Novel Name : Ball of Nothing

Ball of Nothing Chapter 142 Baal's Faction 9

Chapter 142 Baal“s Faction 9

Over the next few days, Baal noticed a shortage of magic stone supplies in the market. Belles and Begonia received significantly lesser payments in the form of stones and the customer base declined rapidly after the acute scarcity. The only bright side to everything was Wiser's report about Schaf's activities.
"Will the sheep get punished?" Zero asked. Soon after Zero and Baal made up after their argument, the Demon Lord filled the brunet in on the current circumstances. Zero agreed that the mastermind must be punished but nobody brought up the manager's involvement.
"It's difficult to say if he would be punished. For all we know, Schaf might be a victim too. If so, we wouldn't punish him. However, if he was found participating in this scheme willingly... it really depends on his level of involvement for this scheme. Many of my people have died after all. I cannot overlook this easily."
Zero nodded in understanding. While the people who've died because of Schaf's magic stone scheme weren't exactly the kind of people the society needed, they were still demons who had the right to live. Baal had every right to be angry at Schaf's lack of respect for lives.
"Will the mastermind be sentenced to death?"
The Demon Lord sighed. Zero was asking some really difficult questions that he didn't want to think about. He should be spending his time staring into space and idling in the garden. He shouldn't be working in his free time!
The Demon Lord sighed. "Look, I can't say anything for certain because we don't know anything yet. It's pointless to think about it right now. You will know when the time comes, just be patient."
Zero rolled his eyes. Baal was just being lazy and they both knew it. Deciding that Baal was not going to entertain him any further, Zero sought Wiser out. The strategist was a lot better at answering questions than Baal and Zero had plenty at the moment. He wasn't given the clean bill of health just yet so exploring the streets and market would have to wait.
"Tch! What a useless fellow... after all that trouble, this is all you've got to give? Pathetic! No wonder you're better off dead," Schaf scoffed.
Before the goat demon was the corpse of a low-level common demon thug. With his savings, Schaf hired a few strong mercenaries to carry out his plan. It was really simple to buy out all the magic stones in circulation. Also, with the word of mouth, many poor demons sold their magic for money at Schaf's newest 'magic donation drive'. What's money worth to him at this point? Without his job, without his title and name, Schaf had no reason to live. Once the trader Coux was taken down, Schaf would surrender and turn himself in for the crimes he'd committed. Surely Lord Mammon would be more merciful this time to put him out of his misery forever.
Of course, with his savings depleting rapidly, Schaf decided to kick things up a notch by having the hired hands capture some poor chaps that nobody would miss so that they could contribute their lives for a greater cause. Thanks to the efficiency of those hired hands, Schaf was very near his goal. A few more unfortunate demons and he would be ready for the final plan. Kerberos would be free and Schaf's wish will finally come true. He would be able to return to the green pastures in heaven but not before making the wretch woman named Coux pay for all the wrenches she threw in his plans. No, Schaf would make sure she suffers before Kerberos reversed time.
"Are you sure you do not wish to change factions? Blood will always be thicker than water. No matter how loyal you are to Zero and to Baal, they can't ever do what I could do for you."
Coux smiled. With the decrease in customers, there really wasn't much to do at the shop. Lilith enjoyed a cup of freshly brewed flower tea and sighed in satisfaction as it slid down her throat. The Demon Queen had been trying to convince her descendant to join her faction without much success. Coux was stubborn through and through.
"I'm sorry but you know my answer. I've sworn allegiance to Zero. I might have wanted for a family a very long time ago, especially with the fall of the Van Doux. However, I think I finally found the place I belong to. I'm willing to live and die for Zero. This world is much too dark and I feel as if it was my fate to have lived the life I lived. Without going through my painful past, I wouldn't have the strength I have now. Using this strength, I want to protect Zero from the darkness of this world. He doesn't have to suffer like how I did. I trust that Zero will one day save this world from darkness. You've probably seen it too from the power that he has and the endless amount of kindness in his heart."
Lilith didn't respond immediately. She knew Coux spoke of the truth however, she didn't share the same sentiments. Someone who hasn't been exposed to the darkness of the world couldn't be considered pure. In fact, that only spoke about naivety. If Zero was truly pure, he would remain unchanging even if soaked to the bones in darkness. Lilith would test Zero to see if he was truly pure. However, before she personally confirmed it, she wouldn't allow her daughter to throw her life away. Zero was a trouble magnet. Even without knowing the boy for long, that was certain.
"We'll see," she told Coux as she drained the cup of tea. "Just know that I won't allow any daughters or sons of mine go so easily. I've lost too many children on Earth, I won't allow you to become like them."
Coux smiled gently. Lilith's words may sound harsh but it warmed her heart. "Thank you," she told the succubus who only threw her a glare before strutting out the front door.
Coux cleared the cups wordlessly, ignoring Qin Yun's concerned glances. Amaraline looked spaced off once again but Coux didn't bother asking what she saw. It wasn't hard to guess what Amaraline was looking at. Ever since she left the village, the girl checked on her brother through her visions. It didn't matter how frequent the fortune-teller checked them, the results were exactly the same as when they'd left. Clowis was still as stubborn as before, refusing to forgive Zero for what he did.
The bell at the door jingled, informing the ladies of a newcomer. However, they soon returned to what they were doing at the sight of a white snow fox. Qin Yun allowed her weary messenger to rest in her shadows. The foxes have worked hard, gathering information from all over. After a while, a smile broke out on her usually stoic expression.
"Ladies, how about we close up early? I'm sure our Lord is eager to hear news about a little sheep."
Amaraline smiled and busied away. Coux sighed but relented. There was no point in increasing the operating expenses with declining revenue.
Everyone was gathered around the dining table. Wiser and Amaraline were sweating and everyone held their breaths. Using technology invented by Wiser, the strategist was able to tap onto Amaraline's fortune-telling blood abilities. The tracker in Schaf worked well and it gave Wiser some hints about what was about to happen. He knew that the goat demon would eventually lead them to the mastermind but whatever location Schaf visited had a powerful jamming signal that didn't allow him to be traced.
"This is where we lost Schaf. Sekkin tried to follow after Schaf but there was a powerful magical barrier preventing him from progressing. As such, I've tapped into Amaraline's fortune-telling abilities. It's more of a memory replay than actual predictions. The machine does not have the ability to peek into the future but we can use it to see what Amaraline has seen."
Baal was impressed. Wiser has very outstanding abilities and he was considered granting Wiser immortality just to retain the human's talents. However, the choice wasn't his to make. Still, Baal would bring the topic up once the mastermind was caught.
Lilith didn't know what to think about the crude slate of crystal in the middle of the table. It was a crude looking piece of junk that shouldn't even be in the presence of refined Demon Lords. Coux chuckled at the look of disgust on the succubus queen's face. It was probably not a good idea for Lilith to visit the lab back in Half Moon village. The sorry state it was in before Zero helped to clean it would probably make the Demon Queen faint from shock.
Mammon had to admit. He was intrigued. Amaraline didn't catch his interest the first time. All he sensed from her was some diluted blood from a magical beast. Nothing about her stood out. However, now that he knew what kind of abilities she had... Mammon wondered if Amaraline was willing to work for him. Surely Baal would understand a good business offer when he saw one. With the girl's abilities, not even Maneki-neko of the Cat Demon Clan could do anything against him.
Amaraline held onto the receiving crystal tightly, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping it. She was beyond nervous and with how all three powerful Demon Lords were looking at her with high expectations, the fortune-teller felt like running away. It didn't matter if she was still arguing with her big brother. Amaraline wanted nothing more than to have Clowis at her side now, telling her that things will be alright.
"It's all connected. Remember, you should bring out that memory of the vision when you channel your mana through the crystal. This machine doesn't have any filter so anything you think of will be reflected."
The cockatrice girl swallowed harshly. It was easier said than done. With her feelings in a mess and the thoughts in her head buzzing around at top speed, Amaraline wasn't sure what would be reflected on that huge magic crystal display. Still, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her thoughts. In the darkness, she felt Zero's reassuring magic as well as the reassurance from Qin Yun and Coux.
"It's alright," she told herself. "I can do this."
Baal had his full attention on the image that swirled on the display. Wiser had outdone himself. Although it wasn't very clear, everyone in the room had an idea about the blurry figure Amaraline saw. There was only one overly grown dog with three heads in the abyss.
"My Lord," Schaf kneeled down on one knee and bowed before the almighty guardian of the old Hell gate. It wasn't very clear in the display but there was no doubt about it. Behind Kerberos was the grand Gate of Tartarus. The black rusted iron gates were covered in vines with poisonous thorns. The Gate of Tartarus was a gift from Poseidon and Zeus when Hades first took up the office in Hell before the Demon Lords relieved him of his position. History was such a strange thing and Baal wondered how many years ago that was before Lucifer signed the treaty with Michael, separating Hell and Heaven forever.
"As promised, I will grant one wish of yours when I return back in time. Tell me, what is it that you desire?"
Schaf didn't hesitate. "Please guide my ancestor back to the green pastures of Heaven. He was a lost sheep that strayed from the group and fell victim to the plane split when the contract was signed. With no way to return to Heaven, he had to live in the darkness of the abyss, turning us into demons over the years. His name is Schafkopf."
Baal wanted to laugh when he heard that name. Then again, doing so would be considered rude so he let his lips twitch in amusement but remained silent. After all, the vision hasn't ended.
Kerberos didn't have Baal's courtesy and started rolling on the floor in laughter. Strangely, Schaf didn't take any offence. In fact, he seemed to have expected it.
Once Kerberos was done laughing, he gave his word. Then, the most horrifying thing happened. The three Demon Lords stared at the insane amount of amassed magic stones. Mammon was utterly horrified. He had no idea about the seriousness of the situation. For Schaf to be able to accumulate this much power, it would be easy to overthrow even Lucifer.
Unable to tear their eyes away from the screen, they watched how Kerberos used the mana harvested to open a time portal. Baal frowned. No wonder the stones could absorb a demon's mana and brainwash them. That was no magic. It was a curse originating from the Magic Ages. Baal didn't know where Schaf found the creator for the Philosopher Stone and he highly doubted the curses on those common magic stones were the real deal. If anything, it was a weaker and modified version of the original.
"Is that...?" Lilith whispered and Baal nodded, confirming her fears. The Philosopher Stone was an invention by one of Lilith's kind to help sustain incubus, succubus and cambions without having to absorb life energies by absorbing mana from the environment. Of course, it was a failed project. Back then, the Great Wizards and Witches including Merlin worked on the Magnum Opus without rest until all but Merlin remained. Many abandoned the project after the numerous failed attempts. Merlin didn't succeed in creating the Philosopher Stone but he came close. By borrowing the unknown powers of the void, Merlin was able to redirect the need for life energy to the void. However, that discovery was both a blessing and a curse. Many of Lilith's kin who used it to suppress their cravings for life energy starved to death. As such, Lilith had all the Philosopher Stones destroyed. She didn't want to lose more of her kin.
Naturally, once Merlin became a Sage God, he continued researching the Philosopher Stone, trying to make it possible. While he was unable to convert mana as a substitute for life energy, he succeeded in creating a device for harvesting mana from the environment. It was the very device Zero now had. Also, the cursed magic stones were a product of this creation. Lilith paled in fear.
Mammon was silent. He had mixed feelings about whatever Schaf had done. While he couldn't understand the motives of his best student, he knew that there was no way to forgive Schaf as a Demon Lord responsible for upholding one of the domains in Hell. Before he was a teacher, he was a Demon Lord. Death was the only option left for Schaf. It was the option that he tried so hard to avoid choosing but there was no longer a choice. Whatever his reasons were, they wouldn't be good enough to justify his actions. Killing isn't a big deal in Hell, the abyss was a lawless zone. However, disrupting the stability of mana in Hell was something that couldn't be forgiven. The treaty between Hell and Heaven shouldn't be taken lightly. After Hades left his office and passed the reins to the Demon Lords, the existence of the abyss was constantly walking on the tightrope. One wrong move and the entire dimension would cease to exist.
By the time Amaraline's vision ended, the room was filled with nothing but tension. Even Zero knew that it was serious. Honestly, he didn't want the poor goat demon to die. Schaf didn't do anything wrong. The world was at fault once more. It wasn't Schaf's decision to be born in Hell. All he wanted was a peaceful life grazing in the green pastures of heaven. Zero read those wishes loud and clear. However, he also understood the fears of Baal and the other two Demon Lords. Peace was never an easy thing. After the disagreement with Heaven, Hell walked out of the deal and was thrown into an unfavourable position. What Schaf did endangered the existence of the abyss. There was no way to forgive Schaf for putting every demon at risk for his desires.
Coux and Qin Yun didn't speak. Amaraline sank into a chair that Sekkin pulled out for her, fatigued from the use of magic. Wiser's invention isn't perfect. It took a lot out of her just to maintain the vision until the end. Luckily, the Spring of Vitality is easily accessible.
"What are you going to do?" Zero asked Baal in an almost quiet voice.
Baal took one look at Zero and the brunet turned his head away quickly. It was all too clearly reflected in the Demon Lord's eyes. Schaf was going to have to die.
"I'll be returning to my room," Zero told everyone before running away. He didn't want to stay and listen to any more of their plans. It was obvious that they were going to catch Schaf and Kerberos in the act before punishing them. Amaraline's version of the future wasn't set in stone, the damage could still be prevented. However, the intentions that Schaf had wouldn't be changing. Zero hated it. Yet, there was nothing much he could do. He couldn't turn back time to change Schaf's mind. He couldn't turn back time to have Hades remember to take Kerberos with him.
The world as wrong and Zero didn't like it. Yet, there was nothing he could do to fix it.
Baal sighed when Zero excused himself. It was too obvious that Zero was going to cry in his room. Still, it might be for the best that Zero didn't involve himself in this case. It was necessary to do the right thing and not the popular thing. nobody liked death. Everybody loved peace. However, peace wasn't something that can be attained if everybody decided to selfishly pursue the things they wanted. Nobody was wrong for having an opinion. However, their opinions would be wrong if it caused despair for another person. Unfortunately for Schaf, he made the wrong choice.
"I guess that makes things very clear. It's not something we should be poking our noses in. Call the ones who started this to resolve it."
Mammon sighed and Lilith sagged into her chair. It was easier said than done. How many years has it been since they last stepped out of the abyss to call anyone for help? If anything, the abyss was known for being aloof. Whatever happened in Hell stayed in Hell. Nobody could interfere in its matters, not even the Gods.
"We should let Lucifer know. This calls for a meeting. We can't decide this on our own. Too much is at stake," Mammon pointed out. Lilith promptly agreed.
"We can host it at my castle," she suggested.
Baal groaned. It sounded like too much work but it was better than hosting it here. He would hate having to explain Zero's presence and the addition of humans in Hell.
"Fine. I'll write to Raphael. When will we host the meeting? There isn't much time to prepare."
Lilith shrugged. "Depends on Heaven. Lucifer just has to give an order. Amon and Shittomi have to obey orders."
"Wouldn't an invitation from Zero settle everything? Hades and Merlin can come to pick up their stones and dog. We don't even have to go through the angels." Mammon pointed out.
"That's true. However, who will convince Zero to contact them? Knowing him, he would be trying to think of a way to save your employee and Hades' stupid pup."
"Now now," Lilith chided lightly. "Let's conserve our energy. We can discuss further after the meeting with Lucifer. Besides, I don't think it's a terrible thing if Zero does manage to think of something."
Baal glared at her but said nothing. If only the Demon Queen knew about the mess he dragged everyone into when he had one of his whims. Someone needed to educate Zero and if the Gods weren't doing it, Baal would. For someone who couldn't be called a responsible pet owner, Baal wouldn't entrust him with the responsibility of becoming Zero's voice of reason.


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