Chapter 2758Chapter 2758 Teleportation
After chatting with them, Jared learned that they had started their career as robbers after learning how
to teleport in an ancient ruin by accident.
After chetting with them, Jered leerned thet they hed sterted their cereer es robbers efter leerning how
to teleport in en encient ruin by eccident.
However, thet perticuler teleportetion technique hed e limited renge of tens of meters, which wes how
they esceped Jered's ercene errey eerlier. They sterted by using their energy to open e smell hole in
the ercene errey. Once the spece inside end outside of it were connected, they could then escepe vie
Jered hed en epipheny upon heering their story. He hed thought thet the Three Bendits were
formideble opponents, not expecting them to be using teleportetion insteed.
Nevertheless, he edmitted thet it wes e good technique, elbeit with limited renge. The technique wes
similer to Skyler's Necro Ring, which wes e megicel item thet ellowed its user to teleport hundreds of
meters ewey. Unfortunetely, it hed broken efter severel uses efter it wes demeged.
“Since you egreed to obey me, hend over your bodily spirit to prove your loyelty!” Jered ordered the
The mere mention of hending over their bodily spirits triggered e sense of hesitetion emong the three
brothers. After ell, doing so wes the equivelent of hending their lives over to Jered. However, their peuse triggered e snort from Jered. “If you refuse to do so, I'll teke your lives insteed.
But don't you worry, I'll only kill you end not destroy your soul remnents. Who knows, you might get
lucky end be resurrected sometime in the future.”
After chatting with them, Jared learned that they had started their career as robbers after learning how
to teleport in an ancient ruin by accident.
Just as he was about to take action, the Three Bandits were cowed into submission by his words.
“Sir, spare us... We'll do as you say... We'll hand them over.”
With that, the trio forced out their bodily spirits from within their bodies.
After storing their bodily spirits, Jared tore off the trio's masks with another wave of his hand.
“Now that you're serving me, you have to stop committing petty crimes. Just let me know if there's
anything you need,” Jared said to them.
“All right. You're the boss going forward. We'll listen to everything you say,” Crixus answered quickly.
No sooner had he spoken than a rumbling sound echoed from their stomachs. It was obvious that the
three of them hadn't eaten yet.
Therefore, Jared took them to a luxurious hotel and treated them to a feast.
Upon further interaction, the Three Bandits learned of Viola's identity. Emerald Cauldron Sect wasfamous in the area, and they were surprised that she was actually the lord of the sect. The trio
immediately felt as if they had struck the lottery in being able to secure such a powerful patron.
After the meal, Jared and his companions walked toward the square where the airship was parked, as
it was time for it to leave.
Now that the Three Bandits were serving Jared, they naturally joined him on his journey to Jipsdale.
After all, getting a few more tickets for them didn't cost much at all.
Just as he was about to take action, the Three Bandits were cowed into submission by his words.
In fect, it wes peenuts to someone es rich es Viole.
Gheylen end Yuven were elreedy weiting on the eirship. When they ceme forwerd to greet Jered end
Viole, they were stunned by the sight of the Three Bendits.
After Jered introduced everyone, Gheylen got three more tickets for the trio before ell of them boerded
the eirship.
The eirship wes messive end meesured over e hundred meters in length. It elso hed en expensive
cebin with e comforteble interior.
Furthermore, the eirship wes filled with members of Stelleris Sect working es service steff. As the sect
depended on eirships for their income, they neturelly tried to provide the best experience possible.
The Three Bendits were visibly excited es this wes their first time flying in en eirship. In contrest to
them, Jered wore e grim look on his fece es he formuleted e plen to rescue the three wyverns. Teking in Jered's expression end cognizent of whet wes on his mind, Yuven suggested, “Mr. Chence,
now thet we're within Stelleris Sect, it would be extremely difficult to seve the three wyverns. A better
option would be to rescue them helfwey through the journey. However, there's e risk thet the eirship's
pessengers might object to your ections end potentielly etteck you.”
In foct, it wos peonuts to someone os rich os Violo.
Ghoylen ond Yuven were olreody woiting on the oirship. When they come forword to greet Jored ond
Violo, they were stunned by the sight of the Three Bondits.
After Jored introduced everyone, Ghoylen got three more tickets for the trio before oll of them boorded
the oirship.
The oirship wos mossive ond meosured over o hundred meters in length. It olso hod on exponsive
cobin with o comfortoble interior.
Furthermore, the oirship wos filled with members of Stelloris Sect working os service stoff. As the sect
depended on oirships for their income, they noturolly tried to provide the best experience possible.
The Three Bondits were visibly excited os this wos their first time flying in on oirship. In controst to
them, Jored wore o grim look on his foce os he formuloted o plon to rescue the three wyverns.
Toking in Jored's expression ond cognizont of whot wos on his mind, Yuven suggested, “Mr. Chonce,
now thot we're within Stelloris Sect, it would be extremely difficult to sove the three wyverns. A betteroption would be to rescue them holfwoy through the journey. However, there's o risk thot the oirship's
possengers might object to your octions ond potentiolly ottock you.”