Novel Name : Single Dog Ending System

Single Dog Ending System Chapter 84 - Warm Corpse 22

Chapter 84 - Warm Corpse 22

Qin Lang asked the system to send Liu Yong and the others the base information they had received in the canteen before, but this group didn’t turn on the radio in the car for two days. They only turned it on two days later and so they couldn’t find the location of the base. They wandered around the base for two days before they could find it.
Qin Lang also wanted to reunite with his husband sooner to help his broken heart.
Liu Yong and his party had nearly 30 people when they set off, but less than 10 people when they arrived. When they entered the base, they cried endlessly, and they were so moved.
The first batch of supplies given by the government has almost been used up. It wasn’t known to the above that the base has been led by a person who has committed a serious crime, so the second batch of supplies has also been sent. It’s just that the person who delivered the supplies found that the person wearing military uniform and holding a firearm at the base did not belong to any army of the country, and became suspicious.
After that, no one sent supplies to the base anymore. Liang Cheng didn’t say anything, didn’t explain anything, it was up to the people at the base to guess whether they had abandoned them, and whether the whole country had fallen, and now there was no army.
The sunset in the late autumn was a little short. Ling Liang only walked on the road from the training ground to the cafeteria, and the light became much dimmer.
Since he learned that no one will distribute supplies, Liang Cheng proposed that all the young people in the base should participate in the training to protect their family and friends in the base, and almost no one objected.
After a few days of training, Liang Cheng asked the professor to test everyone’s physical fitness, and found several people whose abilities had evolved. The people at the base were overjoyed.
Although Liang Cheng was playing with people’s hearts at the base, it has to be said that he also made the people in the base have some sense of unity as a whole. At the same time, although he was cruel, he had made this group cowardly, who depended on others for salvation, stronger.
At this time, the cafeteria was already very lively. Two days ago, Liang Cheng sent people to sweep the villages near the base, and brought all the live livestock from the village back to the base. Some of them were raised, and some of them were added to the base meal for people who had not eaten hot and meat dishes for a long time.
As a result, the scene in the cafeteria now is mostly crying while eating, or gobbling down without an image. Those few that cried and devoured while eating, noise was very loud. At first glance, they only entered the base today. The people around them cast understanding glances.
Ling Liang expressionlessly went to line up to get food, and sat silently at the corner table to eat. His expression was too indifferent and out of tune with the surroundings.
At this moment, a group of people in white lab coats entered the cafeteria. They have a special status for meals and don’t need to queue. The group of people who only entered the base today temporarily stopped their excitement and looked at the people in the lab coat curiously.
The people in the cafeteria showed some respect for them. There was a table next to them. The young man quickly finished the food on the plate, wiped the table clean, and greeted the scientist, who had already gotten the meal, with a blushing face: “Miss Xiaorou…Sit here, I cleaned up it up very well, don’t worry…”
Tang Xiaorou nodded politely to him. Just as she was about to sit down, she caught a glimpse of Ling Liang in the corner. She was about to go to Ling Liang’s side, but was stopped by someone.
“You, are you Tang Xiaorou?” Liu Yong’s face was still stained with rice grains, and now he looked a little stupid shock and stunned. Seeing that Tang Xiaorou didn’t recognize him, he was so anxious that his neck was a little red, “I’m Liu Yong…in high school, we are in the same class.”
The onlookers showed contemptuous eyes. Yes, it was another one who came to chat with Miss Tang, using such an old stalk. The girlfriend next to him was also dissatisfied and pulled her boyfriend’s clothes. After all, the real girlfriend is still around, so it is really annoying for him to stare at other women so intently.
Just when everyone guessed that this person would be smeared by the goddess, ‘I’m sorry I don’t know you’, Tang Xiaorou nodded, “I remember you. You and Qin Lang were at the same table in high school.”
Liu Yong’s eyes turned red again, and he began to cry without looking like a man: “Wu…I didn’t expect to meet someone I knew…”
Tang Xiaorou comfortably said, “You have to eat first. After you finish eating, someone will take you to the dormitory. Maybe you can see your family members and friends.”
Liu Yong was moved to cry for a while, and then he remembered what he wanted to ask at first: “Goddess, is Qin Lang also at the base?”
Tang Xiaorou frowned slightly, “What?”
Liu Yong scratched his head, the embarrassing old habit of talking with the goddess in the hearts of all the boys in high school came out, and he stammered: “I, when I was on the way here, I seem to have seen Qin Lang. But I am not sure. Maybe I was wrong… After all, the goddess are here, so Qin Lang should also…”
At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed by Liu Yong’s side. Before he realized what was going on, a tall figure grabbed his collar. The man’s dark eyes were like a deep pool. He felt suffocated for a while.
“Ling…Ling Liang?!” Liu Yong was startled and frightened.
“What did you say, you saw Qin Lang?” Ling Liang’s eyes were locked tightly on him. Although there was still no expression on his face, everyone could see that he was a little anxious.
Tang Xiaorou patted Ling Liang’s tensed hand and gave him a reassuring look, then said to Liu Yong, “Student Liu, can you talk to us after you finish eating?”
Liu Yong nodded like pounding garlic.
Qin Lang, near the University of Science and Technology, among the zombies, with pale skin and light-colored eyes… After Ling Liang walked out of the cafeteria, he looked at the sunset on the horizon that slowly turned dark. He couldn’t tell how he was feeling now, happy or sad. Qin Lang, he should be a zombie, but he is still fine, he has not been eaten. He can still find him.
Yes, find him! Ling Liang looked up at the distant star hanging in the night sky again, his eyes were no longer confused. It was sharp and firm.
The next day, Ling Liang found Liang Cheng.
Liang Cheng looked at the flames rising from Ling Liang’s palm with a gloomy expression, and then looked at Ling Liang quietly.
After a while, Liang Cheng smiled and said, “Aliang, congratulations, your ability has improved again.”
Ling Liang put away the flame: “Brother Cheng, I hope that when the base goes out to find supplies in the future, you can take me with you.”
Liang Cheng was puzzled: “Why? There are zombies outside. Even if you have this ability, shouldn’t you use it against me?”
Ling Liang’s expression remained unchanged, obviously he had no idea about Liang Cheng’s sudden straightforwardness: “I’m going to Qin Lang. I hope you can guarantee the safety of our family. In exchange, if you want materials from the urban arsenal or something else. Okay, I’ll find a way to bring it back for you.”
Liang Cheng leaned lazily against the railing, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: “Why is it just the two of you. You don’t care about Xiaorou?”
Ling Liang raised a chuckle, “I know you will take care of her. I can help you with whatever you want this place to develop into.”
Liang Cheng looked at Ling Liang again, as if he just knew who he was again: “You really are different. I thought that a villain like me would be attacked by you righteous people.”
Ling Liang looked at the busy people in the base lightly: “If they enjoy safety, they should pay their due price. Now, new order and laws are needed.”
Liang Cheng smiled and rolled his eyes. At the end of the conversation, he suddenly said, “Qin Lang is a zombie now. You still want to find him?”
“Yes, I must find him.” Ling Liang answered without hesitation.
Liang Cheng’s eyes were blank for a while. It wasn’t known what he thought. He patted Ling Liang’s shoulder: “I wish you success.”
The base soon arranged an outing. Winter is coming. There are thousands of people in the base, so they need a lot of things.
A converted SUV, a truck, fifteen people. This time, the target is the town closest to the base. The economy of the town close to K City is very good, and the population is also large. Liang Cheng gave them some newly made bombs in the Guns and Machinery Laboratory.
When the supplies are loaded into the car, Ling Liang can drive the SUV to find Qin Lang in K city.
Tang Xiaorou glanced at Ling Liang and sighed helplessly: “If you find him, hide him somewhere secretly, and come back to take me to see, maybe I can…don’t do stupid things, pay attention to safety.”
Ling Liang nodded: “I know.”
After Ling Liang finished speaking, he got into the car. The base gate opened, and the car drove out slowly.
Tang Xiaorou stood at the door for a while before walking towards the laboratory. That’s right, she also has an ability, and it is a healing ability that has not been discovered in various countries before, which can heal people’s wounds in a short period of time. This is also the reason why she gets special treatment wherever she goes in the base.
But whether this ability can restore people who have been infected to their original state is still unknown.
Ling Liang took a map of K City. The University of Science and Technology is in the north of K City, not too far from the museum where they escaped before. Generally speaking, zombies do not encounter humans and only wander around, so Qin Lang is likely still near the University of Science and Technology.
Ling Liang squeezed the map in his hand, no matter what, he must find Qin Lang.
There are also many zombies in the town, especially the commercial and pedestrian street. Ling Liang’s abilities are now much stronger than a week ago, and his vision and hearing abilities have also improved.
He drove the SUV to attract the zombies around the warehouse of the department store and crashed into a hot pot restaurant. After the zombies were almost inside, he smashed the glass window and came out of the store. At the same time, he threw a fireball in his hand and blew up the gas tank. After that, the gas tanks in the hot pot restaurant began to explode in series. Blood bubbles and severed limbs flew, and those zombies were almost wiped out.
Ling Liang didn’t wait to see the effect, he drove back to the department store warehouse in the firelight with no expression on his face. The rest of the zombies were just a few sporadic ones. He and a few others stayed outside, shooting one from time to time with a gun.
Twenty minutes later, the warehouse was almost empty, Ling Liang separated from them. The truck and SUV drove in opposite directions.
After the truck was fully loaded and returned to the base, Ling Liang’s parents, Qin’s mother, and the classmates, who fled to the base with Ling Liang did not know that Ling Liang had not returned and he went to find Qin Lang. However, K City is so big and there are so many zombies, what are the chances of finding Qin Lang? Moreover, what if he finds him? Qin Lang should have become a zombie, he doesn’t remember him at all, he only treats him as food. Does it really make sense to find him?
Ling Liang’s speed was not very fast. He went along the road from the museum to the University of Science and Technology, searching for Qin Lang’s figure along the way. With so many buildings on this road, Qin Lang is likely to be in any one of them.
He knew it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but he wouldn’t give up.
The car quickly arrived at the entrance of the University of Science and Technology. Ling Liang walked in a circle around the convenience store that Liu Yong talked about. Except for the dried blood in front of the store, there was nothing there. There are no living people nor zombies.
Ling Liang frowned and pondered for a moment, then set his eyes on the gilded characters of ‘North Section University of Technology’.
Are there any survivors in the school? If there are survivors, it also means that there are many zombies wandering around. Then Qin Lang, is it possible that he is also inside?
Ling Liang drove the car and entered the school.
However, Qin Lang was not at the university at all. He was in a villa a few blocks back from the university. This villa was bought by the original owner after his college entrance examination, because at the end of the college entrance examination, he was planning to study at the University of Science and Technology, but Tang Xiaorou and Ling Liang picked K University. He only had his eighteenth birthday party in the villa, then he never came again.
He believed that Ling Liang would remember it. This is also the reason why he had to show his face in front of Liu Yong before, and the location was chosen at the entrance of the University of Science and Technology.
The door of the villa is electronically locked. As long as Ling Liang comes here, he will find that he is a zombie that is different from other coquettish bitches-because he still remembers his password!
However, Qin Lang waited and waited. It was almost dark, but Ling Liang was still wandering around the University of Science and Technology.
Smile fades away.JPG.
At ten o’clock in the evening, Qin Lang was awakened by a sound in the bedroom – the sound of broken glasses.
Qin Lang immediately got up from the bed and asked the system to restore the traces on the bed, and then hid himself in the dark.
Ling Liang walked from the window to the living room, and his two beautiful brows immediately wrinkled. There are footprints on the ground of the villa. He pulled the gun in his hand, took off his shoes, and began to look around the house.
This is Qin Lang’s place. He hasn’t come for three years, no one has taken care of it, and dust has fallen. But the footprints were fresh, so someone broke in. No matter who it was, Ling Liang was very angry. Whether that person is cornered or not, or did they just want to come in and find something to eat.
Walking through the living room and the study, Ling Liang didn’t notice anything. Following the footprints, they went to the bedroom. Oh, it’s actually in Qin Lang’s bedroom? Very good, Ling Liang is even more angry.
With a gloomy face, he pushed open the door of the bedroom that was not closed at all. His sharp eyes swept across the room in an instant.
Suddenly, Ling Liang turned around and slammed the man who was about to approach him against the wall. The dark and cold gun hole pressed against the man’s head, and his fingers were pulling the trigger—because he couldn’t hear the other heartbeat, then there is only one possibility, this is a zombie, or a zombie that dares to break into Qin Lang’s house!
Qin Lang hurriedly closed his eyes, his entire face was pinned to the wall, and the wall dust was smeared all over his face. He felt like there was a hole in the wall. His husband’s actions can be said to be very rude.
Huh? What the fuck? ! This is not the same as the reunion he expected!
Qin Lang’s whole body was still in a state of confusion, then he realized what was pointing at the back of his head, and his husband had no tendency to stop. Qin Lang’s entire zombie state was in bad shape.
Husband, calm down, don’t shoot! Look at me, look at my face! Shoot and you will regret it, husband!!!
In the quiet bedroom, the sound of fighting quickly sounded and quickly ended. Ling Liang narrowed his eyes dangerously. He held the trigger calmly, and aimed the gun at the back of this zombie’s head, guaranteeing a one-shot kill.
Between the lightning and flint, Ling Liang’s eyes swept the pale back of the zombie’s neck, where there was a hickey and a tooth mark that was neither light nor heavy, very familiar.
Ling Liang’s pupils shrunk suddenly, the gun in his hand moved away from its original position at the fastest speed, and the bullet shot from the gun’s hole penetrated the wall. Just ten centimeters away from Qin Lang.
Qin Lang heaved a sigh of relief.
“I finally found you.” Ling Liang’s voice was hoarse with joy. His hot eyes swept Qin Lang carefully from top to bottom.
This is indeed his Qin Lang, but he was also certain that he is also no longer his Qin Lang.
Qin Lang, who was still held by his strong hands with his whole face pressed against the wall, “…” Husband, can we talk properly?
That’s right, Ling Liang’s strength did not loosen at all. Qin Lang couldn’t even turn his head to look at him.
With a crisp sound, Qin Lang’s hands were locked by handcuffs.
Qin Lang, who has not yet recovered from the shock getting ‘domesticated violence’ by his husband and almost murdered by his husband. Qin Lang, who has been imprisoned again, beside being more dumbfounded and disillusioned, felt like a pain in the ass. He was also a little angry.
After all, the reunion he was preparing for was a melancholy romance. He stared at Ling Liang in the dark, calling out ‘Ling Liang’ in a hoarse but affectionate voice, and then Ling Liang would look back in astonishment and meet him.
But now…Qin Lang just wanted to bite Ling Liang.
My husband can’t be so rude to me! Where is my gentle and pampered great wolfdog?
The system is still adding fuel to the fire in his mind: “You’re courting death! Well received 2333…”
Qin Lang refused to accept the system’s ridicule.
The handcuffs were given to Ling Liang by Tang Xiaorou. She knew that Ling Liang was reluctant to do anything, but she couldn’t watch Qin Lang infect Ling Liang, so she made several pairs of handcuffs for Ling Liang. One is to remind Ling Liang to stay awake, and the other is to limit Qin Lang’s mobility.
After Ling Liang locked Qin Lang, he held Qin Lang’s arms and turned Qin Lang over. Qin Lang’s face was still stained with the wall dust, and there was no blood on his face as he imagined. Ling Liang was stunned, and then pitifully brushed the dust from the tip of Qin Lang’s nose, “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t recognize you at first sight…Does it hurt?”
Do you have to ask?! There was a small fire in Qin Lang’s dull eyes. He lowered his head like a normal zombie, trying to bite Ling Liang’s hand.
However, in the next moment, the rudeness that made him dumbfounded came again.
Ling Liang quickly bent his elbow to avoid Qin Lang’s attack, and then pushed his elbow up again, directly touching Qin Lang’s chin, completely shutting Qin Lang’s mouth, and once again pushed his head to the wall. Qin Lang was sure that the wall was definitely sunken a little further.
The low and doting voice quickly rang again: “I’m sorry, although you really want to eat me but I can’t let you, because your last wish is not to eat me, but let me live. Be patient, I will go find something for you to eat tomorrow. Alright, baby?”
Qin Lang struggled for a while, then that little emotion disappeared instantly without a trace. What is there to be angry about? Now that he is a zombie, Ling Liang should treat him like this.
Just as Qin Lang was stunned for a few seconds, Ling Liang quickly take a belt to seal Qin Lang’s mouth. He squeezed it so tightly that the flesh on Qin Lang’s cheek bulged with the movement of Ling Liang tightening the belt.
“…” Qin Lang has been completely displeased by his husband’s whole set of operations tonight.
After sealing Qin Lang’s mouth and locking his hands, Ling Liang released Qin Lang completely. He opened his arms, and let Qin Lang, who regarded him as food, instinctively pounce on him.
Ling Liang embraced Qin Lang’s icy body. His warm hands stroked the back of Qin Lang’s neck that was marked with the ambiguous trace he left from the museum that night, again and again, with lingering thoughts.
“I miss you so much…” Ling Liang murmured, kissing Qin Lang’s face, which was still a little gray, and then looked at Qin Lang’s face fascinatedly, “Your eyes don’t seem to be the same as others. it’s beautiful……”
Ling Liang smiled and praised with a gentle smile, and then kissed Qin Lang’s eyes again.
Qin Lang’s heart trembled. Something was wrong, something was wrong with Ling Liang. How could a normal person praise a zombie with such an obsessive look? Even a person who is deeply in love will show some sadness when watching their original living lover turn into a zombie and stand in front of him.
T/N: Oh ho ho Langlang. Now you will get to see the 100% blackened Liangliang.


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