Novel Name : End of the Magic Era

End of the Magic Era Chapter 1360 - King's Pillars

Chapter 1360: King’s Pillars

By then, it would be impossible to reason with those jerks.
The pure-blood dragons and the Blood Elves had a fierce war. Other races were joining the war too. Lin Yun didn’t have to do anything anymore. It had been 10 days since the city fell, but he never saw a single Blood Elf.
At this moment, Danason finally found the entrance to the relics. The triangular scale he was holding only showed a reaction when it was within 10 meters of the entrance. The search was not easy. It already was not bad that he found the place in only 10 days.
After the entrance to the relics was located, the rest would be a lot easier.
Everybody came to the bottom of a river, where the entrance to the relics was located. Danason laid the triangular scale on the entrance. Immediately, the flowing water was gradually pushed away under the invisible pressure.
The sand and stones at the bottom of the river slowly spread out, revealing a black gate that looked like a black rock. After detecting the power in the scale, a great number of runes surfaced on the gate. The runes seemed to be alive, and slithered quickly on the surface of the black gate. Then, two hideous skulls emerged on the two sides of the gate, looking like hybrids of a lot of demons’ heads.
Lin Yun narrowed his eyes after seeing the symbol. He recognized that it was the 73rd God, who had to have been reborn here, or stayed here for a long time.
The scale slowly melted into the stone gate. Then, the two ugly demon heads on the gate grinned, putting on a scary smile while the gate was opened.
Instantly, all the creatures in the river, including beasts, fish, and shrimps, fled in panic as if they had detected something horrifying.
The stone gate opened, and a black vortex gradually revealed, emitting horrifying power.
Everybody looked at each other. Nobody was willing to enter first.
Dalton looked at Lin Yun with a cold smile.
“Mafa Merlin, let your beastman subordinate go in first. He looks quite sturdy. Even if there’s any emergency, he’ll still be safe.”
Lin Yun became cold after hearing that.
“Dalton, if you don’t want to stay in the underground world forever, then shut the f*ck up.”
Xiuban was about to curse. Hearing what Lin Yun said, he quickly nodded.
“Indeed. Old faggot, if you don’t shut the f*ck up, I’ll give you to the minotaurs as their boy toy!”
All of Enderfa’s three faces looked at Xiuban in shock. Even the left face didn’t mock him as it usually would’ve.
“Damn it, what did you eat to cure you of your stupidity, Xiuban?”
“No, that’s not right. Xiuban’s stupidity is incurable. He must’ve heard something that he wasn’t supposed to.”
“No. He must’ve seen something he shouldn’t have. He found the man’s secret!”
Immediately, Danason and Levis moved further away from Dalton. Even Dalton’s own subordinates looked at him in shock, and quietly backed off a bit.
Dalton was infuriated, but he didn’t know how to explain. It was certainly not something that could be explained. Besides, everybody knew that Xiuban was blunt. If he explained, it would only sound like an excuse…
“F*cking idiot, I’m going to kill you!”
After thinking for a long time, Dalton didn’t know what to do. He burst into fury, and unleashed holy light. He even took out the Heart of Luminosity, ready to fight a life-and-death battle with Xiuban.
Danason rolled his eyes, and, with a mocking look in his eyes, jumped into the black vortex with his men.
Immediately, Dalton calmed down from his fury. Since Dalton dared to go in first, it meant that it wouldn’t have been dangerous even if anyone had entered earlier.
Having no time to kill Xiuban, Dalton jumped into the vortex with his men, and so did Levis. Lin Yun followed with his team.
After everybody jumped into the black vortex, it gradually disappeared, and the stone gate showed up again. On the surface of the gate, the creepy demon skulls grinned again. Then, all the creatures within a radius of several kilometers lost their lives. Even their bodies turned into ashes.
The runes on the gate gradually dispersed. The sand and stones at the bottom of the river covered the gate again. Everything looked the same as before…
On the other hand, everybody passed through the black vortex, and entered an empty space that was full of dangerous mist. Ahead of them was a path whose destination was unknown. On the two sides of the path, there were two stone pillars that were more than 10 meters tall and brimming with weird patterns. Between the pillars was a curtain of light that blocked the path.
Danason voluntarily stepped up, and put his hands on the curtain.
“Only extraordinary creatures can pass. Those below the extraordinary level cannot proceed any further.”
Immediately, ripples spread out on the curtain. Danason passed through it, and so did the other members of the Chester Family.
With Danason’s lead, nobody else hesitated. They followed him through the curtain of light. Everybody here was in the Heaven Rank. The limitation was basically useless.
Lin Yun observed the two stone pillars for a long time. After everybody else came in, he finally passed through the curtain of light, and reached the other side. When other people moved onward, Lin Yun set up an alchemy array with a huge amount of materials. Perfect law runes flew to the surface of the pillars, and sealed them with the power of the alchemy array.
After the stone pillars were plucked and removed, the curtain of light glittered and disappeared.
It only took 10 seconds for Lin Yun to set up the alchemy array and pick up the two pillars. By the time Dalton realized what was going on, it was too late…
They all watched Lin Yun collect the pillars in satisfaction. Their eyes were almost popping out.
Dalton pointed his shivering fingers at Lin Yun.
That greedy leech and goddamn bastard. We didn’t notice that the stone pillars were powerful natural magic tools. Damn it, damn it…
The two powerful natural magic tools have entered that goddamn heretic’s pocket just like that. There’s no way that he’ll ever give them away.
Dalton couldn’t be more regretful. Levis was shocked too, but not as shocked as Danason…
Regret flashed on Danason’s face, but he didn’t say anything else.
Damn it. I know more information than any of them does. Why did the stone pillars escape my attention? Damn it, they’re natural magic tools that can be taken away. I didn’t realize that.
After keeping the two stone pillars, Lin Yun was in a great mood.
After a brief observation, Lin Yun had confirmed that each stone pillar was a special natural magic tool that wouldn’t appear until Noscent’s heyday. It was more useful than Extraordinary Magic Tools.
Such stone pillars were known as the King’s Pillars. Every King’s Pillar equaled a True Spirit Magic Tool. However, it could only be used for defense instead of offense. It could only unleash some abilities with the help of alchemy arrays at best.
The more King’s Pillars there were, the more powerful they would be. There were altogether 72 King’s Pillars in total. If they were all gathered, they would constitute a special shield that even Agalon couldn’t possibly break through.
That was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that the special ability of the King’s Pillars could not be seen or detected.
These two King’s Pillars had been gathered and activated in a special way, triggering a curtain of light that blocked those who weren’t extraordinary. It was a waste that they were only used as door guards. If they were changed a bit, they might create a barrier that even extraordinary power could not pass.
Nobody knew how they appeared. In the future, they would just appear in Noscent out of nowhere. Also, the 72 King’s Pillars were discovered one after another. In the end, when the Shelter Tower was built, people considered adding the King’s Pillars to it, but then they found that the pillars weren’t very suitable, and gave up…
However, while they were not very useful to the Shelter Tower, they could be very useful for the Natural Demiplane.
Now that two of the pillars had shown up here, there could be more inside the relics!
“Guys, there seem to be a lot of treasures in the relics. The two stone pillars at the entrance are already special enough. There must be more good stuff inside, right?” Lin Yun said casually. Then, Dalton and the others suddenly realized that the greatest treasures of the relics couldn’t have been placed at the door.
Dalton glanced at Lin Yun vigilantly and sneered.
“Mafa Merlin, I’ll let you go this time. Next time, whoever finds something gets to keep it. Your harvest will depend on your eyesight.”
Mafa Merlin, you goddamn jerk. You were quite lucky. But that’s just the entrance of the relics. You won’t get anything so easily on the rest of the journey! I won’t even leave a stone for you!
Dalton was quite vigilant. Levis nodded too.
“Indeed. If we find anything, even if it’s just a stone, whoever puts it in his pocket will have it. Let’s see whose eyes are keener and who’s more capable!”
Danason nodded regretfully.
“Yes, whoever gets it will keep it. However, if we face danger, we must deal with it together!”
With a smile, Lin Yun nodded casually.
“Alright, let’s do that. Whoever puts it in his pocket will keep it.”
After Lin Yun accepted the arrangement so quickly, Dalton sneered. Levis and Danason were both relieved. They scanned the channel, looking for anything that might be worthwhile.
Nobody of the three forces felt that there was anything wrong, but everybody in Lin Yun’s team put on a weird expression.
Enderfa gazed at Lin Yun for quite a few seconds, as if he didn’t know Lin Yun at all. Xiuban scratched his head, and mumbled, “Sir Merlin has accepted their request so easily. It’s definitely a trap for all of them…”
Everybody moved on. The path was surprisingly long, and the gray mist on the two sides of the path was quite ominous. They didn’t reach the end of the path and see something different until they moved dozens of kilometers.
They found themselves in a boundless plain. It could be vaguely seen that tall mountains lay in the distance. At the edge of the black land, the mist stood like a wall. There was nothing but a path that extended from the depths of the mist.
Walking out of the path, Lin Yun looked at the wall of mist behind him, and waited quietly.
Noticing Lin Yun’s movement, Dalton, who had been observing him, immediately stopped and approached the wall of mists. He glanced at Lin Yun thoughtfully, and then looked in the same direction.
Unfortunately, he could see nothing but the gray mist. There was no telling what was inside the mist. He only felt that it was devastatingly dangerous, and he unconsciously didn’t want to approach it.
After waiting for three minutes, Lin Yun finally extended his hand towards the mist, attracting a tiny bit of mist that he absorbed into his body.
After Lin Yun absorbed the tiny bit of gray mist, he suppressed it in the deepest part of the Magic Array, and didn’t touch it at all. Even so, his mana shivered for seconds inside his body. He even lost control of himself for a moment.
That was the power of gods. Unlike the normal power of gods, this power was completely unconscious and pure, which was rare. The real power of gods always carried distinctive marks of their owners, like the God Blood that Xiuban once bathed in. The marks in the blood were activated when he advanced into the extraordinary level. Had it not been for the powerful dragon bloodlines in his body, he probably couldn’t have survived so easily.
Therefore, Lin Yun had never voluntarily absorbed the power of gods until he came here. The mist was the power of the gods. Or rather, it was the power that gods hadn’t absorbed yet. Still, it was extremely dangerous for mages, who couldn’t touch it at all.
He had only absorbed a tiny bit of the power. He could only suppress it in the depths of his Magic Array, and couldn’t touch it yet.
It was like the tiniest seed that was buried in the depth of the soul. It would sprout in good time. Then, the seed would bring him unimaginable returns.
No mages had ever dared to touch such power in the Heaven Rank. Or rather, none of them had access to the power of gods that didn’t have any marks. Even Lin Yun only had the courage to collect a tiny bit, and suppress it with his Magic Array.
He seemed to have pulled a lot of mist, but only absorbed a tiny bit. However, the other people didn’t know that.
Dalton, who had been staring at Lin Yun ever since the King’s Pillars incident, was intrigued. He approached the wall of mist like Lin Yun did, and intended to absorb the power of the gray mist.
Lin Yun was shocked to see Dalton’s movement.
What the heck is he doing? He dares to touch the power left by gods?
If they all die here, how can I explore the relics? That guy from the Chester Family must still be keeping a lot of information to himself.
Lin Yun heaved a sigh. It was fine if the people of the Holy Light Alliance died. After all, even if he didn’t do anything, those rabid dogs would still jump at him. Lin Yun knew them too well.
However, the power of gods was so concentrated at the beginning of the exploration, which suggested that this was surely the place where the 73rd God was reborn. There had to be more dangers in this place. Danason, who obviously knew the place well, couldn’t die here. His help was necessary.
It would be inappropriate to set up teammates so obviously. It didn’t matter even if the Holy Light Alliance did anything, but what if the Chester Family and the Storm Tower were intrigued too? Lin Yun didn’t want the exploration to fall through because of internal conflicts. Finding leads about the 73rd God was most important…
After a moment of consideration, Lin Yun decided to warn Dalton for the big picture’s sake. “Sir Dalton, if I were you, I wouldn’t touch this mist—”
Unfortunately, before Lin Yun finished, Dalton had put on a mocking smile, as if he thought Lin Yun was regarding him as an idiot.
“Sir Mafa Merlin, thank you for your kindness, but do you take all of us for fools? How silly…”
Mafa Merlin, that stupid guy. Does he really think we don’t know anything? He stood there for such a long time because he didn’t want us to pay attention to him. He collected something from the mist, and then said not to touch it. There must be something extraordinary in the mist that he doesn’t want to share with us.
Whatever secrets are inside the mist, you cannot claim them on your own, greedy and stupid bastard!
Dalton was unconvinced. As a matter of fact, not just Dalton, nobody believed Lin Yun’s kindhearted reminder.
Danason and Levis didn’t do anything, only because they were cautious, and they wanted Dalton to try out first. As long as Dalton found anything, they would all join.
Standing next to the wall of mist, Dalton felt the fatal aura coming from inside the mist. With a cold smile, he pulled part of the mist to himself with mana. After the part of the mist flowed out, he was immediately ready to pick it up with his hands.


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