Novel Name : My Fusion System: Fusing a Thousand Chickens at the Start

My Fusion System: Fusing a Thousand Chickens at the Start Chapter 451 - Becoming Human

Chapter 451 - Becoming Human

"That is not a bad idea, Charcoal! That is, indeed, a more intimate and respectful way of addressing Master."
Golden Flash nodded and raised his head in Watson's arms after hearing Charcoal's words. He had a look of admiration and delight on his face. "From now on, Father Watson, you are our father."
"Don't call me that. I am only 12 years old. It is far too strange. Please refer to me as Brother! Did you hear what I said, Golden Flash?"
Watson coughed in response to Golden Flash's words. The twinkle in Golden Flash's eyes indicated that he was not listening at all. After a brief pause, he patted Golden Flash's silky hair and silently agreed to let them call him Father.
Golden Flash had been with him the longest. Watson was overjoyed to see Golden Flash transform into a human and freely communicate with him.
"I want a hug too, Father."
Just as he held the Golden Flash in his arms, Charcoal, who was nearby, rushed over and jumped into Watson's arms too. She hugged Watson. That scene was heartwarming, with two children hugging their father. However, it felt more like an older brother and sister hugging a younger brother. Watson appeared to be about the same age as the Golden Flash and Charcoal, if not a little younger.
Many people were taken aback when they saw the scene.
"How did Watson's two dragons become human?"
"Is that a female dragon or a male dragon? Its main body clearly exudes a terrifying death aura. I was not expecting its main to be so lovely? Am I sick?"
For a moment, the crowd sighed in surprise. They turned to face the other dragons. When they saw Watson's two dragons transform into human forms and be so close to Watson, that fueled their desire to obtain a dragon as a mount. They also desired to get close to the dragons.
During that time, many students, including Watson's friends, quickly tried to make a treaty with the dragons.
"Miss Christina, I admire your skill as a swordsman. I am a sword king mountain dragon, and I will be your mount from now onward."
A giant dragon more than a hundred meters long and had many sword-shaped mountains on its back landed in front of Christina. Its scales were as hard as rocks, and it transformed into a nearly three-meter-tall man in a flash of light. Its muscular face was hidden behind a rock mask with numerous small holes in it. It was difficult to see its face.
The powerful diamond-tier aura from the sword king mountain dragon's body was slightly restrained after transforming into its human form. Others could still detect a glimmer of his strength.
"Greetings, Charlotte! I am a golden holy dragon, and I am eager to work with you. Do you want to accept me?"
"Miss Lily, I am a dark magic dragon, have taken fancy to you. Do not worry; I will grant you strength equal to or greater than that of a golden holy dragon."
There was a giant golden dragon in the direction of Charlotte and Lily, covered in gleaming scales that glistened like dazzling sunlight. There was also a black dragon with six wings that obliterated the sky and emitted a black mist.
The two dragons appeared to be rivals. They collided in the air as their diamond-tier energy collided with each other. Charlotte and Lily exchanged glances and smiles as they faced the two dragons' questions.
"I, Charlotte, am ready to welcome you."
"I, Lily, am ready to welcome you."
On the other hand, in the direction of Casey.
"What is the matter with this dragon? Is this also a dragon? Who can help me?"
A soft thing was dangling from Casey's shoulder. It resembled a large pillow stuffed with feathers. It appeared soft, and there was a bird's beak in the corner of the pillow. Rather than a dragon, it resembled the head of a strange bird. It was sleeping.
"Initially, I was overjoyed that I had been chosen to take the test. Lana, after all, was not chosen. That demonstrates that my talent is not insignificant! However, this dragon is nothing like I expected. Even if my dragon is not as beautiful as Watson and can't transform into a human, it should be as powerful and domineering as Miss Christina's Dragon. But what is the matter with this sleeping bag dragon? It appears to be too frail," Casey mumbled angrily.
People like Christina made up only a small percentage of the hundreds of students in attendance. The majority of the students were compatible with the dragon race, but they were unable to satisfy the dragons.
"Your strength is only gold-tier? You are already 16, but you are only a gold-tier elite. You will have no future development with such talent. I will only suffer if I follow you. I am not going to become your mount."
"And you, why are you not a lovely young lady? Only a pure and beautiful woman would be allowed to ride on a noble, flowing light dragon like me."
"You do not even have proper accessories. With just one look, I can tell you are not wealthy. By following someone like you, I will suffer in the future. If you are going to entice me, at least dress decently."
Dragons were noble creatures with a variety of personality flaws. Many students were not chosen because they were not strong enough, were not female, or did not have enough money.
The rest of the students were soon paired with their dragons. Only about 50 recruits were successfully matched with their dragons, accounting for one-tenth of those who attended.
"The number of people chosen by the dragons appears to be lower than I expected. King Landhar III requested 90 spots, which means I still need to convince 40 dragons to pair up with those humans. It is a difficult task." Fafnir cast a glance at Watson. Watson was still interacting with the Golden Flash and Charcoal, and he had no intention of choosing a dragon. When she was certain that Watson was not in a hurry to leave, she walked toward the crowd.
Simultaneously, in a manor in the royal city.
Nightingale sat on a bench in the manor's flowerbed, holding a flower in her hand. She picked the petals of the flower gently, piece by piece, with her slender fingers. Nightingale was muttering to herself as she did that.
"I have not seen Young Master Watson in a long time, and I certainly have not seen him today! I heard that he took part in the Dragon Knight recruitment event and has left the royal city. I wonder if he will return tomorrow. Will I see him then?"
"Yes?" Nightingale plucked one of the petals.
"No." She plucked another one.
It was a flower with seven petals. Soon, she plucked the last petal—It was a No. She pouted in displeasure. She took a new petal from the flowerbed behind her and began counting again.
"You are picking petals in the flowerbed again, Nightingale. Why don't you go to Watson's if you are bored?" A mature woman's voice could be heard. Denise was holding a plate and several cups of black tea. She appeared in front of Nightingale dressed as a noble lady.
"Are you going out dressed like that, Sister Denise? I would like to see Watson, but he has been very busy recently, and I do not want to bother him." When Nightingale saw Denise, her eyes brightened briefly before dimming again.
She went to the royal city to be closer to Watson, but once there, she discovered that Watson had no time for her, even if he assigned her a few missions and gave her something to do. She would have stayed on Mount Creation if she had known that. At the very least, the resources on Mount Creation were more plentiful than elsewhere.
"You are right; I do need to go out! A countess owned this manor. When the Queen was alive, that countess was a close friend of hers, so she lent us the manor temporarily. I heard she is not feeling well, so I will send her some black tea to help her body heal. Do you want to accompany me, Nightingale?"
Denise drew the visor over her face.
Denise said, "Come with me. In any case, you will only be destroying the flowers here. I will not be able to answer her if the manor owner discovers that you have destroyed all of the flower beds here when she reclaims the manor."
"Miss Denise, I will accompany you."
Denise had a point, so Nightingale stood up, swept the flower pieces off her body, and followed Denise to the gate. There was a stable near the gate, with a simple carriage inside. A tall black horse quietly chewed the grass in the stable.
"Little Gray, you are a powerful magical beast that Watson had fused, but he had also forgotten about you the moment you arrived in the capital. What a pity."
Nightingale approached the black horse and stroked its face gently with her fingers. She was moved to tears. She subconsciously thought of herself when she saw the horse in front of her.
Little Gray, the Sky-devouring Rat King, was that horse, a platinum-tier magical beast. Watson brought it to the capital because he lacked a suitable mount to travel there. Little Gray had been in the capital for a long time and had not received any orders from Watson.
Just as Nightingale was about to give up, she had the strangest feeling that the touch of her fingers on Little Gray was not quite right.
Looking down, Nightingale was taken aback by what she saw. Little Gray's face, which she touched, had changed from the shape of a horse to a round human face, and even Little Gray's body had changed from a horse standing more than a meter tall to a child standing the same height. Except for the gray nose and the two round mouse ears in the silver-gray hair on top of his head, Little Gray looked like any other human.
Nightingale's fingers pinched Little Gray's cheek at that precise moment. His delicate face was deformed and appeared full of elasticity as a result of her pinch. Nightingale could not help but pull it hard because of the soft touch.
"Sister Nightingale, that hurts!"
"Little Gray, what happened? How did you get that way? And you can speak?"
Nightingale was taken aback and took a few steps backward, her face expressionless. It was normal for a high-tier magical beast to have intelligence comparable to that of a human, but it was unusual for a magical beast to be able to speak when in human form.
Other magical beasts were said to lack such abilities, aside from dragons, who had to communicate with humans and master magic that allowed them to transform into their human form.
Nightingale and Denise, who was standing next to her, were taken aback. Denise's black tea almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she reacted quickly.
When confronted with Nightingale's question, Little Gray reached out and rubbed his red and swollen face, looking perplexed. "I do not know why I suddenly became like this. It appears that my distinguished master, Watson, has just comprehended some magic that can transform a magical beast into a human form and then taught that magic to me via telepathy."
Watson did not waste time after receiving the magic that Fafnir taught him to transform dragons into humans. He immediately improved it via the fusion system and passed it on to all the magical beasts he had fused.
"So Watson was the one who did it. Then it's not surprising." Nightingale patted him on the back. Watson had done various magical things in the past, but he managed to make magical beasts transform into human forms and talk. It did not come as a surprise to her.
"Despite the fact that Watson has not visited Little Gray in a few days, he has been thinking about it. Little Gray is much happier than I am in this regard. I am the only one who no one really notices." Nightingale was taken aback by Little Gray's appearance, but she was moved to tears on that second thought. Little Gray was able to accept Watson's benefits remotely, but she never received them. Did that mean she was not even comparable to a pet?
Not only did Little Gray complete its transformation at that point, but the other magical beast had as well.
"You claim to have been an angelic unicorn in the past. You are now in human form and can speak because Young Master Watson taught you a spell that allows you to transform into a human form."
Elven stood on the eighth floor of the sky's courtyard, staring blankly at the woman in front of him, who was in a long gleaming gown and had a single horn on her head. She appeared to be as holy and beautiful as an angel, and Elven was taken aback.
"That is correct, my lady. This ability was bestowed upon me by Young Master Watson." The angelic unicorn, who had transformed into a human, spread two wings on her back, allowing her to float gently through the sky. She nodded slightly in response to Elven's question. Her voice was soothing, like a clear spring running through the cracks of a stone.
"Elven, I just heard a loud cry from the courtyard where you are. Is there a problem?"
The courtyard door swung open at that precise moment. Amon and Basher went to the courtyard with Veronica. When they saw the angel-like woman floating in mid-air, their faces turned solemn.
"What is it? I'm pretty sure I have never seen her before. Is she an intruder?"
"She seems quite formidable. Whoever she is, she won't be able to enter the Severed Fingers Gang's headquarters. They are certainly daring! I will take care of her. I will throw her on the bed and question her after I have subdued her. No, I mean bring her into the room and question her. I am sure I will get an answer."
Basher looked up at the humanoid form of the angelic unicorn floating in mid-air. His vision was a little foggy. The angelic unicorn's human form possessed the qualities of both an angel and a unicorn. Furthermore, she was only dressed in a light muslin gown made of glowing energy, revealing her pure white shoulders and pearl-like ankles. It had an incomparable impact on men, of course.
"You have not changed your lecherous habits, Basher." Veronica's lips curled. "I am not comfortable delegating interrogation to you. Who knows if you will question her after capturing her or if you have other plans. I will leave that up to you, Amon."
"No problem."
Amon made a battle pose with his fists outstretched.
As a student of the Royal Academy, Watson had gone to the Dragon Lair to take part in the Dragon Knight recruitment process. Unfortunately, unlike Watson, Amon could not join the test, so he did not accompany Watson to the Dragon Lair. He became very depressed as a result of that. When he saw an enemy had invaded their place, he used the opportunity to vent his rage.
"Wait." When Elven realized Amon was about to make a move, she yelled angrily. "The woman is not an adversary. She is the unicorn."
"Don't lie, Elven. I am sure I have seen a unicorn before. It has a stupid expression on its face. I had wished I could cook it for Young Master Watson. It would have died a long time ago if I hadn't been afraid that you'd get angry! How did such a stupid-looking pet become such a lovely lady?"
Basher shook his head in disbelief, waving his hand. The unicorn in the sky returned to its original form as soon as he said that. It opened its mouth, and its gleaming fur fluttered with the flapping of its wings, proclaiming the rage in its heart, 'You are the idiot, Basher. Your entire family members are morons!'
Was it really an angelic unicorn?
It was Basher's turn to be stunned. Veronica and Amon were also taken aback.
"What's going on, Elven? How did the unicorn transformed into a human?"
"Well, just now, Young Master Watson appeared to have grasped some kind of spell capable of transforming a magical beast into a human. Then he taught that spell to the unicorn, and the rest is history."
Following Elven's explanation, the three people nodded as if they understood it. They had not recovered from their shock.
The door to Elven's courtyard was pushed open with a muffled sound. Klein entered the room from the outside.
"Dearest Elven, my subordinate just gave me a report. A strange cry was coming from your courtyard. I dropped what I was doing and came here to take a look. Are you alright?"
"I am perfectly fine. Young Master Watson had just learned a spell and transmitted it to the unicorn via his consciousness."
Elven began to explain, but the door to her courtyard was pushed open again before she could finish. Marcus burst through the door.
"I heard something happened in your courtyard, Elven. So, what happened?"
Elven was speechless.
When they found out she was in trouble, the higher-ups rushed to her, one by one, which made her very happy. However, she was getting tired of being asked about what had happened. She hoped that those people could come in at once, and she could explain to them at one go.
At the floating city...
The floating city quickly returned to normalcy after Watson left. At that moment, a golden boat resembling a massive whale emerged from the water at the entrance to the floating city. The water flowed down the golden boat's surface. The surprising thing was that the ship was entirely made of steel plates. The entire body of the boat was sealed without a single crack.
"That's the Ptolemys's golden submarine. Everyone, hurry up and leave."
"That golden submarine is not like other types of boats. It is made entirely of gold-plated metal. It is flawless. Our boat would be shattered if we hit it."
The fishermen's cries could be heard from the nearby boats. Regardless of size, they took off in all directions. Even if their ship did not disintegrate due to a collision with the submarine, they could not accept it.
They finally replicated a submarine after Watson developed one, and the Ptolemy family studied it day and night with disdain. An ordinary ship was like a fragile piece of paper in front of such an epoch-making deep-sea behemoth.
"The family head is in the submarine. Open the gate and let them in."
It was not just the ships in the range of the submarine. The guards in charge of the city gate quickly opened the gate, allowing the golden submarine to enter the city.
After entering the city, the submarine's hatch opened. Daniel Ptolemy, the head of the Ptolemy family, rose from the hatch. He appeared to be much darker; everyone had not seen him for a long time.
Daniel opened his arms and welcomed the sea breeze blowing on the submarine with a satisfied look on his face. "The blueprint that Watson left for the Ptolemy family is exquisite, indeed. That gold-tier submarine was barely built according to the blueprint. It had only about 50% similarity to the original, but it has still brought a new era for maritime transport! From now on, mankind will conquer the sea. No storm or tsunami can stop our footsteps."
"The sea is boundless and more expansive than land. If the Holy Dragon Kingdom can occupy the sea, then we can enslave the sea folks again in the future. We can also use the sea to ambush other kingdoms! If the Holy Dragon Kingdom can occupy other kingdoms in the future, it will definitely be related to the golden submarine. The Ptolemy family will also be recorded in the kingdom's history."
Daniel's eyes sparkled, and his eyes were filled with excitement.
At that moment, someone shouted from the riverside not far away from him.
"Master Daniel, there's an urgent report from the capital."
A silver-tier guard spread his combat aura wings and held a stack of parchment paper in his hands. He flew across the river and arrived on the golden submarine. He knelt on one knee and handed the document to Daniel.
After receiving the papers, Daniel took a few casual glances at them. His eyes suddenly widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched. His beard also quivered. "Good, good, good. His Majesty has convened the Dragon Knight recruitment process today. Casey has been chosen to be one of them. Although I don't know if he will become a Dragon Knight, the fact that he has the qualifications to become a Dragon Knight is already very impressive for the Ptolemy family! He had just become one of the kingdom's 16 geniuses not too long ago, and now he even has the qualifications to become a Dragon Knight. It seems like he is not as useless as I thought. Indeed, letting him go to the capital to study at the Royal Academy was the right choice."
The floating city was not far from the capital. In addition, there were magical messengers that passed messages between the large cities and the capital so that many notes could be transmitted within a day. A few days ago, after Daniel received the news that Casey had become one of the kingdom's 16 geniuses, he ordered his family's guards to keep an eye on the movements of those magical messengers. Once there was any news, they had to inform him immediately.
In the past, the Ptolemy family did not have any decent geniuses in their family. Although they were on par with Campbell and the Saint Laurent families, they were far inferior to the other two families. They could only choose to give up their positions in the royal city. They returned to their old home in the floating city to operate in secret. However, the situation was different then.
"Inform my family that I will be going out for some time."
"May I know where you are going, Master?"
"Idiot! The royal city, of course. My son has made such a significant contribution. Shouldn't I go and take a look?" Daniel reprimanded the guard with a cold face. For many years, the expression on his face was one of faked joy. For many years, his son's cowardice had always been a thorn in his heart. Many people even accused him of not knowing how to raise his children. However, when he saw Casey's achievements, he wanted to know if anyone else dared to say that he was not good at raising children. Who else had the right to mock him?
Daniel wanted nothing more than to fly to the royal city and show his son off in front of everyone. He wanted to vent the resentment he had suffered all those years because of his son.
"Master Daniel, apart from Young Master Casey, there's also another piece of news from the royal city! They said that someone from the Ptolemy family named Gerant had arrived in the royal city today. His Majesty invited him to the royal palace as he had brought many generous gifts from the border."
"Gerant?" Daniel frowned and thought for a moment. "I remember that he is a young man with good talent from another branch of the family. He is smart, so I sent him to the border. Has he completed his term at the border and returned to the capital? I can't remember. No matter what, His Majesty's invitation correlates with his ability. I will see him when I go to the capital."
Daniel's tone was indifferent when he mentioned Gerant. How could a person from the branch family be compared to their precious son no matter how talented he was?
After making up his mind, he packed up his things and left the floating city with his guards. The submarine that Daniel was in slowly sailed toward the direction of the capital. He did not notice that the surface of the water beneath the submarine fluctuated not long after he left, and two female mermaids surfaced. They looked around vigilantly. When they realized that there was no one around, they heaved a sigh of relief and started talking.
"Did you hear that? The head of the Ptolemy family said that he would leave the floating city for a while. I don't know if I heard it wrong."
"You did not hear it wrong. I heard it too! That's good for us. The Ptolemy family had developed a gold-tier submarine, and the sea has become a place for them to enter and leave at will. We have already moved our territory to a very faraway place. If this continues, we will still have the risk of being discovered. Now that the head of the Ptolemy family has left, we are temporarily safe."
"Let's go and report this to the Empress."
The sea folks submerged into the ocean and disappeared.
At the sea folks' location...
The sea folks had undergone a huge change compared to the past. Firstly, the underground city had expanded dozens of times since Atlantis and the twelve golden palaces. In between those underwater cities, there were many underwater tunnels. Those tunnels were long and dense, like a huge spider web that separated the sea from the city.
That was Watson's plan for the future. He wanted to build the Undersea Dragon Palace, covering the entire sea and achieving material transfer between the sea and the land. That project had officially entered a stable stage, thanks to the materials from Mount Creation.
At that moment, the sea tribe's princess, Alice, was swaying her fishtail as she sat on top of an undersea tunnel. Those tunnels were made of some kind of platinum-tier material. Not only were they indestructible, but they were also transparent. One could only see the water from the outside. If one did not know about those tunnels, it would be difficult to find them even if the tunnels were in front of them.
Most of the buildings in Atlantis and the twelve golden palaces had similar undersea tunnels. As a result, they became invisible cities. In addition, most of the tunnels were built in places far away from the mainland. Even if the Ptolemy family drove submarines to check on them every day, they would not be able to see those cities.
"I wonder how Brother Watson is in the royal city. Does he think about me? I miss him every day." Alice sighed. At that moment, a kind voice came from behind her.
"Alice, you're here for Master Watson again?" Alice realized that the person standing behind her was her mother, Poseidon.
Poseidon's expression was a little complicated. "Alice, I know that Watson is a very outstanding person, but humans and sea folks are two different races. It is very difficult for love between races to bear fruit! If possible, I hope that you can forget about Watson. There are many outstanding youths among the sea folks."
Poseidon thought that Alice would forget about Watson. However, that did not happen. Instead, it became even worse. Every day, she would go to the undersea tunnel to look at the surface. The undersea tunnel that Alice chose was the closest to the surface of the sea. In addition, she went there every day. Many seafarers sighed with delight when they saw her.
"Mother, why can't different races love each other? Does love have boundaries?"
Then, Alice continued in a childish tone. "Like, seriously."
"Alice, you—" Poseidon's expression changed. Her lips moved as if she wanted to scold her, but in the end, she sighed and raised her hand to touch her daughter's hair. "You're still too naive. I'll give you the simplest example. Why can't different races be together? Because the sea creatures have to live in the water. Once we leave to the surface, we'll fall into weakness. Watson is different. He's a human. He needs the air to live. Do you expect him to eat and sleep in the water? Just like how it is difficult for us to survive on land, the most crucial thing in a relationship is company. Without company, everything is just empty talk."
Alice nodded as if she understood it. "If one's race is the shackle that blocks emotions, then I don't want to be a sea folk anymore. I want to become a human."
"Alice, why are you being so ridiculous? Do you think it's so easy to change one's race? As far as I know, the only potion that can change one's race is the angel transformation potion developed by Young Master Watson. I don't know if Young Master Watson can make something that allows one to change to a human. Even if he can, you are of the sea tribe, and you have the bloodline of the royal family in your body. If you want to change into a weaker human, aren't you disrespecting your ancestors?"
"Is there no other way?"
"No, absolutely not."
Poseidon rejected Alice's question, wanting to break her views. At that moment, Poseidon's body suddenly trembled, as if something were transmitted into her mind.
Alice's body also shook with her. Alice, who had been on the verge of tears because of Poseidon's words, suddenly widened her eyes after a brief moment of confusion, revealing a look of joy.
"Mother, a spell suddenly appeared in my mind. It's Young Master Watson! It's a spell that can transform a magical beast into anything, even a human. After the transformation, one can obtain the characteristics of that race. In other words, after transforming into a human, I will no longer need water and will not become weak! This is great. Even if you decided that it was impossible, Mother, Young Master Watson still did it. With this ability, I can leave the water and go look for Young Master Watson."
"Alice, don't be so excited yet. Although you can transform into a human, you don't have the strength. In addition, the Ptolemy family controlled the floating city and lost a large number of slaves because of us. For a little girl like you, who doesn't have any status, you'd be in a lot of danger". Poseidon stretched her hand outward, but she did not sound confident.
She had never expected that Watson would pass such a spell to them when she was about to succeed in consoling her daughter. Did he do that on purpose?
While she was thinking about that, they heard joyful shouts from somewhere not far away.
"This is great. I just got a spell from Young Master Watson; it is something that can change our form! When we built the palace, even though we could make the building transparent so that no one would notice us, we would still be in danger when we go out and other people see us. It's different now. With this spell, we can become humans. Even if we are seen by others, it doesn't matter."
"As expected of Young Master Watson. It's more convenient to believe in Young Master Watson than in the Sea God. With this spell, we can truly rest easy! Apart from that spell, we also want to share with you a piece of good news. We just overheard that the head of the Ptolemy family is leaving the floating city and heading to the royal city for some time. He will take a large number of their soldiers with him. We are free!"
They were the two who had rushed back from the floating city.
"Did you hear that, Mother? The head of the Ptolemy family is leaving and will take many guards with him. The floating city will no longer be dangerous. It doesn't matter if I go out." Alice's eyes were shining as she placed her hands on her chest and said, "Brother Watson just gave us a spell, and the head of the Ptolemy family is leaving. What does that mean? That must be the guidance from heaven. They want me to take advantage of this period to go out and meet Brother Watson."
"Alice, you—" Poseidon saw Alice's expression and knew that Alice would not listen to anything she said. She could only sigh. "If you insist on going out, you must bring enough guards with you. I'll assign Elena to you. No, I'll let Owen go with you as well."
"Thank you, Mother. I'll go find Uncle Owen now." Alice was excited. She swung her beautiful blue fishtail and swam away, leaving Poseidon speechless. She glared at the two sea folks who had just arrived.
"Your Majesty, why do you look so unhappy? Aren't you surprised by the news?" The two sea folks asked in confusion.
"Yes, I'm too surprised," Poseidon said, trying hard not to show her discomfort.
If they had not told her the news in front of Alice, she might have been pleased about it. However, it seemed like she would not see Alice for a long time.
At the Dragon Lair…
Watson stood on the mountain range with the Golden Flash and Charcoal in his arms; he looked happy. After he had the spell, not only had he taught the Golden Flash and Charcoal, but he had also taught it to everyone who was related to him and believed in him.
"I'm sure it's not just magical beasts now. The sea tribe and the slaves taking their refuge with the sea tribe have all received that spell. They can now hide their beastly characteristics to become humans and live peacefully in the Holy Dragon Kingdom. I'm sure they must feel very grateful."
Watson looked smug. He was a leader, so he should let his subordinates live better lives. After arriving at the capital, he had been tired of dealing with King Landhar III. He had not forgotten his family and friends.
"Brat, why are you giggling? You look so disgusting."
A man's voice interrupted Watson's thoughts. Watson raised his head and realized that the person mocking him was Julius. Before he could speak, Charcoal and the Golden Flash, who were in his arms, had already raised their heads and bared their teeth at Julius. Killing intent appeared on their faces.
"How dare you insult Father? I'll kill you."
"You're a mere human. I'll stuff you into my mouth and chew you up. I won't even leave you with any of your bones."
The threats of those two diamond-tier dragons caused Julius' expression to change. He subconsciously took two steps backward, but he quickly regained his composure. "Watson, I'm too lazy to waste my breath on you! We have confirmed the 90 Dragon Knight recruits. Next, we will choose a new dragon with the help of the Dragon King. I get special treatment because I lost my dragon. Those two dragons are not included in our quota. If you don't want them, then reject them. Don't waste my precious time. "
Hearing Julius' words, Watson looked around and found that it was just as Julius had said. Ninety students stood with their respective dragons, and those not selected continued to glare at him. Watson nodded.
"Sorry for the delay. I have no intention of refusing the offer.. Let's begin the selection now."


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Read A Man Like None Other by . Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free here.Jared Chance seethes wit

One Useless Rebirth


He Bai won the lottery, became rich, and reached the pinnacle of life. Then, he inadvertently took a picture of the Film

My Fusion System: Fusing a Thousand Chickens at the Start Lastest Chapters