Novel Name : The Villain Wants to Live

The Villain Wants to Live Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Despite being in the same group by chance, the two never stopped glaring at each other. Nevertheless, they sat together.
Sylvia muttered. “Arrogant Epherene.”
“… What?”
It was an interesting sight, but I turned my gaze and focused on the class again.
There were still two hours left.
“We will now distribute the crystal balls. Allen?”
Allen placed a silk bag of crystal balls on the table. I made them hover using Psychokinesis and levitated them to each group.
The difficulty of magical disasters was different for each crystal. Some were difficult, and some were relatively easy.
I distributed them based on the total scores of each group’s midterm exams.
Naturally, Sylvia and Epherene’s group got the most difficult one.
After giving them out, the wizards began chatting about the crystals.
“Focus.” That one word organized the mess. All the 150 debutants regained their concentration.
“I will now talk about the act of observing the world.” I looked into their eyes as I spoke, an unconscious authority enveloping my voice.
“You probably see the world as nothing but a phenomenon.”
Just as a scientist looked at the world from a scientific perspective, it was only natural for a wizard to look at it from a magical point of view. Reaching that stage required a process of maturity and proficiency, however.
Engineering undergraduates, for example, couldn’t see the world scientifically. They lacked the ability to do so, but above all else, they weren’t used to it.
One had to be at least a Ph.D. to understand a bit of it.
The same applied to wizards.
Just by looking at the debutantes, I could already guess they didn’t magically analyze the world’s phenomena.
“The world I see is different from the world you see.”
That wasn’t a lie. I wasn’t bragging or being pretentious.
The world looked different to me.
The power to see abstractions, phenomena, ideas, concepts, etc.
That attribute progressed just as my magical knowledge grew.
“From now on, I will pass on to you the world I see.”
Observations made with [Vision] were easy to mistake as impossible to explain, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
They were the debutantes of the empire’s most prestigious Imperial University Tower. They were elite wizards with outstanding talent.
Therefore, teaching them was easy.
“Don’t miss a single word I say, not a single line of the formula I draw.”
If I expressed the process of seeing the world through [Vision], they would use it as a textbook and study independently.
Just allowing them to look at what I could see would be enough for them to grasp and understand it.
I had already proven this by testing it on Allen.
“Let’s begin.”
First, I reproduced the magical disaster contained in a small crystal ball.
Dirt Fog.
“Let me show you how it looks from my perspective.”
Lines and circles soon replaced the fog as I implemented the process slowly and clearly.
The wizards looked at them and wrote them down.
“Sea of Fire. This magical disaster burns ships and sailors at sea, which is a bit unusual. It is almost impossible to escape from since it turns the sea itself into flames…”
I showed various magical phenomena ‘as I saw them.’
I tried to convey to them the world observed through [Vision].
After demonstrating more than enough disasters, I looked at my watch.
It was 5:59:50.
“… Do not forget the world I showed you today.”
I fixed my cuffs and straightened my suit.
“From a magical perspective, watch and think of all the phenomena that ordinary people just pass by.”
The wizards looked at me blankly, their notes full of magic formulas.
“However, greed is prohibited. Start learning at a scale that fits your level.”
It was exactly 6 o’clock.
“That mindset is where it all begins.”
At that moment, I ended my class.
I left the classroom, leaving them behind.
“Good work.”
The wizards didn’t stand up.
Epherene stared blankly at her notebook, every page of which she had filled with all kinds of geometric patterns. It had been effectively turned into a record of the ‘magical disaster replacement process’ that Deculein showed.
“Oh… So because of this, the fog becomes like dirt… Gosh, I feel like my head is going to explode…”
It was hard. Insanely hard. But it was doable.
At first, she didn’t really have an answer, but she was slowly getting the hang of it.
Epherene followed the same process that Deculein had shown, creating a minuscule dusty mist that floated above her palm.
‘This is it. This is the dirt fog.’
“Now, it feels like we just had a real class.” Eurozan, a member of the same team, said, to which Epherene nodded.
“I know. My head hurts.”
“The professor is really awesome. How did he do all that…”
“… I know.”
Deculain described the process of formulating magical disasters in great detail. Epherene admired the smooth flow of his explanations, but at the same time, she had some doubts if it was actually his skill.
What he showed today was amazing.
However, she couldn’t help but be suspicious about the possibility that he had found a ‘new slave’ to replace her father.
Of course, she had no intention of exposing or raising suspicions.
Whether in the distant or near future, she decided to confirm her doubts herself one day.
“Arrogant Epherene.” Sylvia glared at her and rambled.
She shrugged. “Whatever. Anyway, I think we’ll have to get together for a day to do the group project. When is a good time?”
No one replied. Epherene nodded.
“Let’s go to Sylvia’s house, then.”
“Who gave you permission to do that?”
“Isn’t your house the biggest? It’s the only place the five of us can go.”
“Okay, but you can’t come.”
“… Can’t you just grow up?”
* * *
Yukline’s estate was in the midst of fortifying its defenses against the opening of ‘Marik.’
“How’s the progress?” Yeriel asked, riding a red horse, which Deculein recommended, on a mountainous area not far from the northwest mining area.
“The walls, watchtowers, and the fort are all nearing completion. The underground road is still under construction, but it is expected to be completed this summer.”
“Good,” Yeriel replied sternly, then scoured the surrounding area.
The contents of Deculein’s letter suddenly came to her mind.
… Once the Marik was opened, it would infest the surrounding lands with magical beasts. To deploy troops efficiently, they needed to build walls, watchtowers, and fortifications in the northwest corner of their territory.
Deculein was the one who picked the location.
According to him, it was also better to build the road leading to it underground rather than aboveground. If Yeriel were to add a toll to it, she’d be able to make a profit quickly, considering it was made underground, thus making it more peculiar and more valuable.
“Certainly, a camp built here will be able to oversee everything.”
“Yes. It can even be called a sanctuary. Your eyes for geography are really amazing, Yeriel.” The person in charge answered Yeriel’s self-talk.
Yeriel glanced at him and took the letter out.
She read the second page of the four-page letter.
— Don’t even think about bribing the Imperial Family or bureaucrats. The emperor ignored her servants’ words and opened the Marik. Therefore, you shouldn’t be swayed by any words from her servants, and you should only act according to your convictions.
— Also, don’t even consider getting her favor. She abhors lies and flattery. However, she likes alcohol, so if you’re going to send something, the finest wine is enough.
“Are you a fortune-teller as well…?”
How did he know their vassals were considering a bribe?
At that moment, a cold crystal landed on her nose, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.
It was snow.
She stretched her hands out, and snowflakes landed on her gloved palms.
“…!” Surprised, Yeriel hurriedly looked at the third page.
— Unusual climates will sometimes occur. There’s no need to panic, but it could be a sign of a demon, so be sure to guard yourself, especially if it’s snowing in midsummer.
“What’s going on…”
Yeriel frowned.
She thought he was pretending to be a genius, but was he actually one?
No, it couldn’t be. How could Deculein be a genius?
“… Now that I thought about it, it started back then.”
Yeriel remembered how Deculein changed at the beginning of this year.
For an entire week, he stayed at home, canceling all his schedules, even though he had never before abandoned his appointments.
At first, she thought Julie dumped him, but did something else happen?
“Well, do I really need to know?”
Whatever the case, Deculein was showing his old self again. From the time he was called a prodigy.
It wasn’t a bad change, so she didn’t want to jinx it.
Yeriel stored the letter safely and yelled. “Attention!”
Everyone in the camp looked at her upon hearing her gentle cry.
“Abnormal weather may be a sign of a demon’s appearance, so strengthen yourselves! Tighten our defenses and refrain from acting alone!”
“Yes—!” The shouts of soldiers answering her orders echoed through the mountains.
“Good. I’ll be going now.”
Yeriel, satisfied with her serious appearance, grabbed her steed’s reins, shaking her head like a monarch.
The red horse easily walked through the snowy mountain roads.
* * *
The next day, 8 AM.
After finishing my morning routine, I sat down on a chair in the study and took out a couple of documents.
[Yukline’s Haylech Auction: Lucho’s Scissors, Dark Floor Carpet, Ancient Saddle…]
This was the first auction I held after acquiring the appraisal point.
The items for sale were [Lucho’s Scissors], [Dark Floor Carpet], and three others that had reached their maximum potential. Their performances were exceptional even at a glance, so I expected a net profit of around 60 million to 100 million Elnes.
Knock, knock—
“It’s time.” My butler spoke beyond the door.
I got up, opened the door, and went down the stairs with him.
“Are there 23 in total?” I asked the butler.
Today, I had many external projects that I had to close myself, all of which revolved around investments.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Good. Come with me.”
“As you wish.”
I got into the prepared car, which then went straight to the city center of the continent.
My first destination was the hardware store [Rokcan’s Wharf].
“Oh, you came. I’ve been waiting for you!”
The owner was inventing things while running the hardware store, and his skill caught the attention of my [Man of Great Wealth].
I wrote him a deed of investment worth a total of 3 million Elnes. In return, I obtained a 30% stake in his business.
“Thank you! I will not disappoint you!”
“I’ll be expecting something good.”
Next was [Hotel Romance], an old hotel that looked like it would collapse at any moment, but its new owner was looking for investors.
I also wrote her a deed of investment worth a total of 4 million elnes. In return, a 40% stake.
“Sniff, sniff….”
“If you cry, I’ll take it back.”
“… Ugh!”
The owner withheld her tears of joy.
“Just work on the remodeling. If you say the name Yukline, you’ll be able to get the materials you need easily.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you!”
With the [Man of Great Wealth]’s help, I carefully pinpointed 23 businesses all over the system, including shops, trading companies, blacksmiths, and mercenary guilds, to invest in.
I spent a total of 80 million Elnes on them, which then increased to 120 million.
“Good job, Roy. Let’s head home.”
“Got it.”
As the sun began to set, we made our way back to the mansion.
As I watched the dawn slowly crumble, I let out a short breath.
It was a satisfying day. The cash I invested today would soon grow into enormous human and physical assets…
“What in the world?!” At that moment, Roy’s eyes widened.
A large number of people were standing around the mansion’s gate, bearing an insignia engraved with…
The Imperial crest.
“Master.” Roy’s voice was unusually urgent. I nodded and got out of the car.
The people of the Imperial Family turned to me. Among them, I noticed a Named knight.
The emperor’s escort, Keiron.
The blonde knight came up to me. “Deculein von Grahan Yukline. We come bearing a letter from the Imperial Family. Follow the courtesy and receive it.”
Kneeling, I accepted it.
The contents were as followed:
[The imperial family informs Deculein, the Head Professor of the Imperial University Tower and the Head of the Yukline Family, that he has been included in the selection list for the emperor’s ‘Magic Educator.’
The honor of having a conversation and sharing magical insights with Her Majesty would serve infinite honor both to you as a wizard and to your family. However, to qualify, you must first solve a problem written by Court Wizard George.]
“Are you going to take the challenge? The Imperial Family won’t judge you if you decide to give up due to the insufficiency of your skills.”
I got up.
It was annoying, but I couldn’t refuse something like this. There were huge rewards for quests related to the Imperial Family.
“How can I not take the challenge?”
“Good.” Keiron handed a B4-sized magic paper full of formulas. I stared at it, focusing on each of its details.
I almost depleted my mana, but as time passed, I managed to derive the correct answer.
The logic of the problem was somewhat familiar.
I drew the formula on the answer sheet.
[Congratulations. I am George, the Court Wizard. If you have solved this problem…]
A voice came out as I applied mana to it. The Imperial Family, who were about to leave, looked back in surprise.
“… Have you already solved it?” Keiron asked with a slumped posture.
“How? Prince George definitely said—”
The voice of the answer sheet continued.
[You probably took a day or two, or even three, to answer it. As you already know, since you’ve already solved it, this problem utilizes runes.]
“… It was a hard problem. I was just lucky since I’ve been researching runes these days.”
[Not to brag, but I don’t find it that hard. However, I did try a little to make sure you won’t be able to solve it too easily.]
While the voice continued, Keiron approached me once more, his brows and wrinkles swelling in disconcert.
“… Yukline von Deculein— No. Deculein von Grahan Yukline…”
Keiron took out a card with the imperial seal from his inner pocket and handed it to me.
“This is an invitation from the Imperial Family. You have been selected for the exam.”
“Thank you.”
I bowed down with dignity.
* * *
The imperial palace built on the loftiest site in the empire was like a small world in itself. Its space of introspection was just that magical.
There were always four seasons around it. To its northeast was winter, northwest was summer, the southeast was spring, and the southwest was autumn.
Therefore, the emperor always led her life through the four seasons.
The people of the empire called this strange phenomenon ‘God’s Blessing.’
“Since that’s the case, do we really even need to take a separate screening test? Let’s just go with Deculein.” In the imperial palace’s private study, which was filled with all kinds of old books, Sophien received a report from Keiron.
“I think it would be better to watch a little more, though.”
Sophien raised her eyebrows.
“What are we watching? It wasn’t even a day. He solved it in 5 seconds.”
“It was five minutes.”
“Five seconds, five minutes. Is it that big of a difference?”
“… That’s 60 times.”
At his timid reply, Sophien chuckled. Keiron bowed his head in embarrassment.
“You seem to like that Louina more than Deculein, huh?”
“… It is not a matter of personal likes or dislikes. However, I think an impeccable wizard is more suitable for the imperial palace. Professor Deculein has a lot of rumors revolving around him. Louina also solved the problem swiftly.”
“Did she solve it in 3 minutes?”
“… 3 hours.”
“Hmpf. The difference between 5 minutes and 3 hours is greater than the difference between 10 seconds and 5 minutes. Also, don’t discuss rumors with me. I believe only what I have seen with my own eyes.”
Sophien took George’s test paper.
She looked at it with laser-like eyes.
Tick— Tock— Tick—
When the clock’s second hand moved exactly 300 times, Sophien shrugged.
“Five minutes have passed, and I still haven’t solved it. I’ll have to ask him how he did it in five minutes when he comes.”
“… Got it.”
Sophien ascertained with those words that Deculein would be the emperor’s Magic Educator.
“That aside, is the knight screening test still going on?”
“It hasn’t even started since it’s a pretty practical test. It seems it’ll take a little bit longer.”
“Didn’t the guy who prepared the test get injured?”
Isaac von Derek Lugeden, the deputy commander of the Imperial Knights.
He was wounded while exploring Marik.
No, maybe it was a self-made play. He was against the opening of Marik, after all.
“We are looking for another suitable person.”
“The right person… Oh.”
Suddenly, Sophien smiled mischievously.
“I have a good idea.”
Her words made an ominous feeling rise inside Keiron. He looked at the emperor without saying a word.
“This will be fun, trust me. Listen carefully. The screening test will…”
Keiron sighed at the emperor’s suggestion as she released a burst of maniacal laughter.


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