Novel Name : Game Market 1983

Game Market 1983 Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Knock, knock.
When I finished knocking lightly and opened the door of the CEO's thread, I saw Gunpei with a white face in front of my eyes.
“Hello, Gunpei. ”
“Huh? Huh, strong. It's been a while.”
I almost burst out of laughter as Gunpei dropped the super family's gamepad and stole cold sweat.
Kawaguchi was also stumbling around his mouth, so it was obvious that he was forcefully smiling.
“I tried playing this game in Pentagon Soft, but I thought my heart was sinking. ”
Gunpei, who had swallowed the drink brought by his secretary, was amazed at the creepy BGM that flowed from the TV.
“Giving up high-quality sound and deliberately blurring the sound to make the atmosphere more tense. I also felt it in Mintendo, but the idea of a strong force is always brilliant.
You'll be amazed at the sight of Siege Army. ”
Gunpei smiled satisfactorily and looked at me.
After I put down the super family. I sat across from him.
“How are things going with Mr. Kamauchi and Mr. Shige? ”
“Of course, thanks to the Tamago monster that was launched last summer, the portable gem boy is currently on the market. Even Kamauchi boss has been playing Tamago-san lately. ”
“And Mr. Kamauchi? I'm surprised about that. ”
“It's your work, and you're very happy, but very sad on the one hand. You must be very sorry you didn't get to the bottom of this. ”
“Haha, thank you for saying that. So what brings you here today? ”
“Oh, right. In fact, this time, we had a meeting inside Mintendo. I'm here to deliver some very good news to Pentagon Soft. ”
“Good news? ”
Then Gunpei smiled and replied.
“I want Pentagon Soft to be our second party in Mintendo. ”
“Yes!? ”
Kawaguchi also looked surprised by Gunpei's words.
Second party.
To give you a brief description of this term, the console gaming industry includes "First Party," "Second Party," and "Third Party."
Other indie games are either single-person or two-third-person, but let's not get into the middle of this.
First-parties are games that are launched as their brand by the manufacturer of the console.
For example, the legends of SuperMaridge and Karin, made by Mr. Shigere. Dongking Com, etc.
There is a 0% chance that first-party games will be converted to other consoles as they are created directly by the company that makes the consoles.
When I was a kid, I used to wonder why the ‘Super Sonic’ on NEGA drives wouldn't be launched.
If you could just come out with it, it would be the best game machine...
At that time, the popularity of the super family really hit the sky, so I hoped that 'Super Sonic’ would be released one day, but that didn't happen.
Second, Third Party.
If you ask us why we explain Third Parties first, not Second Parties, we can say that the companies that make them universally belong to Third Parties.
Unlike the First Party, Third Party was able to launch the game freely on any company console.
Given the conditions and technology, it was possible to create and launch games for super families and NEGA drives simultaneously.
At the request of the users, it was also the third party that was able to launch the game relatively freely at a later stage as well as other companies' consoles.
Of course, in the early '90s, everyone was loyal to Mintendo enough to be the only alcoholic in Mintendo, so the Third Party used to launch the game almost as a superfamily.
However, the disadvantage of the Third Party was that it was not easy to pass the breakeven point because every time the game was launched, a huge amount of royalty had to be paid to Mintendo.
If the game that invested a lot of money didn't work out, you'd have to take all that responsibility and screw it up.
Is that so? Much of the game companies that emerged in the family era have disappeared almost entirely, leaving more than the major they gave us. (Even though there are many new soft companies that are emerging in the meantime...)
The Pentagon's current location belonged to the Third Party of the two categories above, but it was only producing console games released by Mintendo. Like Phoenix Soft, who produces the Dragon Warrior, he is quite loyal to the third party console he throws in Mintendo.
And now, for the last time, there's a second party.
As anyone would have guessed by now, a second party means that the third party, the company, goes under the first party.
Keep the company's name but make sure that any games released by the company are only for consoles created by First Party and cannot be converted to other consoles.
Instead, it minimized the royalty handed to Mintendo and gained recognition as it was released with Mintendo's name, which guaranteed some sales revenue.
Currently, many game companies wanted to be the second party in mintendo, because all of the games that they produce are for the super family, even though they are still the third party.
Earl Fit's proposal could feel very sweet because he could not ignore the impact of a 'superfamily’ with the best recognition and penetration rates within Japan.
Kawaguchi also turned white on Gunpei's tempting proposal.
But I thought differently.
It was like going back down to Minten.
A second party will get investment or support from Mintendo, but will have the coercion to report daily about production times, game stories, concepts and genres.
‘That means you can't even dream of launching a game like Valentine's Day. ’
Kawaguchi was looking over my shoulder pretending to consider Gunpei's proposal.
I shook my head, rubbing the tip of my nose slightly towards that Kawaguchi.
Signature to reject his offer.
“If Pentagon Soft is to be our second party in Mintendo, then Mr. Kamauchi has promised to do the best he can for us. It will be the most unprecedented partnership in the history of gaming to date. ”
However, the Kawaguchi representative who had already noticed my signature opened his mouth with a sad expression.
“Thank you for Mintendo's offer. But...
It was then.
- Kiyayayayayayayayayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! -
“Ugh!! ”
“Shhhhh!!!!! ”
“Fuck!! What a surprise!!"
(Korean came out without me knowing.) I forgot to remove the Valentine's Day trial cartridge from the super family. The super family was automatically powered on and a terrifying face of the woman who was turned upside down appeared on the screen.
“Phew... I thought I'd fallen...”
I quickly put up and down the power button of the super family and unplugged the cartridge. Then the Kawaguchi representative said to me with a white bored face.
“Joon-Hyuk. Maybe you should just take that thing off. ”
“Is that so? Haha... I made it, but it's a little harsh. I thought you had a heart attack. I'm sorry, Gunpei.”
But Gunpei didn't answer anything and just stared at me.
“Mr. Gunpei?”
“ ……. ”
“We've got trouble. Jules, call 911! Gunpei!!! Wake up!! ”
I rushed Mr. Gunpei onto the couch, forcefully pressed down on his chest, and performed CPR. How many times do I have to repeat myself?
“Cough!! Cough... ugh!! ”
Fortunately, Gunpei's mind came back.
Wow... I never thought I'd be this surprised. I almost became a murderer.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
Though he regained consciousness, Gunpei was eventually transported to the hospital in an ambulance because of the shock of his legs.
And me and Mr. Kawaguchi are also responsible for this situation.), so I followed him in the car.
On the way to the hospital, Kawaguchi who was riding next to me asked me.
“Why did you refuse Gunpei's offer? What all third-parties want now is to be the second party in Mintendo, but I don't understand Joon-Hyuk's decision. ”
“What do you want to know about Kawaguchi? I understand that too. But we have to look a little bit further. ”
“A little further? ”
“It's true that Mintendo is the best console company that no one can touch.
But their times won't last forever. ”
“Yes? You mean Mintendo will fall? ”
“Sitting on the throne for a long time. There comes a time when everything in the world feels insignificant. Mintendo stayed on the throne for too long. And you don't feel any tension in the current game market. ”
“But don't you have a company to stand up to? ”
“Yes, Mintendo is the best console company right now. But there will be a new wind in a few years. What we need to capture is not to miss out on that new flow. ”
“A new wind.”
Kawaguchi tilted his head at my words, but he no longer vomited.
Well, I've never lost anything by listening to me.
"Who is Nisekoi Gunpei's guardian? ”
“Oh, yes! ”
Me and Kawaguchi, who were waiting in the chair in the nurse's voice, hurriedly ran away.
“I think you're in shock, so I gave you a sedative. You can take the rest of the day off and leave tomorrow. But what caused the shock? ”
“What? Oh, it's the game.”
“A game?”
The nurse tilts her head in a daze and writes something on the chart and goes back.
Fortunately, after saying that everything was fine, Kawaguchi and I opened the door and entered the room.
“Gunpei, are you feeling well? ”
“Haha... This is embarrassing. I can't believe I'm so confused by a game screen. But didn't you turn off the power to the superfamily? ”
“That's right."
“Then how did the game screen suddenly appear? ”
“Well, I put an electrostatic transmitter in the cartridge. Over time, the electrical shock inside the cartridge will spontaneously power the superfamily.”
“Is that possible? ”
“You saw it with your own eyes. ”
“Haha... I saw it myself, but I can't believe I saw it. Is this your idea, too? ”
“Yes, but I think we should remove that feature. What if I pass out like Mr. Gunpei..”
“Yeah. It was a little harsh for a joke. Hahaha!”
Even though Gunpei felt threatened by life because he had known me for a long time, he was just trying to laugh.
“No. As expected, Kang-gun is still having fun thinking. ‘How can we get more of their medicine up there?’ Haha! Yeah... Maybe that's when it started, right? Ever since I created the Dragon Emblem...”
“Strong troops. Do I look like I have a nostril? Even though I'm old, I'm not an idiot. Custom chips used in Dragon Emblems. And this mysterious e-mail address... I don't know the number, but KJH Korean developer already knew it was you. ”
“You gave me too many hints. ”
“Is that so? Haha... And Mr. Shigei or Mr. Kamauchi? ”
“No. I don't think they know that far ahead. ”
“If I'd known that, Mr. Kamauchi wouldn't have let me go. ”
Gunpei glanced at me with a smile.
Even though they were older, after working together for a long time from the moment we met, it felt like a lot of love had been accumulated.
I hesitated for a moment and opened my mouth.
“Gunpei, on my way to the hospital, I spoke to Kawaguchi, and our Pentagon software has decided to reject the offer of mintendo. ”
“Really? Why? Now all the gaming companies want to be our second party in Mintendo.”
I answered Gunpei's question, reliving my taste.
“If you go to Minten...”
After a few moments of hesitation, I finally smiled and spoke behind my back.
“You can't make a game like Valentine's Day. ”
Then Gunpei smiled and replied.
“Well, that, too.”
“I want to create a more diverse and new genre of games. ”

-Pentagon Soft Development Team 2nd Manager Kang Jun-hyuk. - I put my card in my bag and thought about it.
Although he was given Miyuki's figure to a man named Kang Jun-hyuk, he had no regrets.
Maybe he'll pass it on to Yuki.
The way back home...
The bag is empty, but the wallet that was always poor is thick.
I never thought one of my figures would bring me more money than a month's salary of part-time covers.
In addition, there is a cartridge of a new game he received from him.
The latest in Pentagon Soft, which is not yet open to the public!!
The name is also beautiful ‘Valentine's Day.' It seemed like beautiful girls would rush to me with chocolates.
The cartridge of the super family was feeling much more luxurious than the cartridge of the original family.
The front of the grey cartridge had a glamorous curve, and even fitting the cartridge to the super family did not obscure the title sticker on the front, so it felt good to watch.
After a while.
I got off the train and stopped by the usual lunch box house before returning home.
Today's wallet is thick, so why don't you buy a more expensive lunch box?
“Oh, Uchimura. It's been awhile. Is there another doncas lunchbox today? ”
You always take care of the cheapest Duncas lunchbox, and now you don't even have to ask.
But for today, you have to choose a different menu.
“No. Smoked salmon and beef steak lunchbox, please. ”
“Is it payday? Yeah! Sometimes you have to eat meat and fish instead of doncas. I'll bring you lots of food!”
“Thank you."
Immediately, with a tingling sound, the rich beef flavor began to irritate the tip of my nose. But all I wanted to do was go home a little sooner and play Valentine's Day.
“Here's 1,480 yen.”
It always felt strange to eat a 480-yen doncas lunch box and add another thousand yen to it.
But it's about this luxurious. Nothing compared to what I have right now.
I finished my calculations with the ten thousand yen bills and hurried home with the heavy box vinyl in my hand.
“Uhhh!! Uchimura!!"
As soon as he saw me, Yoda, who was playing with his friends at the playground in front of the house, ran and started sneaking around.
“Hyung, Hyung!! I won the battle with the local boys using the Bahamut my brother gave me. Amazing, isn't it?"
“Oh, yeah. Amazing.”
I wanted to go home quickly, but I turned my head in a drowsy reply to Yoda's words.
“What? Why is it so cold today? ”
“He's a little busy today. ”
“You didn't make weird doll clothes for me to battle you the other day!! ”
‘Honestly, I'm too old to play with you. ’
I kept tapping Yoda's forehead tied to my arm and answering with the softest voice possible.
“I'll play with you next time. ”
Khh! That was a nice gesture I just saw. Cook, Cook, Cook.
I passed him cool and went up to the house, and I heard Yoda's muttering voice behind me.
“That guy's been acting weird lately.”
In order to leave the part-time at night, I still had to keep my eyes open, but I turned on the TV in a hurry and put Valentine's Day in the cartridge of the super family because I let it go on forever.
‘Phew... The game is good, but when the beef steak cools down, it doesn't taste good. I'm still hungry, so let's eat and get started. ’
I changed my mind to eat first, and soon I brought a small table for one person and spread my legs.
“Oh, my God. I need to tidy up and get a life... and start making figures, and then the house is a mess.”
He would, too, have been stuck tightly on Styrofoam with Nazi figurine parts waiting to be painted since yesterday. Even the Nanase figures have to get started soon...
Recalling the excitement of the first Hasega and Miyuki's figures being bid at an enormous price, the figures in front of them suddenly began to look like money strings.
‘If I do well, I might be able to touch more money than spending the night in a covered rice house. I guess we'll have to make the next figure quickly, won't we? ’
Eventually, I put the lunch box on the floor and began to paint the food at the same time.
I was already thinking about how to dress her, so I chewed her food and the work was very smooth.
While the popularity of characters' products has increased recently and a wide variety of figures have spilled out, they were all colored in the factory and therefore of varying quality.
Even if the original buys it himself, you won't be able to touch that many products.
However, after doing this in person, I am very satisfied with the painting.
That's why I've been feeling very attractive about this work lately.
I painted Nasse's eyebrows with a thin brush, murmuring the theme artist of 'Street Without Me’, blowing cold breath to harden the enamel.
Then... a small voice came into my ears like the wind.
- What are you...? -
“Don't you see? I'm painting a figure... ”
Huh... What is it? What was that?
- Look at this.
Turning slowly to the voice calling out to me, I saw something strange on the TV screen.
And the moment I found out what it was. I felt my heart hardening.
- Kiyayayayaaaaaaaaaaah!! -
“Uahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! ”
As all the rice balls in his mouth popped out, the brush in his hand began to move freely.
“Mom!! Mommy! Aaaah! ”
Is this what the term "cornerstone" is about?
I don't know what to do with the ghost on TV, but I was screaming, and I thumped against the wall next door.
In the end, I was embarrassed and pulled out the TV's electrical cord. Then came the silent silence with a tick.
“Phew... Phew... What is it? What just happened?”
Is the TV haunted? It seemed like a lifetime of trauma.
I've been looking around for what's going on, and there's definitely a green light on the entire superfamily that's been powered down.
“Why is this on? Is it broken?”
As I tilted my head up and down the power button, the lights of the power unit turned red again.
Just in case it breaks down, plug the power cord of the TV back in and turn the switch on, and a few moments later, a creepy BGM flows out of the TV speaker.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
“No way, this game. Is that fear?”
What's with the title, anyway?
Immediately, I quickly turned off the power and unplugged the game cartridge as the air in the room became cooler.
While sweeping his surprised chest, he looked around and saw whether he had kicked the lunch box off the ground screaming, and turned it upside down in one corner. The face of Naasis was so messed up that it was hard to bear.
Then I remembered Kang Jun-hyuk, who smiled at me while handing me a game cartridge.
This is why I answered 'No’ to my question, asking if I was smiling just by looking at the title ’Valentine's Day.' I can't forgive it.
I can't even go to a haunted house if I go to an amusement park!!!
Curiosity. It's amazing.
Sometimes, curiosity outweighs fear and fear.
After roughly mopping the room, I took a deep breath and put the cartridge back into the superfamily, which wiped the face of Naasis clean with acetone.
“Yes, it's just a game. It's also a trial.”
I slapped my cheeks several times, sighing for a long time, and raised the power switch.
Soon after the game started with the creepy BGM mixed with the noise as expected, I was born and challenged for the first time the genre "Fear."
Of course, I've rented scary movies in a video store before, but games and movies are not the same.
Because movies are just about ‘watching’ videos according to a given story, but the game requires direct ‘manipulation’ to follow a given story.
After all, you have to go through all the horror elements prepared by the creator to reach the end of the story, the end.
‘Run and hold your breath for now. And the Enable button... You can move left and right and hide yourself using the top hockey. Okay, here we go.'
I had my mind set on it, but it really hasn't let go since the beginning.
Ghosts that swarm upside down somehow managed to hide themselves on the desk, but that was really just the beginning.
In a dark school, there were all kinds of ghosts stumbling around at strange angles, and the scariest of them was a ghost that fell off the roof and died.
I hear a strange sound when he approaches...
Bang, bang. Bang, bang.
That's it!!
At first, I wanted to know what this meant, but I almost knew who it was.
It's because the ghost that fell from the head on the rooftop was running around crushing his head on the ground, standing upside down.
When he showed up, he had to flee to a high place, but the closer I got to the player, the faster I felt like I was going crazy.
After about 20 minutes like that, I could barely get out of the Old Testament, and I saw a light shake far away.
Is that a person?
I was confident that I was an ordinary person because I was walking relatively naturally. I rushed to manipulate the protagonist into a light.
Wouldn't it be less terrifying to be with someone in the game? Closer to the thought, it was a senior in blue guard clothing.
He approaches me for a moment, then turns around and starts walking to the other side.
I'm holding a Huresh for now, so let's talk to him about not walking through dark halls anymore.
The protagonist turned his head 180 degrees, and his face was full of screens closed up.
- There you are. -
"... why are you doing this to me?"
The next day, after coming back from work at dawn, I recalled the words of the person called Kang Jun-hyuk who took out the "Valentine's Day" cartridge from the drawer.
- Can you play and call me? - It was a lifelong memorable experience, but it was a really great game. And the company called Pentagon Soft, which created these games, felt amazing.
Recently, I heard from friends that they hire a lot of people at a place called Pentagon Soft...
Maybe I can get a job here because of what happened yesterday?
There's also my idol, Mr. Morita.
“Should I call him? ”


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