Novel Name : Soul of Searing Steel

Soul of Searing Steel Chapter 976 - Ultimate Crisis (Part Three)

Chapter 976: Ultimate Crisis (Part Three)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
Unlike Creed, Elma was amongst the elites of the Amos hierarchy and a former Thought individual of the assembly area, and held the clearance to see the present state of the sealed realm.
In the instant that a coldness spread to nerve endings, she was connected to the internal surveillance to find where the terrible roar originated within the sealed realm…
Thus, a massive aberration suddenly came into sight.
In the surveillance lens, a dark brown bundle that was a nameless entity rapidly ‘streamed’ out of the twelve sealed blue stars that appeared to be rippling—to be precise, Laboratory Planet Number Seven—issuing a terrible roar as it broke through the restraint of the planet and appeared upon its surface.
It was indeed streaming and not escaping as the aberrative entity resembled fluids… dark brown grease composites that resembled petroleum welled out of the cracks on the planet’s surface at sub-lightspeed over ten thousand nodes upon the globe’s surface, occupying 72% of the ground in less than a minute.
Then, the oil began to gather, condensing into a massive fungal cap pointing towards the blue sun.
Its colossal dark brown form which stood 150 meters tall pierced the atmosphere, staying rooted to the planet even as more grease continuously flowed out from various rifts over the planet, latching onto the fungal stem like arteries, enlarging the cap and making it tower.
But even that was not the monster’s final form—Elma noticed that the unnamed entity was mutating and changing bizarrely in every passing moment while using profound Extraordinary power: a single mana crystallization was expanding on the tip of the cap, while weird starfish-like forms appeared on the edges of the cap, filled with millions of eyes densely packed next to each other, whirling without a pattern.
Meanwhile, the entity itself was directing massive etheric flows, forcing its tip to slowly detach and float into space like seaweed. Beneath it, while the black-brown grease kept overflowing, the plant’s mass was also being consumed profoundly, splitting apart and crumbling as its core energy was drained entirely. Solid fire and earth elements formed mystical patterns, covering the entity that was a cross between an indescribable fungus and an echinoderm that kept squirming incessantly.
Then, just as the planet completely shattered silently into a few major chunks, the entity also ceased it provisional mutation—or indeed, an extreme evolution, as it appeared upon space as a massive moth with shell and bony wings. It even had a draconic silhouette, having horns that manipulated magic on its head and a massive tail full of sharp horns. Still, its body still resembled a mix of moth and bee, and carried a snail shell present in the original form of Amos.
“What is that freak?!”
“Did they mix up every creature possible in their petri dish?!”
Elma was not the only one exclaiming in surprise. Even Creed, who was knowledgeable and had seen the many deviant appearances of Chaos spawns in cadet school, felt light-headed—the entity seemed to be an assembly of every strength or attribute found in all lifeforms. Now, its body was over 250,000 meters wide even though part of its body remained rooted in the planet. A mana ring then appeared over its back, distorting the dimensions and forming a warp halo.
In the very next instant, the part of the monster’s body that connected it to the planet split, while the fore of the monster’s bulk leaped the short distance and reached another lab planet.
“Critical error occurring in experiment—requesting immediate evacuation.”
“I am a shame to my mentor and my children. I am thus leaving my will: divide my property in three, handing one portion to—”
“Lab Planet Number Seven completely destroyed. Mutated trial form—codename: Ultimate Entity is beyond highest control. Estimated ability: General-class.”
“Codename Ultimate Entity possesses extreme intelligence and can break through the thirty-three seal restraints. Requesting full-purge protocols.”
Every Thought Individual in Lab Planet Number Six were not actually panicking. Partial to thought, intelligence, and having severed most negative emotions, they would never be flustered, although they were still calmly requesting for evacuations or leaving a will.
After all, calmness and wit were of no use at the moment, especially so against a terrible, unstoppable force.
In the meantime, the entity had reached Lab Planet Number Six after warping, the excessive streams of mana it possessed blowing apart the atmosphere on the planet’s surface. The world’s seas vaporized beneath cosmic radiation and the searing fire element patterns blazed over the creature’s skin, wafting and engulfing most of the planet in burning steam—it all lasted merely three minutes before the entity reached out with four appendages that resembled suckers, stabbing directly into the planet beneath the lithosphere, absorbing core substance and heat.
Lab Planet Number Six was about to meet the same fate as Lab Planet Number Seven: the land, mountains, and oceans were all breaking apart at once, collapsing as the lithosphere and the planet’s matter were being crumbled into a pile by the exceedingly colossal appendages. Sturdy rock was no different from liquid, reduced to easily absorbed magma by the rapid stirring of the suckers.
It was as if someone using a spatula to stir solid ice cream out of boredom, reducing the planet into soft paste.
“Ultimate Entity…that’s the creature which the Ultimate Virus can grow into?!”
Creed, now sharing Elma’s sight to see what she could think of the name ‘Ultimate Virus’ by association, as well as the name Lab Planet Number Six had given it, immediately felt chilled to the bone. “That plague can cultivate such a terrific monster, and not just kill?”
“That ability is much more superior to some of the inferior General Class. It would probably take the leaders of seven major battlefields—those beings known as the Generals to suppress it…”
Elma, however, could see through the monster’s ability and hence shuddered. Being a Supreme-pinnacle or Commander Class and just inches away from early General Class, she could certainly discern that power of the Ultimate Entity had reached the level where it could devour planets—if it could move freely in the Void and peel off World Barriers, it was no different from Void Behemoths which consumed worlds!
“Hurry, requesting purge! Executing comprehensive purging protocols!”
Elma certainly moved quickly, but at present, the ever-mutating, expanding creature with the attributes of countless creatures had transformed completely into another planet-sized aberration in the very next instant. Having absorbed substantial energy from the second planet, it rapidly decayed—but as Elma and Creed alternated between delight and surprise that the entity would self-destruct, a titanic pure-white cocoon covered in layers of translucent compose appeared in the center of the Ultimate Entity’s body.
A spectrum of seven colors streamed over the cocoon’s surface, with diverse patterns and construct visible from within, seemingly capable of controlling many supernatural forces naturally.
Mana, ether, elements, and lifeforce… four Extraordinary powers, each condensed into four gems embedded on four points of the massive cocoon. The titanic white cocoon that hovered in decaying flesh and blood essentially became a craft from hell, with some terrifying existence growing within, the cocoon carrying it while completely refining it.
In fact, there was no need for Elma to keep requesting—the leadership of the assembly area could each have made their own decision. They could certainly tell that the terrible creature they were seeing was beyond common sense, existing completely beyond their expectations, having exceeding it long ago.
“Comprehensive purging protocols activated.”
As an antenna entered a passcode of over thirty-six characters from afar and decisively pulled down a control lever, the chain of runes marked on the chromosphere in the depths of the blue star that hung on the center of the sealed realm activated.
Then, with a series of dull rumbling, the blue star that was at its limit was prodded, breaking through the threshold and swiftly reaching supernova form!
The massive blue star of mass beyond most stellar bodies was about to collapse into itself due to its own gravity, and it was the Amos who kept providing it excess energy that kept it in its present form. However, when the comprehensive purging protocols were applied, every runic formation marked inside the star would have destroyed themselves, and without the external power to maintain it, the star which was at its end, with the inter core within about to fuse into a dormant steel core would have completely disintegrated.
And at that instant, the atomic reaction would have ceased while the radioactive pressures completely vanished, with the forces that maintained the star’s form abruptly diminishing into nothing.
Then came the collapse.
Within the core of the blue star, mass exceeding the usual weight of five stars descended into the steel core. In the instant that the star’s substance crashed into the dense core, they would have moved back and forth in direction and velocity that were completely different, detaching from the world beyond. At the same time, the steel core would have broken down into a neutron star, due to its own excessive energy and the second fusion triggered by the collision of stellar bodies, unleashing energy trillions of times beyond what it once unleashed, capable of blowing away every other stellar body.
That overwhelming power would have destroyed everything within the sealed realm.
Hence, after that time, the neutron star emanating exceeding gravitational force would have absorbed all scattered stellar substance back to its surface. It would become a blackhole which would put an end to all things amidst physical shockwaves that erupted consecutively and the high-energy storms that engulfed the entire world, cleaning the entire sealed realm for a second time.
Such were the comprehensive purging protocols maintained in the small sealed realms to handle supremely hazardous experiments: using the supernova as a setup for the cleanup and the black hole as a recycling setup, any form of threat would have, in theory, be destroyed in its very cradle by that series of operations.
That was, in theory.
Within the sealed realm, every monitoring system had gone offline, while even World Barriers were shining. Even so, the alarm inside Elma’s mind never once rested—she had seemed to glimpse that the white cocoon had became a phantom in the split second that every monitoring lens broke down. Folding space apart, it had banished itself into the space between World Barrier and Void, an equivalent of escaping halfway away from the entire sealed realm. Though that defense could not withstand a supernova burst of such a close distance, it was not impossible that it would have survived.
Especially with the fact that it possessed intelligence.
Therefore, things were as bad as what Elma imagined.
When the sealed world shone exceedingly with the supernova detonation within, a titanic cocoon which had been charred and blackened promptly appeared in the Void outside the world. At the very last moment, it pierced through the World Barrier of the sealed realm, directly escaping the raging energy of the supernova.
“I did it!”
In the spiritual link, both Elma and Creed heard a roar and laughter so loud and so insane it prickled the ears, stirring major waves in the spiritual world.
“Hahahaha! I’m out! Not even the sealed realm can stop me, for I am the chosen one, the destined child!”
Though the words were wild albeit essentially logical, there was no doubt that it made evident Elma’s worst hunch—the Ultimate Entity was intelligent.
Indeed, it could have well possessed intelligence on par with the infected Amos.
“Not even the supernova blast could kill it?!”
On another corner, Creed felt as if his exclamations of surprise had all been used up today. He stared at the entity’s black shell that was slowly peeling off, revealing the creature behind which had a shell that was most archetypal Amos form and gulped. “You Amoses are actually that powerful after evolving to the very limit…”
Creed blinked, only remembering then that even a clone of the Imperator Amos could toy with the stars with relative ease, destroying an unfathomable number of worlds as he fought against Commander Radcliffe and the other. “Ah, right,” he added, finding that he was saying nonsense, “it’s not that weird.”
“Wait, isn’t that actually weird?!”
At that moment, Elma had recovered from her shock, noticing as well that the Ultimate Entity before her was having difficulty escaping the now fully-wrecked cocoon. Her human form appeared shaken, with the hull of her warship body shifting colors and proving how hesitant she was. “Damn it, it is now at its weakest after being blasted by the supernova! I can feel its withered presence, a great decreased from General Class…”
Now was definitely a great chance to destroy it.
Even so, it was an Ultimate Entity which consumed stellar bodies…it was still powerful no matter how weak it was now!
“Let’s flee for the time being. We’re just here to recon the Amos Court in the first place, along with the truth behind the anomalies in the Galaxy of Bloodbath, and that truth is now clear: it was caused by the Ultimate Virus and the Ultimate Entity.”
Beside her, Creed, who was reluctant to fight the Amos, did not dissuade her but simply conveyed his opinion. “I think our lives are most important here—wouldn’t the Imperial Guards and Imperator Amos deliver their power to protect? We don’t have to fight at all.”
What Creed said was reasonable, and it was what Elma thought as well…still, when she really intended to turn and leave to escape for the time being, she suddenly paused, for a series of emergency alerts had appeared in her mind.
“Warning! The epidemic is becoming active across all realms, turning into special forms similar to the creature known as the Ultimate Entity! It commands power ranging from pinnacle to advanced Commander Class!”
“Warning! 749 Ultimate Entity individuals have been discovered in the Court a present! Primarily the Eastern Quadrant, the Sala Realm, the Demotte Realm…”
“Warning! Ultimate Entities possess intelligence: they are mutated from ordinary Amos individuals and retains their memories and intelligence, even remembering who they were before…”
Elma was now being urgently notified by a powerful Thought individual whose rank was equivalent to a Class One researcher of the Central Technology Research back on Mycroft. He spoke calmly and solemnly, while relaying his emergency warning to all of the Court, “The minds of the creatures have been distorted, completely abandoning civilization and any form of partnership—they only desire plundering resources to become stronger and develop even further!”
“They are now beasts, undead monsters devouring all things which stand against us!”
“The Court Military has currently conveyed the highest alert. All court individuals, obey the command as we use every power in our disposal to destroy these abominations which wreak havoc upon our nation!”
“…Wait, wait! Why is it only the Court Military? Where is the Imperial Guard? The Death Squad under direct command?! The so-called Generals?!”
Elma’s expression darkened even as she listened on. She was nervous early on, before becoming thoughtful and eventually enraged. In the end, she clenched both fists and looked up in despair, her eyes seemingly able to see the superior being on the other side of the Void. “What about the Imperator?!” she yelled in anger. “Why isn’t he using his power to directly slay those aberrations?!”
“Dozens, even more worlds are already dead, with 700 of those monsters rampaging around within our border. And yet, you do nothing—why?!”
“You could have definitely done it—it’s just like breathing to you!”
Elma’s voice was filled with bewilderment, disbelief, rage and despair. Her heart was truly having a difficult time to understand everything she saw, everything she heard.
Creed witnessed it all as well, feeling it unacceptable as well.
Elma had wanted to betray Imperator Amos and lead other like-minded Amos to flee the Court and the Imperator’s protection, becoming independent existences surviving alone in the Multiverse.
At its root, she did that out of fear—fear that, during the critical moment, Imperator Amos would completely ignore his own subjects, and it was because of that exact fear that she wanted to rebel and leave, to find a quiet corner where she would live and prosper with her brethren.
Even so, that fear and terror was basically not supported by any evidence…it had been a mere forced delusion, and Elma did not deny that.
In the depths of her heart, Elma still had what passed as a fantasy about the Amos Court and its Imperator. She had always felt that the Imperator would have remained the Imperator, and at critical moments, the monarch which ruled the vast Court would have protected his subjects.
Now, it appeared that he did not care at all.
There was no fire descending from the skies, no assistance from Imperial Guard or the Death Squad. Every primary force connected to the Court’s core had showed themselves, and it was the Court Military as well as each Amos individual fending for themselves with their own ability.
Elma’s fear proved right: Imperator Amos ignored it all, completely uncaring about the fate of his subjects.
Either way, those who died are the weak, and those who lived would be the strong. Isn’t that right?
Perhaps, the Ultimate Entities—undying beasts which seek the greatest power and strength might be more fitting for the appetite of the Imperator who desires only strength.
“Creed, I’m sorry.”
Whether it was disappointment or realization, everything had merely taken a moment, for Elma remained an elite Amos who had once fought in the Void, a genius individual who had invented new technology. Now, she looked up to gaze upon the Ultimate Entity which was recovering from the burnt cocoon, little by little, before turning towards the residential zone of the Thought individuals behind her. “It appears that there would not be any reinforcements,” she said quietly, “and in the end, I am an Amos…at least, even at this moment.
“Before I really desert them, I still have to carry out my duty.”
” Sigh . Don’t be so dramatic—take a break. We’re still far from having to saying such things, right?”
Creed cut Elma short. He did not need a brain to know that even she would have said something depressing like ‘it has nothing to do with you, so run away and I will cover the rear’. That was why the former Mycroft captain shook his head helplessly and told the shocked alien, “How could I simply run away after you’ve saved me? Moreover…”
“You can distrust Imperator Amos, but I have absolute trust in our venerable commander, Joshua van Radcliffe!”
Creed laughed and tapped the Crisis Handling System—the belt at his waist which emanated golden radiance—and lifted a finger to point at the muddleheaded Elma’s chest, who appeared unaware of what he was saying… only to pull back quickly with a blushed face since two dangling rubbery forms hung upon it.
Even so, his meaning was clear.
Elma looked down thoughtfully at the blue gem that resembled the azure skies before her chest. Whether she had been deliberately refraining from using the help from a champion of another race or had really forgotten about it, she had never thought about using it from the very start.
That power…
“The Commander didn’t give us the Crisis Handling System to deal with only Crisis, right? Mine is used for infiltration, while yours is used for battle.”
That was when Creed’s voice peacefully wafted into Elma’s ear.
“Now is the time.”


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