Novel Name : Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood Chapter 199: Sword Granting

Chapter 199: Sword Granting

The woman yelled in cracking hoarse voice dripping with shock. She least expected that Zen would have the patience to withstand her flirtation. And what surprised her more was his thorough resistance and finally she felt powerless in front of him.
It was a common sense that Flirtation was a fighting tactic that worked mostly on men at younger age as when they hit puberty they were evidently attracted to the feminine nature the most. And at the moment, seeing this man who was less than 20-year-old and should be the easiest prey of her seduction, brazenly turn down her attempts, made her curious and more determined.
With this first encounter, the woman, who was in fact the owner of Weapon Pavilion, got a profound impression of Zen. A flame of curiosity was raging in her heart, and this possessed her and pushed her to pursue Zen and find out more about him.
“Is it you who want to buy that sword?” inquired the woman, passing a wide inviting smile to him.
Even though her voice remained broken and hoarse, the whole tone on the contrary was soft and appeasing. No one could deny the gentle and soft feeling that stuck in the heart. “You are right, that is me,” Zen replied reverently as he nodded his head.
“Well...” The woman sighed with hesitation as she held out her hand to start brushing the white tiger's hair. With a polite yet shrewd smile still lingering on her face, she began to approach him. “Didn't Manager Qi tell you? This particular sword is not for sale,” she said while gazing into Zen's eyes.
Zen smiled back with equal politeness and said, “Yes, he did. It is just that the sword attracted me so much that I will be so depressed if I cannot earn it. Do you think you could bend your rule this once and quote a price for it?” He pursued diligently.
Upon hearing his persistent attempt, the woman burst out into a small shrill laugh. She shook her head expressing her refusal and explained, “This sword is not any common sword on which I could bear to put a tag. It is a combination of the knowledge of Chase's last times on earth. He poured his lifetime's hard work, knowledge and dedication into this sword when making it. And I inherited it because he was my father's close friend. And according to his will, I am not allowed to sell it to anyone unless someone would be able to refine it into a fairy weapon, and in that case, the sword could be awarded with no charge at all. So right now, there is no point in mentioning any price if you have no ability to fulfil Chase's last wish.”
After hearing her long speech, a small contemptuous smile appeared on Zen's lips. “What if I possess the ability to refine it into a fairy weapon? Then will you do as you just promised? Will then give it to me for free?” he asked, with a determined and confident light shinning in his eyes.
His confident aura grabbed the elder shopkeeper's attention who had been intently listening to their conversation the entire time. He lifted his head and scoured Zen from top to feet, wondering if he was just exaggerating about his ability or did he really posses such a faculty. From his first impression and glimpse at Zen upon his entrance into the shop, he had the faint feeling that Zen could not possibly be an ordinary person. And right now, he was surprised and amazed more than ever. Even though he had so many questions about Zen, he did not dare to vocalise them because his boss was present in their company. So he lowered his head yet again and waited for their further conversation with full concentration.
The woman pulled out a handkerchief from the pouch under her dress and started laughing enchantingly as she covered her mouth with the hankie which had delicately dyed roses all over it. “What a funny person you are, Sir. You are not even a weapon refiner, and not to mention you have no fire in your body yet you are confident that you have the ability to refine it. So what instils such confidence in you?” she asked in a rather firm mocking tone.
When it came to condensing weapons, fire was not the essential element in the whole process. However, it went without saying that anyone who had the ability to condense weapons must be a weapon refiner. From the moment she laid her eyes on Zen, the woman noticed that it was the life vitality that Zen was practicing not the fire. In other words, Zen was not a weapon refiner at the moment. And that was the reason why the woman doubted Zen's ability to refine the sword into a fairy weapon.
“I am afraid I cannot agree on the point you tried to make,” retorted Zen exhuming confidence. “It is true that I have not reached the level of practising fire at the moment. But who said that you have to use fire in your body to refine a weapon? There can be another kind of fire that can be used to refine weapons as well. Am I right?” he asked with a certain degree of arrogance on his face. The woman sighed helplessly at his audacity.
Zen's confident words intensified her impression that Zen could not be a weapon refiner, or more accurately, she was almost positive that one could not high up to weapon refiner's level at such a young age. She felt Zen was just bluffing and flaunting in front of her as many youth of his age commonly would. Gradually, a strong desire to expose his lie arose in her mind. “Well then, if you are so certain that you could refine a weapon, then show me what you have got.”
Right after saying that, the woman's face instantly turned to firm, serious look as she snapped her fingers. As the loud sound resonated and echoed in the air, the fire that had been blazing wildly in the furnace now began to dwindle. And before anyone could realize what was happening, the fire diminished into a bird-shaped flame and flew out from inside.
“Fire spirit!”
Zen cried in wonder beholding the sight before him. Actually when he entered the room and saw the fire the first time, a strange, odd feeling came across his mind and he felt the fire seemed different than the usual fire. But the idea never occurred to him that it could indeed be a fire spirit.
Only very special fire contained a fire spirit in it.
According to legend, the fire spirit originated in an ancient clan. There was story which said that with the continuous years of disaster and drought, the clan's elder invited a witch to disperse the bad omen that people believed to be the reason of their hardships. And from that time on, they set up a giant furnace and kindled the fire obeying the witch's spell. And henceforward, the clan only grew wealthier and stronger, and began to expand their territory. They then became the largest and the most powerful clan in the Eastern Region. And the fire that lit in the furnace had never been extinguished from the first day till this day. It became the most holy and divine symbol in the whole clan which kept their hopes and dreams afloat.
After the fire had burned for over one thousand years, a living spirit came out of it eventually, and it was never easy for people to see a fire spirit rising from any kind of fire despite of how long time it had burned. There were only a few fire spirits in the whole worldwide. And today, very luckily, they happened to come across one, a beautiful, delicate one.
Zen remembered the fire of the Earth's core that he absorbed in his body in the past. He believed that the fire had also burned in the cave under the ground for over a thousand years before he took it in at length. But even that fire did not possess the capability to produce a fire spirit.
As Zen was lost in his line of own thoughts wondering about the fire spirit, the woman broke the silence and resumed speaking, “I don't like my time to be wasted. You better be as strong as you claimed. So now it is your show time.” Evidently, her tone carried a hint of mockery and despise.
As they stood there, challenging Zen in the confirmation test, the fire spirit flew around them with its golden, radiant body circling above as if it was a rainbow that fell upon them creating a beautiful sight to behold. Upon sensing antagonism in the atmosphere, the bird flew down and rested in the woman's palm. Tilting its head sideways, the bird watched Zen with its clean, golden eyes and chirped as if it could read its owner's mind and it too was terrorising Zen.
Despite the test, the woman herself attracted Zen's attention all the more.
He never once expected to come across such a mysterious, powerful woman with a fire spirit in her possession in the Imperial Capital. 'Who could she possibly be? How has she hidden in Weapon Pavilion for so long without no one ever noticing her capability and strength? Although she looks merely 20-year-old, but seeing the fire spirit acting so docile towards her, she could never be a common citizen. And moreover, how am I unable to detect her strength as I have always been able to with other people?
Such an extraordinary person who owns a fire spirit? I doubt even Cloud Sect would be able to raise such a capable person, ' Zen contemplated in his heart as he looked with an absorbed expression at the bird.
Nonetheless, Zen was exceedingly confident about his ability to display his fire in front of the mighty woman. He smiled vaguely and inquired, “So your proposal means that, if I could show you the fire, then you will give me the sword without any other strings attached?”
The woman smiled again and shook her head to express disapproval. “It wouldn't be that easy. You first need to prove yourself and that does not mean that you simply need to show me your fire. You know Chase, right? You don't really expect me to disappoint him, do you? If what you are going to display is just an ordinary fire, then I am sorry, you are not qualified and worthy, and I am not allowed to give the sword to you. Who knows what you will refine the sword into when you have no capability at all? Maybe a top grade spiritual weapon, or maybe your ability only allows you to refine it into a medium grade spiritual weapon. If that is the case, I will fail Chase and his entire life's hard work and effort will vanish into thin air. That is the last thing I want,” she said, staring right into Zen's eyes.
A contemptuous smile came across Zen's face. He walked up to Manager Qi who had been intently listening to their conversation and politely requested, “I am sorry, can you excuse us for a few minutes?”
Manager Qi was taken aback a little at first by his sudden request, but then in an instant, he exchanged an understanding look and retreated off silently obliging humbly. After being in business for so many years, he clearly knew that as much as he was filled with curiosity and eager to find out about Zen's true capability, comparing to his own pure curiosity, business always came first.
After Manager Qi left the chamber and the door was closed, the test officially began. Zen closed his eyes and started to make a connection with the giant furnace in his mind.
Within a short moment, a flame of black fire came spitting out, right from the middle of his brows, and began floating about in front of him.
It was evident that this fire would create a rise in temperature or even bring heat to the surroundings. And it was not easy for any kind of fire to withhold its heat inside. Even the fire spirit, though it had contained most of its heat inward, was not able to restrict it completely. It was just because that woman was an extraordinary person who could prevail over heat, then the bird could be able to rest in her palm without burning her. Otherwise, she could have suffered serious burns just by being so close to the fire spirit.
However, to their astonishment, the fire that Zen summoned out from his body was in complete dark colour exhibiting no sign of heat inside. It was as if a small phantom was floating, swaying around them and was trying to send across a message.
Within seconds, the black fire not only terrorized the woman, but also horrified the fire spirit. The moment the black fire came out, the fire spirit started to react in a rather odd manner with weird motion that the woman had never seen it exhibit before. Apparently, it had encountered a strong and powerful opponent this time. Its body began to shiver, its feathers all erected up, and flames of fires ejected from its mouth.
For a moment, the woman stood stone cold there in perfect silence. In her heart, she sensed the strong and profound power of the black fire swaying in the air between them. Her mind contemplated over the situation that she was caught in. She lost confidence that her fire spirit could power over the mysterious and rather cool black fire.
Once the fire spirit sensed its owner's fear, the terror in its heart intensified and it suddenly stopped emitting fire from its mouth. Then in an instant, he flew off and circled in the air for a few turns with hastened and tense flapping wings before finally swooping down and hiding back in the furnace again.
“This fire that you summoned out...” The woman started speaking rather discreetly as she asked, “Is it a fire spirit?”
Upon hearing her enquire, Zen did not answer at once. Instead, he watched his black fire that circled around in the air for a few more moments. And then again, he closed his eyes and recalled it back into his body. As the fire spirit had already admitted its inferiority to his black fire, there was no need to have the black fire wandering around any longer exemplifying his power. In all honesty, Zen did not have absolute control over the black fire at the moment. It came out partly because it was hungry and tried to find some prey.
The black fire had a wide range choice for food. In addition to its choice of devouring weapons, other fires could also be its food.
But after all, a fire spirit could never be a prey that it could often see, let alone get. Seeing the living, delicious fire spirit sitting across, it had been waiting eagerly to rush to his battle. However, to its disappointment, before it could chase after the fire spirit, Zen had already ordered it back.
The black fire had no choice but to obey him as Zen's body was its home that it must inhabit peacefully. And also, it was smart to know that as long as it lived in his body, Zen would provide food and shelter to look out for it. So after circling around in the air hesitantly for a short time, while lusting over the bird, it finally came down and disappeared into the middle of Zen's brows upon receiving the command.
After the test was completed, Zen turned to the woman who was still standing all frozen and numb with her mouth partially opened wide in shock as to what she had just witnessed. “I cannot say that it is a fire spirit. I am not certain myself either. But anyway, you saw the result. So I hope now you will fulfil our agreement that we decided upon,” he reminded politely.
However, the woman remained silent. It was clear that she still needed some time to recover from the shock she received from witnessing the majestic black fire. So for a while, standing in a trance-like state, her mind was arrested by the thought about that black fire.
In the past, she had encountered a number of different fires and fire spirits. But nothing she had seen could even compare to this one and part of the shock came because she least expected to see it coming from this young man. According to her vast experience and knowledge about fires, it was not the disruptive strength and ability of releasing heat that defined their capability. On the contrary, it was the ability to introvert its heat inward that defined their power. The cooler, the stronger!
If a fire spirit had the ability to fly close over the wood without igniting it, then it was considered a strong and powerful fire.
The black fire that she witnessed, did not emit any heat. It might have sealed its heat so perfectly that it looked like a flame-like creature instead of a flame itself.
Then again, having this indescribable ability to conceal all of its heat which was supreme, how really powerful could the black fire be?
No one knew for sure, not even its owner Zen.
He just knew that so far, there hadn't been a single thing that the black fire could not destroy. Even those upper scale mysterious weapons that were made of the hardest material in the world, it could just as easily scorch them and dissolve them into heavenly essence before enjoying it. In its eyes, everything was just as soft and weak as candles and it could just easily make them his food.
The silence in the room prevailed. The woman glanced at Zen with a rather pensive look for a moment before she finally resumed, “You just proved that you have a special fire although I am not sure that if it is a fire spirit or what. But anyway, the main question is: how are you not a weapon refiner?” A look of doubt appeared across her elegant face.
“I admit I am not a weapon refiner.” Zen smiled in a meek manner and continued, “However, I am very positive that I will be a weapon refiner one day. And I strongly believe that the day will come very soon. And I am pretty sure that I have the ability to refine this sword into a fairy weapon. So do trust my abilities!” His voice was infused with irresistible determination.
It was true that Zen hadn't been able to accumulate all the skills required to be a weapon refiner yet. But the major point of the entire thing was, he had now gathered more heavenly essences than any other person. And everyone knew that heavenly essence was the critical element in the process of refining weapons.
But what seemed funny was now a young man with no weapon refiner's degree or any relevant experience was claiming that he could refine Chase's final work into a fairy weapon. This idea would have inevitably been mocked and teased if this woman had not witnessed his black fire with her own eyes just a few moments back. With her original hope to unmask his lie, now the woman began to hesitate over her decision. She never once considered that she would have to part with the sword. She started to believe that Zen could not be an ordinary, common person with the abilities he just showcased. He seemed to have a more depth of mystery than she thought he possessed.
She recalled the words her mentor had always said when he was alive. 'When could we have a talented person in Eastern Region? I am afraid I could not live that long to see one rise.'
A strong, vivid feeling struck her heart that maybe the time that her mentor had always longed for had now finally come, and Zen might be the person that her mentor referred to. And if that were true, there was no other option for her but to hand the sword out. She had to give it a shot and let loose of it now that she had gotten a glimpse of how powerful Zen was. With a gentle smile she consented, “Of course I will keep my promise.” And without any delay and hesitation, she snapped her fingers and motioned the storekeeper to come in. After the man had entered, she ordered, “Manager Qi, grant the sword to this gentleman.”
Manager Qi was taken aback upon hearing her request. He did not move at once, wondering if he had heard her wrong. He was confused as to what happened when he left just a moment ago. After all, the sword was the most precious thing that she had ever kept in so many years after Chase's death. 'Although this young man looks extraordinary and seems to posses some special talents, is he really competent enough to earn that sword?' he contemplated with a look of awe.
Noting his concern, the woman explained to clarify his mounting doubts, 'He has passed the test. So I need to keep my promise and reward the sword to him."
She seemed to have made up her mind. There were no way around it. After receiving the clear direction from his boss, Manager Qi came out from his trance and gave the sword to Zen.
After receiving the sword from Manager Qi, Zen cupped his hands in front and bowed slightly to show his respects and gratitude to the woman for granting the sword.
The woman nodded her head and said in an absent tone, “Well, I didn't grant you the sword because I thought you were the best option I saw. It is just that there hasn't been an exceptional weapon-refining master in Eastern Region for many years now. I once wanted to give it to Brady and the other master, but they both refused. I am not sure how much longer I have to wait to find another distinguished weapon-refining master. Leaving it here is just wasting time. I can see that you have got some power, talent and determination in you. If you are really sure about your abilities, then you can give it a go. Like what Chase wrote in his will, 'Everything has its fate, the sword will choose the right person when the right time comes.' You liked it at your first glimpse, maybe you two were destined to take this journey together.”
Zen nodded with gratitude and thanked her once again before taking his leave. On his way back, he was filled with excitement and happiness. He was anxious to find out what kind of weapon he could refine it into using his heavenly essence and strength.
Meanwhile at the Weapon Pavilion, a small argument was sparked between Manager Qi and the woman. Unlike the subservient look he displayed earlier, Manager Qi now stood upright and frowned at the woman as he accused her, “What have you just done? You disobeyed our original rule, are you aware of that?” His voice was strong with protest and disdain.
With a careless shrug, the woman shook her head absently. Her eyes averted to the furnace in which her fire spirit was still trembling in utter fear caused from seeing Zen's black fire back then. After a short pause, she said in a tone intertwined with contempt and mockery, “Rule? Rules mean nothing in comparison to the dull reality. When was the last time you saw a talented master in the whole Eastern Region who had the capability to make a difference? I think I have lost track also now. Maybe there was one, the one who has been imprisoned Mountain and there is no way to escape at the moment. Now the situation has got worse and messier. I am afraid if this turmoil goes on any longer, the whole Eastern Region will break down eventually and become an unknown, stark place that no one would like to come to.”
Manager Qi shrank back with shock as he accepted what just happened. Much as he had been choosing to neglect the reality, he knew in his heart that the atmosphere in Eastern Region was becoming tense and uneasy. What she was saying was true and with that he decided to be silent. But no matter what, giving such a precious sword to such a young man still seemed like a slack and reckless decision. “But that young fellow is just a…” he paused, not knowing how he should express Zen's level properly. His face was drowning in a confused and querulous look.
“Just a what? A nature creature? So far, I have never been wrong at predicting people's future and judging their character. He might be just a nature creature at the moment, but I don't believe he will be at Cloud Sect forever. Very soon, he will be on his way to the upper level, and when the time comes, the sword we gave him will come in handy as a superior and transformed weapon,” she said optimistically. As she spoke, a golden, radiant light shimmered in her large, attentive eyes. She looked as if a gorgeous, elegant peacock that was looking down at the other birds while displaying her enchanting, affectionate demeanor.
“What makes you so confident of his abilities?” inquired Manager Qi. The fear still persisted on his face.
The woman smiled and turned to the furnace. “You were not in the room when the test was carried out and that is why you remain so doubtful about my decision while I have confidence in his abilities. But even now look at the fire spirit in the furnace! I think it would explain everything to you,” she humbly requested.
Puzzled, Manager Qi turned to follow the direction of the woman's gaze. To his shock, the fire spirit was trembling violently as if something bad and horror had frightened it.
Manager Qi's face turned pale in astonishment at the sight. It was the first time he saw the fire spirit in such an agitated, frightened state. “Why? What made it so terrified?” he wondered.


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