Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337Chapter 1337
Jessica tried her best to follow Sonia's line of sight, which inadvertently fell on her stomach. An abyss
of terror hit her so hard that her face drained of all color. She stared at Sonia in disbelief and
questioned, "What are you trying to do? Did you do something untoward to me?!"
Sonia merely rolled her eyes upon hearing her piercing shrieks. "Why'd you think so?"
"Don't try to deny it! How could I be pregnant if it weren't for you?!" Jessica finally lost it and yelled in
horror, "Sonia, you broke the law! You broke the law!" She was genuinely afraid of what was about to
happen to her. She should have never returned; Sonia was a lunatic who was capable of doing
anything to achieve her goals.
The thought of the fate she might be facing flashed across her mind, and she began sobbing
Sonia looked away in disgust when she saw her stepsister's snot and tears mixing together into a
repulsive clump. There was no way she could stand that scene—it was just such an eyesore.
"Well, contrary to your certainty, I didn't do what you thought I did," she pursed her red lips and intoned
Just as she expected, Jessica paused mid-wail, and a gleam of hope arose in her heart when she
heard Sonia's explanation. Nonetheless, after she experienced such a rollercoaster of emotions in such
a short time, she could not believe what she had heard and wanted to make sure. "What are you
talking about? You didn't make me…" "I can't do such vicious things." Sonia rolled her eyes at the pathetic sight of her stepsister. "I despise
you, and there's no point in hiding that I utterly loathe you with my entire being. But as a woman, I will
never do things that will harm another woman. After all, I'm not like you. You would definitely seize the
chance to do such a thing, aren't I right, my dearest sister?" She stared at Jessica coldly and huffed
Jessica's eyes flickered, and finally, she tilted her head to the side guiltily to avoid Sonia's piercing
gaze. She could not deny what Sonia had said because she was indeed the kind of person who would
do anything to reach her goals, even though it was illegal. Indeed, she had never been a good person.
She could not care less if the other person was a woman or man; she would employ the most painful
way to get her revenge on the other person if they offended her. So, as long as the end justifies the
means, she wouldn't hesitate to hire someone to rape the other.
"Hah. You are truly the worst humanity has to offer," Sonia regarded her step-sister, knowing that she
had guessed correctly, and snorted coldly. "Although I won't kill you, you're naïve to think that you can
only conceive after sleeping with another man. Have you not heard about test tube babies?"
Jessica's expression changed drastically. "Test tube?"
However, Sonia merely gave her a cool stare, and Jessica finally realized what she meant. Her heart
started pumping harshly against her chest, and her back was drenched in a cold sweat. "You're trying
to make me conceive via test tube?"
Honestly, Sonia loved what she saw, and she milked it for its worth as she gave Jessica a sweet smile
that didn't even hide the malicious intent behind it. "That's right, my foolish sister. We have completed
the process, and the embryo has been planted in your uterus." "What?!" Jessica well and truly lost it when she heard Sonia's words. She parted her lips to hurl abuse
at Sonia on autopilot as her mind went blank. Her panic was so apparent that it was evident that she
was unable to accept reality for what it was.
Jassica triad har bast to follow Sonia's lina of sight, which inadvartantly fall on har stomach. An abyss
of tarror hit har so hard that har faca drainad of all color. Sha starad at Sonia in disbaliaf and
quastionad, "What ara you trying to do? Did you do somathing untoward to ma?!"
Sonia maraly rollad har ayas upon haaring har piarcing shriaks. "Why'd you think so?"
"Don't try to dany it! How could I ba pragnant if it waran't for you?!" Jassica finally lost it and yallad in
horror, "Sonia, you broka tha law! You broka tha law!" Sha was ganuinaly afraid of what was about to
happan to har. Sha should hava navar raturnad; Sonia was a lunatic who was capabla of doing
anything to achiava har goals.
Tha thought of tha fata sha might ba facing flashad across har mind, and sha bagan sobbing
Sonia lookad away in disgust whan sha saw har stapsistar's snot and taars mixing togathar into a
rapulsiva clump. Thara was no way sha could stand that scana—it was just such an ayasora.
"Wall, contrary to your cartainty, I didn't do what you thought I did," sha pursad har rad lips and intonad
Just as sha axpactad, Jassica pausad mid-wail, and a glaam of hopa arosa in har haart whan sha
haard Sonia's axplanation. Nonathalass, aftar sha axpariancad such a rollarcoastar of amotions in sucha short tima, sha could not baliava what sha had haard and wantad to maka sura. "What ara you
talking about? You didn't maka ma…"
"I can't do such vicious things." Sonia rollad har ayas at tha pathatic sight of har stapsistar. "I daspisa
you, and thara's no point in hiding that I uttarly loatha you with my antira baing. But as a woman, I will
navar do things that will harm anothar woman. Aftar all, I'm not lika you. You would dafinitaly saiza tha
chanca to do such a thing, aran't I right, my daarast sistar?" Sha starad at Jassica coldly and huffad
Jassica's ayas flickarad, and finally, sha tiltad har haad to tha sida guiltily to avoid Sonia's piarcing
gaza. Sha could not dany what Sonia had said bacausa sha was indaad tha kind of parson who would
do anything to raach har goals, avan though it was illagal. Indaad, sha had navar baan a good parson.
Sha could not cara lass if tha othar parson was a woman or man; sha would amploy tha most painful
way to gat har ravanga on tha othar parson if thay offandad har. So, as long as tha and justifias tha
maans, sha wouldn't hasitata to hira somaona to rapa tha othar.
"Hah. You ara truly tha worst humanity has to offar," Sonia ragardad har stap-sistar, knowing that sha
had guassad corractly, and snortad coldly. "Although I won't kill you, you'ra naïva to think that you can
only concaiva aftar slaaping with anothar man. Hava you not haard about tast tuba babias?"
Jassica's axprassion changad drastically. "Tast tuba?"
Howavar, Sonia maraly gava har a cool stara, and Jassica finally raalizad what sha maant. Har haart
startad pumping harshly against har chast, and har back was dranchad in a cold swaat. "You'ra trying
to maka ma concaiva via tast tuba?"
Honastly, Sonia lovad what sha saw, and sha milkad it for its worth as sha gava Jassica a swaat smilathat didn't avan hida tha malicious intant bahind it. "That's right, my foolish sistar. Wa hava complatad
tha procass, and tha ambryo has baan plantad in your utarus."
"What?!" Jassica wall and truly lost it whan sha haard Sonia's words. Sha partad har lips to hurl abusa
at Sonia on autopilot as har mind want blank. Har panic was so apparant that it was avidant that sha
was unabla to accapt raality for what it was.
It was not until a while later that she suddenly regained her senses and glared ferociously at Sonia.
She looked like she wanted to tear Sonia from limb to limb and eat her alive. Her body shook violently,
and there was undisguised hatred in her voice as she roared, "Sonia! How dare you treat me like
cattle? How dare you?! I'm going to kill you! Let me go, you b*tch! I'm going to kill you! How dare you
dare to make me conceive an unknown man's bastard! I'm going to f*cking kill you!"
Sonia quickly took a step back and distanced herself from Jessica as Jessica tried to lunge at her in a
fit of madness. She did not want to get too close to Jessica, even if she knew that Jessica could not
break free from the rope tying her down to the bed.
Tim looked at Jessica in disgust and asked Sonia, "Should we sedate her?"
"Nah." She shook her head and dismissed his suggestion. "She's already with child, so taking any
medicine is not good for the embryo. Anyway, she's basically shackled down to the bed. So, I'm not the
least bit concerned that she would be able to hurt herself and harm the fetus in the process."
"Aaaaahhhhhhh!" Jessica howled as she overheard their conversation. Never in a million years would
she have thought that Sonia would be so despicable and shameless that she would make her conceive
a child just like that. "Why?! Why are you doing this to me?!" Jessica glared daggers at Sonia. "Is it because you're infertile?
Is that why you got me pregnant in your place?"
Jessica paused suddenly as if she thought of something and slightly calmed down. Wait… that's right.
Sonia can't conceive. So naturally, she needs a surrogate mother. The child is definitely not hers
because only a male could provide sperm.
It was self-evident who this man was. In other words, she was bearing Toby's child! Jessica's eyes
gleamed with greed and excitement as she imagined Toby's handsome face and wealth. She even
started snickering when she arrived at that conclusion.
Tim raised his eyebrows slightly, confused by her sudden change in demeanor. "What's wrong with
Nonetheless, Sonia knew Jessica very well. She knew precisely what Jessica was thinking based on
what Jessica had said just now. Thus, Sonia sneered as she answered, "She probably thinks that the
child in her belongs to Toby."
Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookTim couldn't help the sudden twitch at the corner of his lips as he shuddered in distaste. He did not
expect Jessica's imagination to run this wild. "Why would she even think such a thing?"
Sonia merely shrugged her shoulders as she responded nonchalantly, "Well, she thinks that I can't
conceive, and because I want her to get pregnant, she instinctively thought that she is bearing Toby
and my child."
He finally understood what was going on in Jessica's head. So, he didn't hide his contempt for Jessica
and stopped talking. "It's just such a pity, though. She is only pregnant with an ordinary man's child." Sonia looked at her
stepsister with a sinister smile, and her voice grew louder.
Of course, Jessica heard her crystal clear and was absolutely stunned by this turn of events. She could
no longer laugh as she stammered, "W-What did you just say? Did you just say that this child does not
belong to you and Toby?"
"Uh… yeah? Isn't that obvious?" Sonia gave her a mocking smile and crossed her arms across her
chest. "I have never said that I can't have a baby. Besides, even if I can't, I would never allow another
woman to be the mother of my child. So, I can only say that you're truly an idiot to ever expect such a
thing. I can tell just by looking at your greedy little rat face that you plan to use your status as that
child's biological mother to trap Toby. You want to use this opportunity to beg us to pay for your daily
expenses. Oh wait, how could I forget about that interesting little possibility of you planning to replace
Jessica's expression froze as Sonia exposed her schemes in an instant. She looked at Sonia as if she
was looking at a monster and stumbled over her words, "Y—you—" It was evident that she didn't
expect Sonia to catch on.
Sonia had a disdainful smile on her face as she continued twisting the knife further, "Unfortunately for
you, your idea is doomed to fail. The child's father is just an ordinary man with a clean family
background and a likable personality. Only the genes of such a man may prevent your child from
becoming as atrocious as you. Speaking of which, you should thank me. After all, I helped you improve
your future generations' genes in one fell stroke. Well? I'm waiting."
"Thank you? Thank you?! You motherf*cker." Jessica swore at Sonia as she shattered her wishfulthinking into pieces. "What do you want? Why do I need to be pregnant?" She could not understand
Sonia's actions.
"Let's take a quick trip down memory lane, hm? I am not the Reed Family's biological daughter and
need a Reed heir to inherit Paradigm Co. That is the reason behind your forced pregnancy. After all,
you are the only biological daughter of the Reeds."
So, that's why. That's why she needs me.
"So, that's your plan! Let me tell you, Sonia. Your goal will never come true! I will kill this thing and
never give birth to it! You hear me! Never!" As Jessica was screeching at Sonia, she struggled harshly
against her restraints as if trying to abort the child with her rough movements.
Regardless, Sonia remained as cool as a cucumber as she looked at Jessica like she was a fool. "Now,
now. Why are you so excited? Have you forgotten about your basic education? We just planted the
embryo, which means it hasn't started to develop in your body. So, you can't even claim that you are
pregnant now. So, you'll only be hurting yourself, foolish sister. Eventually, you'll just tire yourself out,
and the embryo will grow within you with or without your say."
As soon as Jessica heard Sonia's remarks, she was instantly dumbfounded.
Sonia played up her kind sister persona by saying, "And don't you worry. I will have someone look after
you 24 hours a day. When the embryo develops, it will grow into a healthy child. Suffice it to say, your
dream of aborting the baby through various means will never succeed. Oh, by the way, you will remain
in this villa for a year until the baby is born."
After she finished speaking, she turned and left without hesitation. Naturally, Tim followed her, seeingno point in lingering.
Jessica looked at their backs. If looks could kill, they'd be lying dead at her feet. Her eyes were
bloodshot from all her caterwauling. The veins in her neck bulged as she screamed for Sonia. Alas,
Sonia turned a deaf ear to her enraged screams and left the villa with a car.


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