak of its climax when the Heavenly Primogenitor, the Primogenitor Lingbao, and others entered the fray and descended into the mortal realm themselves. The Primogenitor Lingbao fell during the battle against the Numberless Immortals Formation. The might of the Four Immortal-Slaying Swords was then used to in the attempt to annihilate and recreate the Heaven and Earth. Due to the intervention of the Four Divine Saints, the cataclysm had been thwarted, bringing about the end of the destruction of Heaven and Earth. Yet, the Celestial Court fell into desolation and all things ceased. This was the tale of the Apotheosis.”
The Dominator elaborated broadly on the events of the Apotheosis, lest Jiang Zhiwei and the rest of the company not fathom the ancient catastrophe.
“I am familiar with the first half of the tale, but not the other half…” Meng Qi thought silently. The edge of his lips curled as he mused, “The tale mentioned not about Taoist Hongjun, who might not exist in this dimension. Thus, the desolation of the Heaven and Earth thereafter, I wonder. How would it look presently…”
“The Heavenly Primogenitor, the Primogenitor Lingbao and the Primogenitor Daode…” Jiang Zhiwei murmured with shock, whose education and training shared similar roots to Taoism.
These were the greatest three of the Nine Primogenitors of Taoism. Each of them would have even reigned supreme over the Heavenly Sovereign of the Ancient, most prominently the Heavenly Primogenitor who was the very embodiment of the Primordial Beginning and Creation!
Never would they have expected that their task would entail ties with such entities of ancient lore and fantasy. Nauseating waves of disbelief and amazement stirred as if they had stepped into the mysterious folds of myths and legends themselves!
Zhao Heng was stunned, unable to hide his shock and fear. Ruan Yushu became numb and sluggish by the complete surprise. The flesh of his cheeks twitched, but Qi Zhengyan regained his composure momentarily.
Moments slipped by until Jiang Zhiwei broke the silence, laughing lightly at her own silliness, “Surely our mission wouldn’t concern the divine Primogenitors. But I don’t have any knowledge of Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Jieyin. They might be one of the legendary ancients of old since they were capable of contesting against the three Primogenitors…”
“I have heard naught of them before…” Ruan Yushu remarked after moments of combing through her memories.
Meng Qi coughed. “To the best of my knowledge,” he said, “Taoist Jieyin is one of the divine entities of Buddhism, who was also known as Amitabha following his ordination. Taoist Zhunti is also known as the Ancient Buddha Bodhi.”
His accounts of the two entities came from the knowledge of his former reincarnation, coupled with his deductions of the mythical lore of his former dimension. Thus stemmed his knowledge of the name of the Ancient Buddha Bodhi.
“The Amitabha Buddha? And the Ancient Buddha Bodhi?” Zhao Heng uttered, stupefied with daze and astonishment.
The Amitabha Buddha was an ancient legend of Buddhism even before the rest of the legends walked the land. Tales of his origins hailed from the faraway Western Lands of Paradise. With the Gautama Buddha and the Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, they governed Buddhism as the Buddhas of the Three Realms. His standing dwarfed even the Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, sharing equal dominance with the Gautama Buddha. Several myths even accounted of his seniority over Gautama Buddha himself.
In the myths of old, the Ancient Buddha Bodhi ruled greatest, towering over the Dipankara Buddha. Certain fables called him “He Who Gave Birth to Buddhism”, the one who has deep and inextricable ties to the sacred Buddhas of the ancient.
Then again, the antiquities of the ancients have all but faded by the passing time, save but slivers of recollections that have been preserved from the decay of time. The chronicles of ancient legends and lore remained what they have to divine the true identities of the two mysterious entities. Only the True Scripture of the Grand Phantasia, the Shaolin Temple’s long-lost scripture, may be able to provide any definite answers.
“Ancient legends of the Buddhism that have Taoist personage?” Surrealistic and unreal was the notion it gave Jiang Zhiwei and company, who were frozen in silence and riddled with disbelief.
Still, the company didn’t doubt Meng Qi’s knowledge of such secrets. He was the sole member of the company who had the deepest ties with Buddhism; he was a former disciple of the Shaolin!
“Really?” Jiang Zhiwei glanced at Meng Qi inquiringly with her lips pursed.
There was a moment of hesitation. Meng Qi expressed his doubts, frowning. “I happened to chance upon the scriptures once. But I have yet to thoroughly pore over them,” he admitted.
“Very well, we shall defer the matter for later debate. I do not think the ancient legends would have direct embroilment in our affairs,” said Jiang Zhiwei, as her head bobbed in acknowledgment.
Meng Qi paused briefly and dropped another word of caution, “I have received word from certain sources that the dwellers of the Apotheosized World have the techniques and expertise to forge magical artifacts similar to the God-Tying Rope and so forth. We have to be extremely wary of this.”
Vague and ambiguous was the “source” that he mentioned passingly, that the rest believed that the information came from the mysterious guild: the Immortals.
Additionally, Meng Qi believed that the Immortals would have held information on the Apotheosized World. He would venture to the guild to discover more knowledge that might be of future use after leaving the Samsara Realm.
Zhao Heng and the rest of the company didn’t doubt Meng Qi’s ominous warning. He nodded gently as he muttered, “It seems the procurement of some artifacts before the task would be prudent…”
It would be extremely miserable and pitiful if they, who were of greater skills and strength, would be butchered just because unknown knaves and thieves wielded potent magical artifacts that gave them an edge!
A shroud of silence befell the company as they pondered over their options, wondering how they would use their current surplus aptly. Only Jiang Zhiwei wore an airy and light-hearted smile, watching her silent companions deep in thought, for she had not any surplus left.
“I have enjoyed many rewards and vast wealth since my ascension from being the Emperor’s brother. Yet, the former freedom and flexibility that I once enjoyed have been stripped off me. Such is the price of being the heir apparent. I may not be able to amass sufficient Karma points until the start of our next task. I would have to save my present surplus for redeeming the magical artifacts that we will need,” said Zhao Heng dejectedly.
A Precious Weapon and a magical artifact have been entrusted to him since he rose to be the Emperor’s heir. Various resources and the ingredients for brewing elixirs have also been placed at his disposal. But his current standing and position have also placed him under the close scrutiny of the various influential aristocracies. Deprived of his former freedom, the unaccounted loss of his Precious Weapon would earn him an inquest from the Political Affairs Hall. Thus, he only his stores of elixirs and exotic ingredients to complement his present surplus of Karma points.
Nevertheless, the prince would never shy away from lending his beneficence in case of pressing urgency. He could redeem another copy of the artifact from the Dominator of the Six Samsara Realms once the task has been completed.
Cultivation of his skills and techniques as he nears attainment of the Exterior Scenery will often require exotic natural ingredients or resources imbued with correlative energies or forces. The Qi energies of the Heavenly Thunder that Meng Qi would require to channel and assimilate the Divine Genuine Qi of his own for the enhancement of the Divine Nine-Annihilation technique, as an example. To achieve another leap in the Vairocana Swordplay he had mastered, he would require a feather of the Golden Crow and the Divine Sun Stone amongst other exotic natural resources. He could also consume the True Sunfire for the very same purpose, in spite of it being a more lengthy progression. Qi Zhengyan’s training of his skills with the complement of the Core of a Fallen Star was an illustrative instance.
Without a doubt, this would attest that the training of Meng Qi’s Eight-Nine Mysteries technique would require a diverse amount of varying energy sources, namely the True Sunfire, the Stars Force, the Heavenly Thunder Qi energies and so forth. The varied forms of energies would help Meng Qi in mirroring techniques and conjurations of differing natures and manage a comparable yield in power and force.
Ruan Yushu scowled, disgruntled, “Likewise. I have not had any satisfactory pickings since my last pilgrimage. I shall have to conserve my Karma points for the exchange of magical artifacts for our next task.”
As Ruan Yushu well understood, she was not gifted in seeking out and hoarding natural resources from the Jianghu, unlike Qi Zhengyan. Like the recent loss of her Blue Sky Seal, her family would be quick to furnish her with another artifact of similar properties for her use. To her, venturing out into the open might yield fewer rewards than remaining within the walls of her household’s residence. Still, she would need to embark on excursions to feel and attune herself with nature as she nears the mastery of the Oneness of Heaven and Man.
“There shall not be any need for me.”
“I find myself in the same predicament.”
Qi Zhengyan and Meng Qi had almost spoken concurrently. Confidence and certainty hemmed in their voices as they were doubtless the needful Karma points would be amassed in one year and a half.
Listening to the thoughts of rest of the company, Zhao Heng spoke, “I should be ready to attune my Inner World to the outer sphere and achieve the Exterior Scenery in our next task, with the aid of the Wordless Stone Stele. There shall not be any need to redeem more time. Still, I would want to enhance one of my Precious Weapons. The powers of my present weapons are lamentable…”
One would only require three years or fewer to fully attune one’s Inner World to reach the level of the Exterior Scenery once they have reached the stage of Half-Step. Zhao Heng has before preserved a solid consonance of his powers with the True Emperor Seal and his previous bout with the Wordless Stone Stele. He was fully confidenet that he would achieve a breakthrough given a year or two.
Zhao Heng placed his sword, the Fish Dragon Sword, into the bowels of the column of illumination. Never could he have chosen his newly-acquired Dragonsnake Sword, lest he visits upon himself the bitter scrutiny of the Political Affairs Hall. He perused intently the list of enhancements available, having carefully mulled over the decision earlier. With a portion of his surplus, Zhao Heng redeemed a wisp of energy, the Energy of the Hearth of the Masses, and a Dragonshade Pebble.
Shimmering and sparkling lights darted around, dancing wildly with the transience and the semblance of a short but intangible dream. The Fish Dragon Sword appeared once more before Zhao Heng, with a humming quiver it alluded to hidden powers within.
“The Fish Dragon Sword, a moderate-level Precious Weapon,” the vivid and resounding voice of the Dominator presented.”enhanced from a modest-level Precious Weapon, its enhancement by the ingredients of the Energy of the Hearth of the Masses and the Dragonshade Pebble makes it now a blade with spiritual properties. With magical powers imbued the blade of the sword, they manifest during the slaying of immortals and foul beings alike, allowing its wielder to petrify the Vital Spirits of foes and enemies, severing and crippling their control and grasp of the forces of Nature and the Dharma and Logos. The full invocation of its abilities grants its wielder the powers of Heaven and Earth, conferring its wielder the power to transfigure various elements from Yin to Yang, from smooth to sturdy. Countless wonders and marvels could be wrought at the behest of its vast spiritual powers. The sword presently bears the value of four thousand two hundred Karma points.”
The delivery of the description of Precious Weapons had comprised specific classifications such as “moderate level”, “modest-level” and so forth. It would appear that the intricate narration was for the benefit of Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei given their recent ascension into the Exterior Scenery.
“The full expense of the enhancement is one thousand eight hundred Karma points,” the Dominator’s voice continued. “A surplus of four hundred and fifteen Karma points remains.” Zhao Heng waved and weighed his sword. The sword felt good in his hands and he was satisfied with it.
Feeling light at heart, Meng Qi questioned aloud, “I wonder how my Precious Weapons would fare?”
He stepped forward, depositing his Precious Weapons – the Flowing Fire and the Heaven Inflicted Pain – into the pillar of light. The appraisal of the Dominator made known to Meng Qi that the Heaven Inflicted Pain was a Precious Weapon of the modest class, while the Flowing Fire belonged to a moderate standing but only mere inches from being a superior-class artifact. With its consumption of the blood of both the Wolf King and the Six-Annihilation Devilman, its value rose by eight hundred Karma points.
“The Heaven Inflicted Pain is becoming weak in its capability and aptitude… A meticulous contemplation of its enhancement shall be in order…” Meng Qi thought quietly as his head nodded gently.
“I, too, have plans of enhancing my weapon, the Golden Dragon Stripe Sword. What remains of my surplus shall be used to redeem more time for me to meditate on my gains during my bout with the Wordless Stone Stele. I shall try to achieve the Oneness of Heaven and Man during my absence from the Samsara realms and complete my Purple Star River technique,” said Qi Zhengyan pensively. “I shall delve deep into rumination and study. For the next year and a half, I shall seek to attune my powers and skills and slowly improve like my seniors. I shall not aspire to pursue leaping advancement in my powers but instead, I shall tread slowly, one step at a time.”
Profound was Qi Zhengyan’s understanding of his powers and skills. His improvements thus far were hardly the fruits of talents and keen perception; both of which, as he well knew, were lacking in comparison to Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei. Qi Zhengyan understood full well of the indefinite and expansive gap that stood between him and his two extraordinarily gifted companions. As a result, he chose to strive for advancement in the fashion that would best become him by moving slowly yet steadily.
“If you lack the aspiration of pursuing collective growths in one attempt, I would venture that you will fully achieve the stage of the Half-Step from the Exterior by our upcoming task,” said Meng Qi approvingly.
“Senior Brother Qi’s mind has been made, I see. What becomes me might hardly become others. It would be best to leave him as he is…” Meng Qi brooded thoughtfully.
Nevertheless, the list of enhancements for Qi Zhengyan’s Golden Dragon Stripe Sword has been wanting in options. He redeemed a dragon scale – one of a juvenile Hornless Dragon – and other supplementary ingredients before all were spent in the enhancement of the sword, a course which had seen one thousand four hundred of his Karma points depleted.
Once again, sparks leaped excitedly amidst the silvery, cool mist that floated around lazily. Finally, the task was complete and out came the Golden Dragon Stripe Sword which had been reforged anew!
“The Golden Dragon Stripe Sword of the Frost Hornless Dragon,” The voice of the Dominator boomed once again, “a Precious Weapon of the moderate class. It is a weapon which has been refined many times. The sword was imbued with a scale of a Frost Hornless Dragon whelp, infusing the sword’s innate powers with the essence of dragons and the energies of the Frost Dragon. The sword dispels all that is evil and foul, shuddering the hearts and spirits of foes that dare defy it. Its wielder will feel the icy chillness of the blade in hand, a cold deadliness that cleaves metal and stone with ease. Foes who were stung by its bite would see their blood vessels freeze with a deathly frost that would gnaw at their Vital Spirit. At its peak, the sword emits pale, chilly mists of frost that could blanket as far as thirty Li and freeze even the surfaces of rivers, altering even the weather of the surroundings. Countless wonders and marvels could be wrought at the behest of its vast spiritual powers. The sword presently bears the value of three thousand three hundred Karma points.”
With the rest of his Karma points, Qi Zhengyan exchanged for the additional time of three months, bringing his total to one hundred and forty-five Karma points.
“I have ample music scores at hand for the moment. I require nothing more, save for time,” Ruan Yushu said curtly. “I shall redeem for more time. Six months to attempt to achieve the Oneness of Heaven and Man and its subsequent attunement. I shall then meditate on my gains from the Wordless Stone Stele and embark on another excursion of pilgrimage. What remains of my unused Karma points shall be conserved for redeeming magical artifacts.”
Ruan Yushu possessed an innate talent for the zither, a gift that has smoothened her endeavor to achieve the Oneness of Heaven and Man. Even without Wordless Stone Stele, she would have been mere months away from achieving her purpose.
The presently battered stature of the Imperial Family would hardly hinder the Ruan Clan from securing a lease of the Wordless Stone Stele. The noble family would simply be required to provide an artifact or relic of equal value for exchange.
“Ah, yes. I would also have to redeem for more time as well. Three months time to train on the Exterior quarter of the Eight Nine Mysteries technique, and try for cursory masteries of the Virtual Purity Sabersmanship and the Vairocana Swordplay. The rest of my surplus shall be used to refine the Heaven Inflicted Pain then…” Meng Qi nodded as he mused.
The Samsara realm was one of the few ideal sites where he could train with great effectualness. The presence of Vital Qi there was strong and exotic resources such as the Divine Sun Stone could be acquired in abundance.
“Why train here of all places?” asked Jiang Zhiwei, puzzled. Meng Qi’s present state would have seen him safely through his complete attunement and the attainment of the Second Fold Heaven of the Exterior Scenery with hardly any impediments.
Indeed, Jiang Zhiwei would have elected on the very same choice herself, if it was but mere secluded training. With steadiness and lack of effort, one such as Meng Qi would have easily meandered through the First Fold of Heaven of the Exterior Scenery in a year. Redeeming of an additional year would easily ensure further progress of improvements!
Yet, deprived of related experiences and one’s own discipline, one could only advance so far by solely training via secluded training and solitary meditation.
Meng Qi’s white teeth grinned with delight, “I always have my methods.”


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