Novel Name : Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Living in this World with Cut & Paste Chapter 16-18

Morning, before it was even bright, I woke up, prepared my equipment, and went hunting in the usual forest.
Since I’m planning to receive my first request today, I wanted to first test the new knife I had bought yesterday.
Though I encountered caterpillars and sheep, for the sake of raising the proficiency level I only used wind magic to kill them.
After I defeated a few caterpillars etc., I finally managed to encounter an orc.
「Now then, I wonder how’s my new weapon」
While muttering such, I prepared and first of all I plundered the skills from my prey, the orc.
Since I already have the skills, I pasted them on a suitable spot on the ground.
Casting 【Strong Arm】 and 【Leg Enhancement・Small】 on myself, 【Support Magic・Speed Reduction】 and 【Support Magic・Sleep】 on the orc, the battle then started.
Previously it was also like this, and I felt that the 【Support Magic・Sleep】 was not very effective.
Probably because this time it was also resisted, and didn’t show its effects.
I wonder if it would be more effective on a monster weaker than orcs?
Or it might be more effective if its proficiency level was increased.
【Support Magic・Speed Reduction】 appeared to be effective one way or another, as the orc’s movements had noticeably slowed.
After confirming the situation, I who had been aiming at the orc started running.
「My body can somehow move better than before, is this the effect of levelling up?」
While thinking such things, I fired 【Magic・Wind】 at the orc’s feet.
The orc with its movements dulled was unable to dodge the 【Magic・Wind】, and was then hit directly by it.
With its feet mangled, it couldn’t control its feet well and fell to the front.
I fired another shot of 【Magic・Wind】 at the orc who fell face first.
At the moment it was screaming and struggling in pain, I slashed at its right arm with my new steel dagger.
The resistance when I cut off the flesh the other day was not felt at all, and the orc’s right arm was severed and tumbled to the ground.
I then slid the dagger horizontally, as expected no resistance was felt and the orc’s head was cut off horizontally in half.
There wasn’t any resistance from the skull, and I couldn’t conceal my shock.
「What, this sharpness…… was guaranteed by oji-san, right」
Of course I think 【Strong Arm】 played a big role in this.
Even so, the sensation from cutting the flesh this time was way too different from previous battles.
Orcs originally have extremely tough skin, edged tools can’t easily cut through it. I cut that up in literally a blink of an eye.
With this dagger, it seems that just as oji-san said, there’s no doubt that I will be considerably at ease in battles from now on.
While expressing my heartfelt thanks to oji-san, I dismantled the orc I had just defeated using 【Cut】, and tossed it into the Storage Bag.
Since it’s gradually becoming brighter, it’s probably okay to go to the guild, huh.
While thinking that, I went back to my home once.
Of course I did not forget to use 【Swift Feet】 and 【Leg Enhancement・Small】.
I have to increase the proficiency level this way, even if by a little.
Naturally I continuously used 【Appraisal・Complete】 on trees, grass, etc. on the way while moving.
Thus, the hunt for this morning ended peacefully.
「Good morning!」
I immediately went to the counter for exclusive receptionist ladies, and inserted my guild card. (TLN: Should I keep it as receptionist lady? ._. It sounds weird at times so…)
As I did that, Aisha-san came along at once, as she had explained to me yesterday.
「Morning Myne-kun. ……Ara you’ve bought new equipment haven’t you? It looks quite good on you. Is that Black Wolf leather? That armour」
When Aisha-san told me that I looked good, I inadvertently blushed.
Getting the material for the armour right with one glance, as expected Aisha-san is an amazing person, huh.
「You’re accepting requests from today on right? First let’s raise your rank to E by finishing requests quickly」
Saying that, she showed me three pieces of written requests.
「I got these three for Myne-kun using the authority of an exclusive, I’ll be explaining now so would you please listen?」
Aisha-san found these requests for my sake, even if I didn’t listen to her explanation I will still accept it, but listening properly and not getting injured, I’ll work hard so that I can come back here safely.
The first one Aisha-san showed me was unexpectedly 「Slime Subjugation」.
Speaking of slimes, they are the weakest monsters, famous for being able to be defeated even if you don’t have an understanding of combat, as long as you are careful.
Though I am a F rank, I don’t understand the reason as to why slimes are made my opponents, when I had just come of age.
「Slimes…… is it?」
Probably realising the troubled face I was making, Aisha-san let out a giggle and explained the reason.
「Actually, slime oil had run out in the town of Lunawan, to the point where it’s interfering with their lives, and if this continues, it will surely be dreadful」(TLN: ルナワン)
Slime oil is a fuel used in households as illumination and in lanterns used by adventurers diving into labyrinths, etc.
There are even people who rear slimes to obtain the material.
It is an indispensable fuel for maintaining towns, the slime oil.
Such an important thing for the livelihood of humans, seems to have run out in the town of Lunawan, a place quite far from here.
It seems that some stupid thieves who entered the town of Lunawan to steal things, had set the town on fire when escaping.
Unfortunately, the place where they set fire to was near a storehouse for slime oil, and then was burned all at once.
Furthermore, the direction the flames spread to was bad, and it seems that it even completely burnt the cultivated slimes.
Of course there were oil stored for emergencies, but it will naturally be consumed as time goes on.
Then, it seems that the town mayor of Lunawan put up a relief request at the guild.
「Slimes by itself, are as we know, the weakest monsters, so you won’t earn money at the place you hunt them, and it won’t be evaluated as contribution towards the guild. However, since such a situation happened, though not much money can be earned, the guild contribution point is nothing to be sneezed at. At least until the supply is stable……」
As she said that, Aisha-san said “Do you understand up until here?” and smiled.
I see, it surely is quite tasty. (TLN: Of course not the literal taste…)
「But, since it’s such an unpleasant situation, was it okay to bring me this request as an exclusive?」
「Good job realising it, actually this request is only reserved for today. The official announcement is planned from tomorrow, only exclusives can accept this first.」
I then listened to Aisha-san in more detail.
「For now Lunawan is borrowing oil little by little from each town, they are able to avoid danger for the time being. That’s why you can rest at ease」
Okay, I see.
If it’s like that, then it’s probably okay.
Reserving it for us exclusives, if we’re unable to gather enough it will be terrible.
Of course, I’ll try to get a lot, but no matter what, there will be a limit by myself.
「I understand! Please accept that for me!!」
「I understand! There are two more requests though……」
As she said that, she told me about the contents of the remaining two.
・Harvest of Medicinal Plants 20 Plants 50 Copper Coins (TLN: What’s the counter for plants in English…?)
・Goblin Subjugation 5 Goblins 2 Silver Coins (5 pieces for 5 goblins thereafter)
These two requests.
According to Aisha-san, The requests can be carried out while defeating slimes, so it would be efficient to accept them.
Finally according to Aisha-san, I accepted the three requests.
Thus, in order to complete the requests, I departed for the forest north of the Town of Lucas.
I didn’t use a carriage going to the hunting ground’s forest.
Though there is a little distance, if I have some breaks, it’s not like I can’t run, and above all I wanted to raise my Skill Level.
In about one hour, I was able to arrive at the forest, my destination.
「……Phew, this is more tiring than I thought」
While saying that, I sat down at the outer circumference of the forest. Let’s rest for a while then enter.
However, Slimes and Goblins…… there’s none of them in the forest at the back of the town, huh.
It would be nice if I have some skills I can use…….
But, it’s impossible, isn’t it. None of them are a significantly strong monsters.
Though goblins do attack in groups, individually they aren’t a threat to me who can defeat orcs.
Of course, I can’t let down my guard, but I’m not nervous.
After taking plenty of rest, I slowly entered the forest.
As I did, a place where medicinal herbs were growing en masse appeared before my eyes.
「Oo, this is quite the quantity. I don’t need any as of now, so maybe I’ll turn all of these in to the guild.」
As I said that, I tossed around half of the medicinal herbs including their roots into the Storage Bag.
Actually I was told by Aisha-san when departing.
「Myne-kun, when you are harvesting medicinal herbs, if it’s possible can you bring the roots along? If possible along with the soil, as that way it will have a high value, and the price will also increase.」
Thank you Aisha-san, thank you.
Lately, I feel like I’ve been thanking a lot of people, which means the me now is blessed.
While I was thinking so, I walked feeling happy, and thanks to 【Sight Enhancement・Moderate】, I was able to discover three goblins from far away.
Name : Goblin・Priest
Race : Demon Race
Gender : ♀
Magic・Small Recovery
Name : Goblin
Race : Demon Race
Gender : ♂
One-Handed Blade
Name : Goblin・Thief
Race : Demon Race
Gender : ♂
Presence Erase・Moderate
Mu, what’s this? These are unexpectedly good skills.
Perhaps, the goblins are delicious prey to me who can use 【Cut & Paste】.
Okay, for the time being, I should steal all of their skills before fighting.
At any rate, the goblins also have different names attached to them like priest and thief, huh.
Maybe, the orcs also have them, though I haven’t seen one yet.
If that’s true, there might be good skills which I haven’t obtained yet!
I don’t know whether they exist or not, but this time, it might be good for me to try searching for them.
While thinking that, I used all the “Self Enhancement” skills, and raised my abilities.
Yosh, with these, my preparations are flawless.
As always, I fired 【Support Magic・Speed Reduction】 and 【Support Magic・Sleep】 and prepared my dagger.
As I did that, the 【Support Magic・Sleep】 which has a high chance of resistance by the orcs, actually displayed its effects quickly on the goblins.
The prediction of the resistance changing depending on the monsters’ strength, is probably true.
While confirming that they were sleeping, I decapitated the three of them.
I then dismantled them, and tossed them into the Storage Bag.
「Yosh, let’s go steadily with this rhythm!」
After that, I encountered goblins with various names, and expected, they had nice skills.
Obtained 【Martial Arts: Quick Shot】 from “Goblin・Archer”
Obtained 【Magic・Fire】 and 【Magic・Water】 from “Goblin・Mage”.
Obtained 【Iron Wall】 and 【Agitate】 from “Goblin・Knight”.
Obtained 【Tame】 from “Goblin・Tamer”
Obtained 【Body Enhancement・Small】 from “Goblin・Monk” (Izzy: … This is a lot.)
I was able to obtain these many skills in one go.
I’m really glad that I came here today! Thank you, Aisha-san, thank you!
However, there isn’t any of the important slimes.
Where in the world are they…….
I used 【Sight Enhancement・Moderate】 and surveyed my surroundings.
Hm? There’s a pond over there? I have a feeling that somehow there will be slimes at the waterside, so let’s try going there for a while.
There they are! There’s a lot of them!!
If I approach the vicinity of the pond, a lot of slimes are jostling restlessly.
「……As expected, isn’t this a lot?」
There were too many of them, I unintentionally let out a sigh.
For now, I should properly appraise them…….
Name : Slime
Race : Slime Race
Gender : None
Cleaning (Izzy: Wat.)
Oh, it’s a skill I’ve seen before.
Name : Red Slime
Race : Slime Race
Gender : None
Fire Attribute・Resistance
The red slime has 【Fire Attribute・Resistance】, huh.
I have to examine the other coloured slimes too.
Name : Slime・Experience (Izzy: wat.)
Race : Slime Race
Gender : None
Tenfold Experience Acquisition
W, Whaaaaaat!?
Somehow I have a feeling I saw an outrageous skill.
I rubbed my eyes and tried looking again.
Eh? Where did it go? Aaaaaaa, that slime has hidden somewheeeere!
No way, I can’t find it.
T, this…… I have no way but to appraise and defeat one by one, huh…….
I wonder how many there are. I feel like fainting.
However, if I didn’t look wrongly, it was 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】.
If that skill is as I expected…….
I, I might be able to become very strong.
Even though it’s difficult, I think it will be worth the effort.
For now, I used 【Iron Wall】 and 【Body Enhancement・Small】, and confronted the lightly swaying slimes one by one.
Since they’ll be defeated if I attack with my dagger, I have to first try receiving an attack purposely, and test if I will be okay getting near that herd.
I collected small stones, and threw them at the slimes.
As I did that, while swaying its body a little, it faced me and hurled itself at me.
Poyopoyo~~~ n! (TL: Translating this will just make it weird.)
Un, there isn’t any pain at all. (TL: In case you didn’t know, un means yes.)
If it’s like this, will I be okay if I’m surrounded by the group?
Just in case I think casting 【Support Magic・Gradual Restoration Small (Stamina)】 will be good.
Well then, next is attacking it.
Ah, before that, I have to check its skill. 【Cleaning】 I’ll receive it once.
Then, I held my steel dagger and killed the slime.
Un, with that even orcs will be cut.
It isn’t possible to not defeat the slimes, called the weakest, with one hit, huh.
Results of the experiment, somehow I was able to manage, I decided to face the battle which will make me faint(?).
I wonder how many I defeated…….
I counted up until 40, but since it became tiring I stopped counting.
I re-casted the spells when they went out, and again I apraised, and defeated…….
Thanks to that I was able to obtain all the attributes, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark!
As expected, the coloured slimes have skills with elements which correspond with their colour.
「Aaaaaaaaah, mou! Where in the world is it!」 (TL: mou means he is fed up.)
I unintentionally shouted as I couldn’t bear this anymore.
Why, why didn’t I get the skill when I saw it! Boku no bakabakabaka! (TL: Boku = me. baka = stupid/idiot)
Maa, ……the mountain of slime oil is the silver lining in this though.
Since then it has been about an hour.
Finally I saw it.
Name : Slime・Experience
Race : Slime Race
Gender : None
Tenfold Experience Acquisition
There’s not doubt, it’s this one! It is this one!!
I’ll steal your skill immediately! Like I’ll let you get away again! Then as if venting my anger, I cut it in one go.
Yosh, let’s withdraw! (Izzy: I wonder how funny will it be if he accidentally killed it before getting the skill?)
Once I stole the 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】 from the slime I was aiming for, I ran out from the forest as fast as my legs could carry.
As expected, that really was tiring…….
The more I use my skills, the more mentally exhausted I become.
If I am in a good mood, I wouldn’t really feel exhausted, but if I was feeling down and such, the degree of exhaustion will be higher.
Though, I still haven’t felt that extreme of an exhaustion.
Even so, using skills like crazy against that many slimes as expected tired me out.
Throwing myself down on a clump of bushes, I appraised myself.
Name : Myne
Race : Hume
Gender : Male
Age : 15 years
Occupation : Adventurer (F Rank)
Appraisal・Complete LV2 (26/200)
Cut & Paste (19/200)
Tenfold Experience Acquisition (-/-)
Dagger・Extreme (43/50)
One-handed Blade (0/50)
Twin Blades (0/50)
Axe (0/50)
Body Enhancement・Small (33/50)
Leg Enhancement・Small (24/50)
Sight Enhancement・Moderate (16/50)
Swift Feet (Small) (26/50)
Strong Arm (11/50)
Iron Wall (16/50)
Agitate (0/50)
Presence Erase・Moderate (0/50)
Magic・Fire (0/50)
Magic・Water (0/50)
Magic・Wind (12/50)
Magic・Small Recovery (0/50)
Support Magic・Speed Reduction (2/50)
Support Magic・Sleep (1/50)
Support Magic・Gradual Restoration Small (Stamina) (16/50)
Fire Attribute・Resistance (0/50)
Water Attribute・Resistance (0/50)
Wind Attribute・Resistance (0/50)
Earth Attribute・Resistance (0/50)
Light Attribute・Resistance (0/50)
Dark Attribute・Resistance (0/50)
Cooking (2/50)
Needlework (0/50)
Etiquette (0/50)
Art of Negotiation (3/50)
Alchemy (6/50)
Cleaning (0/50)
Tame (0/50)
Martial Arts : Successive Shot (0/200) (TLN: The author changed this from quick shot for some reason)
……This is outrageous, if I do say so myself.
There are 35 skills including the ones I don’t use.
Thinking that I received three skills directly from Kami-sama, even I think that possessing this number of skills is abnormal.
If I keep growing as I am, it seems that I’ll become stronger than even the King-sama himself.
Obtaining the 【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】 today was too abnormal.
For a slime, famous as the weakest, to have such a skill…….
Since it has such a skill, I can’t really call slimes the weakest.
But since it’s too weak, even if it has such an amazing skill, it couldn’t even defeat one enemy.
That’s why, such an amazing skill is wasted on it.
【Tenfold Experience Acquisition】 : Perpetual Activation Type Skill, when carrying out an action, the user will be able to obtain ten times the original experience points, skill level, etc.
Yup, no matter how many times I look at it, it’s amazing. As expected, I absolutely can’t let anyone know about this, huh…….
If people like aristocrats or influential figures known, not only will it become troublesome, I will probably be duped into working hard like a slave.
As expected, it will be difficult to form a party with someone, huh…….
It’ll probably be exposed from there.
It would be good if someone with power were to back me up, but it isn’t easy to find such a person.
However, since I became an adventurer after so much trouble, I have a yearning for a “comrade”.
Though, that is an ungrantable wish, I unconsciously let out a sigh.
「Sigh…… it can’t be helped, yosh, since I’m really tired and obtained quite a harvest, let’s hurry and return to the guild!」
I stood up immediately from my lying position, used 【Body Enhancement・Small】【Leg Strength Enhancement・Small】【Swift Feet (Small)】, and started running in the direction of the Town of Lucas.
「Hey, stop that!」
The C Rank adventurer, Lyle who made a racket at the bar and personally picked a fight with adventurers who ganged up on him, was frantically called out by a man who were in the same party as him.
Lyle who had medical tape (A tape with recovery effects soaked in medicinal plants) on his face, arm, leg, etc., was putting on his equipment one by one.
Continuing to ignore his party comrade’s words, as a results of silently moving his hands, Lyle has prepared his equipment.
However, the weird thing is that all of his other party members around him were lightly dressed.
To say nothing of weapons, they weren’t even bringing daily necessities.
Only Lyle was completely armoured.
「Serious stop this…… You know that it isn’t good to go against a fellow guild member, right? You do know that Hyold who just recently caused a quarrel was punished by the guild leader right?」
Lyle’s comrades were persuading him one by one.
No matter what he was told, he planned to attack a fellow guild member.
The guild basically does not cut in a quarrel between fellow guild members.
However, in a situation where a life will be taken, they will proactively intervene.
In a fight between fellow guild members, if a life was to be lost, such a foolish action will naturally decrease the guild’s war potential.
Also, in a situation where a civilian who has yet to join the guild was injured, they will naturally also intervene.
After all, the adventurer’s guild is nothing but an commercial organisation where the civilians are their “customers”.
Committing an act of violence against their customers, who will even choose to request from such an organisation. Probably there isn’t anyone who’s that benevolent.
That is why the rules are made stricter.
Because they know the rules, that is why Lyle’s party members are desperately trying to stop Lyle from committing a crime.
At any rate, the party members are of a common destiny. (TLN: As in you jump I jump.)
It is a collective responsibility, so to speak.
When there is someone in a party who obtained an exclusive receptionist lady, the party members will receive benefits, and similar to this, punishment will also be received identically by the all the members.
As a result from Lyle acting rashly, if the guild judges him, they themselves will also be judged identically, so that’s why they are so desperate.
However, it seems that the frantic complaints of Lyle’s comrades does not even reach him.
「Being made a fool by a rookie, as if I can shut up! I’m a C-rank you know!?」
「What are you saying!? That kid hasn’t done anything against you, you know! That’s just an unjustified resentment! It’s shameful so just stop that!」
Lyle who didn’t listen at all was starting to feel irritated at his party members, and his expression was becoming threatening.
「Shut up! If only that kid wasn’t here, Aisha would’ve become my exclusive, and I wouldn’t have gotten such injuries! How is me getting revenge wrong, rather it would be right for that brat to be punished by the guild!」
Hearing his words, all of the members had understood.
This guy’s no good…… It’s useless to talk to him.
「Hey, Lyle. You of course know right? If you were to be judged, we will all also be judged. You understood but didn’t you forget that?」
「Of course I know, but it’s not my fault! The one who should be judged is that brat!! If it’s like that then you won’t be judged either! Do you all understand that? Can’t you use your brain more?」
「……You, are you for real?」
「Of course I’m serious, can’t you tell that by looking at me」
The party members looked at each other and nodded.
「……Okay, do as you like. However, this party’s dissolved from now on. Well then, thank you for all this time」
Leaving behind those words, Lyle’s comrades left the inn, and their destination was the guild.
Yes, of course it is to dissolve the party.
Forming a new party by leaving Lyle out is another story.
Lyle who was left behind could not understand at all why his comrades, no, “former” comrades left.
He could only silently watch as they left dumbfoundedly.
At that time, in the capital.
「……A young man who has just come of age crushing an orc solo, is that even possible?」
A beauty wearing a pure white surcoat frowned her well-featured face while asking a question.
「Yeah, no doubt. We were able to confirm that he had even killed four orcs in just one day」
The surcoat wearing beauty could not believe it.
Having confidence in her skill, even if she, who is called “pseudonym” by the crowd. defeats an orc by herself, it would be difficult. (TLN: 腕に自信があり、群衆達から"二つ名"で呼ばれる自分ですら単独でオークを倒そうとすれば、それなりに苦労する。I don’t quite understand the pseudonym part though…)
It is no wonder that she could not believe that a young man who had just come of age could accomplish such a task.
She can only think that he had received an extremely terrifying Skill. (TLN: or Skills)
「If that is true…… hmm, I think I will try meeting him once」
「Is that so, I thank you for doing that. I also think that there is a need to meet him once」
A few days later, she went towards Lucas, the town where the young man who had defeated orcs lives.


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Living in this World with Cut & Paste Lastest Chapters