Novel Name : The Contract Marriage

The Contract Marriage Chapter 290

He Will Expose Us

“This damn Felix! Does he want to die? That Jasmine Wilson is not someone to be trifled with. Now
that she has found a weakness, she will definitely investigate it to the end. This scum like Felix will
definitely reveal us. If the police find out about us. . . Then our lives are over!”
After Vivian heard Lucas’s words, she was also very nervous.
“Well Vivian, you have a good momentum in the company now. I see that Julian trusts you more and
more. Many people in the company are afraid of you. They say you are much better than that Ruby. But
that Dowson was such a sophisticated person. He is creating internal problems in the company. If this
continues, I think Julian will give up his position. At that time, you just need to be the president of
Cooper Group.”
Lucas couldn’t help but laugh when he talked about Vivian’s performance during this period of time.
Vivian was slightly stunned when she heard his words. “I will be the president?”
“Yes! Think about it. During this period of time, you’ve already figured out the general operating pattern
of the company, and you’ve also figured out all the higher-ups of the company. It is just that you do not
have the authority of Julian. If you take the position of president, then we will be able to get whatever
we want in the future. Don’t you think so?” Lucas was a little excited at the end of his sentence.
Vivian’s eyes lit up when she heard him. “You are right! But now, the most important thing for us is to
solve the problem of Felix. Since Jasmine Wilson had already called the police for fraud and intentional
harm, with Jasmine’s personality, she definitely would not give up easily! So we have to plan for the
“What is the worst plan?”
“Felix will expose us!”
“Then, aren’t we completely finished?”
“So, before that, we have to seal Felix’s mouth first. Oh right, Felix called you. Don’t tell me he wants
money from you again?”
“That’s not it. He only called to remind me that if something really happens, we are all on the same

boat. But Vivian, don’t worry. Felix never knew who you were. Even if Felix really told the police the
truth, they will never know your identity.”
“Lucas, if the happens, you’ll go jail!” Vivian heard what Lucas said and grabbed his wrist tightly.
Lucas smiled. “If I have to go to jail, then let it be. Anyway, Sarah Wilson didn’t die. So even if it is
intentional harm, I won’t be sentenced to death. If I perform well in jail for a few years, I might be
released in advance. But Vivian. . .”
“You must take good care of our daughter. From the moment she was born until now. . . I have never
seen her with my own eyes. I really want to hug her. Kiss her. As long as you take good care of her, I’ll
be content.”
“Lucas, I will not let you go to jail! We must think of a way to make that Felix shut his mouth
“How? Don’t tell me you will find someone to knock him to death?”
Vivian’s eyes turned cold and she said hatefully, “Don’t push me too hard. If you push me too hard, I
will do anything!”
“No! Even if this case is really investigated, I will not be sentenced to death. But if another life is
involved, we will all lose our lives! I cannot let you do such a dangerous thing again. You don’t have to
worry about this. If Felix really asks for money again, I will look for you.”
After Lucas heard Vivian’s words, he was really afraid that she would do something extreme again, so
he hurriedly stopped her from continuing.

Ever since the Wilson Family confirmed Samantha’s identity and recognized her as the lady of Wilson
family, the people of the Wilson Family had always wanted Sarah to visit their home.
Previously, Jasmine and Syrus had a good impression of Sarah. But now that they found out that Sarah
was actually their cousin, it was needless to say that they would take care Sarah even more.
But Sarah needed to feed two children, so she really could not come out.
In order to invite Sarah home as a guest, this morning, Jasmine had the chauffeur drive her father’s
Rolls-Royce and brought along two Maternity Matron with her. They went straight to Villa of Cooper

After discussing with Sarah, Jasmine insisted to let Sarah go to Wilson family villa no matter what.
Sarah could not convince Jasmine. So she could only ask Old Master Cooper’s permission. Old Master
Cooper naturally knew Jasmine’s identity. Seeing that Jasmine was well-prepared, he did not stop
Sarah and allowed her to bring the two children home with Jasmine.
Along the way, Jasmine told Sarah about the process of Samantha and her grandmother recognizing
each other. Actually Jasmine had already mentioned it over the phone before. But when she saw Sarah
in front of her, she was still unable to express her excitement.
“Sarah, do you still remember the scene when I first saw you in the company?”
Sarah heard her words and could not help but laugh. “Of course I remember. That day, you took a
baseball bat and chased after the CEO to beat him.”
“Yes! At that time, the first time I saw you, I felt that you looked a little familiar, because you were too
similar to my aunt when she was young. At that time, I had an indescribable feeling. But at that time, I
didn’t dare to think that you would be my Second Aunt’s daughter. But life is just so bizarre, do you
“That day, at the dining table, Syrus even joked with us that if it wasn’t for you being married, he would
have wanted to pursue you. At that time, it was fortunate that he didn’t make a move.”
Sarah burst out laughing.
“Ms. Jasmine, I want to make a small request to you, is that okay?”
“Yes, tell me. Not to mention a small request, even if a big request is not a problem.”
“Can my relationship with you be kept secret for the time being? I don’t want to make it known to the
world yet. I want to give Christian a surprise when he returns.”
The Wilson Family’s status and identity were too prominent. She didn’t want everyone to know about
her identity.
“Why? Could it be that the identity of the Wilson Family has embarrassed you?” Jasmine looked at her
in puzzlement.
“No! Why would I feel embarrassed? It is just that I don’t want to be too flamboyant. I hope to give

Christian a surprise when he returns.”
” Alright, I understand. I’ll just do as you say.”
“Thank you, Sis.”
“You still want to thank me for this?”
The two of them looked at each other and smiled.
The car slowly stopped in the villa of Wilson Family. The car had just stopped when the maid who had
been waiting in the yard walked over and helped Sarah and Jasmine open the door.
Sarah was somewhat not used to this kind of treatment. Jasmine smiled and walked over. She held
Sarah’s arm and led her to the door of the living room.
“This will be your home from now on. You don’t have to restrain yourself.”
Sarah smiled and looked back at the two Maternity Matron carrying their children as they followed.
“Don’t worry. They are all very experienced and will definitely not let the children suffer.”
“Then I am relieved. . . ”
When the two of them walked into the living room of the villa, they saw that the entire living room was
already filled with people. Hearing the sound, all of them looked towards Sarah.
Although everyone had met with her before, their identities were somewhat different this time. Sarah
was still somewhat nervous for a moment. She walked to the four-ringed sofa with Jasmine and looked
at Deirdre who was sitting on the sofa. She called out softly, “Grandma. . .”
But Sarah naadad to faad two childran, so sha raally could not coma out.
In ordar to invita Sarah homa as a guast, this morning, Jasmina had tha chauffaur driva har fathar’s
Rolls-Royca and brought along two Matarnity Matron with har. Thay want straight to Villa of Coopar
Aftar discussing with Sarah, Jasmina insistad to lat Sarah go to Wilson family villa no mattar what.
Sarah could not convinca Jasmina. So sha could only ask Old Mastar Coopar’s parmission. Old Mastar
Coopar naturally knaw Jasmina’s idantity. Saaing that Jasmina was wall-praparad, ha did not stop
Sarah and allowad har to bring tha two childran homa with Jasmina.
Along tha way, Jasmina told Sarah about tha procass of Samantha and har grandmothar racognizing

aach othar. Actually Jasmina had alraady mantionad it ovar tha phona bafora. But whan sha saw Sarah
in front of har, sha was still unabla to axprass har axcitamant.
“Sarah, do you still ramambar tha scana whan I first saw you in tha company?”
Sarah haard har words and could not halp but laugh. “Of coursa I ramambar. That day, you took a
basaball bat and chasad aftar tha CEO to baat him.”
“Yas! At that tima, tha first tima I saw you, I falt that you lookad a littla familiar, bacausa you wara too
similar to my aunt whan sha was young. At that tima, I had an indascribabla faaling. But at that tima, I
didn’t dara to think that you would ba my Sacond Aunt’s daughtar. But lifa is just so bizarra, do you
“That day, at tha dining tabla, Syrus avan jokad with us that if it wasn’t for you baing marriad, ha would
hava wantad to pursua you. At that tima, it was fortunata that ha didn’t maka a mova.”
Sarah burst out laughing.
“Ms. Jasmina, I want to maka a small raquast to you, is that okay?”
“Yas, tall ma. Not to mantion a small raquast, avan if a big raquast is not a problam.”
“Can my ralationship with you ba kapt sacrat for tha tima baing? I don’t want to maka it known to tha
world yat. I want to giva Christian a surprisa whan ha raturns.”
Tha Wilson Family’s status and idantity wara too prominant. Sha didn’t want avaryona to know about
har idantity.
“Why? Could it ba that tha idantity of tha Wilson Family has ambarrassad you?” Jasmina lookad at har
in puzzlamant.
“No! Why would I faal ambarrassad? It is just that I don’t want to ba too flamboyant. I hopa to giva
Christian a surprisa whan ha raturns.”
” Alright, I undarstand. I’ll just do as you say.”

“Thank you, Sis.”

“You still want to thank ma for this?”
Tha two of tham lookad at aach othar and smilad.

Tha car slowly stoppad in tha villa of Wilson Family. Tha car had just stoppad whan tha maid who had
baan waiting in tha yard walkad ovar and halpad Sarah and Jasmina opan tha door.
Sarah was somawhat not usad to this kind of traatmant. Jasmina smilad and walkad ovar. Sha hald
Sarah’s arm and lad har to tha door of tha living room.
“This will ba your homa from now on. You don’t hava to rastrain yoursalf.”
Sarah smilad and lookad back at tha two Matarnity Matron carrying thair childran as thay followad.
“Don’t worry. Thay ara all vary axpariancad and will dafinitaly not lat tha childran suffar.”
“Than I am raliavad. . . ”
Whan tha two of tham walkad into tha living room of tha villa, thay saw that tha antira living room was
alraady fillad with paopla. Haaring tha sound, all of tham lookad towards Sarah.
Although avaryona had mat with har bafora, thair idantitias wara somawhat diffarant this tima. Sarah
was still somawhat narvous for a momant. Sha walkad to tha four-ringad sofa with Jasmina and lookad
at Dairdra who was sitting on tha sofa. Sha callad out softly, “Grandma. . .”
“Sarah. . .” Deirdre heard Sarah’s voice and immediately smiled happily as she waved her hand.
“Quickly come over and sit near Grandma.”
In the past, she had always envied others for having a daughter. However, she did not expect that in
the blink of an eye, she also had one daughter, even a granddaughter. The eighty year Deirdre was
truly indescribably happy.
Sarah first looked at Joseph and Esme, who were on the sofa, and greeted them with a slightly red
face, “Uncle, Aunt. . .”
Joseph smiled and nodded. He looked at Sarah and said, “Take a seat, Sarah. When you first came
here, I felt that you were somewhat similar to my long-lost sister. At that time, I should have
investigated the truth. But it’s good that, we knew the truth now.”
“Sarah, this will be your home from now on. You don’t have to be restrained here, okay?”
“Yes, uncle. . .” Sarah smiled and nodded.
Syrus had been sitting on the sofa silent. He knew Sarah was coming today, so he did not go to work.
Seeing Sarah chatting with his father, he looked at Sarah and smiled, “Sarah, it’s so bad. Remember it

was me who brought you here for the first time. But now you have greeted everyone but haven’t even
looked at me yet.”
When Jasmine heard her brother’s words, she immediately spoke up for Sarah, “Sarah, did this brat
cause trouble for you in the past? If you want you to hit him, go and hit him. I guarantee that no one will
blame you!”
Sarah could not help but laugh again.
Syrus looked at his second sister and complained. “Sister, you can’t just give up on your brother after
having a younger sister, right? Sarah, did you see that? This is the true appearance of your cousin!”
Jasmine smiled as she revealed her brother’s old background. “I still have my original face. Didn’t you
almost want to chase Sarah back then? Luckily Sarah was married back then, or else you would be
heartbroken to death. . .”
Syrus retorted with a smile. “This is called mutual understanding! Am I right, Sarah? Sarah, you haven’t
called me brother yet. Call me brother and I will give you a meeting gift today.”
The moment Syrus finished speaking, the entire family couldn’t help but laugh.
Joseph looked at his sister Samantha and said, “Samantha, the house here is enough for you and
Sarah to live in. Mother is also old and you are now alone at home. Don’t go back in the future. If you
think this place is too messy, I can buy you and Sarah a villa that’s nearby. What do you think?”
“Yes! Mom has been telling me these few days that she is getting older. It was not easy for her to find
you, and she wants to make up for the past few decades. Samantha, don’t reject us. Just stay.” Esme
also looked at Samantha and said with a smile.
Deirdre tightly grabbed her daughter’s hand, “Samantha, from the time you went missing, my heart also
went away with you. Now, with great difficulty, I have finally found you. Sarah’s father is no longer alive
and you don’t have anyone to take care of by your side. Thinking about this, I have not been able to
sleep well these few days. Please stay here to accompany me. Don’t go back, okay?”
Although Samantha had already acknowledged Deirdre as her mother a while ago, she still insisted on
going back to her home. Today, her daughter Sarah was coming here, it was only then that she was
picked up by the Wilson Family’s car.

Listening to her mother and brother’s words, Samantha did not know how to reply.
Although the conditions of the Wilson Family were good for her, Samantha was already used to living in
her own place. When she suddenly found herself in such a wealthy family, she had an indescribable
“Sarah, quickly persuade Aunt!” Jasmine immediately looked at Sarah and said.

Read The Contract Marriage Chapter 290 - the best manga of

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