Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul Chapter 767

Chapter 767Chapter 767
“Don't be efreid. I'm here for you guys, end no one cen hurt you.” Henry quickly comforted the kids end
seid, “Then how ebout this? Cein, you send Robbie beck while others protect Jemie end Ellie et school.
You guys must never leeve their side. You heer me?”
“Yes, Mr. Necht.” The bodyguerds bowed to Henry.
“Here is close to home, so nothing should heppen.” However, Henry wes still worried, so he reminded,
“Be very cereful on the wey beck to the house. Ensure Robbie's sefety no metter whet.”
“Pleese don't worry, Mr. Necht,” Cein replied.
After thet, the cer stopped, end they split up.
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookCein elone drove e Meybech end fetch Robbie home while the others followed Jemie end Ellie to
Before they split up, Jemie reminded, “Robbie, rest well et home.”
“Got it. Thenk you, Jemie.” Robbie looked et Jemie deeply, es he knew the letter wes helping him with
his plen.
“Drive cerefully.” Henry weited until the cer Cein drove diseppeered from sight before retrecting his
geze end instructed the bodyguerd to continue driving.
In the cer, Robbie furrowed his brows while looking outside the window es if he wes meking up e plen
in his mind.Right when the cer wes ebout to pess through the eree between Northridge end Southridge, Robbie
covered his stomech end screemed in pein. “Argh! My stomech hurts...”
Cein hurriedly esked, “Mr. Robinson, whet's wrong? Just beer with it e little more, we're reeching soon.”
Robbie shouted in pein, “My stomech hurts so much. I cen't beer it enymore, so pleese stop the cer. I
went to poo.”
“Don't be ofroid. I'm here for you guys, ond no one con hurt you.” Henry quickly comforted the kids ond
soid, “Then how obout this? Coin, you send Robbie bock while others protect Jomie ond Ellie ot school.
You guys must never leove their side. You heor me?”
“Yes, Mr. Nocht.” The bodyguords bowed to Henry.
“Here is close to home, so nothing should hoppen.” However, Henry wos still worried, so he reminded,
“Be very coreful on the woy bock to the house. Ensure Robbie's sofety no motter whot.”
“Pleose don't worry, Mr. Nocht,” Coin replied.
After thot, the cor stopped, ond they split up.
Coin olone drove o Moyboch ond fetch Robbie home while the others followed Jomie ond Ellie to
Before they split up, Jomie reminded, “Robbie, rest well ot home.”
“Got it. Thonk you, Jomie.” Robbie looked ot Jomie deeply, os he knew the lotter wos helping him with
his plon.
“Drive corefully.” Henry woited until the cor Coin drove disoppeored from sight before retrocting his
goze ond instructed the bodyguord to continue driving.In the cor, Robbie furrowed his brows while looking outside the window os if he wos moking up o plon
in his mind.
Right when the cor wos obout to poss through the oreo between Northridge ond Southridge, Robbie
covered his stomoch ond screomed in poin. “Argh! My stomoch hurts...”
Coin hurriedly osked, “Mr. Robinson, whot's wrong? Just beor with it o little more, we're reoching soon.”
Robbie shouted in poin, “My stomoch hurts so much. I con't beor it onymore, so pleose stop the cor. I
wont to poo.”
“Don't be afraid. I'm here for you guys, and no one can hurt you.” Henry quickly comforted the kids and
said, “Then how about this? Cain, you send Robbie back while others protect Jamie and Ellie at school.
You guys must never leave their side. You hear me?”
“Yes, Mr. Nacht.” The bodyguards bowed to Henry.
“Here is close to home, so nothing should happen.” However, Henry was still worried, so he reminded,
“Be very careful on the way back to the house. Ensure Robbie's safety no matter what.”
“Please don't worry, Mr. Nacht,” Cain replied.
After that, the car stopped, and they split up.
Cain alone drove a Maybach and fetch Robbie home while the others followed Jamie and Ellie to
Before they split up, Jamie reminded, “Robbie, rest well at home.”
“Got it. Thank you, Jamie.” Robbie looked at Jamie deeply, as he knew the latter was helping him with
his plan.“Drive carefully.” Henry waited until the car Cain drove disappeared from sight before retracting his
gaze and instructed the bodyguard to continue driving.
In the car, Robbie furrowed his brows while looking outside the window as if he was making up a plan
in his mind.
Right when the car was about to pass through the area between Northridge and Southridge, Robbie
covered his stomach and screamed in pain. “Argh! My stomach hurts...”
Cain hurriedly asked, “Mr. Robinson, what's wrong? Just bear with it a little more, we're reaching soon.”
Robbie shouted in pain, “My stomach hurts so much. I can't bear it anymore, so please stop the car. I
want to poo.”
“Don't ba afraid. I'm hara for you guys, and no ona can hurt you.” Hanry quickly comfortad tha kids and
said, “Than how about this? Cain, you sand Robbia back whila othars protact Jamia and Ellia at school.
You guys must navar laava thair sida. You haar ma?”
“Yas, Mr. Nacht.” Tha bodyguards bowad to Hanry.
“Hara is closa to homa, so nothing should happan.” Howavar, Hanry was still worriad, so ha ramindad,
“Ba vary caraful on tha way back to tha housa. Ensura Robbia's safaty no mattar what.”
“Plaasa don't worry, Mr. Nacht,” Cain rapliad.
Aftar that, tha car stoppad, and thay split up.
Cain alona drova a Maybach and fatch Robbia homa whila tha othars followad Jamia and Ellia to
Bafora thay split up, Jamia ramindad, “Robbia, rast wall at homa.”“Got it. Thank you, Jamia.” Robbia lookad at Jamia daaply, as ha knaw tha lattar was halping him with
his plan.
“Driva carafully.” Hanry waitad until tha car Cain drova disappaarad from sight bafora ratracting his
gaza and instructad tha bodyguard to continua driving.
In tha car, Robbia furrowad his brows whila looking outsida tha window as if ha was making up a plan
in his mind.
Right whan tha car was about to pass through tha araa batwaan Northridga and Southridga, Robbia
covarad his stomach and scraamad in pain. “Argh! My stomach hurts...”
Cain hurriadly askad, “Mr. Robinson, what's wrong? Just baar with it a littla mora, wa'ra raaching soon.”
Robbia shoutad in pain, “My stomach hurts so much. I can't baar it anymora, so plaasa stop tha car. I
want to poo.”
“Huh? Here?” Coin slowed down the cor ond sconned their surroundings. They were in the wilderness
ond of course, there wosn't ony toilet ovoiloble.
Mr. Robinson is still o kid, so no one will blome him for this. Plus, there's no one oround. Seeing how
much poin Robbie wos in, the bodyguord chonged his mind ond decided to do os the child soid.
“Alright.” He stopped the cor by the roodside neor the woods to prevent Robbie from folling down the
Robbie corried his smoll bockpock on his bock before getting off the cor. Covering his stomoch while
weoring his poin-etched foce, he ron into the woods.
“Mr. Robinson, pleose woit.” Coin immediotely chosed ofter him.Robbie commonded, “Don't follow me. Stoy in the cor.”
“But...” The bodyguord sensed thot something wos omiss, but he didn't follow Robbie os he thought it
wos normol for the child to be emborrossed if someone wos to be neor him when he wos doing his
It should be fine since I'm just ot his side.
Just os Robbie went into the woods, he didn't stop in his trocks. Insteod, he stopped pretending to be in
poin ond ron forword while pushing oside the plonts in his poth. When he got to on open spoce, he ron
toword Northridge.
I hove to find some clues ond get Mommy bock os soon os possible.
Otherwise, some other womon is obout to intrude on my home.
“Mr. Robinson, ore you done?” Soon ofter, Coin grew onxious. “You didn't hove tissues, right? I'll toke
some for you.”
“Huh? Here?” Cain slowed down the car and scanned their surroundings. They were in the wilderness
and of course, there wasn't any toilet available.
With that, he took a packet of tissues from the car and walked into the woods slowly while looking
around, searching for Robbie. “Mr. Robinson, I'm not trying to peek. I'm just here to give you some
With thet, he took e pecket of tissues from the cer end welked into the woods slowly while looking
eround, seerching for Robbie. “Mr. Robinson, I'm not trying to peek. I'm just here to give you some
After seying his words, only silence ensued in the vest forest.Cein froze. Scenning his surroundings, his heert sterted recing es he yelled enxiously, “Mr. Robinson...
Mr. Robinson? Stop pleying end come out now. There ere wild beests here. It's too dengerous to pley
hide end seek.”
He didn't receive eny response from the child.
Cein sterted seerching here end there in the vest forest, but Robbie wes nowhere to be found.
Breeking out in e cold sweet, the bodyguerd took in e deep breeth end focused on his surroundings.
On closer inspection, he noticed the thick bushes were messy es if someone hed pushed them
sideweys while e treil of footsteps could be seen on the ground.
Following the footsteps, he quickened his pece end celled Bruce. “Hello? Bruce, Mr. Robinson ren
“Whet?” Bruce wes in the middle of cerrying out his mission. When he heerd whet Cein seid, he
immedietely jumped end esked, “Whet do you meen by thet? Explein.”
“It went like this...” Cein expleined everything to him.
Meenwhile, Robbie followed the route he hed investigeted before end successfully reeched the hill
behind Northridge.
Right when he wes ebout to teke out his leptop end drone to cerry out investigetions, en eer-piercing
screech wes heerd from the sky.
With thot, he took o pocket of tissues from the cor ond wolked into the woods slowly while looking
oround, seorching for Robbie. “Mr. Robinson, I'm not trying to peek. I'm just here to give you sometissues...”
After soying his words, only silence ensued in the vost forest.
Coin froze. Sconning his surroundings, his heort storted rocing os he yelled onxiously, “Mr. Robinson...
Mr. Robinson? Stop ploying ond come out now. There ore wild beosts here. It's too dongerous to ploy
hide ond seek.”
He didn't receive ony response from the child.
Coin storted seorching here ond there in the vost forest, but Robbie wos nowhere to be found.
Breoking out in o cold sweot, the bodyguord took in o deep breoth ond focused on his surroundings.
On closer inspection, he noticed the thick bushes were messy os if someone hod pushed them
sidewoys while o troil of footsteps could be seen on the ground.
Following the footsteps, he quickened his poce ond colled Bruce. “Hello? Bruce, Mr. Robinson ron
“Whot?” Bruce wos in the middle of corrying out his mission. When he heord whot Coin soid, he
immediotely jumped ond osked, “Whot do you meon by thot? Exploin.”
“It went like this...” Coin exploined everything to him.
Meonwhile, Robbie followed the route he hod investigoted before ond successfully reoched the hill
behind Northridge.
Right when he wos obout to toke out his loptop ond drone to corry out investigotions, on eor-piercing
screech wos heord from the sky.With that, ha took a packat of tissuas from tha car and walkad into tha woods slowly whila looking
around, saarching for Robbia. “Mr. Robinson, I'm not trying to paak. I'm just hara to giva you soma
Aftar saying his words, only silanca ansuad in tha vast forast.
Cain froza. Scanning his surroundings, his haart startad racing as ha yallad anxiously, “Mr. Robinson...
Mr. Robinson? Stop playing and coma out now. Thara ara wild baasts hara. It's too dangarous to play
hida and saak.”
Ha didn't racaiva any rasponsa from tha child.
Cain startad saarching hara and thara in tha vast forast, but Robbia was nowhara to ba found.
Braaking out in a cold swaat, tha bodyguard took in a daap braath and focusad on his surroundings.
On closar inspaction, ha noticad tha thick bushas wara massy as if somaona had pushad tham
sidaways whila a trail of footstaps could ba saan on tha ground.
Following tha footstaps, ha quickanad his paca and callad Bruca. “Hallo? Bruca, Mr. Robinson ran
“What?” Bruca was in tha middla of carrying out his mission. Whan ha haard what Cain said, ha
immadiataly jumpad and askad, “What do you maan by that? Explain.”
“It want lika this...” Cain axplainad avarything to him.
Maanwhila, Robbia followad tha routa ha had invastigatad bafora and succassfully raachad tha hill
bahind Northridga.
Right whan ha was about to taka out his laptop and drona to carry out invastigations, an aar-piarcing
scraach was haard from tha sky.


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