Novel Name : The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chu Jinyao is lost and is looking for Qin Yi to ask for directions.
Qin Yi takes a step to the side and signals Chu Jinyao to approach. Chu Jinyao hesitated: "this..." Qin Yi is now a young man. Men and women don't give and receive. How can she get so close to him?
Seeing that Chu Jinyao didn't move, Qin Yi directly stretched out his hand and pulled her over: "hurry up, I can't leave the jade pendant for too long. I can't practice without teaching."
Chu Jinyao's wrist was held. She only had time to see each other's slender fingers. Qin Yi is still in a state of spirit and his fingers are still translucent, but even so, it doesn't prevent him from completely encircling Chu Jinyao's wrist with one hand and pulling her whole person with a little force.
Chu Jin felt inexplicably that it was a pair of martial arts hands. If you don't practice martial arts, your fingers won't be so long and powerful.
How many years has Qin Yi been practicing? He is so powerful in both literature and martial arts. Chu Jinyao was thinking in a trance that her forehead was suddenly bounced. Although it was not painful, it was enough to wake her up.
"What are you doing?" Chu Jinyao covered her forehead and looked up at Qin Yi unhappily.
Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, it's reasonable for you to be distracted? Hold your pen well and write in the way I said."
Chu Jinyao is still very interested in learning. If she doesn't, she will be caught by Chu Jinmiao. She immediately withdrew her mind and listened carefully to Qin Yi. Qin Yi stood beside Chu Jinyao and taught her how to move her pen and how to make a transition. Chu Jinyao didn't do well in some places. Qin Yi was impatient and directly reached out to hold her pen to help her correct. He is on Chu Jinyao's left hand. Every time he wants to hold a pen, he can only stretch his arm behind Chu Jinyao and hold her to correct. Chu Jinyao was very uncomfortable. She told herself in her heart that Qin Yi was a monster and had no sense of great defense between men and women in the world. Don't worry about it with him. This repeated many times, Chu Jinyao was also slowly used to it. She held hands by Qin Yi, pushed slowly on the paper, and wrote more and more smoothly.
Chu Jinyao used to write very little. She was very afraid of pen and ink, but now Qin Yi took it with her. She started it quickly. Later, when Qin Yi let go, she could write a few words in a decent way. Chu Jinyao was very happy. She turned back happily and said, "look, I can write by myself!"
Chu Jinyao turned back in a hurry and forgot that Qin Yi was standing behind her. They were very close. When she looked back like this, she almost hit Qin Yi's chin.
Qin Yi had to stand very close when he wanted to bypass Chu Jinyao and hold his pen. He was taller than Chu Jinyao, so he had to support the table with one hand and put the other hand around Chu Jinyao, with the feeling that she was familiar with writing. Now Chu Jinyao suddenly turned back and nearly ran into him. Chu Jinyao looked back and found Qin Yi's face close at hand. He was stunned on the spot. Qin Yi reacted very quickly. He immediately raised his chin back, then lowered his eyes and glanced at Chu Jinyao: "what are you doing?"
Chu Jinyao was very embarrassed. This was the first time she was so close to a man. At this moment, she clearly realized that Qin Yi was a man and she could no longer get along with him as before. Chu Jinyao was about to speak to ease the atmosphere, but he found that Qin Yi's chin was much thinner. His face was so transparent that it almost melted into the air. There was a light and fragile beauty, which made his facial features more exquisite.
However, Chu Jinyao had no intention to appreciate Qin Yi's outstanding appearance. She said anxiously, "what's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?"
Qin Yi himself looked disapproval: "nothing. It's been too long since he left the jade pendant. The spirit can't support him. Just go back and raise him."
What is raising? Can you make fun of the soul? Chu Jinyao was really angry: "since you can't come out for too long, go back quickly! It's also my fault. I just focused on practicing calligraphy and didn't pay attention to you."
"I'm fine," Qin Yi said, adding, "don't think about it. It has nothing to do with you."
"Well, I know. Go back quickly!"
Qin Yi has been a restless person since childhood. He hates bondage most. Now he is confined to the jade pendant. It's an unspeakable boredom. Qin Yi didn't want to go back at all if he could get out of that restricted place. But Chu Jinyao was so anxious that she was crying. Qin Yi had no choice but to return to the jade pendant reluctantly.
At the jade pendant, the weak soul felt much better immediately. Qin Yi sighed softly and immediately comforted Chu Jinyao: "I'm fine. Don't cry."
Is that okay? Chu Jinyao is really about to be cried by Qin Yi. Why doesn't this man take his body seriously at all? She was bored for a while. She didn't know who she was angry with. Finally, she said, "don't do this next time."
"Well, good," Qin Yi replied without much distraction. He yawned lazily and said, "it's time for you to practice calligraphy. This is water grinding Kung Fu. You can't be lazy."
"I understand." Chu Jinyao sat at his desk, picked up his pen and said while dipping in ink, "I'm practicing calligraphy here. If you're sleepy, take a break first. I'll accompany you."
Qin Yi chuckled: "I'm not a child. I can't use people to accompany me." although he said so, the loss of the spirit is too great today. He only supported it for a while, but he couldn't survive and fell asleep.
Chu Jinyao looks at Qin Yi and is more careful. In the study, you can only hear the rustle of the tip of a pen.
As the night grew deeper and deeper, the little servant girls lit lanterns one by one on the corridor, and the lights were also lit in all courtyards of Changxing Marquis house. At this time, few people in the house have moved around. Regardless of what they say and do in the daytime, those who can sit under the same lamp are the real close people.
Chu Jinmiao covered the lampshade on the candlestick and asked, "isn't father coming today?"
Mammy Zhang said, "it's all this point. I'm afraid the marquis will stay in that hospital tonight."
Chu Jinmiao is a girl and shouldn't ask about her father and aunt, but Chu Jinmiao has been close to Zhao since she was a child. Zhao has been wronged by her aunt and loves to talk to Chu Jinmiao. Over time, the people in Zhao's house get used to it.
The Marquis of Changxing had one wife and three concubines. Although Zhao's main room was in a stable position, it was only a matter of face. Among them, Aunt Huang was really favored.
Like tonight, Changxing Hou stayed in Aunt Huang's yard again.
When Zhao entered the door, she was the eldest daughter-in-law and Mrs. Hou. I don't know how many people stared at her stomach. Zhao's entry was almost a year before she became pregnant. However, despite many expectations, Zhao didn't kill a man in one fell swoop, but gave birth to a big girl. Although the old lady of Chu was slightly disappointed, she still gave Zhao dignity. As soon as she was born, she took the big girl away and brought her up strictly according to the style of her eldest granddaughter. Although it is emotionally unfair to the mother that the child was taken away at birth, it is extremely dignified and shows the status of the mother and child to leave it in the noble family and raise the granddaughter by the elders themselves. After the big girl was taken away, Zhao's Mao tried to regenerate, but he was not pregnant for a long time. Instead, he was the son of Mr. Yan in the second room and became the eldest grandson of the Marquis of Changxing. Zhao was under great pressure and had to stop taking medicine for several aunts.
When Zhao was pregnant with a big girl, she couldn't serve Changxing Hou. Concubinage was inevitable. Old lady Chu sent a servant girl Furong to serve Zhao, but who doesn't know what the real purpose is. Zhao didn't like her mother-in-law to interfere in her room. She kept pressing and didn't open her face to Furong. When old lady Chu knew, she didn't say anything. A few days later, the Changxing Marquis house was socializing outside. When she came back, she brought a woman, surnamed Huang, who was filial to the Changxing marquis by Taiyuan officials. It is said that she was the woman brought by Yangzhou. She was specially taught to honor the masters in the officialdom.
As soon as Huang got started, she showed her strong pet fighting skills. Zhao was not serious and thought that Changxing Hou was tired of it. However, seeing that Huang's strength was getting stronger and stronger, Zhao was gradually uneasy. She had to hurry to open her face to hibiscus and let Hibiscus divide Aunt Huang's pet. After Zhao gave birth to the big girl, she was not pregnant for a long time. She couldn't stand the pressure of her mother-in-law's family and reluctantly stopped taking medicine for Huang and Furong.
In the gaomen courtyard, aunts are half slaves. As long as the main wife doesn't nod, they have to drink avoid son soup after they go to bed. They can't let the blood of the concubines disturb the family's dignity and inferiority. The eldest son and daughter can only come from the belly of their own wife.
As soon as Zhao stopped taking medicine for his aunts, it means that a common eldest son may appear in her name, which is not a decent thing for Mrs. zhengtou. Zhao was under a lot of pressure and was easy to give birth to a second young master. However, before long, Aunt Huang and Furong were pregnant one after another and gave birth to a common son. Huang's family was favored. Now she stopped avoiding the son soup. After giving birth to the third young master, she slowed down, and gave birth to the third girl Chu Jinchan every other year.
Huang Shi gave birth to a son and a daughter, and his status in the back house suddenly rose a lot, and his arrogance became more and more arrogant. After Zhao gave birth to his second daughter, there was no movement. Except for the first and fifteenth days of the first day of the lunar new year, the Marquis of Changxing seldom came to the main house for overnight. Even if he stayed, he just sat down and talked. Zhao couldn't have her own blood. Mammy Zhang gave Zhao some advice and opened her face to marry the servant girl bailing. As long as bailing can keep the Marquis of Changxing, it can also be regarded as staying in Zhao's house.
Zhao reluctantly asked people to hang their faces for the dowry girl bailing and officially became his aunt. However, bailing is not Huang's opponent at all. It took several years for her to give birth to twins, seven young masters and eight girls. She is only six years old now.
Aunt Huang is really a dominant family in the back house, and Furong is the old lady of Chu after all. Even for the sake of face, Changxing Hou is not too cold. In a word, the coldest thing is Zhao.
Chu Jinmiao grew up close to Zhao and knew everything about his mother's room. When she heard that Changxing Hou had gone to Aunt Huang again, she was so angry that she put the tea lamp heavily on the table: "why can't my father always tell the weight? Who is Huang, and where is it worth his dignity?"
A girl who hasn't come out of the cabinet can't say such things as aunt. It's too salty. But there were no outsiders here. Mammy Zhang and others also turned a blind eye and let go.
Zhao Shi said, "who says not? Huang Shi is used to putting on airs and looking at her waist and legs. She can't sit properly and looks like a fox. But men just eat this set." the more Zhao Shi thought, the more angry he became, he couldn't help scolding: "they are all cheap bones."
Zhao's words were inappropriate, but mammy Zhang and Chu Jinmiao were silent and didn't know how to persuade Zhao. After a while, Chu Jinmiao comforted Zhao: "Mom, don't be angry with them, that is, if they are favored again, they can go over you? No matter how confused his father is, he won't allow him to kill his wife."
Mammy Zhang also said, "yes, madam, the love of men in the back house is temporary, and children are the real dependence. You still have two young masters!" mammy Zhang wanted to say that you have the eldest young master, the eldest girl and the fifth girl, but she thought Chu Jinmiao was still there, so it was hard to mention Chu Jinyao, so she omitted the girls together.
Mammy Zhang changed her mouth temporarily. Zhao didn't hear it, but Chu Jinmiao heard it. Chu Jin had a strange look and looked at mammy Zhang coldly.
It's over. He's angry with her! Chu Jinyao was really suffering. She called a few more times. She saw that Qin Yi had not moved yet, and several servant girls of clove and Camellia were about to come in. She had to press and not mention it.
After washing, Chu Jinyao changed into a light red stand collar jacket, a ginger seven piece horse face skirt and a bright red cloak, and hurried to rongning hall.
She greeted the old lady, who nodded indifferently. Chu Jinxian also sat next to old lady Chu. Seeing her, she said, "it's the most important thing for you to learn the rules with mammy these days. Be diligent. Although mammy hasn't come yet, you can't be lazy. Go back and review your pen and ink."
After hearing this, Chu Jinyao bent over and saluted Chu Jinxian: "elder sister Xie." then she hurried to the back classroom.
Chu Jinxian reminds her to go to review her brush and ink as soon as possible... Chu Jinyao has a headache when she hears it. It seems that they had a holiday yesterday. Today they are not relaxed. In addition to learning rules, needlework brush and ink should also be practiced.
Chu Jinyao lived in a poor family for the first 13 years. Food and clothing were a problem. How can he talk about embroidery, writing and other skills that rich people can afford for recreation? However, the leakage of the house happened to rain at night. Today, several other girls seemed to have an appointment. Not long after sitting down, the seventh girl in the second room said, "Mammy, the fifth girl learned the best rules yesterday. We sisters can't catch up with her. I just don't know how her needlework, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are. The fifth sister might as well move a few strokes casually to open our eyes!"
Before Chu Jinyao spoke, Chu Jinmiao answered, "yes, Mammy specially praised five girls yesterday. I want to come. Five girls hide deeply and have many skills that surprise us. Five girls don't want to be modest!"
Several other girls also helped. When mammy saw it, she also said, "in that case, five girls can write a few words at will."
The seven girls showed a successful smile, and Chu Jinmiao also bowed his head and smiled gently. Nowadays, literacy is the privilege of a few people. Farmers face the Loess and face the sky from generation to generation. They can speak clearly, but they are blind and can't recognize a word. Many vendors in the city are illiterate, and a few women in the back house are literate. Chu Jinyao had to do farm work at home. The daughter of this family still writes. Is it a problem to know words?
This is the consensus of the girls. The eldest girl's status is respected. In addition, she will be out of the cabinet soon. She does not participate in this selection. The second girl is a common woman in the second room. She is 15 years old. She is too old. Her character is tempered by Yan Shicao. She is basically out of the game. The third girl is Chu Jinchan, the concubine of Changxing marquis. She is just fine at the age of 14, but she is a concubine. Her identity is a little worse than the legitimate sisters.
The fourth girl is Chu Jinmiao. She has outstanding talent. She was raised by Zhao with silver money since childhood. If she didn't hold it wrong, the accompanying reading would be in her bag. However, it's such a coincidence. Chu Jinmiao is actually the daughter of the farmer Su family, not the young lady of Changxing Hou house. If her elders don't care, she can't live in Changxing Hou house anymore. After all, it's for the county leader to choose playmates. The daughter of Hou men is the best, and the daughter of a junior official with a poor identity is also normal, but it's too much to choose a farmer's daughter!
Because of this layer, Chu Jinmiao's competitiveness is greatly reduced.
The next girl of the right age is Chu Jinyao, the fifth girl. Although Chu Jinyao is a legitimate daughter, she has not been raised in the Marquis house for the first 13 years. Maybe the princess and the prince will be picky about this. Later, the six girls were the legitimate daughter of the third master. The six girls had the right talent, identity and age. It happened that her father was born to his aunt. When the old Marquis was alive, he was confused and doted on the third master's biological mother, Yang. Yang dared to lose face in the main room because of his pet. Master Chu endured it all the time. As soon as the old Marquis died, he immediately sold Yang, After three rooms also rarely have a good face. Although the sixth girl is suitable in all aspects, she is a concubine. I'm afraid it's difficult for the old lady of Chu.
Under the six girls, there are seven girls. Seven girls are the legitimate daughter of the second wife Yan. They are arrogant. Such people go to be the accompaniment of the county leader... Six girls and Chu Jinmiao think, I'm afraid, Xuan.
Seven girls are twelve years old. They are already a little younger. Next, eight girls are only six years old. Obviously, they are automatically out. So to speak, the competitive ones are big Fang Shu's three girls, Chu Jinmiao, Chu Jinyao and three Fang Di's six girls. Seven girls have been secretly crossed by many people. Each of the four of them has their own strengths, but they all have some small defects. This offset, but they are evenly matched. No one is sure to win or lose.


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