Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers) Chapter 190

The wedding party is insane. Carreros know how to throw a good one and their house is dolled up and
trussed up like the best function lounge in the world. Marquees out back and wide-open rooms that
have all been cleared in the last ten days. I hardly recognized it when we got here and even the dance
floor in the heated tent where we had our first dance was cozily illuminated to the hilt with fairy lights
and disco balls. They have pulled out all the stops for this one.

Glitz, glamour, food and four bars complete with bartenders and waitresses, all wandering around the
milling guests as a live band in the huge gardens get people dancing. The neighboring houses have
opened their grounds for seating and quiet areas as they are long-time friends and guests and this
place is probably a lot bigger than most venues could have offered.

Our meagre guest list somehow turned to more than we could count once word got out and even
though I know a lot of pictures have been taken, Arrick made sure his legal team are going to clamp
down on naming me or showing me on any publication or website.

I know it’s dumb to want to still hide, but my sanity and security depends on knowing my parents can
never find me or get in touch with me. He knows how important that is and spent the last two weeks
practically living at Carrero Corp putting things in place and sending out a million legal letters to all
guests, media who may show, or anyone else about the usage of images from the ceremony or
reception. I felt like a diva that he had to do it, but he kept telling me he understood and to leave it to
him. Arrick took care of it. He always does.

I’m not drunk, even though I want to be, as every time he hands me champagne, I feel like I’m going to
throw up and keep leaving full glasses lying around rather than tell him I’m queasy. I aim to enjoy our
wedding reception and have managed to get about two glasses down me all night from the multiple
metallic tasting sips.

I have no idea why I still feel unwell. It’s been over two weeks of sitting quietly sewing and taking it
easy while recovering. I know I should have seen a doctor, but I have been too busy and too focused,
and I hate to admit it, too scared to face what I might feel in that sort of exam. I’ll go, soon. After we
come back from the week out at sea on his dad’s boat in warmer weather. Maybe I really need more
time, no wedding plans, or emotional rollercoasters; just the two of us, sun, sea, and sex. Realistically
it’s only been a couple of weeks and my body probably needs a few more to really calm down.

Arrick has his arms wrapped around me from behind as we laugh at a joke Jason makes about his old
‘ball and chain’ and Claire smacks him in the back of the head Sassily. He throws an arm around her
shoulders and pulls her in to the group with a kiss on the cheek.

Leila is molesting Daniel in a corner now and clearly already worse for the wear, while most of my
family are halfway to drunk themselves. Except my Mom, she isn’t much of a drinker anyway and she is
swanning around twinkly eyed and merry, making sure everyone enjoys themselves. Always taking
care of everyone else.

Rylanne and my dad disappear together when he starts to get drunk. I try to ignore it, but I know my
brother is back on that slippery slope to alcoholism. The affair was the warning signal of him heading
off the rails again and I am glad I no longer live at home, having to deal with him this time. Bree is
nowhere to be seen and I guess after the ceremony she couldn’t face the party knowing he would
drink. Rylanne is so lost and I have no head space for him. My other brothers are milling around and
much like me they seem to have washed their hands of him tonight, even Ben gave up and left him to
my dad. I think everyone feels like they cannot help someone who does not want to be helped.

Forget him. Not my problem anymore.

I’ve been kissed, cuddled, teased and so much more all night and now everyone is settling into merry
groups as the night moves on. Our little crowd of our closest friends surrounding us, and everything
seems right with the world. Paris seems like another lifetime. I want to forget all of it and focus on the

here and now and not the tomorrow. My life and my career can wait until after Christmas next month
and we are more settled as newlyweds. I still can’t believe I married him and that my name is now
Sophie Carrero.

Excitement tingles through me every time that thought crosses my mind and I tug his hands around me
a little more firmly to squeeze him. Resting the back of my head on his chest as we stand in a huddle of
friends. Despite my extreme happiness, I am about dead on my feet, but I don’t want anything to ruin
my merry buzz while I am enveloped in my husband’s body. Warm and safe and utterly content.

I catch a glimpse of Jake tugging Emma out a side door suggestively and I don’t have to guess where
they are heading. Both of them are pretty drunk and I already caught sight of him groping her on the
dancefloor earlier. Carreros and their undying libido; just as well they marry women who can keep up.

I glance up at Arricks jawline, he’s leaning slightly over me while he talks to Nathan and I’m like a little
teen girl with a major crush. Eyeing up the hunky popular boy that you never think you have a hope in
hell of getting. I doubt my adoration for him will ever wain. He’s so perfect.

Everyone here is waltzing around looking crazily happy and Giovanni has been taken off to bed by
Sylvana now he has had a little food and fun. She’s been like a mother hen since he got out of the
hospital. He’s recovering well and on daily meds to make sure he stays that way. Arrick told me he is
withdrawing from Carrero Corp a little more and it’s probably a great thing he swooped back in to take
a third of control back. All of them are fine now, bridges mended, and life seems back to normal.

“It’s all downhill now.” Nathan butts in and Jenny shoves him playfully with a look of mock fury.

“Hey!” She pokes him in the face, and he swoops in to capture her in an embrace that leads to a
steamy kiss. They still seem really great together, even if they have had their ups and downs and
getting closer to two kids to go with it. I am warmed by the fact that they are still so very much in love
as Nathan runs a hand over her growing bump. It gave me some heartache when I saw her again but

now, I can separate her baby bundle and accept it and be happy for her. She deserves happiness. I
love Jenny.

“I knew what I was getting myself into. Sophie is not for the feint hearted.” Arrick jests and I elbow him

“Jack ass… Maybe you’re not an easy ride either.” I stick my tongue out at him and he looks down with
a wink.

“I’m pretty sure I am the easiest ride ever.” He laughs dirtily, and I blush at the way I walked straight
into that one. Nathan and Jason both laugh and high five Arrick and I eyeroll indulgently.

“It’s always sex with men.” Claire tuts, and we women nod in agreement.

“Only reason we keep you wenches around.” Jason is towing a fine line and Claire looks ready to make
sure that sex is the last thing he is going to get tonight.

“And the cooking great food.” Nathan interjects and gets himself a wifely slap.

“Sophie can’t cook.” Arrick shrugs and they all gawp at him a little dramatically.

“Dude? Why in the hell would you marry one that can’t cook. What’s wrong with you?” Nathan seems
genuinely outraged as Jenny bursts into a giggling fit, Claire looks unimpressed and I frown at my
husband like I am not sure if he’s being a jerk or stating a fact.

“I’m a firm believer of picking a girl who puts all her energy into one gift… Sophie’s lack of cooking is
pretty awesome for me in other departments.” He grins cheekily.

Okay being an ass hat!

I elbow him again, only more aggressively this time. Especially as his joking at how great in bed I am
isn’t true. We haven’t had sex in weeks. The men all laugh and make weird dirty gestures and nods as
though he told them all I was an A grade porn star and I seriously wonder why women put up with men
at all.

“Arrick is enough women for both of us; cooking, neat freak and all that, so one of us had to have the
bedroom skills to make it worthwhile.” I jut in sassily and raise a wicked eyebrow at him as everyone
demolishes with hysterical laughter.

“Hey!” Arrick looks genuinely unimpressed that I told his friends he’s lame in bed.

Burn, Bitch!

“That is fucking hilarious. Your wife is going to do just fine in keeping you in check.” Nathan slaps
Arricks shoulder and he softens into a smile that says he knows I was kidding. Well played jibe and all
that. Commotion in the room pulls everyone’s attention over the noise of a bustling party and as
everyone turns or leans to see what’s going on with a drunk woman by the buffet tables Arrick buries
his face against my neck and nuzzles me softly.

“Fancy taking a walk with me Mrs. Carrero. All that sex talk has me crazy horny?” He whispers for my
ears only and the shivers of anticipation practically rip my clothes off. I have been horny as hell for the
last few days and almost made him break our celibacy agreement on more than one occasion. Getting
hot and steamy in bed while curled up together and then the asshole started sleeping on the couch
because apparently, he has limited will power and he didn’t trust himself.

I have seriously hated the fact that we decided to sex ban ourselves until tonight as the wedding got
closer. My lack of sexual appetite has been replaced with constant naughty dreams and crazy longings.
I even butt humped Arrick in a bid to get a quickie when he was leaning over the coffee table yesterday
morning and got a look of ‘Baby, what are you doing?’ before he patted me on the head like a puppy

and sent me skipping with a slap to my butt, back to my room to pack for coming here. That will not be
happening tonight. He is all mine for the picking.

I am in my reception dress, a lightweight floaty number with easy access from its shorter length and
simple design. I may or may not have designed this dress with thoughts of having it easily removed at
speed and high five myself for my forward thinking. I can’t imagine anything better for a sexy reunion
than getting naked fast and putting an end to my cravings.

I nudge him with my butt to move him back as way of answer and smile at our group of friends.
Christian is already in a corner with some bartender, seeing as he’s newly single and on the pull and
wandered away ten minutes ago. The rest seem to be engrossed in the woman now being on the floor
with a platter of prawns and I see a great opportunity for escape. Everyone getting distracted with
drama is great for us.

“I’m going to the ladies’ room.” I announce innocently to no one in particular and pull myself free of my
new husband’s arms with a last eye up of my man candy. He looks crazy sexy now he’s discarded his
jacket and bow tie and is walking around in an open collared, untucked white shirt over black pants.
He’s also a little more drunk than most and smiling like the cat who got the cream. I love when he looks
slightly ruffled and has less pristine hair. Casually laid back due to alcohol and extremely open to all
kinds of fun when he’s in this mood. I have a longing for a special kind of fun. A little hotter and harder
than sweet honeymoon sex. Although knowing him, our ‘first time’ is probably going to be crazy
romantic and gentle considering what I am recovering from.

He catches me to throw a kiss on my cheek and nods subtly to the door across the room, leading out
into the gardens. I smile and kiss him back. Secret code for yes and get a subtle wink in reply. We are
so getting out of here to consummate our wedding vows. Even if it’s still not even midnight yet.

I get out into the garden practically unnoticed after winding my way through drunk folks; a lot are ogling
the same commotion on the floor, so it’s relatively easy. I make a swift exit to the quiet little side path

running down the darker empty area of his mom’s house, looking around to see if any outside guests
are around and jump when hands land on my ass almost immediately.

I squeal and burst into giggles when Arrick picks me up and wraps me around his waist, silencing me
with a kiss as he moves me back against the house. He practically pins me to the wall and presses his
nose to mine in that sweet way he always does.

“Mrs. Carrero.” He smiles, full on and completely natural.

“Mr. Carrero.” I reply sweetly and giggle when he bounces me up a little higher for a comfier grip and I
rest my arms around his neck.

“We finally did it, huh? I can’t believe you’re my wife. Today has been crazy surreal.” He smiles at me,
total adoration evident.

“I’m sure the novelty will wear off soon and you will wonder what the hell you did this for.” I giggle as he
‘shoogles’ me from side to side a little. Cutely enamored and looking merrily happy on more than

“Never. This is exactly what I have been waiting on for two years.”

“Only two?” I giggle at him as I lean down to bestow a peck on that little nose of his. If he has loved me
for eight, then he needs to learn to count. He grins at me and throws me a wink which sort of says

“You remember being here like this once before?” He nudges me and nods around him as though
trying to jog my memory. I frown and look around at this nothing little space of concealed garden and
realize what he’s getting at. A memory of the first-time things between us moved to what we have now.
Leila’s anniversary party and Arrick kissing me up against this wall.

“You’re very sentimental, aren’t you?” I giggle as he presses a kiss to me and pulls back again with a

“I like the fact we are in the same spot two years later and now you’re my wife. Feels amazingly good.”
He grins at me, happiness beaming over every tiny little inch of that handsome face.

“You told me you had no intention of letting me go that night.” I remind him softly and rub my nose
against his affectionately. Feeling warm and gooey.

“I meant it. I still do. That night changed everything, Sophs. You were what I had been searching for my
whole life. You still are.” He kisses me softly and nuzzles his nose against mine cutely. I press my palm
to his heart and the tears well up as emotion catches in my throat.

“Still your uniquely shaped puzzle piece that fits right here.” I utter softly and smile against his lips when
he kisses me again.

“You know it.” Arrick murmurs in my mouth as he traces my tongue with his, moving sweet to sexy and
I relent at speed. One thing about him is, he has always been an amazing kisser and a slight switch in
style can have me a hot mess in seconds. He has upped a gear and teasing my mouth into complete
submission. Arrick may let me wear the pants a lot of the time in our relationship, but when it comes to
seduction, he has all the moves and all the control. Even now.

Arrick hands are under my dress in seconds, both of us way too turned on and impatient for sex after
weeks without and it doesn’t take long for me to get his pants undone. If we had this idea of a romantic
first night, then it’s straight out the window for a quick screw in a garden while one of us is crazily
drunk. I don’t even care. I am beyond horny for him.

Who said romance is dead?

Arrick pushes me hard against the wall and I tense myself waiting for him to take it from foreplay to
more, but instead he stops and pulls back breathlessly.

He fumbles in his pant pocket for a second and holds up a single key with a smile. I’m impatient, trying
to push him to have sex with me already but he slides me down onto my feet which definitely implies
he’s not going to.

“What are you doing? What’s that for?” I sound petulant, annoyed that he got me all wound up and
ready to get crazily kinky and then stopped.

“Keys to your mom’s house. We’re sleeping there tonight.”

Okay, since when? I was under the impression we were sleeping in his old room for old times’ sake.
More sentimentality to the first time we had sex. I mean that’s Arrick’s MO. I slept in my old room last
night and he slept in his because he insisted, we did this traditionally.

“Why?” I blink at him a little stupefied.

“Because I couldn’t guarantee you wouldn’t go up to my room during the reception for any reason and I
wanted to surprise you.” He looks smug and I soften immediately; my sweet boy is never ending with
the surprises and can be forgiven for whatever he has done.

“Are we still going to have sex?”

Arrick breaks into a laugh and shakes his head at me.

“Only I would marry a girl who is happy to throw the romance off the boat and go straight for the kill.
Yes, baby, my surprise is all about getting you naked.”

“Good. Then lead the way, Casanova. I’m really not one for waiting.” I hook my arm in his and shove
him with my hip in a bid to get moving.



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