Novel Name : Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Chapter 215 - Trinity - A Distraction Is Needed (VOLUME) ((Mature))

Chapter 215 - Trinity - A Distraction Is Needed (VOLUME) ((Mature))

We spent so much of the day planning for every eventuality that I was mentally exhausted, the problem was I was so keyed up that my heart was racing a mile a minute. Dinner was a tense time with only me and Reece left in the house. The staff had been dismissed since none of them were fighters and should be sent somewhere safe. I never thought I would hate the quiet this much, but it wasn't just quiet, it was eerie as well. Sinister somehow, as if the silence was channeling my dread, or Edmond himself.
The excess energy had me feeling jittery and unable to sit still. By ten that night Reece had had enough of my frantic pacing and wringing of my hands.
"You need to stop." He finally exploded as he looked at me, a half smile half frown on his face. It was a complicated look and I wasn't sure how he had pulled it off, but he managed it somehow, and still managed to look sexy doing it.
"What am I supposed to do Reece? All I'm doing is sitting around, waiting for the shoe to drop, so to speak."
"Well, you can't just wear a rut into the floor, I don't have the time to get it replaced right now." His joke was meant to make me laugh, but all it earned him was a glare. "Geez, tough crowd." He laughed at himself this time.
I knew he meant well, and I know he was right. I had to calm down, one way or the other. The problem was that I had too much energy from all that adrenaline coursing through my body. My body was acting like I had popped some speed and downed a gallon of espresso just for shits and giggles. I was at a loss though.
Reece walked slowly over to me, placing himself in my way as I paced the bedroom for the twentieth or thirtieth time. I don't remember how many really, but it was a lot.
"Come on, let's sit down. I'm already exhausted just from watching you." His voice still held a note of laughter. He was trying to make me forget, make me loosen up. I hoped he could.
"I'm not ready for bed Reece." I told him with a firm voice.
"Who said anything about sleeping." He looked at me with a wicked glint in his eyes and I knew exactly what he meant. I have to admit, even with all the nerves for the coming battle, I still felt the stirrings of desire for him. There was nothing that would ever make me not want him.
"What did you have in mind?" I heard the tone of my voice, how it had deepened slightly to become more heady, lustful, and slightly erotic.
"There are a few things that I could think of, but is there anything you can think of. I'd be more than willing to please you by doing anything you desire."
"Anything?" I nearly cooed the word. "You might regret that." I smiled at him.
"I don't think I could ever regret being with you for a second, ever."
"Even if I wanted to take charge of you?" I winked at him.
"Then I'm all yours to command, your highness." He spread his arms wide and bowed to me. "What is it you wish for me to do?"
I could definitely get used to this. Watching him as he stood back up to tower over me. I had been looking forward to doing a few things since I had learned how to control my magic, I guess now seemed like as good a time as any to try them out. I smirked at him with all the thoughts running through my head. I could definitely work off some of that tension with him.
"Get on the bed." I told him. "Sit back propped against the pillows." There was a spark of excitement in his eyes as he heard my instructions.
"At once." He was behaving like someone who served me, that's fine, he could serve me with his body all night long.
I watched as he backed up against the bed, the back of his knees colliding softly before he sat down. He never took his eyes off me. Not even when he started to scoot further away, back into the shadow of the bed's canopy. He just continued to stare at me as he moved and leaned back against the pile of pillows.
"How is this?" He asked me with a smile lighting up his face.
"Almost perfect." I grinned. "Just needs something else."
"Really? What's that?" He asked.
I didn't answer, I just summoned the magic to me, pulling it from the cloak of power I was permanently wrapped in now. Then, without warning, I pushed that magic toward him. Bright blue tendrils of my power wrapped around his wrists and pulled his arms out and to the side. The power tied him with his arms slightly raised above his head but his arms looked like wings that were spread out now.
There had been just a tiny note of fear in his eyes when he had felt my magic snake around him. The slightest widening of his eyes as he felt himself being overpowered. But then, just the slightest hint of mischief entered his eyes alongside the rush of excitement.
"Ooohh. What do you have in mind?" The way Reece's voice had gone deep with his seductive tone sent shivers down my spine. I was the one in charge here, he couldn't touch me at all, yet I still felt his words like the caress of his fingers along my body.
"It's time to have a little fun." I knew there was a wicked glint in my eyes when I said that, there was no avoiding it at all.
"Oh please play with me." He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he said those words.
I called my magic to me again. This time I concentrated it into invisible copies of my hands. He didn't see them moving toward him but he felt them the moment they fell upon his legs. There were more than just a pair of hands, there was one pair that were removing his socks, another pair busying themselves with the button and zipper of his pants, and another pair was slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
I watched as he laid there, laid out like a smorgasbord for me to devour. Hot, sexy muscles flexed under his beautiful honied skin. The well toned ripples of his abs as they tensed and untensed from the phantom tickles of my magic hands.
"You seem to have a problem." He chuckled as he lay almost completely naked before my eyes. "You can't get the shirt off me while I'm tied up." He grinned, like he thought I was going to let him go. I saw the desire and need in his eyes and knew he was almost at his limits.
"You think so?" I asked with a note of curiosity. "Hmm. Let's see." I made it sound as if I were musing about what to do, how to solve this dilemma of mine. "I guess there's no other way."
The look of triumph in his eyes was so strong I could feel it from where I stood, just a few feet from the edge of the bed. His gaze was so powerful in that moment that I felt it too, like it was nothing less than fingers playing gently at the hem of my shirt.
"I was right, there is no other way." I added before using my magic to tear away the fabric from his body. The button-up shirt became nothing more than shreds of cloth that had been tossed to the floor. The hitch in his breathing and surprise in his eyes was more than enough reward for having destroyed his shirt.
"I liked that shirt you know." He put on a false sense of anger, still smiling at me with his eyes.
"I'll buy you a new one, besides, you deserved a little payback." I joked with him in turn.
"Well, now you have me spread before you, naked, what are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to take this slow, I've got a lot of tension to ease and you're my tool that's going to help me."
"Hmph." He pretended to be offended. "I feel so used." The slightly raised pitch in his voice almost made me laugh, he was trying to sound effeminate when he spoke but he could never pull it off. "Am I nothing but a toy to you?"
"You're better than a toy, you play back." I smiled as I pulled my shirt over my head. I was only going to give him half of what he wanted, I would leave enough to have him wanting more, but he would not see the whole package. That was what I was thinking as I slid my jeans down my hips, leaving the silk waistband that lay beneath them in place. His eyes darkened when he saw my almost naked body, just as I knew they would. Those eyes so full of desire and hunger, eyes I once misunderstood but could now read like a favorite book.
I crawled onto the bed by his feet, only to find his legs a little too close together for my needs.
"Hmm, this won't do." I sounded sad as I looked at him.
"What?" He barely had time to ask this before my magic was on him again. More blue tendrils came off me and wrapped around his ankles, pulling his legs apart and making a path for me. "Ahh." He actually cried out a little that time as the magic pulled him down the pillows just a little, causing him to lean back even further.
"Much better." I purred as I looked at him. I could now crawl up the bed between his legs.
"What are you going to do?" This time he was truly curious when he asked.
"Explore." I answered with one word.
I had explored Reece's body before, that was true. But it was never uninterrupted like this. It was done in bits and pieces, caresses and kisses stolen in the height of our passion and desire. But now, I had him splayed out before me and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Explore, huh? What do you want to explore?"
"Everything." I could hear the desire dripping from my words and so could he. His body shivered from the force of my hunger for him.
I was so hungry for him, that I thought I should have a taste or two, or twenty or a hundred. There was no one who could stop me as I devoured him anyway. I was going to take my time and enjoy this.
I looked at him in the eyes one last time. I saw excitement, desire, hunger, and curiosity all warring inside their golden depths. The heat of that emotional battle had turned the soft golden color to something molten and hot and full of fire. He was fire after all, my fire, my phoenix, my lycan, my mate.
As I moved my eyes down his perfectly sculpted, beautifully toned, sexy body I saw just how much he wanted me in another place. He was already standing at attention and ready for me to take him. Too bad I wasn't nearly ready.
Once I devoured him completely with my eyes, mapping every last inch of him, on the front anyway, I finally set my mouth against him. At first it was nothing more than a feather light touch just above his right ankle. But even that was enough to make him gasp and flinch from the feel of it.
"Are you ticklish Reece? I never knew you were ticklish right here." He looked at me with a pleading look, a look that asked me to release him so he could take me. He was already ready to drive into me. I just chuckled and ran my tongue up his shin in a long sweeping motion.
"Ahh." He cried out and shivered above me making me laugh once again. "You're going to torture me?" He made it a question.
"Not torture." I shook my head in denial. "Worship, treasure, conquer. Any of those words would do, but not torture." I grinned at him.
"It's the same thing in this case." He grinned right back.
"Just lay back and enjoy yourself. I'm certainly going to."
"You're going to be the death of me." He laughed.
"Yeah, but in a good way."
I wanted to let all my worries, all my tension, and most of all, all my inhibitions go. I wanted to do something I had never done before but may, or may not, have fantasized about doing several times before. As I dipped my head down to loom over him again I let my wolf take control.
I didn't shift, not even a partial shift, it was more like I was letting my primal instincts and desires take over for me. Letting my beast take the lead would make me less nervous, less afraid, and more willing to do what it was I really wanted to do. When next I looked up and into Reece's eyes, I knew he would see the primal energy oozing from me.
I licked him again. A long lapping motion that brought the taste of his skin into my mouth. I had heard Reece talk about how he could taste my scent on my body but I had never experienced that as I kissed or licked him before. I could now though.
With every swipe of my tongue I tasted the different layers of his scent as they flooded into my mouth. There was even a new, very subtle layer to that scent that I tasted now. With the first stroke of my tongue I tasted coffee, the strong robust flavor that came with the high energy scent of my mate. The second stroke brought the cinnamon, spicy and strong just like him. The third was chocolate, this was the part of him that could be so sweet and loving, the part that he hid from me for so long but I loved more than anything else. Then there was a flavor on the next long swipe of my tongue that I hadn't expected, a scent I hadn't noticed until now. I tasted citrus, oranges to be exact. Reece had told me that once he could smell my witch side it had added the scent of lemons to the layered mixture that made up my unique smell, and now he had oranges that marked him as the warlock king. Not to mention the oranges followed the chocolate making it taste like chocolate covered oranges. His flavors all mixed together was like a hot cinnamon latte and chocolate covered oranges and I thoroughly enjoyed the decadence of it all.
Slowly, I licked, kissed, and nipped my way up his right leg until I got to his thigh. Thankfully, even though Reece was a wolf he didn't have much body hair at all. That was all reserved for his wolf form. The smooth, intoxicating feel, and taste, of his body was uninterrupted.
After finishing with the right leg I once again lowered myself to his left leg, mirroring my actions there. He squirmed and jerked above me, gasping when the tip of my tongue tickled somewhere on its path up his flesh.
I was already drunk on the flavor of him, on the feel of him. I was really enjoying watching him writhe from my actions and the attention I was paying to him. And the moans he would let loose as I teased him were like spurs begging me to keep going.
Once I got to his thigh again I shifted my position until I was straddling his left leg. This allowed me to kiss, lick, and bite my way up his hip and skirt around the quivering erection that he was all but begging me to attend to it.
I continued my motions as I moved up his left side. I dipped my tongue in and around the curves of his abs, the rippling and twitching of his muscles sent even more excitement coursing through me. I stayed to the side of his body, ignoring the middle altogether, just continuing up until I reached his shoulder.
Once again I lowered myself until I was at his right hip and repeated all my movements on that side. He continued to moan and and gasp, making sure I knew he was enjoying every second of my slow torture.
This time, when I reached his shoulder I followed the curve of his skin to his neck. I bit down gently, pulling the tender flesh into my mouth. He shuddered as I slowly dug my teeth into him. It wasn't enough to draw blood, just enough to leave a bright pink mark. I soothed the reddened flesh with my tongue then placed a kiss over it before I continued up to his ear. I bit down gently on the lobe before licking slowly up the shell of his ear.
Now it was time to focus more with lips that anything else. I kissed my way up his jaw bone, up his chin and to his mouth. I captured his lips with my own, taking his mouth and breath like I was an explorer on uncharted territory.
His mouth always felt like home. Safe and secure and somewhere I could always return to. When I pressed my lips to his this time he opened his mouth, parting his lips and licking mine with his tongue as it slipped into my mouth to tangle with my own. I had him trapped under me, but his mouth was still free to move as he wished.
He kissed me hungrily, fiercely, and with a fiery passion. There was so much heat in the kiss that I could actually feel it bearing down on me, like standing close to a roaring bonfire. He couldn't grab my head and hold me in place but I felt his desire to as he struggled against his bindings. The kiss was not nearly enough for him.
Soon, I pulled my mouth away from his which also pulled a groaning whimper from him.
"Trinity." His voice was pleading.
"Shhh." I shushed him as I kissed his forehead. "Just wait a little longer." I made my voice as soothing as I could when I was so filled with desire for him.
It was time for me to make my way down again. I started at his collar bone and licked my way down. I swirled my tongue quickly around each of his nipples before following the line of his abdomen down. When I reached the dip of his hips he cried out again.
"Please." He begged me, need shining like a light in his eyes, like a fire.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked him. "How do you want me to take you?"
"Inside you. Please, baby, I need to feel you wrapped around me."
"Shouldn't I finish tasting you first?" I giggled.
"Please, sweetheart, I'm begging you."
"Well, if you're begging, then how could I deny you." I summoned my magic for just a second, this time making the last layer of clothes I was wearing disappear from sight.
I straddled his hips and teased his rock hard erection for just a moment, giggling when he groaned and begged again.
"Please, baby. Please!" His pleading voice pleased me more than I thought it would. I gripped his shaft in my hand and guided it to my opening which was already wet and waiting for him.


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Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Lastest Chapters