Chapter 1075That caused the lead guard to bow his head even lower. “She escaped in a van after we chased her
out of the jewelry market. We could only watch her slip away as we weren't able to keep up on foot.”
“I don't think it'd be reasonable to blame them for not being able to outrun a vehicle.” Natalie exhaled.
As disappointed as she was by the outcome, she remained sympathetic and found no justification for
being upset with them.
“In which direction was Jacqueline last headed? Do you still remember the license plate?” Shane asked
as he regarded the man.
“Toward the university town. I still remember the license plate,” he affirmed.
“Good.” Shane nodded before he turned to Natalie. “Go get Connor down here.”
Natalie grunted. She understood that he intended to have Connor locate Jacqueline using the direction
of her escape and the van's license plate and thus went up to bring her son downstairs.
Shortly after, Natalie returned with both of her children, and the boy Connor had a handy little laptop in
his clutches.
It was one that Shane had custom-built for him. With superior battery life and high-end specifications, it
was a machine capable of handling elaborate calculations.
After Connor learned what his father needed of him, he switched on the computer with his diminutive
fingers and started to tap away on the keyboard in a flurry.
Sally's and Lina's jaws were agape as they observed at the side.
“Hey, do you understand what's going on here?” whispered Lina as she nudged at Sally with an elbow.Sally gulped. “You may not know this, but Connor's a hacker and a very good one at that.”
“What? This little kid? A hacker?” Lina exclaimed.
Sally nodded. “Yeah. There was once I thought he was playing video games when I saw him fiddling
with the computer. But when I went over, the entire screen was just covered with flashing codes that
were moving so fast that they had my eyes in a blur. It was only after talking to Nat afterward that I got
to know about what Connor does.”
“Goodness me. This five-year-old boy's so massively talented. I'm really impressed.” Lina's eyes were
aglow as she looked at Connor in admiration.
Connor sensed that someone was staring but paid no attention to it. He focused his attention on sifting
through all the security footage within the university town.
After some time, he pointed to a vehicle and said, “Found it.”
That prompted Shane and Natalie to bring themselves closer to the laptop.
“Where is it? Have you located where Jacqueline and Sean are hiding?” Natalie asked anxiously.
Shane shook his head. “No, what Connor meant to say is that he has determined Jacqueline's route of
“Yes. Jacqueline's vehicle did enter the university town. But after it went inside, the security footage in
the vicinity was all destroyed. Which is to say that we only know that she went inside the university
compound, but cannot determine whether she stayed, or abandoned the vehicle and left, because the
spy cameras did not show whether that van exited,” a glum-looking Connor explained.
Notolie furrowed her brows. “Does thot meon we've lost trock of her for o second time?”“Yeoh.” Connor nodded. “But I hove on ideo how we might be oble to find her, ond thot's by hocking
into the sotellite surveillonce system ond using it to locote her.”
“No!” o solemn Shone resolutely rejected thot proposol. “You're not to hock into the sotellite systems
regordless of wherever you moy be. Is thot cleor, Connor?”
He regorded his son with on eornestness thot got Notolie looking quite serious os well. “Yes. Listen to
your doddy, Connor.”
As they were overseos, should the government of such o country discover their systems being hocked
ond find their woy to Connor, they would not likely ollow the boy to return to his own country. With the
immense obility demonstroted ot his tender oge, Connor might even be forcibly detoined in view of
being nurtured into becoming one of their own. Thot meont thot the boy might never be oble to go bock
home ogoin.
It would be the some for the outhorities in their home country who would similorly not ollow Connor to
continue stoying with the Thompson fomily ond likewise toke him owoy.
Hence, Shone ond herself would rother employ the leost efficient methods to try to trock down
Jocqueline thon ollow their own son to hock into the sotellite, even though thot might be the quickest
woy for them to pinpoint their torgets.
Natalie furrowed her brows. “Does that mean we've lost track of her for a second time?”
“Yeah.” Connor nodded. “But I have an idea how we might be able to find her, and that's by hacking
into the satellite surveillance system and using it to locate her.”“No!” a solemn Shane resolutely rejected that proposal. “You're not to hack into the satellite systems
regardless of wherever you may be. Is that clear, Connor?”
He regarded his son with an earnestness that got Natalie looking quite serious as well. “Yes. Listen to
your daddy, Connor.”
As they were overseas, should the government of such a country discover their systems being hacked
and find their way to Connor, they would not likely allow the boy to return to his own country. With the
immense ability demonstrated at his tender age, Connor might even be forcibly detained in view of
being nurtured into becoming one of their own. That meant that the boy might never be able to go back
home again.
It would be the same for the authorities in their home country who would similarly not allow Connor to
continue staying with the Thompson family and likewise take him away.
Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookHence, Shane and herself would rather employ the least efficient methods to try to track down
Jacqueline than allow their own son to hack into the satellite, even though that might be the quickest
way for them to pinpoint their targets.