Novel Name : The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs

The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs Chapter 114 - Chapter 4 – Nobles of the Commonwealth

Chapter 4 – Nobles of the Commonwealth
Part 1
At Hohlfahrt Kingdom.
Academy students were gathered inside a bar at the capital.
It was a welcoming party for the scholarship students.
It was a drinking party that Livia organized. It was held slightly late at night because it was hectic every day.
But even though Livia was the one organizing this party, she followed Leon’s stance in not drinking alcohol.
Currently she was going around asking everyone how they were doing.
「Everyone, has you gotten used to the academy?」
Some boys who were wearing their uniform in a way that didn’t follow the regulation were watching Livia.
Aaron who was originally an adventurer before becoming a student here had become close with the ill-bred male students who were similar with him.
They were a group of three male students including Aaron.
Their gazes were directed toward Livia.
「Aaron, Olivia won’t drink any alcohol.」
「The plan to make her drunk and bringing her back into our room can’t be used like this.」
The three were giving off disquieting air.
Aaron who was acting as their leader grinned and placed a small bottle on the table.
「It’ll be easy if we use this thing. For now let’s wait for a good timing where I can mix this into her drink.」
The three were scheming something.
But then, there was a voice that called out to the three of them from behind.
It was Creare who was blending into the environment.
Creare let out a joyful voice while ejecting something with *pshew* sound from its round body.
A sweet aroma and a voice that didn’t come from someone among them caused the three to look around warily.
「Whose voice it is just now? Also there is this strange──sweet──smell」
The three got sleepy and let go of their consciousness.
Seeing the three of them fell asleep on their table, Creare whispered.
『This is your own fault. This is what will happen if you try to lay your hand on Livia-chan. But don’t worry──I’m not short tempered like Luxion, so I won’t kill the three of you.』
Creare showed itself and looked around with its blue lens while forming a plan.
Then it discovered a promising group.
It was a group of academy students that consisted of only men. They came here for drinking.
They looked like they were having a lot of fun talking excitedly with their fellow male only.
Creare formed a sinister design. It was then Livia worriedly approached the three who were asleep.
「You three, what’s wrong!?」
Livia was panicked. There Creare advised her while also guiding her action.
『Livia-chan, it seems they are tired. I saw them drinking alcohol that was a bit too strong for them. They became sleepy because of that.』
「Are-chan? Why are you here?」
『I came to check the situation because I was worried for you. But more importantly, it will be better if we quickly bring back these three to the student dormitory.』
Livia started thinking then.
The welcoming party had only just started.
「Perhaps we should let them rest for a bit like this before bringing them to the student dormitory?」
『Ah, wait. ──It looks like the students over there are going to return.』
Ahead of Creare’s gaze was the group that consisted of only men.
They were holding each other’s shoulder cheerfully.
They were about to leave the bar. There was almost no doubt that they were going to return home.
「Ca, can I ask them for help?」
『It will be fine. ──They will readily agree to help. I guarantee it.』
「I’ll feel bad to trouble them with this. Won’t it be better to bring these three back by ourselves?」
『It’s okay. Rather they will be happy to help out.』
「Re, really?」
Being told that, Livia approached the table where the group was making merry. But it caused that table’s atmosphere to drastically changed from the fun atmosphere just now.
「E, excuse me.」
Among the young men there were even some who glared at Livia, but a young man with swept back black hair who seemed to be their representative talked to Livia with a smiling face that looked fake.
「Do you have any business with us?」
Livia nervously sent her gaze toward the table where Aaron and his friends were sleeping.
「A, actually, there are some students who got drunk and fell asleep. If everyone here is planning to return to the male dormitory right away, I’d like to ask for your help bringing them back.」
Livia thought that she was being a bother while listening to herself asking for help, even so she waited for their reply.
She readied herself to get scolded, but she saw the young men looked at each other and started discussing something. Then they suddenly smiled.
「What. You should tell us right away if it’s for something like that.」
「I’m sorry. I was a bit hesitant to ask.」
「Those three? It’s fine. We will take responsibility to send them back to the dorm.」
The young men whose attitude changed so drastically brought out Aaron and his friends from the bar with the leader himself personally carrying Aaron.
「Eh, wait. All of you are really fine with this? I know that it was me who asked for help but, it isn’t a bother for everyone?」
Livia was bewildered by the kindness of the group. The leader turned a smile toward her with Aaron on his back.
「We don’t mind. We will take responsibility to look after them.」
「Thank you very much!」
Livia expressed her gratitude. She muttered 「It’s just like Are-chan said」 before returning back to the welcoming party in relieve.
Creare who was watching the happening with its blue lens looked toward Aaron and his friends who were carried away by the young men.
『The three of you are guilty. After all you tried to lay your hand of Livia-chan.』
Creare’s lens let out an ominous glint. And then it vanished by melting into the scenery.
Part 2
The next morning.
When Aaron opened his eyes, he found himself inside a room of the male dormitory.
But, it wasn’t his own room.
The furniture was different, what’s more there was another male student there. He seemed to be the room’s owner.
He was preparing coffee.
The young man with swept back black hair was tall with well-trained physique.
He was wearing a white shirt that was unbuttoned around his chest.
「Do you want coffee?」
He asked Aaron. Aaron nodded in bewilderment.
The room was illuminated by morning sunlight that was filtered from the window. It made that young man looked dazzling.
「You got drunk and fell asleep in the bar yesterday. I and my friends brought you guys back, but even when we asked the dorm staff we couldn’t find where your room is. Sorry, because of that I let you sleep in my room.」
Aaron thanked the young man who looked after him.
「I-is that so? Sorry for all the troubles.」
「What, don’t worry about it.」
Aaron was surprised by himself for saying thank you so honestly.
(I’m saying thanks to a man who looked after me? What’s wrong with me?)
Normally he would grumble at this time, but today he couldn’t bring himself to do so no matter what.
His uniform was neatly folded on the table near the bed.
He was bewildered because he was only wearing a single brief.
(Di, did he take off my clothes? Even so, my butt hurts.)
Aaron looked bothered by his rear. The young man apologized when he noticed that.
「Sorry. I dropped you when carrying you back. You suddenly struggled at that time, so it couldn’t be helped.」
It seemed he was really drunk. Aaron fell into his thought.
(Did I drink that much? In the first place, when did I fall asleep? No, no good. I can’t recall.)
He remembered until the part where he was planning to drug Livia.
But, it seemed that plan failed.
(E-even so, why am I this nervous in front of a man?)
Aaron was blushing in front of the upperclassman.
Part 3
Creare was observing Aaron’s situation.
『I just want to test about the phenomenon of human mistaking their heart’s throbbing as love, but it looks like it’s actually a success.』
Creare was having fun. It also checked the situation of the other two boys.
The two of them were still sleeping in other boys’ rooms.
『I’m looking forward to their development from now.』
Creare was originally an AI of a research facility before it was reused for its current role. It was made to be more interested in things like experiment compared to AI like Luxion.
『I made this experiment because I was curious how human would act when they were tossed into a peculiar situation, but to think that the difference from old mankind would be this great. This is very interesting in a sense.』
It considered preparing aphrodisiac too for this experiment, but Creare judged that there was no need for that.
Then a rustling sound came from behind it.
It turned around and checked. IT seemed Ange and Livia who were sleeping in their underwear had just moved.
The two of them were sleeping together peacefully on one bed.
It seemed Ange woke up because of the voice of Creare talking to itself.
She sat up with a face that still looked sleepy.
『Oh, good morning. Listen to me Ange-chan! Actually──』
Ange turned toward Creare who was in high tension and threw a pillow almost unconsciously to shut it up.
Then she got back to sleep using Livia’s breasts as pillow.
Creare took offense to that.
『Horrible! How can you do such horrible to me, the one who saved Livia-chan from danger. That’s right! I’ll send the photo of this sight to master today!』
It took picture of the two’s defenseless figures for revenge.
『──Fufufu. This is your own fault because you angered me. Now then, I have to check the situation of Aaron-kun and his friends.』
Creare was operating behind the scenes while Leon was gone.
Part 4
It was around the time when I had started to get used to the life here.
「It’s tiring too today.」
I was heading to the tram terminal to get home from the academy. But then a car stopped in front of me.
The car looked like an expensive classical car.
The driver got down from the car and respectfully opened the door at the back.
I thought that he might have mistaken me for someone else, but then a girl got down from the back seat.
The students around us got noisy. Louise-san invited me while that was happening.
「I didn’t introduce myself properly at that time. I am Louise Sara Rault. Overseas student Leon-kun, I have something to talk with you.」
I never thought even in my dream that the villainess would call out to me.
Why was she interested with me?
I was also curious why she was making that shocked face when we met before.
「A talk?」
「Yes, that’s right. I’ll be pleased if you can accompany me.」
I shrugged and entered the car just like she asked.
The inside of the car had very luxurious decoration.
The seat was also soft. This was really a car that the rich would have.
Louise-san sat also got in and sat beside me. Then the driver closed the door before entering and driving the car.
I didn’t know if this car had the same structure like the car in my past life or if it only had the same appearance but different mechanism.
But, the car was moving normally.
Loiise-san talked to me with a nervous look while I was feeling nostalgic.
「Have you gotten used to Alzer?」
She broke the ice with a harmless and inoffensive question, but the real topic must be something else.
「Yes, thanks to everyone here.」
「You can talk to me if you have any trouble. I also won’t mind even if you use my name.」
I got the feeling that I would be able to get away with a lot of things if I made use of the name of the young lady of Rault House.
Though I wouldn’t use it because it was scary.
「That’s really kind of you.」
「Oh, do you think that I would be someone meaner? Noelle must have said something to you.」
「Well, something like that.」
You were the very picture of a mean-spirited woman at our first meeting though.
「I’m not like that all the time.」
「It’s not persuasive at all hearing that from the person herself.」
「You got quite the mouth in you.」
Louise-san looked like she was having fun to me. She wasn’t anything like when she interacted with Noelle.
The driver glared at me through the back mirror when I talked casually with Lady Louise.
Look at the front when driving, oi.
「──And, what might be your business with me?」
Just as I tried to move to the main topic, Louise-san brought her face closer toward me.
She touched my cheek with her left hand and stared on my face with moist eyes.
「W-what are you」
I have fiancées! I’m thinking to say that before jumping out of the car, but then Louise-san said something unexpected to me.
「Hey, try calling me “Onee-chan”.」
My brain was imagining a beauty bringing her face closer and said 「I love you」 with moist eyes to me, but to think she would ask 「Call me Onee-chan」 instead.
As expected even I couldn’t possibly predict this.
「N-no, I」
「You don’t want to?」
Louise-san said that looking like a spoiled child but also with a slightly dejected expression. She looked cute.
Perhaps she was actually making fun of me?
「For me the word big sister is only associated with bad images, so that’s why, I just can’t bring myself to say it.」
「So you have a big sister.」
「She is a big sister who planted an explosive near her little brother though.」
I mentioned that with a laugh. Louise-san’s eyes snapped wide open in shock hearing that.
「T-that’s a very extreme big sister. B-but you were alright weren’t you?」
「Yes, I got away alright.」
I recalled the duel with Julius and others before the summer vacation.
The bastard Jilk used my big sister to plant a bomb inside Arroganz in my duel against those guys.
Fortunately I got away unscathed, but a big sister who planted a bomb to kill her brother was a horrible big sister no matter how you cut it.
Well, it would also be too harsh to blame big sis if you considered her position at that time.
And I was unscathed anyway so I didn’t hold any grudge toward her.
「Do you hate, your big sister?」
「I can’t express my relationship with my sisters with simple word of like or hate. It’s more like, I can’t completely hate them no matter how hateful they are?」
「You’re kind Leon-kun.」
I was happy to be told that by Louise-san, but couldn’t something be done about this closeness.
She had backed away slightly, but the distance between us was still too close.
Our thigh touched each other, and when I realized my hand was in her grasp.
What’s with this situation!?
The car was only going in circles around the academy. It didn’t have any particular destination.
Did this mean she didn’t intend to let me get away?
「──And, what is the reason you are asking me to call you Onee-chan? Is that your hobby?」
「It’s not a hobby! I-it will take too long if I’m talking about it here. And I also don’t know whether you will believe me or not.」
She claimed that it wasn’t because of hobby that she asked me to call her Onee-chan.
However, what could be the reason then? It was curious.
Why did she want me to call her 「Onee-chan」?
「Rather, why me?」
「Tha, that’s why, it’s──」
Louise-san fidgeted in embarrassment. She averted her blushing face from me.
Her mouth was only mumbling vague words without showing any sign that she would tell me the reason.
Eh? This person, isn’t she a bit cute?
A transmission from Luxion came right after I was thinking that.
『Master, I’m sorry to disturb you while you are having fun.』
I wanted to retort 「I ain’t having fun here!」 right away, but Louise-san was also here.
Luxion ignored me and continued his report.
『A problem occurred in the academy.』
Part 5
At the academy of Alzer Commonwealth.
Jean got asked for help by a teacher after school and he stayed late in the academy. Right now he was sorting items in a classroom.
「I wonder if Noelle is hungry right now?」
Jean was worried about his old dog.
He got out of the classroom that was starting to become dark with his bag in hand. But waiting for him there was male students who got countless bad rumors surrounding him. He was blocking the corridor so he couldn’t pass through.
That male student also got his hangers-on around him.
「Eh, excuse me?」
Jean was flustered in front of the smirking boys.
They──Pierre and his friends were people who Jean never interacted with.
Pierre talked to Jean.
「Are you the one in charge of disciplining the overseas students? Now this just cannot do~, you aren’t doing your job to properly discipline those guys.」
「D-discipline? No, I, was told to help with everyone who come from overseas……」
Pierre’s hangers-on closed the distance and surrounded Jean when he corrected that statement.
Jean hugged his bag while trembling. Pierre also approached him.
「I don’t give a damn. Those guys are eyesore. That means it’s also your responsibility.」
「H-how can that」
Jean knew the rumors about Pierre. He was scared of what would befall him after this.
Pierre was the academy’s problem child.
He was the second son of Faiviel House, one of the six great nobles.
On his right hand resided the crest held by the six great nobles that was the proof of the sacred tree’s divine protection.
The other male students around him also held the divine protection of sacred tree on the back of their right hand. Though the one they had was of lower rank than Pierre’s.
All of them were nobles.
「Come with us for a bit. We’re going to discipline you. The great me of the six great nobles is going to personally disciplining you, feel honored.」
Pierre had the attitude of looking down to those who weren’t noble, but this wasn’t something unusual in the commonwealth.
There were two types of human in the commonwealth.
Those who had the sacred tree’s divine protection and those who didn’t.
Those who had the sacred protection introduced themselves as noble and looked down on those who didn’t have the sacred protection.
The nobles didn’t only look down on other countries, they also looked down on their fellow countrymen who didn’t have the crest.
「Come to behind the school.」
Jean who was led away by Pierre and his gang dropped his bag.
Part 6
I asked the car to stop in front of the school gate and got down in a hurry. I then ran toward behind the school.
「Leon-kun, wait!」
Louise-san also got down from the car, but I ignored her and kept running.
Luxion who had been concealing himself until now appeared near my right shoulder.
「Why didn’t you tell me earlier!?」
『He isn’t one of the observation targets. Master should praise me instead for noticing this so quickly despite it.』
The academy was pointlessly large. Everything was already over when I rushed into that place.
Teachers and students who were still remaining in the academy were gathering to the back of the school building.
At the middle of that there was Jean being hanged upside down from a tree.
I was running out of breath. I could only stand there watching Jean being lowered from the tree.
Luxion had camouflaged himself at that time.
『He is still alive.』
The teachers brought a stretcher to take Jean away to hospital,
「This is horrible.」
「Did they use magic?」
「The infirmary can’t treat injuries this bad. Let’s bring him to hospital.」
I pushed my way through the crowd toward Jean.
「Sorry, let me through.」
I got close to Jean and talked to him.
「Jean, hang in there! Who did this to you!?」
「You, stand back.」
Jean’s mouth moved while the teachers tried to pry me away from him.
「──Noelle, sorry」
The students around me opened their mouth after the teachers brought Jean away.
「It’s those guys.」
「He caught their eyes.」
「He is second year right? I pity him.」
They spoke as though they knew who did this.
I caught a nearby male student and asked him what was going on.
「Oi, who did that to Jean?」
「Eh, you don’t know?」
Seeing my serious expression, he watched his surrounding warily while telling me.
「──It’s Pierre of Faiviel House. Those guys like to hang someone they don’t like on a tree. Careful or you will get hanged too if you snoop around too much.」
The student left after saying that. The other students also left from this place.
I had heard the name of Pierre and Faiviel House before.
『The culprit was the evil noble who targeted the main character in the middle stage? This Pierre is the key character for the event where the main character and a capture target affirmed their love.』
This Pierre was your typical evil noble.
He would cause trouble for the main character. The boy who was the capture target would help the main character and both of them would affirm their love to each other through that event.
He was an event character.
「He’s doing whatever he pleases.」
『Master, you must wish to take revenge. But, I can’t recommend that course of action. It’ll go against your objective. Pierre is a necessary character for the event. If master crush him, the scenario will become completely out of order.』
I couldn’t make any move toward Pierre if I wanted to keep the game event stayed on the right course.
It was annoying but I decided to leave Pierre alone.
「That guy is a wonderful enemy. He made me so annoyed I want to punch his face right away.」
I would leave Pierre alone even after what he did to Jean for the sake of the game event.
I was really pathetic.
Louise-san finally arrived to behind the school while I was still rooted on that spot.
She was running out of breath. She then asked me what happened.
「Leon-kun, why did you suddenly go off running like that?」
「──No, it’s nothing.」
I was going to overlook a shitty bastard for a game event──I was no better than a shitty bastard myself.
Part 7
I headed to the apartment where Jean lived.
I explained the situation to the landlady and borrowed the key to enter inside. There I found a clean room. It was just like Jean to diligently keep his room clean like this.
There was an old dog inside that room. It approached us when we entered inside.
It growled vigilantly, but I ignored it and patted its head.
「Sorry. Your owner is going to have to stay in hospital for a while.」
There was no way it could understand my words, but the old dog stopped growling and licked my hand.
Its legs were trembling just from standing up. Its body had greatly weakened.
Luxion asked me after seeing the dog.
『It don’t have long to live.』
「Yeah. We’re going to look after it until Jean got discharged from hospital.」
『Does master intend to atone by doing this?』
「Yeah, got any problem with that? I won’t take revenge for Jean in order to avoid danger to the world. Well, it’s not like we are that close with each other, but it’s also a fact that guy has been a lot of help for me.」
In the worst case I would even consider separating Jean and Noelle from each other.
That was why, I should at least do this much for him in return.
「That guy love this Noelle-chan a lot. I’m sure he is worried for her.」
『──Pierre of Faiviel House is it? The six great nobles hold powerful influence in the commonwealth.』
「You can easily find evil noble anywhere.」
I carried Noelle in my arms and walked toward the door. Luxion made a suggestion to me at that time.
『Destroy──everything will be solved if master only tell me that.』
If the commonwealth was destroyed, then the problem of the sacred tree would also be resolved. That would be a happy end for Luxion.
「From the start I wouldn’t come here to study if I intend to give you permission for that. Besides, how about you use your thick skull already to understand that I’m not going to choose such method?」
It was really a pain in the ass that the AI who absolutely couldn’t forgive the new mankind was this extreme.
『I thought that perhaps master has a change of heart. After all master is a really fickle person.』
「Call it as being adaptable.」
『In master’s case it should be called as being indecisive instead.』
I exited the room and locked the door.
「I guess. Even so, this thing about cannot doing anything to Pierre because the one he will make trouble with is more likely to be the main character, it’s really irritating.」
I wonder what should I do to the bastard after the event ended?
『Master, what will you do in case Noelle is the main character? Will you separate Noelle from Jean and force her to be together with Loic who is stalking her around?』
「──I wish that Lelia is actually the main character here.」
If possible I wanted the two of them to become happy together.
Jean too, when he was injured it was Noelle’s name that unconsciously slipped out from his lips.
Surely he loved her.
「By the way, what are we going to need to take care of Noelle-chan? I wonder what kind of food will be good for her?」
『I will make arrangement for it.』
I’d take care of Noelle-chan until Jean returned.
Part 8
At the academy of Hohlfahrt Kingdom.
A mail from Leon arrived. Ange and Livia were sitting on the bed while happily reading the mail in turn.
The mail mentioned the happening in Alzer Commonwealth.
Creare expressly printed the mail so the two of them could read it themselves.
It was because the two of them previously said that electronic mail was lacking in taste.
However, Livia suddenly became slightly sad after reading the letter in joy.
「It’s written here that Leon-san is now taking care of an old dog.」
Ange was also looking worried.
「Seventeen years is really old for a dog. It will be difficult to take care of it.」
In fact the letter also mentioned how difficult it was to look after Noelle.
In the letter it was written how he was practically nursing the dog rather than simply taking care of it. He also made Luxion helping out with it.
「But, Leon too seems to be alright over there. The problem is whether he is getting too close with another woman or not.」
The biggest problem for the two of them would be if Leon was cheating at Alzer Commonwealth.
Ange herself was also feeling discontent because they immediately got separated from each other right after their engagement.
Livia uneasily denied Ange’s worry.
「I-it will be fine! Leon-san wrote here that he want to meet with us. Besides he isn’t the type of person who would cheat!」
Ange slightly smiled seeing Livia’s reaction and teased her.
「Who knows. After all that guy is also a man. Besides, he is a hero who climbed up until the rank of count in one generation. Any woman will surely feel her heart throbbing against such man. If it’s me then I absolutely won’t let him get away from my grasp.」
「C-certainly Leon-san is a wonderful man, but I don’t want him cheating.」
Livia looked like she was going to cry. Ange gently apologized seeing that.
「My bad. Forgive me. I too don’t want him cheating. But, there is always a risk for this kind of problem to happen.」
Clarice and also Deirdre who had just graduated were also a danger.
There was a possibility of Leon getting snatched away from the side if they let their guard down.
「I want to give him a warning just to be sure, but Leon too will hate it if we questioned him too much. It’s a difficult matter.」
「Can’t I just write to Leon-san that cheating is 「Bad!」 in our reply?」
Ange shook her head at Livia’s suggestion.
「Even Leon won’t be amused if we are suspecting him of cheating even though he isn’t doing anything like that. Creare, what is your opinion about that?」
Creare who was suddenly addressed twitched in agitation midair.
「Oi, what’s with that reaction?」
Creare took distance from Ange who was approaching it.
『I, it’s not what you think! I’m in the middle of experimenting right now. I was just wondering if master would scold me if he found out about it!』
「──Just what in the world are you doing? What do you mean by experiment?」
『T-that’s──I can’t say it.』
Unlike Luxion, Creare had a personality that was too free-spirited.
Livia scolded Creare.
「Are-chan, doing bad thing is no good, bad child!」
Scolded by the two of them, Creare was faking crying and left the room.
The spherical body didn’t have any crying function.
『You two are horrible! Even though──even though I’m working hard for everyone’s sake!』
Ange and Livia hurriedly chased after Creare who flew out from the room.


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The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs Lastest Chapters