Novel Name : Magic Gems Gourmet

Magic Gems Gourmet Chapter 84

Chapter 84

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ED: LonelyMatter
Chapter 84 – Surely, She’ll Be Stay Behind
Ain noticed that the morning was surprisingly warm.
But there was a reason for that: the sun was not hidden by clouds.
When the sun shone, he could somehow feel some warmth.
When he opened the window, a cold wind blew in, and the muscles in his face contracted.
It would be nice to be exposed to it for a while, but he refrained from doing so for fear of frostbite.
“Hmm,” he yawned as he stretched his body.
He couldn’t help but feel that everyone shared the same feeling of being comfortable with this first thing in the morning.
“I wonder if Krone is awake.”
He was resting in a separate bedroom from hers, across the living room.
From the inn’s point of view, it was a room with several bedrooms, so it was treated as the same room.
But since they were not in the same bedroom, he was actually not nervous.
He put on a cardigan and went out.
He knew it would be better to change before going out, but he wanted to enjoy this languid feeling.
It was a different place from the bedroom where he usually spent his time.
It was a new stimulus, and he wanted to respect every one of these experineces
Then he opened the bedroom door and looked into the living room.
“Oh, good morning, Ain. I think you look nice dressed, but you don’t often let your subordinates see you dressed like that.”
“Good morning… you’re up early, Krone.”
“Is that so? Ain is early, too, so we’re similar. I wish I had slept more.”
It’s 6:00 a.m… and Ain was a little embarrassed to see that she was already dressed.
“I’m going to change…”
“Are you going to change? I don’t mind, you know?”
“It’s just a matter of how I feel… I’ll see you later then.”
Now Ain was fully awake. He went back to his bedroom and started to get dressed.
The change of clothes he had prepared last night lay on the bedside table. He took it in his hand, exhaled, and started to change his clothes, starting with his upper body.
“Let’s get on with the day.”
There was still time before the Count came to greet him.
Until then, he could enjoy breakfast and chat with Krone.
After changing his clothes, Ain returned to Krone and enjoyed the hot tea she had prepared for him.
“An established fact, is it?”
“I suppose it’s something like that.”
While Ain and Krone were having breakfast together, at the main branch of the August Trading Company in the royal capital, Graff and Alfredo were also having breakfast and enjoying the conversation.
The August Trading Company had grown into a large trading company.
It was only natural that the chairman of the August Trading Company did not have much time to rest.
Alfredo worked hard as Graff’s assistant.
But fortunately, they both enjoyed this busy life.
“From the outside, it looks like they sleep in the same room. If that’s the case, I’m sure the troublesome ones will back off.”
“It’s true, if you ask me. There have been rumors for a long time, but there are some very enthusiastic people out there.”
“I don’t remember anything more than three digits.”
When Krone attended the Academy, there were a series of courtships that became a tedious amount of work.
When it was brought to her attention, all she would say was, “Just reject it as you see fit.”
“But I wonder. If that’s the case, why didn’t Warren-sama and the others put it in the form of an engagement right away?”
“Perhaps it’s a national peculiarity. I heard that His Majesty Sylvird got engaged to Queen Laralua when he turned 22. I think it is better to get engaged as early as possible, but maybe it is just another common sense here.”
Royals were more valued if they had children quickly.
It was also safer if they took several wives.
But Sylvird had only one wife, and the engagement came pretty late.
“There are some delicate matters. I can’t ask too much myself; it would be rude.”
“Yes, that’s right… By the way, young master.”
“What is it?”
These days, both of them were probably reminiscing about the old days when they were young.
Nowadays, Alfredo called Graff “young master” in unoccupied places, just like in the old days.
“If the young lady is to be engaged, there will be no opposition…”
“I don’t think so. Why did Krone go to Ishtalika? If you think about it, there’s no way to stop her, and if it’s His Highness, then you can trust him. That’s what I think.”
As a hero who defeated the Sea Dragon himself, he was also the head of Ishtalika’s highest academic institution. He was also the Crown Prince.
A man who made you wonder where his mistakes were that was Ain.
“Still, His Highness would not touch Krone even if they shared an inn.”
“Huh. What makes you think so?”
Graff said confidently.
Alfredo asked what gave him such confidence.
“I don’t think he has the guts yet…”
“…I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
Alfredo was so concerned about the reason he didn’t want people to hear about it that he decided to pretend he hadn’t heard about it.
Meanwhile, Ain enjoyed a relaxing time after dinner.
If he had brought Mei with him, she would have enjoyed playing in the snow.
Looking at the snow-covered cityscape, he was reminded of Mei, the angel in the knights’ dining hall.
When he returned home, he would have to investigate whether the knights were lolicons or not.
While he was absentmindedly thinking about this, Dill, his personal guard, called out to him.
“Ain-sama. Did you sleep well last night?”
“No problem. The room was warm, and the bed comfortable.”
“That’s good to hear.”
As the time for the Count’s arrival approached, Lloyd and Dill came into Ain’s room.
Now, the four of them were sitting on the sofa, slowly waiting for the right moment.
“Oh, by the way, what is the Count’s name? I completely forgot to ask.”
“Oh… sorry, I forgot to explain it too. His name is Count Raizer Baltic.”
“I see; his name is similar to the instructor’s. That makes it easier for me to remember.”
The family name, like the territory, was Baltic.
When he heard the names Kaizer and Raizer, he realized that they really were brothers.
He hesitated to ask about the family situation, but if he had the chance, he would also ask about it with the instructor.
“Then you can call him Count Baltic.”
“I guess so. I have heard that Count Baltic is also a man who loves swordsmanship. That might be the character of the Lord of Baltic.”
“Sure. It is a typical hobby of the Lord of the Baltic. Do you know what kind of person he is, Lloyd-san?”
“I had a chance to talk to him, a few times in the past, at a party at the castle.”
That’s good to know.
Ain would like to hear what kind of man he was.
“What was he like?”
“A pleasant man. He has a warm personality that respects humanity. Also, as Krone-dono said, he is a rare nobleman who can handle a sword at a high level.”
“Huh… it doesn’t seem too hard to talk to him then, does it?”
“Don’t worry about it. By the way, as far as sword strength is concerned, he would have needed five minutes against the Dill before he went to Euro. If it were now, he would have taken six minutes.”
Recently, Dill has been the unrivaled powerhouse among the Royal Guards.
“If you think about it, both Lloyd-san and Dill. Both are from the Duke’s family and respectable nobles, you know.”
“Hahaha! What are you talking about, Ain-sama? Right, Dill?”
“Yes, Father. We are, after all, the sword and shield of the royal family. Therefore, Ain-sama, I hope you will treat us more like knights than noblemen.”
“I see… I’ll count on you.”
For generations, the Glacier family had cherished pride. It was never about the status of the family.
It was pride in the fact that they had produced Royal Guards for generations and had been trusted as leaders among them.
That was why they were all raised as knights, not nobles.
Even Lloyd, the former marshal, was raised by his father to be a respectable knight.
While they were talking, there was a knock at the door from outside.
“I think they have arrived. Dill, please greet them.”
“I understand. Then, Ain-sama, please excuse me.”
Speaking of the nobility of the family, it would be wrong for Dill to go to the door.
After all, he was also a member of the Duke’s family, so his position was higher than that of the Count.
But now Dill was Ain’s bodyguard.
And since they have different ways of thinking, he had nothing to complain about going out for the Count, who was lower in rank.
It was clear from Lloyd’s words that Count Baltic was not a troublesome character.
His character assessment was trustworthy, so maybe he was who he said he was.
Ain replaced his slow mood and continued to wait for Count Baltic to come to his room.
“First of all, I would like to apologize for making such a sudden request.”
Count Baltic was led in by Dill.
He moves quite pleasantly, as Lloyd explained.
But he apologized for the sudden appointment as soon as he opened his mouth.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. I am Raizer Baltic. I have been entrusted by His Majesty with the land of Baltic and have been given the title of Count.”
Count Baltic entered the room with a crisp movement and bowed his head at a 90-degree angle.
His silver-gray hair was neatly styled, and his beard, also gray, gives him a masculine appearance.
His posture, with its straight back, gave the impression of a sophisticated military man.
“Nice to meet you, Count Baltic. I’m sorry to have come all this way, but it’s a pleasure to meet the renowned Lord of Baltic.”
Despite his pleasantries, Ain had, of course, never heard of Count Baltic.
He had expected the Lord of Baltic to be competent, but he had only heard of him through Krone, and that was only yesterday and today.
But now that he was face to face with him, he understood the meaning of what Krone and Lloyd had explained to him.
“Please sit down. I want to talk to you slowly.”
“Yes! Then please excuse me.”
So Baltic sat down in front of Ain.
Dill went behind the sofa where Ain and Krone were sitting and stood there with Lloyd.
“I’m also glad that you came to Baltic this time.”
He looked a bit like Kaizer when he said this.
The bridge between his nose and his eyes gave a similar impression.
“That’s because I’m also doing an investigation. But Baltic is a nice city, and I like this atmosphere.”
This was true, by the way.
From Ain’s point of view, a city like Baltic was full of everything he liked.
Count Baltic was pleased to hear this and thanked Ain for his words.
“That’s good to hear. There are many ruffians in this city, but I am grateful to hear you say that.”
“Before I leave, I would like to visit the blacksmiths and such. I hear there are many skilled blacksmiths.”
“Oh, yes. It is, after all, a treasure trove of monsters and mineral resources. It is so full of blacksmiths that it is called a sacred place for blacksmiths.”
Count Baltic had a wonderful sitting posture that even those who were looking at him would admire it.
Looking at him, it was easy to see why Lloyd said he was such a pleasant man.
“I’m looking forward to it. If you have any recommendations for a blacksmith, let me know later.”
“Then I will prepare a letter of introduction for the blacksmith. With that, you can enter the shop right away.”
Ain’s face lit up at this honest and grateful offer.
But the word “letter of introduction” reminded him of something.
“By the way, Count Baltic. I heard that Instructor Kaizer is the younger brother of the Count, and I remembered that I had received a letter of introduction from him as well.”
What he had received from Kaizer was a letter of introduction to the guild. Since Kaizer was quite famous, he was told that the letter of introduction would be useful, and Ain received it.
“That man gave you a letter of introduction? How unusual, but with Kaizer’s letter of introduction, His Highness’ investigation will go well.”
“Hmm? Unusual…?”
“Yes, not only is it unusual, but I’ve never heard of Kaizer writing a letter of introduction. After all, he is as eccentric as he seems to be.”
The Count seemed to smile and enjoy himself while talking about Kaizer, which made Ain suspect that the family might not have had a good relationship.
“I haven’t heard from him lately, but I’m glad to hear that he’s doing well.”
“I’m going to ask you something I don’t understand: why did the instructor leave the Count’s family?”
“Oh, that’s what you’re wondering. …In short, it was because of a dream. Both Kaizer and I were born here in the Baltic. So, from an early age, we longed to be adventurers and were in and out of the guilds. Of course, we didn’t take requests, but we just enjoyed the atmosphere of the place.”
His face is soft as he begins to speak as if remembering the past.
“I was the eldest son, and my parents would have considered me a good listener. But Kaizer wanted freedom. The rest is a simple story. He left the Baltic family rather forcefully, that’s all. It’s not that I personally have a bad relationship with him.”
“I thought there was a bigger problem.”
“I apologize for worrying you. But I think… Kaizer was just born in the wrong house. He had his own dreams, and he wanted to realize them. That’s all there is to it.”
Let’s ask him next time at school, Ain said to himself.
He was curious to see what kind of reaction he would get.
He decided to play around with Kaizer in an exquisite way so that he would not be offended.
“Oops, I talked too much. I apologize, Your Highness.”
“No, don’t worry about it. It was quite an interesting conversation, even for me.”
In any case, he now had a topic to play with.
That alone made the meeting worthwhile.
“…I heard that His Highness is planning to go to the former Demon King’s territory at this time.”
The Count’s atmosphere changed as if to say that this was just a prelude.
He said something that was clear to everyone and calmly observed Ain’s situation.
“…Yes. I will be investigating the former Demon King’s territory.”
In any case, that was the main purpose of this trip.
There were traces of Red Foxes there, too, and that was highly probable.
The Count looked into Ain’s eyes.
“I see… you seem to be serious.”
He murmured with a sigh. He looked into Ain’s eyes to see how serious he was.
“If you are serious, I can’t stop you. Well, I can’t stop you to begin with.”
“Haha. You seem to care about me.”
“That’s outrageous. It’s a trivial thing for an old man to do. Actually, that’s what I’m worried about this time. It’s only natural that I should greet you, but if anything, that’s the main point I wanted to talk about.”
Then, he took out a sheet of parchment from the bag in his hand.
“Here, I will give it to you.”
“…What is this?”
“This is the direction to the former Demon King’s territory at this time of year. Since the snowfall has not become that heavy yet, I think it is best to get there early.”
What he gave Ain was a route to the former Demon King’s territory.
The guild would also provide information on the route.
“The guild will give you directions as well. But it would be better if you read it first and make some plans.”
“This is great… and very helpful, Count! Thank you!”
“I’m glad you’re pleased. By the way, the route for this time of year should take a few hours on foot.”
Ain was surprised by the words that brought him back to the surface of his mind.
Walking this hard road for almost three hours?
“The snow is heavy, and it takes much longer than when there is no snow. So I think that’s about all you need to do…”
In other words, they would leave in the morning and arrive before noon.
And with all the investigation, there’s a good chance they won’t make it back that day.
“Lloyd. I need your thoughts on this.”
“Yes! What could that be?”
“We can’t go back on the same day, can we?”
“I think we should be prepared to camp for a few days.”
“That’s probably right,” Ain agreed in his mind.
It would be inefficient to spend so much time walking and making a day trip.
It would be more practical to just keep quiet and camp.
“I understand. Thank you, Lloyd.”
Lloyd bowed his head in silence.
Now, thinking about what to do about the plan… it was not something that can be decided immediately.
This investigation would take about a month.
But was it best to divide the march into several parts?
Another thing to consider was the danger.
There were probably still hidden dangers in the former Demon King’s territory. Considering that, it was impossible to go there lightly, and it might be better not to take the weak… for example, the servants.
With that in mind, there is one thing to start with.
There was one thing that was fixed in Ain’s mind.
“(Yes. Krone will stay behind.)”
She would probably object, but even Ain was against taking her with him.
There was no way he could take her to such a dangerous area for days.
“(The question is how to convince her…)”
He looked at the girl next to him.
She was already thinking about what to do, staring at the parchment the Count gave her.
Perhaps that was why she did not seem to notice Ain’s gaze but remained silent and concentrated.
“What should I do now…”
It had become a source of worry for Ain, so much so that it often leaked out of his mouth.
“Yes… it is true. How should we plan…?”
That’s right. How is he going to convince her?
The two of them think a little differently, but what they did is very similar.
“We’ll make a solid plan later. First things first.”
But under the present circumstances, it was impossible to decide what to do.
Let’s listen to what Count Baltic has to say first and then think about what to do next.


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