Novel Name : The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

The Spearmaster and the Black Cat Chapter 27

Chapter 27
When I return to the storage shed, Yui is trying to move her body with a frantic expression .
“Rest in bed . ”
“Ku, un . ”
“I’ll help you . ”
I pick up Yui’s body and lean her against the wall next to the bed .
“N, thanks . ”
“Good . There’s no need to thank me every time . ”
“Nya . ”
Rollo licks Yui’s arm in concern .
“I guess I’ll check this house . The owner was like that . There should be something valuable here . Besides, maybe there is another recovery potion to cure Yui’s body?”
“That’s right . If you find some bring them to me, I can distinguish between medicines . ”
“Understood . ”
I go into the next room after covering such a Yui in a blanket .
The room Zoru and Theta talked in is a room fusing magic and pseudo-science .
There is a big bookshelf set up in the bottom left corner in an “L” shape, and on a nearby shelf is a big ceramic pot, things like medicinal plants and minerals like magic stones are on display .
There are a lot of ceramic potion bottles lined up on the oak desk, a powdered aluminum-like substance is spread around where an azure mortar and pestle are placed .
Ceramic bottles similar to round bottomed flasks are lined up around and connected to a black triangle shaped apparatus with cracks in it .
There is a bed in the middle of a rectangular magic formation .
There is the apparatus and equipment used for some kind of procedure or ceremony, there is also something like a black hearth made of metal .
However, they do not feel like they are used for blacksmithing .
A magic formation that has lost its light is written nearby on the floor .
There is a study desk in the right corner, place with it is a high quality chair that looks comfortable .
A small treasure chest is also underneath .
-Treasure chest .
I stoop down and open the lid of the treasure chest .
It is not locked . It immediately opens with a *paka*
Inside is one of Zoru’s black robes, several silver and gold coins, multiple rings, white chainmail, and black boots .
Packed into the right corner of the box are a bunch of bundled papers written with magic characters .
All of the articles seem to contain Mana .
This is treasure . I will inspect all of these later, I close the treasure chest .
When I stand up, a book with a leather cover comes into view .
In addition, there is a high quality quill pen with a metal handle engraved with antique designs in a ceramic case . There is also an ink plate .
This book, nothing is written on the surface of the leather, but Pin . Maybe this is a diary?
I sit down in the high-class chair, then open the book and turn a page…
○ Month ○ Day
Theta has fallen ill .
I will buy one of the purple flowers Theta likes tomorrow .
I only study by myself .
I will spend time with my wife in the future .
○ Month ○ Day
My wife has surrendered to her disease; her stamina is gradually declining .
Her face lit up and looked so happy when she saw the purple flower .
She needs to be cured soon…
It has been several days, but she hasn’t improved at all .
It is strange . Medicine and recovery magic do not work .
Why, why must my wife suffer!
Is it my fault? Is it because I have devoted my whole life to making magic skill rings?
Alia-sama, god of love, please, cure my wife!
Spirit of light, is Ilodis, the god of light, really looking over us?
○Month ○Day
Shit, shit, shit, no (TL: Someone help with this: ぐいfsーあふぃdさえいふじあ)
…Theta died .
Don’t fuck around . Too heartless . This world is cruel .
After all, a good god, wouldn’t…
○Month ○Day
I will take back my wife .
A container can be made with magic gold working to preserve my wife’s corpse .
It could be a god, it could be a demonic being, but I don’t care .
First of all, I need to collect information…
I am the eldest son of the Gustaves family . And, Zoru Gustaves is a first class magician of the magic guild in Hector .
Using this background, I collected information from every corner I could find .
I checked with the head of the Gustaves family and was able to get strictly prohibited secret documents about Magic Wogan Dolls .
Ma, my own family has massive pull with secret art magic engineers who use magic ore to create magic dolls .
I pay a large sum of money for information and search the magic shops in 【 Hector 】 .
I was able to acquire several documents about using summoning magic to forcibly obtain a departed soul .
Thinking about it now, I have been making rings as a magic goldsmith since I was young, I studied the magic and skills related to being a magic engineer handed down in the Gustaves family, it may have “all” been for my wife .
Letting a mineral and a high-density crystal core fuse as the body’s core, it stimulates dissolution and a weak spirit can be sealed .
This skill is inherited generation to generation and the person with it has a special mark on their forehead .
I have hated the mark since I was born, but it is different now . Thanks to it, I can save my wife . Things like the glory of a magic goldsmith no longer matter .
I shall use the skill with all of my heart, soul, and mana to save Theta .
○Month ○Day
I was finally able to get the foundation for the technique of the magic spirit doll .
The dedicated skills, high-density crystal, wood, metal, monster materials, all of the necessary small articles .
Besides an enormous amount of mana, the person’s type of corpse and a soul that are all indispensable, Baikal the god of death and Milady governing over life are also related .
What I am doing incorporates arts that the magic guild and hold church consider taboo, unlike the magic wogan doll .
Fortunately, the church in this city is small in scale .
There’s also only one bishop . But, I will have to fight against the magic guild and adventurer’s guild .
Moreover, I must gather information…right now, anywhere is good . I listen to rumors, dark parties, maybe I should look into the dark guild in this city .
○Month ○Day
While collecting information from the dark guild as well as the thief’s guild I discovered that there is a demonic being in 【 Hector 】
Isn’t this laughable?
A demonic being has always been living side by side with people in this city .
I came into contact with the demonic being and established a relationship . Moreover, using the relationship I was able to directly make a contract with the master of the labyrinth .
There was an easy condition .
Information on Magic Doll, summoning magic, instead of information about spirits, a ring with the Darkbone Helm, the item necessary for reviving a dead person, I was able to get “Spirit Absorption” concerning gods .
The ring seems to be able to some a decent soldier from hell .
But, the ancient charm is more important than the ring .
With this by study will progress further .
○Month ○Day
I pray to Beikala for hatred and love, life, a soul is offered .
I give a portion of my wife’s body to Milady, and give it the blood of my relatives .
“Spirit Absorption” is totally different from magic doll . Inserting the soul, the soul changes into magic essence and becomes powerful .
This is a magic tool related to Mellady and Beikala .
There seem to be other evil god tools, but I’m unable to use them .
After I studied in this condition for a while, a monster with bone wings sometimes comes to my room .
It is the master of the labyrinth; it doesn’t seem to trust me very much .
Fu . Shit, it’s a demonic being, but…fufufu, ma, it’s fine .
If it’s this, I can revive Theta .
My wife…endure of little longer .
When I take out the preserved corpse of my wife, I chop up Theta’s body .
○Month ○Day
It’s finally completed . Theta .
But, it doesn’t even twitch…
Rotten flesh and spirits are still required in large quantities for Theta .
The power to control the related attribute still seems to be insufficient .
I must be careful when using “Spirit Absorption”…it is brittle and fragile .
○Month ○Day
My research in 【 Hector 】 has been exposed to the mast of the magic guild, Benji Zengare .
As expect of those impressive people who built the castle wall . It was unreasonable of me to expect to remain hidden .
But, when there was a fuss, I tricked and killed a number of the guild, including Benji .
Buahaha, ahahahahahahahahahaha .
Serves you right! This is what happens to those who interrupt my research .
My reasoning is steadily declining,
There is no one who is able to stop me . A dejected heart completely swallowed in darkness .
After that members of the guild have been attacking one after the other, I have kill all of the would-be avengers .
Because I have the ring of the raijuu I am able to handle them relatively easily . (TL: Raijuu, not Riajuu, is a mythical beast that descends from the sky with a thunderbolt . I choose to use Raijuu . )
Fuhahahaha, this is perfect, their souls and corpses are exactly what I needed .
○Month ○Day
Finally, yata . I did it .
Theta moved .
It was worth sacrificing my love, hatred and soul .
She has no memories of her life time…but my wife revived .
But, we can no longer stay in our birthplace, 【 Hector 】
By having slaughtered the members of the guild I am going to be pursued by the holy knights and adventurers of this city .
I have been exiled by the Gustaves .
Somewhere, I must move my base…
Then, I close Zoru’s diary .
The man called Zoru seems to have become extremely violent .
In this disgusting diary, the violet, was it love that drove him to do such thing?
Sighing I shake my head side to side and stand up from the chair .
I turn my eyes to the bookshelf .
In the magic user’s room there are a lot of magic related books .
I am interested in the books, but for now,
While muttering quietly, overlooking the gold wrought items on the left side of the room I move to the front of the book shelf and the desk .
Potion bottles lined up in a row .
Now, which one should I take?
I return back to the room Yui is in with the ceramic bottles .
When I return Yui is looking at Rollo with a gentle smile .
Her smile is cute .
Once she notices me her face turns serious again .
What, this gap . Smile at me sometimes too .
With a strange determination in my heart I approach her with the bottles I am carrying .
“-Yui, I brought a lot of bottles . Hey, these all look the same, but do you which is which?”
“N, I can tell . Let me smell them . ”
“Got it . ”
I open the ceramic bottles one at a time and bring them close to Yui’s nose .
I give her a little whiff one after the other .
“The one just now is a recovery potion . And I think the first one is a first-class recovery potion . The others are bad . Oh, this one . The next one is odorless . Hey, this might be the medicine that paralyzed me…the antidote is the next one . ”
I smell it too…I cannot tell .
“Amazing . You really can really tell by the smell . ”
“It’s because I sometimes use them in my work . For assassination…”
“I see, that makes sense . So, will you drink this recovery potion with this antidote?”
“Ah, I’ll leave it you . ”
When Yui hears me she smiles at me in confusion .
“It means ‘open your mouth . '”
“Hey, this is my limit . ”
Being convinced, Yui opens her mouth a little . ”
She seems to be able to move the muscles in her face a little .
Ma, that makes sense if she can speak .
I tip the thin rim of the bottle to her tongues and pour the liquid into her mouth .
“Yosh, drink it . ”
She nods in silence .
“Then, I’ll lay you back down…”
Holding Yui’s head, I lift her body and lay her on top of the bed .
After I put her down I leave the storeroom .
I will move the popobumu I had left alone .
Connected to the popobumu’s mouth is lead which is tied to a tree next to the entrance of the storeroom .
And, I use the ingredients in the kitchen and mix together the potatoes and leaves to make feed for the popobumu and put it in a wooden bowl .
I do not forget to remove its saddle and carry to the bags into the storage room .
Once I return to the storage room after putting the baggage in order Yui is already sleeping .
I appreciate Yui’s cute sleeping face .
Not making a sound, while walking slowly- sit on the next bed and appreciate her sleeping face again .
Rollo has also curled up and gone to sleep .
I lay down while being satisfied by such a figure .
I spend the night with my eyes closed for a while until I naturally become sleepy . (TL: I want to say something . It seems like Shuya doesn’t need to sleep and I am incredibly jealous . I hate sleeping, and being sleepy . It takes me one to two hours to fall asleep at night and that’s if I wait up until some ungodly hour to get tired . If I go to bed at nine I may not fall asleep until twelve . If I was Shuya I would never sleep again . )
The next morning-
I wake up early as always .
The usual way .
When I get up Rollo as always raises her face and looks at me .
-Rollo .
Without me noticing she fell asleep under my feet .
I smile at such a cute Rollo .
Now then, I will get undressed . There is a hole in the leather clothes where the lightning struck and burns surrounding it . I remove the leather clothes that have become little more than rags .
I strip my upper body and carry my black spear in one hand and the kukri sword in the other I go outside to the front of the garden .
In the garden I do some light spear training exercises, finally ending the training by flinging the spear into the ground in a big attack .
After I am satisfied with my morning training I put out the popobumu’s breakfast and return to the storage room where Yui is laying .
She is already up and is trying to forcibly move her body while her upper body is trembling .
“Yui, you’re able to move a little now?”
She hears me asking about her condition and for a moment, has a joyful expression .
“…Ah! Ah, only a little . But, like this…”
“You can’t expect a full recovery in just one day, can you?”
I lean the black spear against the way I am talking .
Now then, I will enter the bath .
I look for a bucket in the room .
“Ah, I was training, oh, ata ata…”
There is a big pail sitting in the corner .
I carry it to the foot of the bed .
“N, what?”
“It’s for a bath . Bath . I sweat a lot . ”
While I explain I pour water in with Life Magic and clean the pail .
“A bath…”
She mumbles . A bath shouldn’t be uncommon .
After I finish cleaning the pail I fill it with hot water and then strip down naked before putting a foot in the hot water . (TL: Okay, two things . First: Dude . Seriously . Second: I guess pail is more like tub . )
-It feels nice .
I wash my face with the water and pour hot water over my head .
I take some gyuza grass out from the bags and turn my back to Yui . (TL: Gyuza grass is soap . )
I rub it between my hands I wash my whole body, starting from my face .
Rollo splashes the surface of the water *pasha pasha* and plays .
I catch Rollo by the scruff of her neck and her body stretches out as she is lifted, this is for the sake of making her nice and clean .
“Nyaa〜 Nya . ”
Rollo calls out like that at first but then seems to understand behaves herself .
She closes her eyes and is quietly washed by me .
When I finally say “done,” Rollo jumps into the hot water and begins the swim splish splashing .
Yui looks at us and talks .
“Is that soap?”
“Not exactly, but it’s similar . ” It removes dirt . ”
With a smile I step up of the tub and approach Yui, naked . (TL: Stahp . )
“W-why are you coming over here naked?”
“Well, Yui needs to take a bath . ” (TL: No ulterior motives here . )
The nostrils on Yui’s face move making them kunkun .
“Don’t you smell a little? You won’t be able to get stains out if you stay like this . ”
“Uh, but, no . ”
“Arguing is useless . ”
“Hii, i, iyaaaaa-”
Yui exclaims .
I remove her jacket by force .
I removed her black clothes and chain mail leaving her buck-ass naked .
“Hehhentai . ”
“Shut it . I won’t deny it, up we go . ”
I lift her light body and hold her in a princess carry .
I carry her like that to take a bath in the hot water .
“Do you understand a body is warm? It may help the paralysis . ” (TL: That…is actually a valid point . )
“Maa, maa, it’s fine . I’ll wash your body . ”
I layer some leather clothes on the edge of the pail and lean Yui’s head against them . Stabilize . Using the gyuza grass I wash all of Yui’s body . (TL: Irredeemable hentai . )
Fuu, I am getting a little excited . Her crotch is fuzzy .
“Oi, there’s no ulterior motive, I’m not a monster . ” (TL: 一物 can also mean penis . )
“N, hey, is it the important symbol of a man?”
Yui is clearly staring at my crotch .
“Are you going to attack me?”
“No, no, it’s not that . I won’t embrace a woman who doesn’t want it . So relax . ”
“You, aren’t you excited though…”
“Hey, it’s a man absolute justice, an uncontrollable physiological phenomenon . I can’t help it because Yui is beautiful . It’s normal if I am rubbing breasts, this has been decided by the gods . ”
“B-beautiful…because of that, you say you won’t attack me?”
She seems surprised by what I said . She is quiet for a time and stares at me .
“What? Do you want to be attacked?”
“It’s absolutely different, I mean, bringing your face close naaaaaa”
“Shush, you seem to be fine . Either way, are you able to move?”
“What, the heck are you doing!”
“Even if you say that, oh, that reminds me, I never told you my name . My name Shuya Kagari . -Your future husband, the name of your lover . ”
“Bullshit, what husband, lover, hentai erection man!”
A〜h, she got mad . She is really angry .
Ma, that much is normal .
However, if it was not for me you would be dead you know?
…I do not say that .
You should hate me if you hate me .
I like this woman . I am just just helping her .
“…Ahaha, fine . I’m a hentai . ”
While laugh I carry Yui in my arms, “Baka, stop it . Hentai . ” as she nags me I wipe her body down with some leather, and dressing her in some of my clothes I lay her on top of the bed .
When Yui finally seems to have become quiet she glares at me while turning the other way .
“Oi, don’t get mad at me . Now, I’m going to get us something to eat . ”
Because there are potatoes and edible herbs in the kitchen I begin to cook something with those .
After peeling the potato skins she is still in the same state as before when I return for of the seasoning in the saddle bags…
I go through the bags without minding it .
While I am going through the bags I come across some jerky, the rabbit meat I hunted, and the meat of the fake hawk .
I am a little hesitant about the false hawk’s meat…
I am will not know unless I eat the bird cancer or the dove . I will eat it .
I take the meat to the kitchen, beat the meat lightly, cut it finely with a knife, and lightly salt it .
Then, because I found something an oil that tastes a little like white wine, I pour a little of the oil into the frying and place the finely cut meat in the frying pan, lightly frying the surface of the meat .
After that, I mixed the seared meat together with the potatoes and a garlic like herb to take care of the smell, and transfer them from the big frying pan into a pot .
In the iron pot I stew the meat along with the potatoes and vegetables after adding water and liquor on the fire-lit stove .
After a little while it is done, and the lightly-salted soup made with jerk, the barbequed chicken, and rabbit meat is done .
The bitter flavor of the herbs mixes well with the meat in the soup .
I was worried about the liquor, but it seems to have softened the meat and taken care of the smell so it tastes really good .
I share out the wooden and dishes and carry the food on platters .
“Yui, food is done〜”
She looks back but stays silent . She is still glaring at me .
“The taste is okay . It feels like a simple pot luck . For now, try and taste some, hora, open your mouth . ”
“Fu, why, pot luck? N?- It smells good . ”
She was still in a bad mood, but as soon as she smelled the meal attitude changed completely and improved .
I bring a spoon to her small ero mouth and feed her .
I am relieved that she is hungry . She eats it with great relish .
“It’s good, but it’s hot . ”
In the blink of an eye everything on the platter has been eaten .
“You still want to eat?”
“Uun . I’m already good, thank you for the meal . But, go away now . ”
Go away…


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