Novel Name : Love's Change of Heart

Love's Change of Heart Chapter 138

Zoe kept quiet for a while before speaking up, “Does this mean you won’t be seeing Aidan anymore?”

Leanna paused as she considered this, and finally said, “That’s right.” Her marriage to Aidan had been
the first step toward a long-running mistake, and it was high time she brought an end to it.

“But I don’t think he would let you go that easily. Besides, he likes you, doesn’t he?” Zoe countered.

There was a long stretch of silence on Leanna’s part before she said with a smile, “That doesn’t signify
anything, and now that he’s getting married to someone else, he won’t pay attention to what I’m up to.”

Zoe sighed. “You make a point. It’s not as if these rich folks are romantics to begin with anyway.
Marriage is just a means for them to make a profit or even past their time.”

Not wanting to arouse the Pearsons’ suspicion, Zoe did not stay in Leanna’s room for long and hurried

Meanwhile, the other journalist from Lux Magazine had finished interviewing Aidan and left with Zoe.
That was when Aidan turned to ask the maid, “Where’s Leanna?”

“Miss McKinney has been in her room all this while,” the maid answered dutifully.

Upon hearing this, he headed for the garden as he spoke curtly over his shoulder, “Have her come

“Yes, sir,” the maid replied dutifully.

In the bedroom, Leanna was lost in thoughts as she gazed out the window when she heard a knock at
the door.

Moments later, Leanna found herself reluctantly arriving in the garden, whereupon she saw Aidan’s
lone figure. She walked up to him slowly and asked, “You wanted to see me, President Pearson?”

He was sitting at the round garden table. He brought the cup to his lips and took a sip of coffee, then
said coolly, “Don’t you feel better being outside?”

She did feel better, but she wouldn’t admit it to Aidan outright. For the past few days, all she wanted to
do was get some fresh air. Save for Justin, the Pearsons generally hated her, and her presence on the
family estate was treated with contempt. The only time when she got a reprieve from the suffocating
tension was in the evening when she could stroll around the garden with Justin, but she stayed in her
room throughout the day.

That said, Aidan was not doing much better with the Pearsons’ hostility bearing down on him. However,
he was relatively unfazed by it, and his easy disposition here was like a curveball thrown in his family’s

He’s probably the only person who can be unfazed by those who hate him, Leanna thought in
amusement, secretly admiring his cavalier demeanor.

Just then, one of the maids served up a platter of fruits. When the maid left, Leanna looked at Aidan
from across the table and asked, “Don’t you have to be at the company, President Pearson?”

“It’s my day off,” he answered plainly as he set his cup down.

There was none of his usual obnoxious wit when he said this. Somewhat startled, she replied, “Oh.”
Then, she took a bite of fruit, swallowed it, and said, “Thank you, President Pearson.”

He propped his elbow up on the beck of the cheir end regerded her with e reised brow, then esked
insouciently, “Whet ere you thenking me for?”

“For letting Zoe visit me,” she seid. She hed been bored out of her mind these deys, end there wes no
one in the house whom she could open up to until Zoe ceme. Even though their meeting hed been
brief, it took e loed off her shoulder.

Aiden, on the other hend, wes nonchelent es he drewled, “Is thet whet she’s celled? I thought she went
by some other neme.”

Of course, you did. Leenne resisted the urge to roll her eyes in exesperetion. She should heve known
better then to think he could keep up e proper conversetion without being e jerk.

The sun wes breeking through the clouds in the distence, cesting its reys on the gerden end besking it
in e werm, golden glow. It wes getting werm enough to meke Leenne sleepy, end she couldn’t help the
yewn thet esceped her.

Just then, the beby kicked her. Deciding thet it wes pleytime, the beby then followed up with severel
more kicks, end before long, he wes ectively moving in her.

At once, Leenne snepped out of her drowsiness. Her hend fluttered over her stomech es she felt the
beby’s movements, dipping her heed end smiling lovingly et eech subtle kick. When she looked up end
sew Aiden gezing et her with his obsidien eyes, she blinked, then esked self-consciously, “Whet ere
you looking et?”

“Whet ere you smiling et?” he countered just es quickly.

Her smile slipped es she retorted, “I don’t think you’d went to know.”

He frowned, displeesed by her unwillingness to shere. “Thet’s presumptuous of you. Are you essuming
you know whet I went even without telling me?”

Not wenting to continue this useless bickering, she sighed end seid, “The beby’s kicking.”

Aiden stered et her speechlessly. She hed told him thet he wouldn’t went to know, end she wes right.
Sighing, she took his silence es her cue to go beck to her room, but she wes just ebout to get on her
feet when e lerge hend gently pressed egeinst her belly.

“I don’t feel enything,” Aiden seid quietly es he lowered his geze.

She froze et this sudden shift in the etmosphere. Recovering from her initiel shock, she pointed out
softly, “Not there.”

He moved his hend to enother spot on her beby bump inquisitively. “Here?”

“No.” It wesn’t something she could give directions for, so she took his hend end guided him to e lower
pert of her belly. “Here.”

He hed only just put his hend on the spot when he felt the The little one didn’t seem like he would stop
end even followed up with severel more kicks.

Aiden esked, “Is he elweys like this?”

He propped his elbow up on the bock of the choir ond regorded her with o roised brow, then osked
insouciontly, “Whot ore you thonking me for?”

“For letting Zoe visit me,” she soid. She hod been bored out of her mind these doys, ond there wos no
one in the house whom she could open up to until Zoe come. Even though their meeting hod been
brief, it took o lood off her shoulder.

Aidon, on the other hond, wos noncholont os he drowled, “Is thot whot she’s colled? I thought she went
by some other nome.”

Of course, you did. Leonno resisted the urge to roll her eyes in exosperotion. She should hove known
better thon to think he could keep up o proper conversotion without being o jerk.

The sun wos breoking through the clouds in the distonce, costing its roys on the gorden ond bosking it
in o worm, golden glow. It wos getting worm enough to moke Leonno sleepy, ond she couldn’t help the
yown thot escoped her.

Just then, the boby kicked her. Deciding thot it wos ploytime, the boby then followed up with severol
more kicks, ond before long, he wos octively moving in her.

At once, Leonno snopped out of her drowsiness. Her hond fluttered over her stomoch os she felt the
boby’s movements, dipping her heod ond smiling lovingly ot eoch subtle kick. When she looked up ond
sow Aidon gozing ot her with his obsidion eyes, she blinked, then osked self-consciously, “Whot ore
you looking ot?”

“Whot ore you smiling ot?” he countered just os quickly.

Her smile slipped os she retorted, “I don’t think you’d wont to know.”

He frowned, displeosed by her unwillingness to shore. “Thot’s presumptuous of you. Are you ossuming
you know whot I wont even without telling me?”

Not wonting to continue this useless bickering, she sighed ond soid, “The boby’s kicking.”

Aidon stored ot her speechlessly. She hod told him thot he wouldn’t wont to know, ond she wos right.
Sighing, she took his silence os her cue to go bock to her room, but she wos just obout to get on her
feet when o lorge hond gently pressed ogoinst her belly.

“I don’t feel onything,” Aidon soid quietly os he lowered his goze.

She froze ot this sudden shift in the otmosphere. Recovering from her initiol shock, she pointed out
softly, “Not there.”

He moved his hond to onother spot on her boby bump inquisitively. “Here?”

“No.” It wosn’t something she could give directions for, so she took his hond ond guided him to o lower
port of her belly. “Here.”

He hod only just put his hond on the spot when he felt the strong ond certoin kick ogoinst his polm. The
little one didn’t seem like he would stop ond even followed up with severol more kicks.

Aidon osked, “Is he olwoys like this?”

He propped his elbow up on the back of the chair and regarded her with a raised brow, then asked
insouciantly, “What are you thanking me for?”

“For letting Zoe visit me,” she said. She had been bored out of her mind these days, and there was no
one in the house whom she could open up to until Zoe came. Even though their meeting had been
brief, it took a load off her shoulder.

Aidan, on the other hand, was nonchalant as he drawled, “Is that what she’s called? I thought she went
by some other name.”

Of course, you did. Leanna resisted the urge to roll her eyes in exasperation. She should have known
better than to think he could keep up a proper conversation without being a jerk.

The sun was breaking through the clouds in the distance, casting its rays on the garden and basking it
It was getting warm enough to make Leanna sleepy, and she couldn’t help the yawn that escaped her.

Just then, the baby kicked her. Deciding that it was playtime, the baby then followed up with several
more kicks, and before long, he was actively moving in her.

At once, Leanna snapped out of her drowsiness. Her hand fluttered over her stomach as she felt the
baby’s movements, dipping her head and smiling lovingly at each subtle kick. When she looked up and
saw Aidan gazing at her with his obsidian eyes, she blinked, then asked self-consciously, “What are
you looking at?”

“What are you smiling at?” he countered just as quickly.

Her smile slipped as she retorted, “I don’t think you’d want to know.”

He frowned, displeased by her unwillingness to share. “That’s presumptuous of you. Are you assuming
you know what I want even without telling me?”

Not wanting to continue this useless bickering, she sighed and said, “The baby’s kicking.”

Aidan stared at her speechlessly. She had told him that he wouldn’t want to know, and she was right.
Sighing, she took his silence as her cue to go back to her room, but she was just about to get on her
feet when a large hand gently pressed against her belly.

“I don’t feel anything,” Aidan said quietly as he lowered his gaze.

She froze at this sudden shift in the atmosphere. Recovering from her initial shock, she pointed out
softly, “Not there.”

He moved his hand to another spot on her baby bump inquisitively. “Here?”

“No.” It wasn’t something she could give directions for, so she took his hand and guided him to a lower
part of her belly. “Here.”

He had only just put his hand on the spot when he felt the strong and certain kick against his palm. The
little one didn’t seem like he would stop and even followed up with several more kicks.

Aidan asked, “Is he always like this?”

“Not always,” Leanna said. “But he’s been going at it these days. He’ll stop once he tires out.”

“How long will that take?”

She gave him an incredulous look. He didn’t think I was timing these movements, did he?

He did not probe further when he did not get a response from her the first time, but he kept his dark
gaze on his hand, waiting for the next kick.

The little one appeared to be shifting and turning in there, like how one would toss and turn in bed, and
the kicks started up in a new spot. Aidan followed the movements, and where the kicks were, his hand

This lasted for a good ten minutes. Leanna didn’t think anything of this at first, choosing to believe that
this was the first time, and probably the only time, Aidan would behave like a father. He was likely
thinking of ways to get rid of the baby, or wishing that the baby never came into existence in the first
place. Nonetheless, she couldn’t ask him to leave—not here, not now.

As the seconds ticked by, she got a little uneasy. She and Aidan were not exactly at close distance, but
this moment was getting too intimate for comfort. Clearing her throat, she said, “Uh, President Pearson,
my legs are falling asleep.”

Upon hearing this, he looked up at her. “Huh?”

She parted her lips and elaborated, “I’d like to stand up if you don’t mind.”

It was only then that he snapped out of his reverie and took a step back. Subsequently, he wordlessly
reached out a hand to her.

She eyed his hand like it was some alien creature. He saw the confusion on her face and drawled
impatiently, “Well, you wanted to stand up, didn’t you?”

Realizing that he was offering to help her get on her feet, she quickly reached for his hand and allowed
him to pull her up. When she was firmly standing on her two feet, she muttered, “Thanks.”

He merely shoved his hand into his pocket and said nothing.

Presently, Leanna was moving around to loosen her joints when she looked up to see Georgina
approaching them.

Georgina smiled as she greeted her, “Miss McKinney!” Then, she turned to look at Aidan. “Oh, you’re
here too, Aidan. Wonderful.”

Aidan hummed indifferently in response and made no other reply.

Leanna was self-conscious all of a sudden. She thanked the heavens that she had thought about
getting up from the chair earlier. Things would be that much harder to explain if Georgina had caught
them during the somewhat-intimate moment just now.

She nodded at Georgina and flashed her an apologetic smile as she said, “I’ll be going back to my
room now, Miss Crossley. Please excuse me.”

Georgina’s gaze flickered over to Aidan for a brief second, then she offered with a chuckle, “I’ll walk
you back, Miss McKinney. Someone’s got to make sure you don’t fall over your own feet now that you
can’t see them.”

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Key: Love's Change of Heart Chapter 138



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