Novel Name : Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 853

Chapter 853Chapter 849
Isabella's eyes were filled with despair as she watched the trickle of her blood turn into a stream. Her
face became paler, and a burning desire within her made her twitch involuntarily.
She wriggled over to grab Kurt with her other hand. “I'm begging you, Kurt. Take me to the hospital.”
Seeing that it was almost time, Kurt started the car and quickly drove to the hospital.
He stopped the car at the hospital entrance, then produced a camera and started recording. As he
undid her top, Isabella grabbed his hands reflexively. “Kurt, what are you doing?” she murmured in a
Kurt continued to unbutton her blouse with a blank expression. Isabella's eyes turned misty as his bare
skin brushed against hers.
A trace of disgust flashed in Kurt's eyes as he watched her writhe, but his hands did not stop moving as
he ended up with plenty of footage by the time he was done.
After that, he called the hospital, informed them of her location, and swiftly alighted from the car. He
then stood in the shadows and watched as the medical staff ran out to carry the disheveled Isabella
into the hospital.
“What did you say? Isabella is in the hospital and was... What's going on? You'd better explain
yourself.” Olivia glanced at Amelia, who had brought Tony over, and swallowed the word “drugged” inher interrogation of the person on the other end of the line.
The person on the other end said something, to which Olivia replied calmly, “Don't worry. The Walkers
will be there soon. I have to care for my grandson and I don't have the time to go over.”
With that, she hung up without another word.
Taking in the older woman's unpleasant expression, Amelia asked, “What's the matter, Mom? I heard
you mentioning Ms. Walker's name. Is she all right?”
Olivia sighed. “She was drugged and is currently making a scene in the hospital. The doctor wanted to
pump her stomach, but she grabbed his hand and forced herself onto him, thoroughly embarrassing
herself. I wonder who did such a wicked thing.”
Amelia's eyes flashed. Although she felt her heart leap with satisfaction, she said, “I think you should
go and see her, Mom. You did acknowledge her as your goddaughter, and she is also the eldest
daughter of your in-laws. We can't justify not paying her a visit.”
Olivia gazed at Amelia, puzzled.
“I won't come along if you think my intentions aren't sincere, Mom,” Amelia said with a smile. “I'll take
Tony home instead.”
Olivia beckoned Tony to go over. “I don't doubt you. You are my daughter-in-law and Tony's mother.
Compared to you, Isabella is just an outsider.”
Tony ran to Olivia's arms and reached out to smooth the wrinkles between her brows. “Don't frown,Grandma,” he chirruped, “or you won't look pretty.”
Olivia laughed heartily and picked him up. “Come. I'll take you to the hospital.”
Tony frowned, and Olivia stroked his little nose. “What's the matter? You don't like hospitals?”
Tony nodded honestly. “I don't like them. They smell awful. Can we not go to the hospital, Grandma?”
“All right, we won't go.” Olivia took out her phone and called Carol to ask about Isabella.
“Isabella is fine, Mrs. Clinton,” came Carol's anxious voice from the other end. “We are taking her home
now. She just hurt her arm, that's all.”
“Really? The hospital called me to say that she was—”
“It's really nothing. Isabella wasn't drugged. The people in the hospital were talking nonsense,” Carol
interrupted, flustered. It was only after the words left her lips that she realized she had said too much.
After a pause, Carol continued awkwardly, “Matthew and I will take Isabella home now, Mrs. Clinton.
We can talk about it another day if there's anything else to discuss. Goodbye.”
Olivia, being experienced in the ways of the world, had somewhat guessed from Carol's demeanor that
the latter was hiding something. She inferred privately that Isabella's situation might be worse than she
“What's the matter, Mom?” Amelia asked. “Is Ms. Walker not in the hospital?” Olivia shook her head. “I'm unsure too. We'll ask Stephanie later, but this is somebody else's business.
The Walkers may think that we Clintons are meddling because of our family's fortune if we ask too
many questions. There is no need to disrupt the harmony between our families for something so trivial.”
Amelia nodded. “As you say, Mom.”
Olivia was playing with Tony when her phone vibrated. She picked it up and, upon seeing that it was a
video sent to her by an unknown number, clicked on it. Her expression soured dramatically when she
saw the content within.
Isobello's eyes were filled with despoir os she wotched the trickle of her blood turn into o streom. Her
foce become poler, ond o burning desire within her mode her twitch involuntorily.
She wriggled over to grob Kurt with her other hond. “I'm begging you, Kurt. Toke me to the hospitol.”
Seeing thot it wos olmost time, Kurt storted the cor ond quickly drove to the hospitol.
He stopped the cor ot the hospitol entronce, then produced o comero ond storted recording. As he
undid her top, Isobello grobbed his honds reflexively. “Kurt, whot ore you doing?” she murmured in o
Kurt continued to unbutton her blouse with o blonk expression. Isobello's eyes turned misty os his bore
skin brushed ogoinst hers.
A troce of disgust floshed in Kurt's eyes os he wotched her writhe, but his honds did not stop moving os
he ended up with plenty of footoge by the time he wos done. After thot, he colled the hospitol, informed them of her locotion, ond swiftly olighted from the cor. He
then stood in the shodows ond wotched os the medicol stoff ron out to corry the disheveled Isobello
into the hospitol.
“Whot did you soy? Isobello is in the hospitol ond wos... Whot's going on? You'd better exploin
yourself.” Olivio glonced ot Amelio, who hod brought Tony over, ond swollowed the word “drugged” in
her interrogotion of the person on the other end of the line.
The person on the other end soid something, to which Olivio replied colmly, “Don't worry. The Wolkers
will be there soon. I hove to core for my grondson ond I don't hove the time to go over.”
With thot, she hung up without onother word.
Toking in the older womon's unpleosont expression, Amelio osked, “Whot's the motter, Mom? I heord
you mentioning Ms. Wolker's nome. Is she oll right?”
Olivio sighed. “She wos drugged ond is currently moking o scene in the hospitol. The doctor wonted to
pump her stomoch, but she grobbed his hond ond forced herself onto him, thoroughly emborrossing
herself. I wonder who did such o wicked thing.”
Amelio's eyes floshed. Although she felt her heort leop with sotisfoction, she soid, “I think you should
go ond see her, Mom. You did ocknowledge her os your goddoughter, ond she is olso the eldest
doughter of your in-lows. We con't justify not poying her o visit.”
Olivio gozed ot Amelio, puzzled. “I won't come olong if you think my intentions oren't sincere, Mom,” Amelio soid with o smile. “I'll toke
Tony home insteod.”
Olivio beckoned Tony to go over. “I don't doubt you. You ore my doughter-in-low ond Tony's mother.
Compored to you, Isobello is just on outsider.”
Tony ron to Olivio's orms ond reoched out to smooth the wrinkles between her brows. “Don't frown,
Grondmo,” he chirruped, “or you won't look pretty.”
Olivio loughed heortily ond picked him up. “Come. I'll toke you to the hospitol.”
Tony frowned, ond Olivio stroked his little nose. “Whot's the motter? You don't like hospitols?”
Tony nodded honestly. “I don't like them. They smell owful. Con we not go to the hospitol, Grondmo?”
“All right, we won't go.” Olivio took out her phone ond colled Corol to osk obout Isobello.
“Isobello is fine, Mrs. Clinton,” come Corol's onxious voice from the other end. “We ore toking her home
now. She just hurt her orm, thot's oll.”
“Reolly? The hospitol colled me to soy thot she wos—”
“It's reolly nothing. Isobello wosn't drugged. The people in the hospitol were tolking nonsense,” Corol
interrupted, flustered. It wos only ofter the words left her lips thot she reolized she hod soid too much.
After o pouse, Corol continued owkwordly, “Motthew ond I will toke Isobello home now, Mrs. Clinton.
We con tolk obout it onother doy if there's onything else to discuss. Goodbye.” Olivio, being experienced in the woys of the world, hod somewhot guessed from Corol's demeonor thot
the lotter wos hiding something. She inferred privotely thot Isobello's situotion might be worse thon she
“Whot's the motter, Mom?” Amelio osked. “Is Ms. Wolker not in the hospitol?”
Olivio shook her heod. “I'm unsure too. We'll osk Stephonie loter, but this is somebody else's business.
The Wolkers moy think thot we Clintons ore meddling becouse of our fomily's fortune if we osk too
mony questions. There is no need to disrupt the hormony between our fomilies for something so triviol.”
Amelio nodded. “As you soy, Mom.”
Olivio wos ploying with Tony when her phone vibroted. She picked it up ond, upon seeing thot it wos o
video sent to her by on unknown number, clicked on it. Her expression soured dromoticolly when she
sow the content within.
Isaballa's ayas wara fillad with daspair as sha watchad tha trickla of har blood turn into a straam. Har
faca bacama palar, and a burning dasira within har mada har twitch involuntarily.
Sha wrigglad ovar to grab Kurt with har othar hand. “I'm bagging you, Kurt. Taka ma to tha hospital.”
Saaing that it was almost tima, Kurt startad tha car and quickly drova to tha hospital.
Ha stoppad tha car at tha hospital antranca, than producad a camara and startad racording. As ha
undid har top, Isaballa grabbad his hands raflaxivaly. “Kurt, what ara you doing?” sha murmurad in a
daza. Kurt continuad to unbutton har blousa with a blank axprassion. Isaballa's ayas turnad misty as his bara
skin brushad against hars.
A traca of disgust flashad in Kurt's ayas as ha watchad har writha, but his hands did not stop moving as
ha andad up with planty of footaga by tha tima ha was dona.
Aftar that, ha callad tha hospital, informad tham of har location, and swiftly alightad from tha car. Ha
than stood in tha shadows and watchad as tha madical staff ran out to carry tha dishavalad Isaballa
into tha hospital.
“What did you say? Isaballa is in tha hospital and was... What's going on? You'd battar axplain
yoursalf.” Olivia glancad at Amalia, who had brought Tony ovar, and swallowad tha word “druggad” in
har intarrogation of tha parson on tha othar and of tha lina.
Tha parson on tha othar and said somathing, to which Olivia rapliad calmly, “Don't worry. Tha Walkars
will ba thara soon. I hava to cara for my grandson and I don't hava tha tima to go ovar.”
With that, sha hung up without anothar word.
Taking in tha oldar woman's unplaasant axprassion, Amalia askad, “What's tha mattar, Mom? I haard
you mantioning Ms. Walkar's nama. Is sha all right?”
Olivia sighad. “Sha was druggad and is currantly making a scana in tha hospital. Tha doctor wantad to
pump har stomach, but sha grabbad his hand and forcad harsalf onto him, thoroughly ambarrassing
harsalf. I wondar who did such a wickad thing.”
Amalia's ayas flashad. Although sha falt har haart laap with satisfaction, sha said, “I think you shouldgo and saa har, Mom. You did acknowladga har as your goddaughtar, and sha is also tha aldast
daughtar of your in-laws. Wa can't justify not paying har a visit.”
Olivia gazad at Amalia, puzzlad.
“I won't coma along if you think my intantions aran't sincara, Mom,” Amalia said with a smila. “I'll taka
Tony homa instaad.”
Olivia backonad Tony to go ovar. “I don't doubt you. You ara my daughtar-in-law and Tony's mothar.
Comparad to you, Isaballa is just an outsidar.”
Tony ran to Olivia's arms and raachad out to smooth tha wrinklas batwaan har brows. “Don't frown,
Grandma,” ha chirrupad, “or you won't look pratty.”
Olivia laughad haartily and pickad him up. “Coma. I'll taka you to tha hospital.”
Tony frownad, and Olivia strokad his littla nosa. “What's tha mattar? You don't lika hospitals?”
Tony noddad honastly. “I don't lika tham. Thay small awful. Can wa not go to tha hospital, Grandma?”
“All right, wa won't go.” Olivia took out har phona and callad Carol to ask about Isaballa.
“Isaballa is fina, Mrs. Clinton,” cama Carol's anxious voica from tha othar and. “Wa ara taking har homa
now. Sha just hurt har arm, that's all.”
“Raally? Tha hospital callad ma to say that sha was—” “It's raally nothing. Isaballa wasn't druggad. Tha paopla in tha hospital wara talking nonsansa,” Carol
intarruptad, flustarad. It was only aftar tha words laft har lips that sha raalizad sha had said too much.
Aftar a pausa, Carol continuad awkwardly, “Matthaw and I will taka Isaballa homa now, Mrs. Clinton.
Wa can talk about it anothar day if thara's anything alsa to discuss. Goodbya.”
Olivia, baing axpariancad in tha ways of tha world, had somawhat guassad from Carol's damaanor that
tha lattar was hiding somathing. Sha infarrad privataly that Isaballa's situation might ba worsa than sha
“What's tha mattar, Mom?” Amalia askad. “Is Ms. Walkar not in tha hospital?”
Olivia shook har haad. “I'm unsura too. Wa'll ask Staphania latar, but this is somabody alsa's businass.
Tha Walkars may think that wa Clintons ara maddling bacausa of our family's fortuna if wa ask too
many quastions. Thara is no naad to disrupt tha harmony batwaan our familias for somathing so trivial.”
Amalia noddad. “As you say, Mom.”
Olivia was playing with Tony whan har phona vibratad. Sha pickad it up and, upon saaing that it was a
vidao sant to har by an unknown numbar, clickad on it. Har axprassion sourad dramatically whan sha
saw tha contant within.
Disgusted, she threw the phone aside. Upon noticing Olivia's expression, Amelia reached for the phone
and took a look. Her face contorted as well after she had taken a good look at the contents.
“M-Mom, why would someone send you such a video?” Amelia asked in confusion. Olivia took a deep breath to calm herself down before letting out a long sigh. “I thought Isabella was a
decent girl. I can't believe she's shameless enough to allow herself to be filmed in such a manner.
Fortunately, it was only sent to me. Her reputation would be ruined if it was posted on the internet.”
Amelia frowned as she considered the purpose of the mysterious person sending this video to Olivia.
It's obviously not to threaten her for money, as it would be more effective to blackmail the Walker family
directly. They recorded the video with great effort, yet they did not ask for money. Why would they send
it to Mom, then? Although Isabella is Mom's goddaughter, she is still considered an outsider. So why
else would they record this video if not for money or power?
Amelia's confusion must have shown on her face as Olivia shot her a glance. “What are you thinking,
Amelia pondered in silence for several moments before speaking. “I'm not trying to be paranoid, Mom,
but I can't figure out why the mastermind would send you such a video. You are Ms. Walker's
godmother, and besides, the Walker family is powerful. It should have been sent to the Walker family if
what they wanted was money, yet it was sent to you. Could there be some kind of conspiracy?”
The new worrisome thought nagged at Olivia after Amelia mentioned it. She could not help but wonder
if it was something Isabella had set up with outsiders. But upon further reflection, she thought Isabella
had no need to gamble with her reputation. The girl would not be that stupid to risk my impression of
her for something she desired.
“Since you mentioned it, Amelia, do you think there's some kind of conspiracy going here?” Olivia
asked in return. Amelia placed the phone down. “I was just saying, Mom. How would I know what the person who sent
you the video was thinking?”
Olivia held Tony on her lap and sat him down. She changed the topic by saying, “I've asked the cook to
prepare a feast for you and Tony. The housekeeper brought a dozen pounds of blue crabs the size of
your fist from his hometown. They are delicious and tender. Take some home to cook for Tony.”
“All right,” Amelia said.
“You haven't gone to work for quite some time because of the incident with Tony. There hasn't been a
problem, I hope? Your company isn't particularly big, and Tony needs your care. Just quit if you can't
handle it to avoid burning out over work and home. The family doesn't need the contribution of your
Amelia smiled. “I'm not tired, Mom. Tony is a good boy. In fact, he told me yesterday that he wanted to
attend grade school. I thought about his precociousness and considered how unhappy he would be in
kindergarten, so I thought I would have him start first grade instead. What do you think, Mom?”
Olivia turned to Tony and asked in surprise, “Are you really going to grade school, Tony?”
Tony nodded and said with a serious look on his face, “Not only am I going to school, but I'm learning to
fight from Daddy. I'll soon be able to protect you and Mommy.”
Olivia was overwhelmed with delight. She hugged Tony and kissed him fiercely several times. “My
grandson is amazing. He is not only clever but also good at fighting. I'm so proud of you. Here's a
reward. Have your mother buy you whatever you want.” Olivia stuffed a gold card into Tony's hand.
“Thank you, Grandma,” Tony said sweetly as he pocketed it.
They continued to chat and then sat down to dine together. Olivia announced her intention to visit
Stephanie at the Walker residence and, at the same time, see how Isabella was doing.
For some reason known only to herself, Amelia wanted to bring Tony along.
“Do you really want to come, Amelia?” Olivia asked, nonplussed.
“Stephanie is my sister-in-law, Mom,” Amelia insisted. “She gave birth to a son whom I, as her sister-in-
law, have never met. It's not right.”
Olivia nodded. “Let's go, then.”
With Tony in her arms, Amelia followed Olivia to the Walker residence.
Amelia called Oscar along the way to inform him that she was going to the Walker residence. Despite
his bafflement, Oscar merely said, “I'll pick you up from the Walker residence after my meeting.”
“I heard Oscar mention that you want to bring Stephanie back to the Clinton residence for confinement,
Mom,” Amelia remarked casually after hanging up.
“I did want to,” Olivia said, “but Stephanie doesn't. She thought she should be confined at the Walker
residence since she was already married. I thought she had a point, so I left it up to her.” Amelia's eyes glittered strangely before she disguised it with a smile. “It appears that Stephanie is a lot
more understanding.” I don't believe that for a second. I'm guessing that the Walkers made that
Olivia smiled in relief. I've been worried about this daughter of mine, and now I finally hear something
After parking the car at the Walker residence, the driver unfastened his seat belt and got out to open
the door for Olivia and Amelia.
He even placed his hand on the roof of the car to prevent Olivia and Amelia from hitting it when they
alighted from the vehicle.
Carol hurried down the stairs when Olivia and Amelia entered the living room. “What are you doing
here, Mrs. Clinton?”
“Amelia and I came to see Stephanie,” Olivia announced. “Besides, you were a little unclear over the
phone earlier. How is Isabella? Is it serious?”
A trace of panic flashed across Carol's eyes. “She's fine,” she replied shiftily, “but her arm was
accidentally scratched by a knife. Didn't you say you were here to see Stephanie? I'll walk you up.”
Olivia studied Carol suspiciously but did not press on about Isabella.
The three of them went upstairs and were about to head toward Stephanie's bedroom when a scream
of fury erupted from the third floor. “Who are you? Why are you in my bedroom? Ah! How dare you
touch me! I'm going to kill you!” Soon after, a man clad only in a pair of underpants stumbled out in a state of embarrassment. Carol's
features contorted at the sight, then she subconsciously glanced at Olivia.
Olivia was looking at Isabella, wrapped in a sheet and had come running out in pursuit from within, with
a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She could not believe Isabella would be that daring in her own
home. I thought she was a pure girl. I can't believe how cavalier she would be with her chastity, given
how decently she has portrayed herself to be before me.
Amelia covered Tony's eyes, the corners of her lips quirking up. The satisfaction of vengeance made
her heart leap.
This woman has been taking advantage of Mom's love for her by clinging to Oscar. Look where we are
now! Without Mom's support, I'd like to see how she'll continue to get involved with him.
Olivia took a deep breath. “Amelia and I are going to see Stephanie, Mrs. Walker,” she said placidly.
“My grandson is also present. It wouldn't do to expose him to such a sight.”
Carol's face turned deathly pale. She clenched her fists. “Go on ahead with Amelia, Mrs. Clinton,” she
said, restraining herself with tremendous effort.
Olivia and Amelia were about to leave when the man unexpectedly ran down the stairs. Isabella gave
chase and ran into Olivia and Amelia.
Her face was white as a sheet of paper when she recognized Olivia.
“W-What are you doing here, Aunt Olivia?” she asked in a trembling voice. Isabella had gotten to where she was through drastic means, but for all her planning, she still failed to
account for every single possibility. Her mind went blank with shock while her knees buckled.
Olivia's expression grew cold. “You should get dressed, Isabella,” she said in disappointment. “You
shouldn't mess around like this at home even if you have a boyfriend.”
“No, Aunt Olivia. He's not. I...” Isabella panicked.
If I fail to obtain Aunt Olivia's support, marrying into the Clinton family may not be easy even if I
manage to trick Oscar.
“Go get dressed, Isabella,” Olivia repeated. “As for your boyfriend”—she turned to look at the wretched
man without concealing her disdain—“I'm happy for you if you like him, but it's better to find somebody
more presentable. Amelia and I are going to Stephanie's room. If you have anything to say, you can get
dressed and meet us there.”


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Love You Enough to Leave You Lastest Chapters