Novel Name : The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance)

The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) Chapter 114

We get there eventually, another tense silent car ride where everyone pretends the others are invisible,
and Mico just seems to be texting furiously, ignoring the brutal standoff between us. The air is heavy
and dense with it and I try my best to act nonchalant and stop myself from letting anger get the better of
me. I have no energy left for this and I just want to go home. I’m deflated, body aching from a night of
dancing and intoxication and now I think I’m suffering the trailing effects of shock.

All I want to do is lie down on the plane and block him out until I get there and can go to bed to get the
hell away from him. I’m weary as the booze wears off and the night’s events take over my shattered
mind to traumatise me with visions of half mangled heads.

Exhausted and waning. I don’t want to fight anymore. I just feel all used up and suddenly emotionally
fragile. Nerves frayed and on the verge of bawling my eyes out. I guess it’s because I cannot shake
that image out of my head, Alexi on a violent rampage that twists my stomach up in knots.

I honestly do not know if he thought he was protecting me, or if it was fuelled by jealousy, and I doubt
he will clarify it either. He’s in closed down and don’t question my actions mode. I’m too wiped out to try
and care about it and just stare at the passing scenery until the plane comes into view. It’s not pitch-
black outside, as night gives way to morning light but it’s still dark enough to have street lamps on and
headlights in use.

Mico is just depositing us on the flight, then leaving to go back to do exactly what he said he would.
Make this all go away and smooth over the family’s questions of where we are, while cleaning up his
cousin’s catastrophic mess.

It doesn’t take long to get to the airfield and I don’t wait for Alexi to open my door as we pull up beside
the jet on the private runway. I get out, taking my bag silently, and head straight for the stairs that are
sitting down waiting for us as an air hostess runs to grab it.

‘I can manage,’ I state hoarsely, dismissing her with a hand swipe, pushing past her and head in to
march down the aisle and sit in the first row that has a table for leg room. Head closed off; eyes on task
and refusing to let my bubbling cesspool of strangled emotions get to me for the next few hours. I’m
going to sleep, sober up and just try to get back to New York without killing him. Only way to do that is
by complete avoidance altogether. I have so much anger still aimed his way that it’s better if he just
keeps the hell out of my way. My insides are in turmoil and it’s not just from alcohol come down.

Alexi follows and when he gets near me I plonk my bag on the seat beside me, so he knows to leave
me be, and turn my face away so there’s no eye contact whatsoever. He doesn’t stop, just walks past
me silently, no hesitation and goes to sit up the back instead. Throwing himself in a seat heavily and
chucks his bag and jacket on the table in front of him before pulling his phone out. I glare back at him
over the top of the seats before I sit down having watched him walk back there, and turn to face the
front once more.

Three hours of silence will do me just fine. He can stay back there for all I care and if he comes near
me I will gouge his fucking eyes out.

* * *

I must have fallen asleep on the flight pretty quickly, a combo of booze and that it’s the early hours of
the morning, as the first thing I know is a warm hand touches my arm, startling me awake in
disorientation and I jump in reaction. Heart and lungs trying to leap out of my body and then slump
back inwards to send my nerves haywire.

‘We’re here, get up.’ Alexi is standing over me, voice husky from tiredness, lacking venom and much
softer eyes than hours ago are eating into me. He looks fed up and completely devoid of any signs of a
hangover or even wrinkles from a long flight. He is leaning in, so I feel instantly claustrophobic and I
shove his hand off me angrily. Chest resembling a war drum with the fright he gave me.

‘Don’t touch me.’ I’m still fuming, even though I just woke up and take a minute to grasp at my
surroundings and get my bearings. He sighs heavily and moves back to let me out as I get up,
disorientated, and storm past first to get off the plane before him. No mood for another him and me

I’m groggy, tired and unsteady on my feet, but I am acting like a fierce little kitty cat and ready to kick
him in the face should he give me shit on the ride home. I was dreaming about crazy things and it’s not
made for the best of moods at all. My head and body are clammy and achy from an impending
hangover, and having a short three-hour nap has left me feeling so out of whack. I think I might even
still be drunk and my hands are trembling crazily.

I shiver as the night air hits me and realise it’s past dawn and achingly bright out. I have no concept of
time and the noises of early morning and crisp air slap me to my senses.

Alexi strays behind me at a distance, still quiet and being sensible enough to leave me alone as I get in
the car that is waiting for us—A black, sinister, mafia standard, four by four with a familiar driver from
his club. I make sure I am in before he is and move across, so he’s nowhere near me when he appears
at the same side after me. I immediately turn my face to the window aware that he’s carrying my bag as
I stupidly forgot to lift it and curse myself irritably. He hands it off along with his to the man holding the
door as he gets in, and both of us just settle into the leather seats to stare out of opposite windows.

Tension thick like smog and the air crackling with electricity that I can even feel on my tongue as it
tingles. I expected some sort of Alexi backlash by now, some demonic rage or punishment at how I
have behaved towards him, but he’s just sat simmering and acting like I’m not even here. This is
getting to be a habit for him of late. Letting my behaviour slide, no matter how volcanic I get with him.

Not that I care

I’m blanking his presence too and I hope to God it stays this way. Last thing I need when feeling surreal
and sleep deprived is an all-out screaming match with Satan.

His phone beeps and he pulls it out to deal with whoever is contacting him, nose down as he reads the
illuminated screen in the now dark interior. All his vehicles have heavily tinted windows so it makes it
feel like we are in a box or a roomy coffin. This one has a screen between us, and the driver slides it up
slowly as the engine starts. I guess they can also feel the hostile vibes between us and are getting out
of the firing line.

Alexi presses his phone screen and slides it to his ear as we set off, moving down in his seat to adjust
his sitting position more casually, untypically lounging which showcases how tired he is; while I sit stiff
and upright and straight as a board. I cannot conceal how much I don’t want to be in a vehicle with him.
It’s written all over me for anyone to see.

‘We just landed. She’s not dead, no. You will be happy to know she did the smart thing and slept the
whole way home.’ I feel his eyes on me and turn with a nasty scowl, meeting that smug prick
expression of his. A tingle of crackle between us as fury meets arsehole and eyes lock in another silent
battle of wills. Both of us glare before I turn my nose back to the scenery, relenting, and try to blank him
out. I’m guessing it’s Mico and he was worried Alexi had strangled and disposed of me on the flight
home. My phone is buried in my bag and probably dead, so if he tried it maybe he was genuinely
scared for my life—Even though I am not.

If Alexi wouldn’t even let me shoot myself, then I doubt he’s going to try and do away with me, even in

‘How bad is it?’ He sounds sober and solemn for a second, a touch of something huskier and mellow to
the tone, and I wonder if it’s a hint of regret. My ears prick up at that and I listen despite myself,
straining to hear the voice on the other end but there’s nothing. It’s too muffled by Alexi’s ear and Mico
isn’t naturally a loud talker either. I wonder if he’s asking about the state of his victim or the likelihood of

this event coming back to bite him in the arse. I hope it does, big time. It’s what he deserves for
attacking that poor defenceless man.

I feel his eyes sweep me on me again, like a sixth sense that knows when he’s looking at me, and just
tuck my face around and lean my head on the rest to try and completely blank him; Nose almost to the
side window and neck in an awkward angle that isn’t the comfiest. I’m still reeling from the waves of
exhaustion sweeping my body brutally and will this journey to be as short as possible.

‘Let me know. I’ll have my cell on all night … well, what’s left of my night.’ Alexi sounds a tad pissed
and I smile in disbelief at that statement. No one but himself to blame for the screwed up shitty end to
our night, so if he is trying to pin it on me then he can piss off. I turn and glare at him to signal I heard
that comment and he just raises an eyebrow at me, locking those colourless greys on me in the
dimmest light. They almost glow in the darkness and yet I don’t break the contact. Staring him down
too as he does me. No fear or backing down for this girl when it comes to him anymore. His acts of
intimidation are as effective as his threats nowadays. They mean nothing to me anymore.

One thing I have learned these past weeks in his presence, he won’t ever touch me in the ways he
once did. For whatever reason, I am out of bounds for that treatment and I know it. I’m confident of it
now. Tonight has only proved it, by letting me be after attacking him physically. The man I knew before
would have made me suffer irreversibly for a lot less than that. Not once has he used that low death
tone and warned me about the dangers of laying a hand on him. Not once has he actually made a
move to try to scare me into submission again.

Alexi maybe hasn’t changed all that much in the grand scheme of things, but his boundaries when it
comes to me have and it gives me a new sense of power I never had before. A warm inner stability that
I know Alexi is nothing to fear anymore … Even if he did just beat a man half to death in front of me.

‘Do you want to talk to her and hear for yourself? I swear I haven’t done a damn thing to her.’ Alexi
sounds agitated and I can only hazard a guess that Mico is grilling him, checking on me, and it warms

my icy veins a little. Knowing that mad or not, he still worries and I throw Alexi a haughty raised brow
and a smug smile—stupidly gleeful with his irritation.

‘If he had he would be ball-less right now, Mico.’ I say loudly so I can be heard on the other side and
that little muscle twinge in Alexi’s jaw makes me smile all the harder, satisfied with the reaction. That
furrowed brow and intense look that tells me to shut up.

‘Yes! … See! … Told you. Still as snappy and fucking charming as always. Not gagged, beaten and
broken into submission. You can stop texting me like a frantic father and trust me when I say … I would
never hurt her. I told you, didn’t I?’ Alexi’s tone drops as he says it, as though he really doesn’t want me
to hear it and my smile drops, blinking at the husky weird way it came out, and what he said as my
stomach twirls and tips. Anger and emotional deadpan vacant and he sounded completely normal for a
moment, if not a tad serious.

I stop glaring and instead look away and stare at the screen in front of us awkwardly, and try not to
think more deeply into that sentence than I should. It does weird things to my insides and the sudden
breathy butterflies make me antsy enough to shift in my seat nervously. It’s hard to stay mad when he
says things like that and instead I focus on just numbing it all out again; Eyes on passing streets, early
morning drivers and all the hustle and bustle of Manhattan.

‘We’re not far… I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Alexi sighs heavily and then hangs up his phone and slides it
onto his lap quietly. I can see him out of the corner of my eye and catch the flicker of a look at the side
of my face before he goes back to staring out of his own window.

Even though we’re fighting, and what happened in Miami was volatile and rage-fuelled with a lot of
aggression, I don’t feel afraid of being here with him, not in the slightest. I don’t understand why and I
don’t want to dissect it. There’s an ambience of truce in the air, despite lingering resentment and I
wonder if it’s just down to being exhausted. I close my eyes and tip my head back on the rest to get
comfy and make a show of going back to sleep.

I want to anyway, I am really that tired but my head won’t shut off, and I am so crazily aware of him
sitting this close to me in the car. I can smell his aftershave and his familiar Alexi scent, can feel traces
of his body heat even though we are a foot apart and the air seems filled with his presence. I screw my
eyes shut to mentally shake all my senses into silence and try for at least pretend sleep. I know he will
leave me be if he thinks I am out cold and it affords me some silent thinking space.

When we pull up to the club half an hour later Alexi taps me gently on my hand and I jump almost out
my skin, head snapping up and blinking at him in pale-faced shock. I wasn’t expecting actual touching,
and I think I did eventually start dozing off because I once again feel all out of whack and all over the
place from sleep addled fuzzy brain. My heart is doing a rhumba, instant shakes from being torn

Alexi gets out and holds the door open for me, two black-clothed security men appearing from the
building behind him in very bright morning sky already, and I realise we are parked out front and not in
the parking lot of the club. Regardless, it’s where we are, and familiar sights of home are looming
above us. I have never been so happy to see this damn dark building standing tall in its back-alley
space. Back in the city, back on familiar territory and finally I get to go be alone in my own room and my
own space where he doesn’t get to be.

I get out ungracefully, legs like jelly as I hit the pavement on tired feet and walk past him, curiosity
getting the better of me now we are here, and I realise he isn’t following me. I don’t know what is with
my brain or my stupid emotions but the sudden realisation he isn’t even coming into the club at all hits
some odd nerve deep down and my response is genuine shock.

‘You’re not coming?’ I blanch at him, no clue as to why I thought he would, or the fact the strange
sense of disappointment tells me I wanted him too. I have no idea why I’m being such an idiot over this.
I can’t fathom it at all.

He slides back into the car quickly, leaving me gawping at him from the street while one of the men
hauls my bag out of the boot and throws me a shady look. Probably wondering why I am questioning
the boss, and with attitude, because it would be certain punishment for one of his lowly goons.

‘This sociopath is fucking off for a few days. I have other people to deal with; ones who don’t want to
poison my coffee. Get the club open by Friday; I’m sick of it losing money. Do your job, get MY club
open, and do it pronto.’ Alexi sounds like him of old. No expression in his voice, no emotion or
anything. Just that cold bossy indifference I loathe with a passion and he goes to pull his door shut, but
I stop it mid swing. Instantly aggravated by him and the fact he’s leaving me here.

‘OUR fucking club and it will be ready by Friday, don’t worry about that. Don’t bother coming back for
opening night, I’m sure I can handle it alone and you will only lower the tone.’ I spit at him, tears circling
in my throat which are beyond ridiculous, and I don’t get why I am suddenly angry with him because
he’s doing the decent thing for once and giving me space. I willed him to fuck off the whole way home
and now he’s doing it I’m majorly upset with him … Irrationally so. I don’t even know what the hell is
going on in my own body and brain sometimes.

Alexi just looks grim at both my tone and my words.

‘I’ll be here. Don’t want you being left alone with all those rich men looking for company. I know how
easily you give in to temptation.’ His anger stirs up from the depths in that biting response, and our
eyes meet as temperatures soar again. Always easy to goad each other into a fiery rage. I have never
known a man who can send me into a swirl of moods like a PMS’ing teen with bad hormone control.

‘Fuck off, Alexi. Bagging a rich man has never been my goal in life. If it was I would have never stopped
you tonight. I would be nakedly fucking you half to heaven in that hotel right now.’ I point out with my
nose in the air and hands on my hips—full-on bitch sass.

‘That was a moment of drunken stupid—forgot who you were for a second—don’t worry it won’t happen
again!’ He too adopts that sarcastic hatred, riling me further.

‘Yeah, figures. Like I would want a repeat of the most unmemorable sex I have ever had in my life.’ I
spit at him in bitter retaliation, scathed by his remark and shut the door on him instead, slamming it
hard before he can retort and spin on my heel to storm to the entrance stairs of the club. Tears bite at
me and that heavy thick lump in my throat threatens to choke me.

I don’t wait around to see if he has anything to say on the matter, holding back my emotional stupidity
and that sense of extreme loneliness that hits me hard in the gut as I make my way up the steps
quickly. I’m flanked by the two men, who walk behind me and usher me inside safely.

It’s early morning, birds singing in the sunny dawn light, and yet I feel like an icy grip has taken hold of
my heart as I enter the near pitch-black club. Every part of me that was desperate to get here falls by
the wayside in a sense of deflated disappointment now I am here. I wonder why I was so eager to get
back to this.

It feels empty and hostile, devoid of any feeling of coming home and warmth, even though it’s exactly
as it was twelve hours ago.



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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) Lastest Chapters