Novel Name : World Domination System

World Domination System Chapter 772 The Mountain to the South of Angaria 2

"Well, now…we shall see once and for all, Cain, whether your eye is really as good as everyone says it is. Last time, you said that he would outshine me, and I didn't say anything because I trusted your seniority. Even after he clearly got revealed to be a damn Cockroach, though, you said that something might be wrong. Will you finally accept that there's nothing special about him after he gets beaten in just two seconds by my junior brother?"
This dialogue was said by the man wearing all-gold robes, who had been incredibly tipsy during the encounter between the Mad Doctor and the King of Lanthanor before.
He was back in the same place, as if nothing had changed, and in front of him was still the wide-shouldered man with scars on his face who was wearing the clothes of a commoner.
They were standing at a bar counter, and behind it, the bartender had actually stopped his pastime of continuously cleaning the already spotless glasses that adorned the many shelves behind him.
Above him, the words 'Order of the Chevaliers' was written in a flourishing script that was said to incite different reactions in different kinds of people, and through a window behind him, one could see black clouds, which meant that it was raining in the part of Angaria above which this archaic bar made of wood was situated.
Pin-drop silence appeared in the room after the statement, and the bartender actually began to secretly hope that for once, Galagor had gone too far.
Everyone knew Cain's story. His eye had spotted so many talents over the years that practically almost every seed had been chosen by him in one way or another, and there was also the tragic story behind why he allowed his nose to stay crooked even though he could set it right in a moment if he wished.
Doubting that…took balls, and although Galagor was famous for having more of those than many, he still gulped as he, too, understood that he might finally be in trouble.
The terse atmosphere in the bar which had seen many fights and bets that had killed Heroes and even resulted in the deaths of thousands of Warriors looked like it would once more commence in a situation that would require someone above to step in, but after a few moments…Cain actually cracked a small smile.
It was so tiny that it was barely visible to normal people, but as Heroes, the two people in the bar spotted it easily and relaxed.
Yes, he must have seen the error in his ways. Even he has to make mistakes, right?
This was the thought that came in Galagor's head, and even the bartender was about to sigh and think something similar.
However…after taking a sip, the words that Cain spoke made both of them freeze and look at him as if they didn't know him, and Galagor even started to choke on the gulp of wine he had just taken.
"Would you like to bet, then? Our friend down there seems to have an interest in Godbeast Weapons, for some reason, as is evident from how he has been taking as many as he could find left and right. I wager that your junior brother will need at least ten seconds to defeat him. If I win, you will give him your Cataclysmic Mountain Giant Dagger that you like to whip out every time you're going after the ladies. If I lose, I will give you a dip in Heavenly Ambrosia. You're looking to get past a bottleneck, right? I daresay it'll let you vault right over…"
Ignoring the reactions of the others in the room, the man calmly continued to sip, and it was actually the bartender who reacted first.
"Cain, that's…I have no words! Ten seconds for an Exalted Champion-level seed to defeat a mere Amateur Champion who hasn't even broken through as a Mage? Even if he did, it's impossible! A seed can kill 3 Mad Doctors if he wished! But that King was thrashed by just one! I-"
"Shushh!! You mean it, right?! 'The words of Cain are gold'! I heard that, so it must be true! All right, I accept the bet! Haha, today is my lucky day!"
Almost as if he was afraid that the bartender's words would change this stroke of luck that had been presented to him, Galagor shushed the man and said this while looking at the legendary Cain as if he was a golden goose who had just lain an invaluable egg without even being asked.
Cain's only response was a nod, following which he said, "Not for the first time, I wish the rules were different."
Rejoicing even more on seeing this confirmation, Galagor gulped down two full glasses and started to get tipsy again.
It was the bartender who sighed and responded to Cain after getting another glass to clean, which he actually broke before picking another.
This showed his agitated state of heart while he spoke in a slightly disapproving tone.
"Yes, I wish the same, too. But they are what they are. They were placed to allow those who wished to keep their power secret to still test themselves and show their worth, and you know how big we are on tradition. No one sees in, no word leaves the arena regarding what has happened except the winner and loser being declared. You indulge him, Cain. Heavenly Ambrosia can even help a Champion skip levels. It's wasted for a breakthrough."
Cain's only response was another sip from his glass, and as one, all three men looked down, in a specific direction as they had been given the signal that the arena battle would begin in a few seconds.
The bartender looked like he knew the result, and didn't like it.
Galagor was already imagining that dip, and how he would go court Kendall again after his breakthrough, as he would finally be able to defeat her.
Cain…just looked on calmly, like someone who had seen so much that nothing could surprise him anymore.
In the place they were looking at, Daneel had just felt a storm go through his mind while throwing everything in disarray.
He almost didn't register the words of the man, as his eyes were fixed on Cassandra's disembodied head.
He had already asked the system and found out that it could sense nothing false in what he was seeing.
That…was his sovereign- one of those whom he had sworn to protect and nurture.
Each sovereign had trusted him with their lives, and in turn, he had trusted himself to make their every wish come true.
Yet, now…one of them lay dead in front of him, and the killer was even demeaning her by stamping down on her hair.
It was all Daneel could do to control himself from flying into a rage, and the words and actions of the man didn't help.
After seeing that his first dialogue had been ignored, he got an annoyed expression on his face and actually…kicked Cassandra's head.
This even shocked the rage in Daneel's head into comparative calmness while he watched, transfixed, as Cassandra's head rolled into a corner and disappeared from sight.
He even felt a slight urge to follow it, but the words of the man finally caught his attention.
"Oi, piss-weak King! Your subordinates only deserve to die because they have such a talentless turd as you whom they adore as their King! Come here, you overconfident baboon! Ha, I finally have your attention!"
Like a matador, the man diverted the raging beast in his presence to focus on himself, and although he could see the mad anger in Daneel's eyes, it was obvious that he didn't care about it at all.
Daneel had caught the part about his subordinates, and while he stared at the man, he walked forward until there were only a few steps of difference between them.
They were in an arena, and it was a large one. It was at least half the size of a football field, and in the corners, there were only shadowy depths visible.
Daneel had been teleported right in the middle of it, and earlier, the man had been at the edge.
He had walked that much distance with just a few steps casually, and as if that hadn't been enough to showcase his power, he stated it out loud.
"Now that I have it, let me tell you something that everyone who is lucky enough to enter this place should know. First, this is a fight to determine your worth. My power level is that of an Exalted Champion of this Age, and I shall be the one fighting you in this sacred tradition that has been honored since long before the Empire that everyone talks about was even born. Second, no matter what happens in here, no one on the outside will ever know. Third, when you die, make sure you don't let your blood spatter on my clothes. I hate that. Are we clear? Shall we begin?"
Daneel felt as if he were standing in the eye of the storm that had begun anew in his mind.
It contained all of the emotions that he had been tightly controlling, and as he heard the man's words, he asked the system whether what he was speaking was true.
The system replied right away that it was, and that great care had been taken that no one would look inside.
Even though Daneel didn't give a response, his opponent shrugged and said, "I'll take that as a yes. The battle begins in three seconds. And, oh, if you need something to push you over the edge, listen up. Remember I told you not to let your blood spatter on me? That b*tch didn't listen, and I made sure to torture her while she watched, stuck in her head that I had detached but kept alive using a very special technique. That kind of pain…can't even be put into words. Suffice it to say that at the end, she broke, and she begged to have it stop. I did so right before you came. Haha, there we go! We begin in 3, 2, …"
The last statement of the man was said because Daneel had let out a snarl of anger as he heard the last moments of his sovereign.
What must she have been thinking?
She must surely have been cursing him, right, for not coming to help her?
She must have begun to repent ever trusting him in the first place, right, when there was no one else who believed in him?
She must have felt betrayed, let down and cheated.
And all of it…was because of this man.
He would die. Oh, he would die.
He would scream and whimper and beg for death, but Daneel would not give it to him.
Just as a malicious smile was about to appear on his face, a small voice spoke up in his mind.
But…what if someone can look in? What if the system just can't tell that there is still a way? Why expose the power that was so difficult to obtain? It might be safer to just try using the power that was already displayed to everyone…
This voice seemed to embody all of the feelings of caution and control that Daneel had followed for a long, long time.
It had aided him well, but now…he cursed it.
This was the thing that he had already thought about recently, and decided on- that he should not scheme, as he had done all this while, and act as the system had always wanted him to if it was needed.
He cursed it with all his heart, and as he did so, something seemed to change inside him.
F*ck you, f*ck him, and f*ck whoever might be watching! What worth is all this power if I cannot use it to avenge those who have trusted me? F*ck this world, and f*ck anyone who tries to stop me! I…am Daneel Anivron! I am a World Dominator, and I swear to dominate and end each and every one who had a hand in my sovereign's death! If I do not succeed, I shall shed my life, for I will have proven that I am not worthy of all the blessings bestowed upon me! Such is my word, and I shall heed it until my last breath!
[Secret Module 'Word of the World Dominator' unlocked. Conditions met. Mission has been set down. Fulfill the mission to earn EXP based on final result.]
Daneel didn't even hear the system's words, as there was just too much going on in his mind.
The man had just finished the countdown, and after that, he made a mountain appear out of nowhere right above Daneel's head.
It was such a fantastic piece of magic that Daneel had never experienced before, and the man even muttered under his breath, "Hehe, I'll be done in one second. Two was clearly a long shot, senior brother. I hope you finally get back at that Cain."
However…that mutter was instantly silenced, as he became witness to a sight that he thought he would never see in his life.
The mountain which was going to crush his opponent under it suddenly dissolved, and in its place appeared a swirling array of elementary particles moving randomly.
Since his childhood, he had always had the habit of stuttering when he was subject to extreme emotions. He had worked hard to get rid of it, but right now, it came to him abruptly.
"T-t-the Ch-ch-chaos Ch-ch-champion Path! H-h-how?! I-It's supposed t-t-to be l-l-lost! A-a-nd why is t-t-the W-w-world…"
The Champion Path which perfectly countered his had just been deployed, but the most shocking thing…was that it looked as if the World was casting it, and not his opponent.
Anger took away that stutter, but the man hastily began to move back in fear. All of his bluster from before was gone, and all that remained was a seed who was too used to winning.
It already felt good to see his opponent like this, and with his eyes still completely red with the anger and despair he was feeling, Daneel snarled out an answer.
"Yes, they are- a joint family of one hundred people from Lanthanor who just so happen to be camping outside on the personal invitation of the Alliance. You said you tortured her, right? Let me show you what real torture is…"
Saying so, Daneel continued to raise his hand and draw up his opponent into the air, with his hands and legs stretched out wide.
Even though his Champion Path had been nullified, the man still tried to frantically use his Exalted Champion level strength to affect the fight.
He cast all sorts of spells that would have wiped an Amateur Champion off the face of Angaria even though they didn't incorporate his Path, but no matter what he did, each and every spell was countered by the damn World, again and again. Even getting control of the elementary particles was tough, but after seeing the rest, this didn't even surprise him much.
He knew that something was horribly wrong, but he wasn't ready to accept it.
Yet, when his arm began to be forcefully torn from his body…he finally understood the truth.
All of this occurred in barely the span of a second, and just as the two-second mark began to approach, slight tension began to appear in Galagor's face.
The mark came and went, and although Galagor's face turned sour, he muttered something about the other party losing, too.
Cain continued to watch, and it was clear that he was more intrigued than before.
As for Daneel's poor opponent, two of his limbs had already been severed, and Daneel was actually savoring the cries which he offered as tribute to Cassandra, the fiery but sweet commander of Angaria.
Second after second passed, but he let them stretch instead of hurrying.
He was done with the hands, so he continued with the legs, all while the screams of the man continued to rise in intensity.
For thirty seconds, which was the time limit for him to keep up the technique, he was invincible, but the attacks of his opponent had already begun to get feeble, so much so that the World wasn't even moving much to counter his attacks.
Right after the last limb was torn with just blunt force, the man screamed himself hoarse.
The ten second mark was quickly approaching, and Daneel wondered how he should continue.
He could delve into the files of the torture master of the Empire, but before that, he decided to finish the job.
There was still one limb left, after all, that he had almost forgotten.
All thoughts of decency and mercy had already fled from Daneel's head after he saw the way this man had dared to kick Cassandra's head.
Mess with my people, and all bets are off.
Musing in this way, he began to use the same method on that last limb, and because he had already screamed himself hoarse, the man's eyes widened and his face showed more fear and pain than anything so far.
All right, this…was too much. He had been ordered not to do this, but when it came to this point…there were no orders that could stop him from not wanting to feel this singular pain.
Opening his mouth, he screamed something in a squeky voice, almost like a little kid who had been bullied too much and had thus begun to cry.
"Hey, bro, it was a damn test, all right?! Stop it, man! We're on the same side! Oh f*ck, stop, stop, stop, stop!!!!!! She's fine! She just lost, that's all! I surrender! Aaaaahhhhh!!!!"
While Daneel hastily scrambled to stop the spell while trying to control the pleasant surprise he had felt on hearing what he had hoped for, but forgotten about, since coming here, in the bar above, Cain and Galagor had turned around and taken two gulps from their glasses.
A gong had sounded in their minds, indicating that the battle was over, and it had been exactly ten seconds.
"Dammit, Cain. You're always right. I don't see why my junior brother needed ten damn seconds to take care of an Amateur Champion! I'll discipline him when I go back! But that Heavenly Ambrosia, though…"
Galagor's words were interrupted by the bartender, who had a bewildered expression on his face, as if he didn't know how to express something he wanted to say.
Seeing the two men stare at him, the bartender shook his head before focusing on Cain.
"You…should check the result, too."
As he said this, both men got puzzled expressions on their faces, but right after that…their jaws almost dropped to the floor, as shock flashed across their features.
"The victor is the King of Lanthanor, not your junior brother, Galagor. And Cain…till the end of my days, I will proudly say that I was present when the legendary Reaper dropped his jaw for the first time in known history. Haha, if he was capable of this, I am excited to see what else he will do! Like his people say, all hail the King of Lanthanor, breaker of norms and dropper of jaws! Ha, I should get that engraved to hang above the bar for a few days!"


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